89 resultados para Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The assembly and composition of human excision nuclease were investigated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay and DNase I footprinting. Individual repair factors or any combination of up to four repair factors failed to form DNA–protein complexes of high specificity and stability. A stable complex of high specificity can be detected only when XPA/RPA, transcription factor IIH, XPC⋅HHR23B, and XPG and ATP are present in the reaction mixture. The XPF⋅ERCC1 heterodimer changes the electrophoretic mobility of the DNA–protein complex formed with the other five repair factors, but it does not confer additional specificity. By using proteins with peptide tags or antibodies to the repair factors in electrophoretic mobility shift assays, it was found that XPA, replication protein A, transcription factor IIH, XPG, and XPF⋅excision repair cross-complementing 1 but not XPC⋅HHR23B were present in the penultimate and ultimate dual incision complexes. Thus, it appears that XPC⋅HHR23B is a molecular matchmaker that participates in the assembly of the excision nuclease but is not present in the ultimate dual incision complex. The excision nuclease makes an assymmetric DNase I footprint of ≈30 bp around the damage and increases the DNase I sensitivity of the DNA on both sides of the footprint.


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Exposure of human and rodent cells to a wide variety of chemoprotective compounds confers resistance against a broad set of carcinogens. For a subset of the chemoprotective compounds, protection is generated by an increase in the abundance of protective enzymes like glutathione S-transferases (GST). Antioxidant responsive elements (AREs) mediate the transcriptional induction of a battery of genes which comprise much of this chemoprotective response system. Past studies identified a necessary ARE “core” sequence of RTGACnnnGC, but this sequence alone is insufficient to mediate induction. In this study, the additional sequences necessary to define a sufficient, functional ARE are identified through systematic mutational analysis of the murine GST Ya ARE. Introduction of the newly identified necessary nucleotides into the regions flanking a nonresponsive, ARE-like, GST-Mu promoter sequence produced an inducible element. A screen of the GenBank database with the newly identified ARE consensus identified 16 genes which contained the functional ARE consensus sequence in their promoters. Included within this group was an ARE sequence from the murine ferritin-L promoter that mediated induction when tested. In an electrophoretic mobility-shift assay, the ferritin-L ARE was bound by ARE–binding protein 1, a protein previously identified as the likely mediator of the chemoprotective response. A three-level ARE classification system is presented to account for the distinct induction strengths observed in our mutagenesis studies. A model of the ARE as a composite regulatory site, where multiple transcription factors interact, is presented to account for the complex characteristics of ARE-mediated chemoprotective gene expression.


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The RNA polymerase II and III small nuclear RNA (snRNA) promoters contain a common basal promoter element, the proximal sequence element (PSE). The PSE binds a multisubunit complex we refer to as the snRNA activating protein complex (SNAPc). At least four polypeptides are visible in purified SNAPc preparations, which migrate with apparent molecular masses of 43, 45, 50, and 190 kDa on SDS/polyacrylamide gels. In addition, purified preparations of SNAPc contain variable amounts of TATA box binding protein (TBP). An important question is whether the PSEs of RNA polymerase II and III snRNA promoters recruit the exact same SNAP complex or slightly different versions of SNAPc, differing, for example, by the presence or absence of a subunit. To address this question, we are isolating cDNAs encoding different subunits of SNAPc. We have previously isolated the cDNA encoding the 43-kDa subunit SNAP43. We now report the isolation of the cDNA that encodes the p45 polypeptide. Antibodies directed against p45 retard the mobility of the SNAPc-PSE complex in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, indicating that p45 is indeed part of SNAPc. We therefore refer to this protein as SNAP45. SNAP45 is exceptionally proline-rich, interacts strongly with TBP, and, like SNAP43, is required for both RNA polymerase II and III transcription of snRNA genes.


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The objective of this study was to elucidate the role of the proteasome pathway or multicatalytic proteinase complex in the induction of immunologic nitric oxide (NO) synthase (iNOS) in rat alveolar macrophages activated by lipopolysaccharide. Macrophages were incubated in the presence of lipopolysaccharide plus test agent for up to 24 hr. Culture media were analyzed for accumulation of stable oxidation products of NO (NO2- + N03-, designated as NOX-), cellular RNA was extracted for determination of iNOS mRNA levels by Northern blot analysis, and nuclear extracts were prepared for determination of NF-kappa B by electrophoretic mobility-shift assay. Inhibitors of calpain (alpha-N-acetyl-Leu-Leu-norleucinal; N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Leu-leucinal) and the proteasome (N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Ile-Glu-(O-t-Bu)-Ala-leucinal) markedly inhibited or abolished the induction of iNOS in macrophages. The proteinase inhibitors interfered with lipopolysaccharide-induced NOX- production by macrophages, and this effect was accompanied by comparable interference with the appearance of both iNOS mRNA and NF-kappa B. Calpain inhibitors elicited effects at concentrations of 1-100 microM, whereas the proteasome inhibitor was 1000-fold more potent, producing significant inhibitory effects at 1 nM. The present findings indicate that the proteasome pathway is essential for lipopolysaccharide-induced expression of the iNOS gene in rat alveolar macrophages. Furthermore, the data support the view that the proteasome pathway is directly involved in promoting the activation of NF-kappa B and that the induction of iNOS by lipopolysaccharide involves the transcriptional action of NF-kappaB.


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The activation of nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB by 12(R)-hydroxyeicosatrienoic acid [12(R)-HETrE], an arachidonic acid metabolite with potent stereospecific proinflammatory and angiogenic properties, was examined and its role in the angiogenic response was determined in capillary endothelial cells derived from coronary microvessels. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assay of nuclear protein extracts from cells treated with 12(R)-HETrE demonstrated a rapid and stereospecific time- and concentration-dependent increase in the binding activity of NF-kappaB, which was inhibitable by the antioxidants N-acetylcysteine, butylated hydroxyanisole, and pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate and was partially attenuated by the protein kinase C inhibitors, staurosporine and calphostin C. Neither 12(S)-HETrE nor other related eicosanoids--e.g., 12(R)-HETE, 12(S)-HETE, and leukotriene B4--stimulated the activation of NF-kappaB relative to 12(R)-HETrE, substantiating the claim for a specific receptor-mediated mechanism. 12(R)-HETrE stimulated the formation of capillary-like cords of microvessel endothelial cells distinguishable from a control; this effect was comparable to that observed with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). Inhibition of NF-kappaB activation resulted in inhibition of capillary-like formation of endothelial cells treated with 12(R)-HETrE by 80% but did not affect growth observed with bFGF. It is suggested that 12(R)-HETrE's angiogenic activity involves the activation of NF-kappaB, possibly via protein kinase C stimulation and the generation of reactive oxygen intermediates for downstream signaling.


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Neuronal proliferation, migration, and differentiation are regulated by the sequential expression of particular genes at specific stages of development. Such processes rely on differential gene expression modulated through second-messenger systems. Early postnatal mouse cerebellar granule cells migrate into the internal granular layer and acquire differentiated properties. The neurotransmitter glutamate has been shown to play an important role in this developmental process. We show here by immunohistochemistry that the RelA subunit of the transcription factor NF-kappa B is present in several areas of the mouse brain. Moreover, immunofluorescence microscopy and electrophoretic mobility-shift assay demonstrate that in cerebellar granule cell cultures derived from 3- to 7-day-old mice, glutamate specifically activates the transcription factor NF-kappa B, as shown by binding of nuclear extract proteins to a synthetic oligonucleotide reproducing the kappa B site of human immunodeficiency virus. The use of different antagonists of the glutamate recpetors indicates that the effect of glutamate occurs mainly via N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor activation, possibly as a result of an increase in intracellular Ca2+. The synaptic specificity of the effect is strongly suggested by the observation that glutamate failed to activate NF-kappa B in astrocytes, while cytokines, such as interleukin 1 alpha and tumor necrosis factor alpha, did so. The effect of glutamate appears to be developmentally regulated. Indeed, NF-kappa B is found in an inducible form in the cytoplasm of neurons of 3- to 7-day-old mice but is constitutively activated in the nuclei of neurons derived from older pups (8-10 days postnatal). Overall, these observations suggest the existence of a new pathway of trans-synaptic regulation of gene expression.


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Numerous proteins bend DNA upon binding, a phenomenon of potential significance for regulation of gene expression and chromatin. DNA bending is commonly predicted from the presence of electrophoretic mobility anomalies in protein–DNA complexes. However, as compared with electrophoretic methods, several DNA binding oncoprotein families do not display comparable evidence of DNA bends in x-ray structural studies. Herein, circularization kinetics and affinity measurements with prebent DNA templates were employed to assess bending and DNA structural preferences for Max and other basic helix–loop–helix/leucine zipper proteins. In this way, proteins in the Myc/Max basic helix–loop–helix/leucine zipper family were found not to bend DNA in solution but to actually stabilize DNA in an unbent configuration that resists circularization. The mobility anomaly was found to be induced by the leucine zipper protein motif, rather than structural distortions of DNA. Thus rigid protein domain structures may induce anomalous electrophoretic mobility. Moreover, the energetic preference of non-DNA bending proteins for unbent templates suggests mechanisms whereby chromatin structure may regulate transcription.


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Spinal muscular atrophy is caused by defects in the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene. To better understand the patterns of expression of SMN in neuronal cells and tissues, we raised a polyclonal antibody (abSMN) against a synthetic oligopeptide from SMN exon 2. AbSMN immunostaining in neuroblastoma cells and mouse and human central nervous system (CNS) showed intense labeling of nuclear “gems,” along with prominent nucleolar immunoreactivity in mouse and human CNS tissues. Strong cytoplasmic labeling was observed in the perikarya and proximal dendrites of human spinal motor neurons but not in their axons. Immunoblot analysis revealed a 34-kDa species in the insoluble protein fractions from human SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, embryonic mouse spinal cord cultures, and human CNS tissue. By contrast, a 38-kDa species was detected in the cytosolic fraction of SY5Y cells. We conclude that SMN protein is expressed prominently in both the cytoplasm and nucleus in multiple types of neurons in brain and spinal cord, a finding consistent with a role for SMN as a determinant of neuronal viability.


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To investigate the regulation of the human fatty acid synthase gene by the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine, various constructs of the human fatty acid synthase promoter and the luciferase reporter gene were transfected in combination with plasmids expressing the thyroid hormone and the retinoid X receptors in HepG2 cells. The reporter gene was activated 25-fold by the thyroid hormone in the presence of the thyroid hormone receptor. When both the thyroid hormone and the retinoid X receptors were expressed in HepG2 cells, there was about a 100-fold increase in reporter gene expression. 5′-Deletion analysis disclosed two thyroid hormone response elements, TRE1 (nucleotides −870 to −650) and TRE2 (nucleotides −272 to −40), in the human fatty acid synthase promoter. The presence of thyroid hormone response elements in these two regions of the promoter was confirmed by cloning various fragments of these two regions in the minimal thymidine kinase promoter−luciferase reporter gene plasmid construct and determining reporter gene expression. The results of this cloning procedure and those of electrophoretic mobility shift assays indicated that the sequence GGGTTAcgtcCGGTCA (nucleotides −716 to −731) represents TRE1 and that the sequence GGGTCC (nucleotides −117 to −112) represents TRE2. The sequence of TRE1 is very similar to the consensus sequence of the thyroid hormone response element, whereas the sequence of TRE2 contains only a half-site of the thyroid hormone response element consensus motif because it lacks the direct repeat. The sequences on either side of TRE2 seem to influence its response to the thyroid hormone and retinoid X receptors.


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LINEs are transposable elements, widely distributed among eukaryotes, that move via reverse transcription of an RNA intermediate. Mammalian LINEs have two ORFs (ORF1 and ORF2). The proteins encoded by these ORFs play important roles in the retrotransposition process. Although the predicted amino acid sequence of ORF1 is not closely related to any known proteins, it is highly basic; thus, it has long been hypothesized that ORF1 protein functions to bind LINE-1 (L1) RNA during retrotransposition. Cofractionation of ORF1 protein and L1 RNA in extracts from both mouse and human embryonal carcinoma cells indicated that ORF1 protein binds L1 RNA, forming a ribonucleoprotein particle. Based on UV crosslinking and electrophoretic mobility-shift assays using purified components, we demonstrate here that the ORF1 protein encoded by mouse L1 binds nucleic acids with a strong preference for RNA and other single-stranded nucleic acids. Furthermore, multiple copies of ORF1 protein appear to bind single-stranded nucleic acid in a manner suggesting positive cooperativity; such binding characteristics are likely to be facilitated by the protein–protein interactions detected among molecules of ORF1 polypeptide by coimmunoprecipitation. These observations are consistent with the formation of ribonucleoprotein particles containing L1 RNA and ORF1 protein and provide additional evidence for the role of ORF1 protein during retrotransposition of L1.


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The human type VII collagen gene (COL7A1) recently has been identified as an immediate-early response gene for transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)/SMAD signaling pathway. In this study, by using MDA-MB-468 SMAD4−/− breast carcinoma cells, we demonstrate that expression of SMAD4 is an absolute requirement for SMAD-mediated promoter activity. We also demonstrate that the SMAD binding sequence (SBS) representing the TGF-β response element in the region −496/−444 of the COL7A1 promoter functions as an enhancer in the context of a heterologous promoter. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays with nuclear extracts from COS-1 cells transfected with expression vectors for SMADs 1–5 indicate that SMAD3 forms a complex with a migration similar to that of the endogenous TGF-β-specific complex observed in fibroblast extracts. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays using recombinant glutathione S-transferase-SMAD fusion proteins indicate that both SMAD4 and C-terminally truncated SMAD3, but not SMAD2, can bind the COL7A1 SBS. Coexpression of SMAD3 and SMAD4 in COS-1 cells leads to the formation of two complexes: a DNA/protein complex containing SMAD3 alone and another slower-migrating complex containing both SMAD3 and SMAD4, the latter complex not being detected in fibroblasts. Maximal transactivation of COL7A1 SBS-driven promoters in either MDA-MB-468 carcinoma cells or fibroblasts requires concomitant overexpression of SMAD3 and SMAD4. These data may represent the first identification of a functional homomeric SMAD3 complex regulating a human gene.


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Pathogenic mutations in presenilin 1 (PS1) are associated with ≈50% of early-onset familial Alzheimer disease. PS1 is endoproteolytically cleaved to yield a 30-kDa N-terminal fragment (NTF) and an 18-kDa C-terminal fragment (CTF). Using COS7 cells transfected with human PS1, we have found that phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate and forskolin increase the state of phosphorylation of serine residues of the human CTF. Phosphorylation of the human CTF resulted in a shift in electrophoretic mobility from a single major species of 18 kDa to a doublet of 20–23 kDa. This mobility shift was also observed with human PS1 that had been transfected into mouse neuroblastoma (N2a) cells. Treatment of the phosphorylated CTF doublet with phage λ protein phosphatase eliminated the 20- to 23-kDa doublet while enhancing the 18-kDa species, consistent with the interpretation that the electrophoretic mobility shift was due to the addition of phosphate to the 18-kDa species. The NTF and CTF eluted from a gel filtration column at an estimated mass of over 100 kDa, suggesting that these fragments exist as an oligomerized species. Upon phosphorylation of the PS1 CTF, the apparent mass of the NTF- or CTF-containing oligomers was unchanged. Thus, the association of PS1 fragments may be maintained during cycles of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the PS1 CTF.


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Growth hormone (GH) binding to its receptor modulates gene transcription by influencing the amount or activity of transcription factors. In the rat, GH exerts sexually dimorphic effects on liver gene transcription through its pattern of secretion which is intermittent in males and continuous in females. The expression of the CYP2C12 gene coding for the female-specific cytochrome P450 2C12 protein is dependent on the continuous exposure to GH. To identify the transcription factor(s) that mediate(s) this sex-dependent GH effect, we studied the interactions of the CYP2C12 promoter with liver nuclear proteins obtained from male and female rats and from hypophysectomized animals treated or not by continuous GH infusion. GH treatment induced the binding of a protein that we identified as hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF) 6, the prototype of a novel class of homeodomain transcription factors. HNF-6 competed with HNF-3 for binding to the same site in the CYP2C12 promoter. This HNF-6/HNF-3 binding site conveyed both HNF-6- and HNF-3-stimulated transcription of a reporter gene construct in transient cotransfection experiments. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed more HNF-6 DNA-binding activity in female than in male liver nuclear extracts. Liver HNF-6 mRNA was barely detectable in the hypophysectomized rats and was restored to normal levels by GH treatment. This work provides an example of a homeodomain-containing transcription factor that is GH-regulated and also reports on the hormonal regulation of HNF-6.


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Hypoxia is a prominent feature of malignant tumors that are characterized by angiogenesis and vascular hyperpermeability. Vascular permeability factor/vascular endothelial growth factor (VPF/VEGF) has been shown to be up-regulated in the vicinity of necrotic tumor areas, and hypoxia potently induces VPF/VEGF expression in several tumor cell lines in vitro. Here we report that hypoxia-induced VPF/VEGF expression is mediated by increased transcription and mRNA stability in human M21 melanoma cells. RNA-binding/electrophoretic mobility shift assays identified a single 125-bp AU-rich element in the 3′ untranslated region that formed hypoxia-inducible RNA-protein complexes. Hypoxia-induced expression of chimeric luciferase reporter constructs containing this 125-bp AU-rich hypoxia stability region were significantly higher than constructs containing an adjacent 3′ untranslated region element without RNA-binding activity. Using UV-cross-linking studies, we have identified a series of hypoxia-induced proteins of 90/88 kDa, 72 kDa, 60 kDa, 56 kDa, and 46 kDa that bound to the hypoxia stability region element. The 90/88-kDa and 60-kDa species were specifically competed by excess hypoxia stability region RNA. Thus, increased VPF/VEGF mRNA stability induced by hypoxia is mediated, at least in part, by specific interactions between a defined mRNA stability sequence in the 3′ untranslated region and distinct mRNA-binding proteins in human tumor cells.


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Utrophin/dystrophin-related protein is the autosomal homologue of the chromosome X-encoded dystrophin protein. In adult skeletal muscle, utrophin is highly enriched at the neuromuscular junction. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying regulation of utrophin gene expression are yet to be defined. Here we demonstrate that the growth factor heregulin increases de novo utrophin transcription in muscle cell cultures. Using mutant reporter constructs of the utrophin promoter, we define the N-box region of the promoter as critical for heregulin-mediated activation. Using this region of the utrophin promoter for DNA affinity purification, immunoblots, in vitro kinase assays, electrophoretic mobility shift assays, and in vitro expression in cultured muscle cells, we demonstrate that ets-related GA-binding protein α/β transcription factors are activators of the utrophin promoter. Taken together, these results suggest that the GA-binding protein α/β complex of transcription factors binds and activates the utrophin promoter in response to heregulin-activated extracellular signal–regulated kinase in muscle cell cultures. These findings suggest methods for achieving utrophin up-regulation in Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy as well as mechanisms by which neurite-derived growth factors such as heregulin may influence the regulation of utrophin gene expression and subsequent enrichment at the neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle.