em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Geological, geophysical, and geochemical data support a theory that Earth experienced several intervals of intense, global glaciation (“snowball Earth” conditions) during Precambrian time. This snowball model predicts that postglacial, greenhouse-induced warming would lead to the deposition of banded iron formations and cap carbonates. Although global glaciation would have drastically curtailed biological productivity, melting of the oceanic ice would also have induced a cyanobacterial bloom, leading to an oxygen spike in the euphotic zone and to the oxidative precipitation of iron and manganese. A Paleoproterozoic snowball Earth at 2.4 Giga-annum before present (Ga) immediately precedes the Kalahari Manganese Field in southern Africa, suggesting that this rapid and massive change in global climate was responsible for its deposition. As large quantities of O2 are needed to precipitate this Mn, photosystem II and oxygen radical protection mechanisms must have evolved before 2.4 Ga. This geochemical event may have triggered a compensatory evolutionary branching in the Fe/Mn superoxide dismutase enzyme, providing a Paleoproterozoic calibration point for studies of molecular evolution.


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Fossorial salamanders typically have elongate and attenuated heads and bodies, diminutive limbs, hands and feet, and extremely elongate tails. Batrachoseps from California, Lineatriton from eastern México, and Oedipina from southern México to Ecuador, all members of the family Plethodontidae, tribe Bolitoglossini, resemble one another in external morphology, which has evolved independently. Whereas Oedipina and Batrachoseps are elongate because there are more trunk vertebrae, a widespread homoplasy (parallelism) in salamanders, the genus Lineatriton is unique in having evolved convergently by an alternate “giraffe-neck” developmental program. Lineatriton has the same number of trunk vertebrae as related, nonelongated taxa, but individual trunk vertebrae are elongated. A robust phylogenetic hypothesis, based on sequences of three mtDNA genes, finds Lineatriton to be deeply nested within a clade characterized by generalized ecology and morphology. Lineatriton lineolus, the only currently recognized taxon in the genus, shows unanticipated genetic diversity. Surprisingly, geographically separated populations of L. lineolus are not monophyletic, but are sister taxa of different species of the morphologically generalized genus Pseudoeurycea. Lineatriton, long thought to be a unique monospecific lineage, is polyphyletic. Accordingly, the specialized morphology of Lineatriton displays homoplasy at two hierarchical levels: (i) with respect to other elongate lineages in the family (convergence), and (ii) within what is currently recognized as a single taxon (parallelism). These evolutionary events are of adaptive significance because to invade the lowland tropics salamanders must be either arboreal or fossorial; the repeated evolution of elongation and attenuation has led to multiple lowland invasions.


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Binding of a hormone agonist to a steroid receptor leads to the dissociation of heat shock proteins, dimerization, specific DNA binding, and target gene activation. Although the progesterone antagonist RU486 can induce most of these events, it fails to activate human progesterone receptor (hPR)-dependent transcription. We have previously demonstrated that a conformational change is a key event leading to receptor activation. The major conformational distinction between hormone- and antihormone-bound receptors occurs within the C-terminal portion of the molecule. Furthermore, hPR mutants lacking the C terminus become transcriptionally active in the presence of RU486. These results suggest that the C terminus contains a repressor domain that inhibits the transcriptional activity of the RU486-bound hPR. In this study, we have defined a 12 amino acid (12AA) region in the C terminus of hPR that is necessary and sufficient for the repressor function when fused to the C-terminal truncated hPR or to the GAL4 DNA-binding domain. Mutations in the 12AA domain (aa 917-928) generate an hPR that is active in the presence of RU486. Furthermore, overexpression of the 12AA peptide activates the RU486-bound wild-type hPR without affecting progesterone-dependent activation. These results suggest that association of the 12AA repressor region with a corepressor might inactivate hPR activity when it is bound to RU486. We propose that binding of a hormone agonist to the receptor changes its conformation in the ligand-binding domain so that association with coactivator is promoted and activation of target gene occurs.