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Phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) is a common cellular mechanism to limit protein synthesis in stress conditions. Baculovirus PK2, which resembles the C-terminal half of a protein kinase domain, was found to inhibit both human and yeast eIF2α kinases. Insect cells infected with wild-type, but not pk2-deleted, baculovirus exhibited reduced eIF2α phosphorylation and increased translational activity. The negative regulatory effect of human protein kinase RNA-regulated (PKR), an eIF2α kinase, on virus production was counteracted by PK2, indicating that baculoviruses have evolved a unique strategy for disrupting a host stress response. PK2 was found in complex with PKR and blocked kinase autophosphorylation in vivo, suggesting a mechanism of kinase inhibition mediated by interaction between truncated and intact kinase domains.


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The several hundred members of the eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily characterized to date share a similar catalytic domain structure, consisting of 12 conserved subdomains. Here we report the existence and wide occurrence in eukaryotes of a protein kinase with a completely different structure. We cloned and sequenced the human, mouse, rat, and Caenorhabditis elegans eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase (eEF-2 kinase) and found that with the exception of the ATP-binding site, they do not contain any sequence motifs characteristic of the eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily. Comparison of different eEF-2 kinase sequences reveals a highly conserved region of ≈200 amino acids which was found to be homologous to the catalytic domain of the recently described myosin heavy chain kinase A (MHCK A) from Dictyostelium. This suggests that eEF-2 kinase and MHCK A are members of a new class of protein kinases with a novel catalytic domain structure.


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The structure of m7GpppN (where N is any nucleotide), termed cap, is present at the 5' end of all eukaryotic cellular mRNAs (except organellar). The eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF-4E) binds to the cap and facilitates the formation of translation initiation complexes. eIF-4E is implicated in control of cell growth, as its overexpression causes malignant transformation of rodent cells and deregulates HeLa cell growth. It was suggested that overexpression of eIF-4E results in the enhanced translation of poorly translated mRNAs that encode growth-promoting proteins. Indeed, enhanced expression of several proteins, including cyclin D1 and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), was documented in eIF-4E-overexpressing NTH 3T3 cells. However, the mechanism underlying this increase has not been elucidated. Here, we studied the mode by which eIF-4E increases the expression of cyclin D1 and ODC. We show that the increase in the amount of cyclin D1 and ODC is directly proportional to the degree of eIF-4E overexpression. Two mechanisms, which are not mutually exclusive, are responsible for the increase. In eIF-4E-overexpressing cells the rate of translation initiation of ODC mRNA was increased inasmuch as the mRNA sedimented with heavier polysomes. For cyclin D1 mRNA, translation initiation was not increased, but rather its amount in the cytoplasm increased, without a significant increase in total mRNA. Whereas, in the parental NIH 3T3 cell line, a large proportion of the cyclin D1 mRNA was confined to the nucleus, in eIF-4E-overexpressing cells the vast majority of the mRNA was present in the cytoplasm. These results indicate that eIF-4E affects directly or indirectly mRNA nucleocytoplasmic transport, in addition to its role in translation initiation.


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The cellular kinase known as PKR (protein kinase RNA-activated) is induced by interferon and activated by RNA. PKR is known to have antiviral properties due to its role in translational control. Active PKR phosphorylates eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha and leads to inhibition of translation, including viral translation. PKR is also known to function as a tumor suppressor, presumably by limiting the rate of tumor-cell translation and growth. Recent research has shown that RNA from the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of human alpha-tropomyosin has tumor-suppressor properties in vivo [Rastinejad, F., Conboy, M. J., Rando, T. A. & Blau, H. M. (1993) Cell 75, 1107-1117]. Here we report that purified RNA from the 3'UTR of human alpha-tropomyosin can inhibit in vitro translation in a manner consistent with activation of PKR. Inhibition of translation by tropomyosin 3'UTR RNA was observed in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system, which is known to contain endogenous PKR but was not seen in wheat germ lysate, which is not responsive to a known activator of PKR. A control RNA purified in the same manner as the 3'UTR RNA did not inhibit translation in either system. The inhibition of translation observed in reticulocyte lysates was prevented by the addition of adenovirus virus-associated RNA1 (VA RNAI), an inhibitor of PKR activation. Tropomyosin 3'UTR RNA was bound by immunoprecipitated PKR and activated the enzyme in an in vitro kinase assay. These data suggest that activation of PKR could be the mechanism by which tropomyosin 3'UTR RNA exerts its tumor-suppression activity in vivo.


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Incubating rat aortic smooth muscle cells with either platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF) or insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) increased the phosphorylation of PHAS-I, an inhibitor of the mRNA cap binding protein, eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4E. Phosphorylation of PHAS-I promoted dissociation of the PHAS-I-eIF-4E complex, an effect that could partly explain the stimulation of protein synthesis by the two growth factors. Increasing cAMP with forskolin decreased PHAS-I phosphorylation and markedly increased the amount of eIF-4E bound to PHAS-I, effects consistent with an action of cAMP to inhibit protein synthesis. Both PDGF and IGF-I activated p70S6K, but only PDGF increased mitogen-activated protein kinase activity. Forskolin decreased by 50% the effect of PDGF on increasing p70S6K, and forskolin abolished the effect of IGF-I on the kinase. The effects of PDGF and IGF-I on increasing PHAS-I phosphorylation, on dissociating the PHAS-I-eIF-4E complex, and on increasing p70S6K were abolished by rapamycin. The results indicate that IGF-I and PDGF increase PHAS-I phosphorylation in smooth muscle cells by the same rapamycin-sensitive pathway that leads to activation of p70S6K.


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The isozyme form of eukaryotic initiation factor 4F [eIF-(iso)4F] from wheat germ is composed of a p28 subunit that binds the 7-methylguanine cap of mRNA and a p86 subunit having unknown function. The p86 subunit was found to have limited sequence similarity to a kinesin-like protein encoded by the katA gene of Arabidopsis thaliana. Native wheat germ eIF-(iso)4F and bacterially expressed p86 subunit and p86-p28 complex bound to taxol-stabilized maize microtubules (MTs) in vitro. Binding saturation occurred at 1 mol of p86 per 5-6 mol of polymerized tubulin dimer, demonstrating a substoichiometric interaction of p86 with MTs. No evidence was found for a direct interaction of the p28 subunit with MTs. Unlike kinesin, cosedimentation of eIF-(iso)4F with MTs was neither reduced by MgATP nor enhanced by adenosine 5'-[gamma-imido]triphosphate. Both p86 subunit and p86-p28 complex induced the bundling of MTs in vitro. The p86 subunit was immunolocalized to the cytosol in root maize cells and existed in three forms: fine particles, coarse particles, and linear patches. Many coarse particles and linear patches were colocalized or closely associated with cortical MT bundles in interphase cells. The results indicate that the p86 subunit of eIF-(iso)4F is a MT-associated protein that may simultaneously link the translational machinery to the cytoskeleton and regulate MT disposition in plant cells.


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Eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (eIF-2B) is an essential component of the pathway of peptide-chain initiation in mammalian cells, yet little is known about its molecular structure and regulation. To investigate the structure, regulation, and interactions of the individual subunits of eIF-2B, we have begun to clone, characterize, and express the corresponding cDNAs. We report here the cloning and characterization of a 1510-bp cDNA encoding the alpha subunit of eIF-2B from a rat brain cDNA library. The cDNA contains an open reading frame of 918 bp encoding a polypeptide of 305 aa with a predicted molecular mass of 33.7 kDa. This cDNA recognizes a single RNA species approximately 1.6 kb in length on Northern blots of RNA from rat liver. The predicted amino acid sequence contains regions identical to the sequences of peptides derived from bovine liver eIF-2B alpha subunit. Expression of this cDNA in vitro yields a peptide which comigrates with natural eIF-2B alpha in SDS/polyacrylamide gels. The predicted amino acid sequence exhibits 42% identity to that deduced for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae GCN3 protein, the smallest subunit of yeast eIF-2B. In addition, expression of the rat cDNA in yeast functionally complements a gcn3 deletion for the inability to induce histidine biosynthetic genes under the control of GCN4. These results strongly support the hypothesis that mammalian eIF-2 alpha and GCN3 are homologues. Southern blots indicate that the eIF-2B alpha cDNA also recognizes genomic DNA fragments from several other species, suggesting significant homology between the rat eIF-2B alpha gene and that from other species.


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The protein encoded by the gamma 134.5 gene of herpes simplex virus precludes premature shutoff of protein synthesis in human cells triggered by stress associated with onset of viral DNA synthesis. The carboxyl terminus of the protein is essential for this function. This report indicates that the shutoff of protein synthesis is not due to mRNA degration because mRNA from wild-type or gamma 134.5- virus-infected cells directs protein synthesis. Analyses of the posttranslational modifications of translation initiation factor eIF-2 showed the following: (i) eIF-2 alpha was selectively phosphorylated by a kinase present in ribosome-enriched fraction of cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus. (ii) Endogenous eIF-2 alpha was totally phosphorylated in cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus or a virus lacking the 3' coding domain of the gamma 134.5 gene but was not phosphorylated in mock-infected or wild-type virus-infected cells. (iii) Immune precipitates of the PKR kinase that is responsible for regulation of protein synthesis of some cells by phosphorylation of eIF-2 alpha yielded several phosphorylated polypeptides. Of particular significance were two observations. First, phosphorylation of PKR kinase was elevated in all infected cells relative to the levels in mock-infected cells. Second, the precipitates from lysates of cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus or a virus lacking the 3' coding domain of the gamma 134.5 gene contained an additional labeled phosphoprotein of M(r) 90,000 (p90). This phosphoprotein was present in only trace amounts in the immunoprecipitate from cells infected with wild-type virus or mutants lacking a portion of the 5' domain of gamma 134.5. We conclude that in the absence of gamma 134.5 protein, PKR kinase complexes with the p90 phosphoprotein and shuts off protein synthesis by phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of translation initiation factor eIF-2.


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The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) is a member of the DEA(D/H)-box RNA helicase family, a diverse group of proteins that couples an ATPase activity to RNA binding and unwinding. Previous work has provided the structure of the amino-terminal, ATP-binding domain of eIF4A. Extending those results, we have solved the structure of the carboxyl-terminal domain of eIF4A with data to 1.75 Å resolution; it has a parallel α-β topology that superimposes, with minor variations, on the structures and conserved motifs of the equivalent domain in other, distantly related helicases. Using data to 2.8 Å resolution and molecular replacement with the refined model of the carboxyl-terminal domain, we have completed the structure of full-length eIF4A; it is a “dumbbell” structure consisting of two compact domains connected by an extended linker. By using the structures of other helicases as a template, compact structures can be modeled for eIF4A that suggest (i) helicase motif IV binds RNA; (ii) Arg-298, which is conserved in the DEA(D/H)-box RNA helicase family but is absent from many other helicases, also binds RNA; and (iii) motifs V and VI “link” the carboxyl-terminal domain to the amino-terminal domain through interactions with ATP and the DEA(D/H) motif, providing a mechanism for coupling ATP binding and hydrolysis with conformational changes that modulate RNA binding.


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Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF-5A) is a ubiquitous protein found in all eukaryotic cells. The protein is closely associated with cell proliferation in the G1–S stage of the cell cycle. Recent findings show that the eIF-5A proteins are highly expressed in tumor cells and act as a cofactor of the Rev protein in HIV-1-infected cells. The mature eIF is the only protein known to have the unusual amino acid hypusine, a post-translationally modified lysine. The crystal structure of eIF-5A from Methanococcus jannaschii (MJ eIF-5A) has been determined at 1.9 Å and 1.8 Å resolution in two crystal forms by using the multiple isomorphous replacement method and the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction method for the first crystal form and the molecular replacement method for the second crystal form. The structure consists of two folding domains, one of which is similar to the oligonucleotide-binding domain found in the prokaryotic cold shock protein and the translation initiation factor IF1 despite the absence of any significant sequence similarities. The 12 highly conserved amino acid residues found among eIF-5As include the hypusine site and form a long protruding loop at one end of the elongated molecule.


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Maintenance of lasting synaptic efficacy changes requires protein synthesis. We report here a mechanism that might influence translation control at the level of the single synapse. Stimulation of metabotropic glutamate receptors in hippocampal slices induces a rapid protein kinase C-dependent translocation of multifunction kinase p90rsk to polyribosomes; concomitantly, there is enhanced phosphorylation of at least six polyribosome binding proteins. Among the polyribosome bound proteins are the p90rsk-activating kinase ERK-2 and a known p90rsk substrate, glycogen synthase kinase 3β, which regulates translation efficiency via eukaryotic initiation factor 2B. Thus metabotropic glutamate receptor stimulation could induce synaptic activity-dependent translation via translocation of p90rsk to ribosomes.


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Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6 (eIF6) binds to the 60S ribosomal subunit and prevents its association with the 40S ribosomal subunit. In this paper, we devised a procedure for purifying eIF6 from rabbit reticulocyte lysates and immunochemically characterized the protein by using antibodies isolated from egg yolks of laying hens immunized with rabbit eIF6. By using these monospecific antibodies, a 1.096-kb human cDNA that encodes an eIF6 of 245 amino acids (calculated Mr 26,558) has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified recombinant human protein exhibits biochemical properties that are similar to eIF6 isolated from mammalian cell extracts. Database searches identified amino acid sequences from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Drosophila, and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans with significant identity to the deduced amino acid sequence of human eIF6, suggesting the presence of homologues of human eIF6 in these organisms.


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N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) activation has been implicated in forms of synaptic plasticity involving long-term changes in neuronal structure, function, or protein expression. Transcriptional alterations have been correlated with NMDAR-mediated synaptic plasticity, but the problem of rapidly targeting new proteins to particular synapses is unsolved. One potential solution is synapse-specific protein translation, which is suggested by dendritic localization of numerous transcripts and subsynaptic polyribosomes. We report here a mechanism by which NMDAR activation at synapses may control this protein synthetic machinery. In intact tadpole tecta, NMDAR activation leads to phosphorylation of a subset of proteins, one of which we now identify as the eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2). Phosphorylation of eEF2 halts protein synthesis and may prepare cells to translate a new set of mRNAs. We show that NMDAR activation-induced eEF2 phosphorylation is widespread in tadpole tecta. In contrast, in adult tecta, where synaptic plasticity is reduced, this phosphorylation is restricted to short dendritic regions that process binocular information. Biochemical and anatomical evidence shows that this NMDAR activation-induced eEF2 phosphorylation is localized to subsynaptic sites. Moreover, eEF2 phosphorylation is induced by visual stimulation, and NMDAR blockade before stimulation eliminates this effect. Thus, NMDAR activation, which is known to mediate synaptic changes in the developing frog, could produce local postsynaptic alterations in protein synthesis by inducing eEF2 phosphorylation.


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The initiation and morphogenesis of cutaneous appendages depend on a series of reciprocal signaling events between the epithelium and mesenchyme of the embryonic skin. In the development of feather germs, early dermal signals induce the formation of epidermal placodes that in turn signal the mesoderm to form dermal condensations immediately beneath them. We find a spatially and temporally restricted pattern of transcription for the genes that encode fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 2 and FGF receptor (FGFR) 1 in developing feather germs of the chicken embryo. FGF-2 expression is restricted to the epidermal placodes, whereas FGFR-1 expression is limited to the dermal condensations. Transcription of these genes could not be detected in skins of scaleless (sc/sc) embryos that fail to develop feathers as a result of an ectodermal defect. Treatment of sc/sc skins with FGF-2 results in the formation of feathers at the site of application of the growth factor and the induced feathers express FGFR-1 in their dermal condensations. Thus, we have established FGF-2 as an epidermal signal in early feather germ formation. The observation that FGF-2 can rescue the mutant phenotype of sc/sc embryos suggests that FGF-2 either is, or is downstream from, the signal that the sc/sc mutant ectoderm fails to generate.


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For over three decades, renal physiology has sought a putative natriuretic hormone (third factor) that might control the body's pool of extracellular fluid, an important determinant in hypertension, congestive heart failure, and cirrhosis. In our search for this hormone, we have isolated several pure natriuretic factors from human uremic urine that would appear, alone or in combination, to mark a cluster of phenomena previously presumed to be that of a single "natriuretic hormone." This paper reports the purification, chemical structure, and total synthesis of the first of these compounds, LLU-alpha, which proved to be 2,7,8-trimethyl-2-(beta-carboxyethyl)-6-hydroxychroman, presumably a metabolite of gamma-tocopherol. Both natural LLU-alpha and synthetic material are identical (except for optical activity) with respect to structure and biological activity. It appears that the natriuretic activity of LLU-alpha is mediated by inhibition of the 70 pS K+ channel in the apical membrane of the thick ascending limb of the kidney.