16 resultados para ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Visual transduction in Drosophila is a G protein-coupled phospholipase C-mediated process that leads to depolarization via activation of the transient receptor potential (TRP) calcium channel. Inactivation-no-afterpotential D (INAD) is an adaptor protein containing PDZ domains known to interact with TRP. Immunoprecipitation studies indicate that INAD also binds to eye-specific protein kinase C and the phospholipase C, no-receptor-potential A (NORPA). By overlay assay and site-directed mutagenesis we have defined the essential elements of the NORPA–INAD association and identified three critical residues in the C-terminal tail of NORPA that are required for the interaction. These residues, Phe-Cys-Ala, constitute a novel binding motif distinct from the sequences recognized by the PDZ domain in INAD. To evaluate the functional significance of the INAD–NORPA association in vivo, we generated transgenic flies expressing a modified NORPA, NORPAC1094S, that lacks the INAD interaction. The transgenic animals display a unique electroretinogram phenotype characterized by slow activation and prolonged deactivation. Double mutant analysis suggests a possible inaccessibility of eye-specific protein kinase C to NORPAC1094S, undermining the observed defective deactivation, and that delayed activation may similarly result from NORPAC1094S being unable to localize in close proximity to the TRP channel. We conclude that INAD acts as a scaffold protein that facilitates NORPA–TRP interactions required for gating of the TRP channel in photoreceptor cells.


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Insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP), a transmembrane aminopeptidase, is dynamically retained within the endosomal compartment of fibroblasts. The characteristics of this dynamic retention are rapid internalization from the plasma membrane and slow recycling back to the cell surface. These specialized trafficking kinetics result in <15% of IRAP on the cell surface at steady state, compared with 35% of the transferrin receptor, another transmembrane protein that traffics between endosomes and the cell surface. Here we demonstrate that a 29-amino acid region of IRAP's cytoplasmic domain (residues 56–84) is necessary and sufficient to promote trafficking characteristic of IRAP. A di-leucine sequence and a cluster of acidic amino acids within this region are essential elements of the motif that slows IRAP recycling. Rapid internalization requires any two of three distinct motifs: M15,16, DED64–66, and LL76,77. The DED and LL sequences are part of the motif that regulates recycling, demonstrating that this motif is bifunctional. In this study we used horseradish peroxidase quenching of fluorescence to demonstrate that IRAP is dynamically retained within the transferrin receptor-containing general endosomal recycling compartment. Therefore, our data demonstrate that motifs similar to those that determine targeting among distinct membrane compartments can also regulate the rate of transport of proteins from endosomal compartments. We propose a model for dynamic retention in which IRAP is transported from the general endosomal recycling compartment in specialized, slowly budding recycling vesicles that are distinct from those that mediate rapid recycling back to the surface (e.g., transferrin receptor-containing transport vesicles). It is likely that the dynamic retention of IRAP is an example of a general mechanism for regulating the distribution of proteins between the surface and interior of cells.


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Plant defense against microbial pathogens and herbivores relies heavily on the induction of defense proteins and low molecular weight antibiotics. The signals between perception of the aggression, gene activation, and the subsequent biosynthesis of secondary compounds are assumed to be pentacylic oxylipin derivatives. The rapid, but transient, synthesis of cis-jasmonic acid was demonstrated after insect attack on a food plant and by microbial elicitor addition to plant suspension cultures. This effect is highly specific and not caused by a number of environmental stresses such as light, heavy metals, or cold or heat shock. Elicitation of Eschscholtzia cell cultures also led to a rapid alkalinization of the growth medium prior to jasmonate formation. Inhibition of this alkalinization process by the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine also inhibited jasmonate formation. The induction of specific enzymes in the benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloid pathway leading to the antimicrobial sanguinarine was induced to a qualitatively and quantitatively similar extent by fungal elicitor, methyl jasmonate, and its linolenic acid-derived precursor 12-oxophytodienoic acid. It is herein proposed that a second oxylipid cascade may exist in plants starting from linoleic acid via 15,16-dihydro-12-oxophytodienoic acid to 9,10-dihydrojasmonate. Experiments with synthetic trihomojasmonate demonstrated that beta-oxidation is not a prerequisite for biological activity and that 12-oxophytodienoic acid and derivatives are most likely fully active as signal transducers. Octadecanoic acid-derived compounds are essential elements in modulating the synthesis of antibiotic compounds and are thus integral to plant defense.


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Nrf2 is a member of the “cap ‘n’ collar” family of transcription factors. These transcription factors bind to the NF-E2 binding sites (GCTGAGTCA) that are essential for the regulation of erythroid-specific genes. Nrf2 is expressed in a wide range of tissues, many of which are sites of expression for phase 2 detoxification genes. Nrf2−/− mice are viable and have a normal phenotype under normal laboratory conditions. The NF-E2 binding site is a subset of the antioxidant response elements that have the sequence GCNNNGTCA. The antioxidant response elements are regulatory sequences found on promoters of several phase 2 detoxification genes that are inducible by xenobiotics and antioxidants. We report here that Nrf2−/− mice are extremely susceptible to the administration of the antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene. With doses of butylated hydroxytoluene that are tolerated by wild-type mice, the Nrf2−/− mice succumb from acute respiratory distress syndrome. Gene expression studies show that the expression of several detoxification enzymes is altered in the Nrf2−/− mice. The Nrf2−/− mice may prove to be a good in vivo model for toxicological studies. As oxidative damage causes DNA breakage, these mice may also be useful for testing carcinogenic agents.


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The structure of a 29-nucleotide RNA containing the sarcin/ricin loop (SRL) of rat 28 S rRNA has been determined at 2.1 Å resolution. Recognition of the SRL by elongation factors and by the ribotoxins, sarcin and ricin, requires a nearly universal dodecamer sequence that folds into a G-bulged cross-strand A stack and a GAGA tetraloop. The juxtaposition of these two motifs forms a distorted hairpin structure that allows direct recognition of bases in both grooves as well as recognition of nonhelical backbone geometry and two 5′-unstacked purines. Comparisons with other RNA crystal structures establish the cross-strand A stack and the GNRA tetraloop as defined and modular RNA structural elements. The conserved region at the top is connected to the base of the domain by a region presumed to be flexible because of the sparsity of stabilizing contacts. Although the conformation of the SRL RNA previously determined by NMR spectroscopy is similar to the structure determined by x-ray crystallography, significant differences are observed in the “flexible” region and to a lesser extent in the G-bulged cross-strand A stack.


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The murine B29 (Igβ) promoter is B cell specific and contains essential SP1, ETS, OCT, and Ikaros motifs. Flanking 5′ DNA sequences inhibit B29 promoter activity, suggesting this region contains silencer elements. Two adjacent 5′ DNA segments repress transcription by the murine B29 promoter in a position- and orientation-independent manner, analogous to known silencers. Both these 5′ segments also inhibit transcription by several heterologous promoters in B cells, including mb-1, c-fos, and human B29. These 5′ segments also inhibit transcription by the c-fos promoter in T cells suggesting they are not B cell-specific elements. DNase I footprint analyses show an approximately 70-bp protected region overlapping the boundary between the two negative regulatory DNA segments and corresponding to binding sites for at least two different DNA-binding proteins. Within this footprint, two unrelated 30-bp cis-acting DNA motifs (designated TOAD and FROG) function as position- and orientation-independent silencers when located directly 5′ of the murine B29 promoter. These two silencer motifs act cooperatively to restrict the transcriptional activity of the B29 promoter. Neither of these motifs resembles any known silencers. Mutagenesis of the TOAD and FROG motifs in their respective 5′ DNA segments eliminates the silencing activity of these upstream regions, indicating these two motifs as the principal B29 silencer elements within these regions.


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The Nucleolar Localization Elements (NoLEs) of Xenopus laevis U3 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) have been defined. Fluorescein-labeled wild-type U3 snoRNA injected into Xenopus oocyte nuclei localized specifically to nucleoli as shown by fluorescence microscopy. Injection of mutated U3 snoRNA revealed that the 5′ region containing Boxes A and A′, known to be important for rRNA processing, is not essential for nucleolar localization. Nucleolar localization of U3 snoRNA was independent of the presence and nature of the 5′ cap and the terminal stem. In contrast, Boxes C and D, common to the Box C/D snoRNA family, are critical elements for U3 localization. Mutation of the hinge region, Box B, or Box C′ led to reduced U3 nucleolar localization. Results of competition experiments suggested that Boxes C and D act in a cooperative manner. It is proposed that Box B facilitates U3 snoRNA nucleolar localization by the primary NoLEs (Boxes C and D), with the hinge region of U3 subsequently base pairing to the external transcribed spacer of pre-rRNA, thus positioning U3 snoRNA for its roles in rRNA processing.


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The nucleolar localization elements (NoLEs) of U17 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA), which is essential for rRNA processing and belongs to the box H/ACA snoRNA family, were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. Injection of mutant U17 transcripts into Xenopus laevis oocyte nuclei revealed that deletion of stems 1, 2, and 4 of U17 snoRNA reduced but did not prevent nucleolar localization. The deletion of stem 3 had no adverse effect. Therefore, the hairpins of the hairpin–hinge–hairpin–tail structure formed by these stems are not absolutely critical for nucleolar localization of U17, nor are sequences within stems 1, 3, and 4, which may tether U17 to the rRNA precursor by base pairing. In contrast, box H and box ACA are major NoLEs; their combined substitution or deletion abolished nucleolar localization of U17 snoRNA. Mutation of just box H or just the box ACA region alone did not fully abolish the nucleolar localization of U17. This indicates that the NoLEs of the box H/ACA snoRNA family function differently from the bipartite NoLEs (conserved boxes C and D) of box C/D snoRNAs, where mutation of either box alone prevents nucleolar localization.


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Cytoplasmic polyadenylylation is an essential process that controls the translation of maternal mRNAs during early development and depends on two cis elements in the 3′ untranslated region: the polyadenylylation hexanucleotide AAUAAA and a U-rich cytoplasmic polyadenylylation element (CPE). In searching for factors that could mediate cytoplasmic polyadenylylation of mouse c-mos mRNA, which encodes a serine/threonine kinase necessary for oocyte maturation, we have isolated the mouse homolog of CPEB, a protein that binds to the CPEs of a number of mRNAs in Xenopus oocytes and is required for their polyadenylylation. Mouse CPEB (mCPEB) is a 62-kDa protein that binds to the CPEs of c-mos mRNA. mCPEB mRNA is present in the ovary, testis, and kidney; within the ovary, this RNA is restricted to oocytes. mCPEB shows 80% overall identity with its Xenopus counterpart, with a higher homology in the carboxyl-terminal portion, which contains two RNA recognition motifs and a cysteine/histidine repeat. Proteins from arthropods and nematodes are also similar to this region, suggesting an ancient and widely used mechanism to control polyadenylylation and translation.


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The human thrombopoietin (TPO) gene, which codes for the principal cytokine involved in platelet maturation, shows a peculiar alternative splicing of its last exon, where an intra-exonic 116 nt alternative intron is spliced out in a fraction of its mRNA. To characterize the molecular mechanism underlying this alternative splicing, minigenes of TPO genomic constructs with variable exon–intron configurations or carrying exclusively the TPO cDNA were generated and transiently transfected in the Hep3B cell line. We have found that the final rate of the alternative intron splicing is determined by three elements: the presence of upstream constitutive introns, the suboptimal splice sites of the alternative intron and the length of the alternative intron itself. Our results indicate that the recognition of suboptimal intra-exonic splice junctions in the TPO gene is influenced by the assembly of the spliceosome complex on constitutive introns and by a qualitative scanning of the sequence by the transcriptional/splicing machinery complex primed by upstream splicing signals.


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The chloroplast gene rbcL encodes the large subunit of the CO2-fixing enzyme ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase. In previous work a target for photo-accelerated degradation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii rbcL transcripts in vivo was found to lie within the first 63 nucleotides, and a sequence element required for increasing the longevity of transcripts of rbcL-reporter genes was found to occur between nucleotides 170 and 350. Photo-accelerated degradation of rbcL transcripts has been found to require nucleotides 21 to 41. Transcript nucleotides lying between 329 and 334 and between 14 and 27 are essential for stabilizing transcripts in vivo; mutations in either region reduce the longevity of transcripts. It is postulated that the effectiveness of photo-accelerated endonuclease attacks on the nucleotide 21 to 41 region is reduced by physical blockage or distortion of the target sequence by interacting proteins that associate with nucleotides in the 14 to 27 and 329 to 334 regions of the transcripts. Both the nucleotide +329 to +334 stabilizing sequence of rbcL and a transcription enhancing sequence that lies between +126 and +170 encode well conserved (cyanobacteria through angiosperms) amino acid sequences; the evolution of expression control elements within the protein coding sequence of rbcL is considered.


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The conversion of light to chemical energy by the process of photosynthesis is localized to the thylakoid membrane network in plant chloroplasts. Although several pathways have been described that target proteins into and across the thylakoids, little is known about the origin of this membrane system or how the lipid backbone of the thylakoids is transported and fused with the target membrane. Thylakoid biogenesis and maintenance seem to involve the flow of membrane elements via vesicular transport. Here we show by mutational analysis that deletion of a single gene called VIPP1 (vesicle-inducing protein in plastids 1) is deleterious to thylakoid membrane formation. Although VIPP1 is a hydrophilic protein it is found in both the inner envelope and the thylakoid membranes. In VIPP1 deletion mutants vesicle formation is abolished. We propose that VIPP1 is essential for the maintenance of thylakoids by a transport pathway not previously recognized.


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Chimeric genomes of poliovirus (PV) have been constructed in which the cognate internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) element was replaced by genetic elements of hepatitis C virus (HCV). Replacement of PV IRES with nt 9-332 of the genotype Ib HCV genome, a sequence comprising all but the first eight residues of the 5' nontranslated region (5'NTR) of HCV, resulted in a lethal phenotype. Addition of 366 nt of the HCV core-encoding sequence downstream of the HCV 5'NTR yielded a viable PV/HCV chimera, which expressed a stable, small-plaque phenotype. This chimeric genome encoded a truncated HCV core protein that was fused to the N terminus of the PV polyprotein via an engineered cleavage site for PV proteinase 3CPpro. Manipulation of the HCV core-encoding sequence of this viable chimera by deletion and frameshift yielded results suggesting that the 5'-proximal sequences of the HCV open reading frame were essential for viability of the chimera and that the N-terminal basic region of the HCV core protein is required for efficient replication of the chimeric virus. These data suggest that the bona fide HCV IRES includes genetic information mapping to the 5'NTR and sequences of the HCV open reading frame. PV chimeras replicating under translational control of genetic elements of HCV can serve to study HCV IRES function in vivo and to search for anti-HCV chemotherapeutic agents.


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Kinetochores are DNA-protein structures that assemble on centromeric DNA and attach chromosomes to spindle microtubules. Because of their simplicity, the 125-bp centromeres of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are particularly amenable to molecular analysis. Budding yeast centromeres contain three sequence elements of which centromere DNA sequence element III (CDEIII) appears to be particularly important. cis-acting mutations in CDEIII and trans-acting mutations in genes encoding subunits of the CDEIII-binding complex (CBF3) prevent correct chromosome transmission. Using temperature-sensitive mutations in CBF3 subunits, we show a strong correlation between DNA-binding activity measured in vitro and kinetochore activity in vivo. We extend previous findings by Goh and Kilmartin [Goh, P.-Y. & Kilmartin, J.V. (1993) J. Cell Biol. 121, 503-512] to argue that DNA-bound CBF3 may be involved in the operation of a mitotic checkpoint but that functional CBF3 is not required for the assembly of a bipolar spindle.


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Granzyme B serine protease is found in the granules of activated cytotoxic T cells and in natural and lymphokine-activated killer cells. This protease plays a critical role in the rapid induction of target cell DNA fragmentation. The DNA regulatory elements that are responsible for the specificity of granzyme B gene transcription in activated T-cells reside between nt -148 and +60 (relative to the transcription start point at +1) of the human granzyme B gene promoter. This region contains binding sites for the transcription factors Ikaros, CBF, Ets, and AP-1. Mutational analysis of the human granzyme B promoter reveals that the Ikaros binding site (-143 to -114) and the AP-1/CBF binding site (-103 to -77) are essential for the activation of transcription in phytohemagglutinin-activated peripheral blood lymphocytes, whereas mutation of the Ets binding site does not affect promoter activity in these cells.