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The cleavage specificity of the Pvu II and BamHI restriction endonucleases is found to be dramatically reduced at elevated osmotic pressure. Relaxation in specificity of these otherwise highly accurate and specific enzymes, previously termed "star activity," is uniquely correlated with osmotic pressure between 0 and 100 atmospheres. No other colligative solvent property exhibits a uniform correlation with star activity for all of the compounds tested. Application of hydrostatic pressure counteracts the effects of osmotic pressure and restores the natural selectivity of the enzymes for their canonical recognition sequences. These results indicate that water solvation plays an important role in the site-specific recognition of DNA by many restriction enzymes. Osmotic pressure did not induce an analogous effect on the specificity of the EcoRV endonuclease, implying that selective hydration effects do not participate in DNA recognition in this system. Hydrostatic pressure was found to have little effect on the star activity induced by changes in ionic strength, pH, or divalent cation, suggesting that distinct mechanisms may exist for these observed alterations in specificity. Recent evidence has indicated that BamHI and EcoRI share similar structural motifs, while Pvu II and EcoRV belong to a different structural family. Evidently, the use of hydration water to assist in site-specific recognition is a motif neither limited to nor defined by structural families.
Guanylyl cyclase-A (NPR-A; GC-A) is the major and possibly the only receptor for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) or B-type natriuretic peptide. Although mice deficient in GC-A display an elevated blood pressure, the resultant cardiac hypertrophy is much greater than in other mouse models of hypertension. Here we overproduce GC-A in the cardiac myocytes of wild-type or GC-A null animals. Introduction of the GC-A transgene did not alter blood pressure or heart rate as a function of genotype. Cardiac myocyte size was larger (approximately 20%) in GC-A null than in wild-type animals. However, introduction of the GC-A transgene reduced cardiac myocyte size in both wild-type and null mice. Coincident with the reduction in myocyte size, both ANP mRNA and ANP content were significantly reduced by overexpression of GC-A, and this reduction was independent of genotype. This genetic model, therefore, separates a regulation of cardiac myocyte size by blood pressure from local regulation by a GC-mediated pathway.
Our group recently demonstrated that autoimmune T cells directed against central nervous system-associated myelin antigens protect neurons from secondary degeneration. We further showed that the synthetic peptide copolymer 1 (Cop-1), known to suppress experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, can be safely substituted for the natural myelin antigen in both passive and active immunization for neuroprotection of the injured optic nerve. Here we attempted to determine whether similar immunizations are protective from retinal ganglion cell loss resulting from a direct biochemical insult caused, for example, by glutamate (a major mediator of degeneration in acute and chronic optic nerve insults) and in a rat model of ocular hypertension. Passive immunization with T cells reactive to myelin basic protein or active immunization with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-derived peptide, although neuroprotective after optic nerve injury, was ineffective against glutamate toxicity in mice and rats. In contrast, the number of surviving retinal ganglion cells per square millimeter in glutamate-injected retinas was significantly larger in mice immunized 10 days previously with Cop-1 emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant than in mice injected with PBS in the same adjuvant (2,133 ± 270 and 1,329 ± 121, respectively, mean ± SEM; P < 0.02). A similar pattern was observed when mice were immunized on the day of glutamate injection (1,777 ± 101 compared with 1,414 ± 36; P < 0.05), but not when they were immunized 48 h later. These findings suggest that protection from glutamate toxicity requires reinforcement of the immune system by antigens that are different from those associated with myelin. The use of Cop-1 apparently circumvents this antigen specificity barrier. In the rat ocular hypertension model, which simulates glaucoma, immunization with Cop-1 significantly reduced the retinal ganglion cell loss from 27.8% ± 6.8% to 4.3% ± 1.6%, without affecting the intraocular pressure. This study may point the way to a therapy for glaucoma, a neurodegenerative disease of the optic nerve often associated with increased intraocular pressure, as well as for acute and chronic degenerative disorders in which glutamate is a prominent participant.
Disruption of guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A) results in mice displaying an elevated blood pressure, which is not altered by high or low dietary salt. However, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a proposed ligand for GC-A, has been suggested as critical for the maintenance of normal blood pressure during high salt intake. In this report, we show that infusion of ANP results in substantial natriuresis and diuresis in wild-type mice but fails to cause significant changes in sodium excretion or urine output in GC-A-deficient mice. ANP, therefore, appears to signal through GC-A in the kidney. Other natriuretic/diuretic factors could be released from the heart. Therefore, acute volume expansion was used as a means to cause release of granules from the atrium of the heart. That granule release occurred was confirmed by measurements of plasma ANP concentrations, which were markedly elevated in both wild-type and GC-A-null mice. After volume expansion, urine output as well as urinary sodium and cyclic GMP excretion increased rapidly and markedly in wild-type mice, but the rapid increases were abolished in GC-A-deficient animals. These results strongly suggest that natriuretic/diuretic factors released from the heart function exclusively through GC-A.
Angiotensin produced systemically or locally in tissues such as the brain plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure and in the development of hypertension. We have established transgenic rats [TGR(ASrAOGEN)] expressing an antisense RNA against angiotensinogen mRNA specifically in the brain. In these animals, the brain angiotensinogen level is reduced by more than 90% and the drinking response to intracerebroventricular renin infusions is decreased markedly compared with control rats. Blood pressure of transgenic rats is lowered by 8 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133 Pa) compared with control rats. Crossbreeding of TGR(ASrAOGEN) with a hypertensive transgenic rat strain exhibiting elevated angiotensin II levels in tissues results in a marked attenuation of the hypertensive phenotype. Moreover, TGR(ASrAOGEN) exhibit a diabetes insipidus-like syndrome producing an increased amount of urine with decreased osmolarity. The observed reduction in plasma vasopressin by 35% may mediate these phenotypes of TGR(ASrAOGEN). This new animal model presenting long-term and tissue-specific down-regulation of angiotensinogen corroborates the functional significance of local angiotensin production in the brain for the central regulation of blood pressure and for the pathogenesis of hypertension.
Xanthine oxidase activity associated with arterial blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Recent evidence in vivo indicates that spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) exhibit an increase in oxyradical production in and around microvascular endothelium. This study is aimed to examine whether xanthine oxidase plays a role in overproduction of oxidants and thereby may contribute to hypertensive states as a consequence of the increasing microvascular tone. The xanthine oxidase activity in SHR was inhibited by dietary supplement of tungsten (0.7 g/kg) that depletes molybdenum as a cofactor for the enzyme activity as well as by administration of (−)BOF4272 [(−)-8-(3-methoxy-4-phenylsulfinylphenyl)pyrazolo(1,5-α)-1,3,5-triazine-4-monohydrate], a synthetic inhibitor of the enzyme. The characteristic elevation of mean arterial pressure in SHR was normalized by the tungsten diet, whereas Wistar Koto (WKY) rats displayed no significant alteration in the pressure. Multifunctional intravital videomicroscopy in mesentery microvessels with hydroethidine, an oxidant-sensitive fluoroprobe, showed that SHR endothelium exhibited overproduction of oxyradicals that coincided with the elevated arteriolar tone as compared with WKY rats. The tungsten diet significantly repressed these changes toward the levels observed in WKY rats. The activity of oxyradical-producing form of xanthine oxidase in the mesenteric tissue of SHR was ≈3-fold greater than that of WKY rats, and pretreatment with the tungsten diet eliminated detectable levels of the enzyme activity. The inhibitory effects of the tungsten diet on the increasing blood pressure and arteriolar tone in SHR were also reproducible by administration of (−)BOF4272. These results suggest that xanthine oxidase accounts for a putative source of oxyradical generation that is associated with an increasing arteriolar tone in this form of hypertension.
Nitric oxide produced in endothelial cells affects vascular tone. To investigate the role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in blood pressure regulation, we have generated mice heterozygous (+/−) or homozygous (−/−) for disruption of the eNOS gene. Immunohistochemical staining with anti-eNOS antibodies showed reduced amounts of eNOS protein in +/− mice and absence of eNOS protein in −/− mutant mice. Male or female mice of all three eNOS genotypes were indistinguishable in general appearance and histology, except that −/− mice had lower body weights than +/+ or +/− mice. Blood pressures tended to be increased (by approximately 4 mmHg) in +/− mice compared with +/+, while −/− mice had a significant increase in pressure compared with +/+ mice (≈18 mmHg) or +/− mice (≈14 mmHg). Plasma renin concentration in the −/− mice was nearly twice that of +/+ mice, although kidney renin mRNA was modestly decreased in the −/− mice. Heart rates in the −/− mice were significantly lower than in +/− or +/+ mice. Appropriate genetic controls show that these phenotypes in F2 mice are due to the eNOS mutation and are not due to sequences that might differ between the two parental strains (129 and C57BL/6J) and are linked either to the eNOS locus or to an unlinked chromosomal region containing the renin locus. Thus eNOS is essential for maintenance of normal blood pressures and heart rates. Comparisons between the current eNOS mutant mice and previously generated inducible nitric oxide synthase mutants showed that homozygous mutants for the latter differ in having unaltered blood pressures and heart rates; both are susceptible to lipopolysaccharide-induced death.
With increasing interest in the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on plant growth and the global carbon balance, there is a need for greater understanding of how plants respond to variations in atmospheric partial pressure of CO2. Our research shows that elevated CO2 produces significant fine structural changes in major cellular organelles that appear to be an important component of the metabolic responses of plants to this global change. Nine species (representing seven plant families) in several experimental facilities with different CO2-dosing technologies were examined. Growth in elevated CO2 increased numbers of mitochondria per unit cell area by 1.3–2.4 times the number in control plants grown in lower CO2 and produced a statistically significant increase in the amount of chloroplast stroma (nonappressed) thylakoid membranes compared with those in lower CO2 treatments. There was no observable change in size of the mitochondria. However, in contrast to the CO2 effect on mitochondrial number, elevated CO2 promoted a decrease in the rate of mass-based dark respiration. These changes may reflect a major shift in plant metabolism and energy balance that may help to explain enhanced plant productivity in response to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown under CO2 partial pressures of 36 and 70 Pa with two N-application regimes. Responses of photosynthesis to varying CO2 partial pressure were fitted to estimate the maximal carboxylation rate and the nonphotorespiratory respiration rate in flag and preceding leaves. The maximal carboxylation rate was proportional to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) content, and the light-saturated photosynthetic rate at 70 Pa CO2 was proportional to the thylakoid ATP-synthase content. Potential photosynthetic rates at 70 Pa CO2 were calculated and compared with the observed values to estimate excess investment in Rubisco. The excess was greater in leaves grown with high N application than in those grown with low N application and declined as the leaves senesced. The fraction of Rubisco that was estimated to be in excess was strongly dependent on leaf N content, increasing from approximately 5% in leaves with 1 g N m−2 to approximately 40% in leaves with 2 g N m−2. Growth at elevated CO2 usually decreased the excess somewhat but only as a consequence of a general reduction in leaf N, since relationships between the amount of components and N content were unaffected by CO2. We conclude that there is scope for improving the N-use efficiency of C3 crop species under elevated CO2 conditions.
Previous studies of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 have focused on the most recently expanded, sunlit leaves in the canopy. We examined acclimation in a vertical profile of leaves through a canopy of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The crop was grown at an elevated CO2 partial pressure of 55 Pa within a replicated field experiment using free-air CO2 enrichment. Gas exchange was used to estimate in vivo carboxylation capacity and the maximum rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate-limited photosynthesis. Net photosynthetic CO2 uptake was measured for leaves in situ within the canopy. Leaf contents of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), light-harvesting-complex (LHC) proteins, and total N were determined. Elevated CO2 did not affect carboxylation capacity in the most recently expanded leaves but led to a decrease in lower, shaded leaves during grain development. Despite this acclimation, in situ photosynthetic CO2 uptake remained higher under elevated CO2. Acclimation at elevated CO2 was accompanied by decreases in both Rubisco and total leaf N contents and an increase in LHC content. Elevated CO2 led to a larger increase in LHC/Rubisco in lower canopy leaves than in the uppermost leaf. Acclimation of leaf photosynthesis to elevated CO2 therefore depended on both vertical position within the canopy and the developmental stage.