29 resultados para Disulfide Bridge

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB7 lipoprotein contributes to the stabilization of VirB proteins during biogenesis of the putative T-complex transport apparatus. Here, we report that stabilization of VirB7 itself is correlated with its ability to form disulfide cross-linked homodimers via a reactive Cys-24 residue. Three types of beta-mercaptoethanol-dissociable complexes were visualized with VirB7 and/or a VirB7::PhoA41 fusion protein: (i) a 9-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7 homodimer, (ii) a 54-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB7::PhoA41 mixed dimer, and (iii) a 102-kDa complex corresponding to a VirB7::PhoA41 homodimer. A VirB7C24S mutant protein was immunologically undetectable, whereas the corresponding VirB7C24S::PhoA41 derivative accumulated to detectable levels but failed to form dissociable homodimers or mixed dimers with wild-type VirB7. We further report that VirB7-dependent stabilization of VirB9 is correlated with the ability of these two proteins to dimerize via formation of a disulfide bridge between reactive Cys-24 and Cys-262 residues, respectively. Two types of dissociable complexes were visualized: (i) a 36-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB9 heterodimer and (ii) an 84-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB9::PhoA293 heterodimer. A VirB9C262S mutant protein was immunologically undetectable, whereas the corresponding VirB9C262S::PhoA293 derivative accumulated to detectable levels but failed to form dissociable heterodimers with wild-type VirB7. Taken together, these results support a model in which the formation of disulfide cross-linked VirB7 dimers represent critical early steps in the biogenesis of the T-complex transport apparatus.


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Immune challenge to the insect Podisus maculiventris induces synthesis of a 21-residue peptide with sequence homology to frog skin antimicrobial peptides of the brevinin family. The insect and frog peptides have in common a C-terminally located disulfide bridge delineating a cationic loop. The peptide is bactericidal and fungicidal, exhibiting the largest antimicrobial spectrum observed so far for an insect defense peptide. An all-D-enantiomer is nearly inactive against Gram-negative bacteria and some Gram-positive strains but is fully active against fungi and other Gram-positive bacteria, suggesting that more than one mechanism accounts for the antimicrobial activity of this peptide. Studies with truncated synthetic isoforms underline the role of the C-terminal loop and flanking residues for the activity of this molecule for which we propose the name thanatin.


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A Monte Carlo simulation method for globular proteins, called extended-scaled-collective-variable (ESCV) Monte Carlo, is proposed. This method combines two Monte Carlo algorithms known as entropy-sampling and scaled-collective-variable algorithms. Entropy-sampling Monte Carlo is able to sample a large configurational space even in a disordered system that has a large number of potential barriers. In contrast, scaled-collective-variable Monte Carlo provides an efficient sampling for a system whose dynamics is highly cooperative. Because a globular protein is a disordered system whose dynamics is characterized by collective motions, a combination of these two algorithms could provide an optimal Monte Carlo simulation for a globular protein. As a test case, we have carried out an ESCV Monte Carlo simulation for a cell adhesive Arg-Gly-Asp-containing peptide, Lys-Arg-Cys-Arg-Gly-Asp-Cys-Met-Asp, and determined the conformational distribution at 300 K. The peptide contains a disulfide bridge between the two cysteine residues. This bond mimics the strong geometrical constraints that result from a protein's globular nature and give rise to highly cooperative dynamics. Computation results show that the ESCV Monte Carlo was not trapped at any local minimum and that the canonical distribution was correctly determined.


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Female moths often become depleted of sex pheromone after mating as the various components of virgin behavior are switched off. In examining a potential male contribution to these events in the corn earworm moth Helicoverpa zea, we have characterized a basic polypeptide from the tissues producing (accessory glands) and storing (duplex) the seminal fluids. The peptide evokes the depletion of sex pheromone when injected into virgin females. This pheromonostatic peptide (PSP) is 57 amino acids long and contains a single disulfide bridge. It is blocked at the N terminus with pyroglutamate and at the C terminus by amidation. As little as 23 ng of peptide evokes the near-complete depletion of pheromone in decapitated (neck-ligated) females that had been injected with pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide. Activity is approximately 15-fold less in intact virgins, showing that the head limits the expression of activity in these injected females. Females mated to surgically impaired males, capable of producing a spermatophore but not transferring spermatozoa or seminal fluids, are depleted of pheromone by injected peptide. Females whose abdominal nerve cords have been severed are not depleted of pheromone after mating. Thus, neural signals either descending or ascending via the nerve cord are required for the depletion of pheromone after mating. PSP, from the seminal fluids, may participate in this process by direct or indirect action on the glandular tissue; if so, it represents an unusual mechanism in insects for the regulation by seminal fluids of postmating reproductive behavior.


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Multiple human skeletal and craniosynostosis disorders, including Crouzon, Pfeiffer, Jackson–Weiss, and Apert syndromes, result from numerous point mutations in the extracellular region of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). Many of these mutations create a free cysteine residue that potentially leads to abnormal disulfide bond formation and receptor activation; however, for noncysteine mutations, the mechanism of receptor activation remains unclear. We examined the effect of two of these mutations, W290G and T341P, on receptor dimerization and activation. These mutations resulted in cellular transformation when expressed as FGFR2/Neu chimeric receptors. Additionally, in full-length FGFR2, the mutations induced receptor dimerization and elevated levels of tyrosine kinase activity. Interestingly, transformation by the chimeric receptors, dimerization, and enhanced kinase activity were all abolished if either the W290G or the T341P mutation was expressed in conjunction with mutations that eliminate the disulfide bond in the third immunoglobulin-like domain (Ig-3). These results demonstrate a requirement for the Ig-3 cysteine residues in the activation of FGFR2 by noncysteine mutations. Molecular modeling also reveals that noncysteine mutations may activate FGFR2 by altering the conformation of the Ig-3 domain near the disulfide bond, preventing the formation of an intramolecular bond. This allows the unbonded cysteine residues to participate in intermolecular disulfide bonding, resulting in constitutive activation of the receptor.


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Subunits a and c of Fo are thought to cooperatively catalyze proton translocation during ATP synthesis by the Escherichia coli F1Fo ATP synthase. Optimizing mutations in subunit a at residues A217, I221, and L224 improves the partial function of the cA24D/cD61G double mutant and, on this basis, these three residues were proposed to lie on one face of a transmembrane helix of subunit a, which then interacted with the transmembrane helix of subunit c anchoring the essential aspartyl group. To test this model, in the present work Cys residues were introduced into the second transmembrane helix of subunit c and the predicted fourth transmembrane helix of subunit a. After treating the membrane vesicles of these mutants with Cu(1,10-phenanthroline)2SO4 at 0°, 10°, or 20°C, strong a–c dimer formation was observed at all three temperatures in membranes of 7 of the 65 double mutants constructed, i.e., in the aS207C/cI55C, aN214C/cA62C, aN214C/cM65C, aI221C/cG69C, aI223C/cL72C, aL224C/cY73C, and aI225C/cY73C double mutant proteins. The pattern of cross-linking aligns the helices in a parallel fashion over a span of 19 residues with the aN214C residue lying close to the cA62C and cM65C residues in the middle of the membrane. Lesser a–c dimer formation was observed in nine other double mutants after treatment at 20°C in a pattern generally supporting that indicated by the seven landmark residues cited above. Cross-link formation was not observed between helix-1 of subunit c and helix-4 of subunit a in 19 additional combinations of doubly Cys-substituted proteins. These results provide direct chemical evidence that helix-2 of subunit c and helix-4 of subunit a pack close enough to each other in the membrane to interact during function. The proximity of helices supports the possibility of an interaction between Arg210 in helix-4 of subunit a and Asp61 in helix-2 of subunit c during proton translocation, as has been suggested previously.


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For analyzing the mechanism of energy transduction in the “motor” protein, myosin, it is opportune both to model the structural change in the hydrolytic transition, ATP (myosin-bound) + H2O → ADP⋅Pi (myosin-bound) and to check the plausibility of the model by appropriate site-directed mutations in the functional system. Here, we made a series of mutations to investigate the role of the salt-bridge between Glu-470 and Arg-247 (of chicken smooth muscle myosin) that has been inferred from crystallography to be a central feature of the transition [Fisher, A. J., Smith, C. A., Thoden, J. B., Smith, R., Sutoh, K., Holden, H. M., & Rayment, I. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 8960–8972]. Our results suggest that whether in the normal, or in the inverted, direction an intact salt-bridge is necessary for ATP hydrolysis, but when the salt-bridge is in the inverted direction it does not support actin activation. Normally, fluorescence changes result from adding nucleotides to myosin; these signals are reported by Trp-512 (of chicken smooth muscle myosin). Our results also suggest that structural impairments in the 470–247 region interfere with the transmission of these signals to the responsive Trp.


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DsbA, the disulfide bond catalyst of Escherichia coli, is a periplasmic protein having a thioredoxin-like Cys-30-Xaa-Xaa-Cys-33 motif. The Cys-30–Cys-33 disulfide is donated to a pair of cysteines on the target proteins. Although DsbA, having high oxidizing potential, is prone to reduction, it is maintained essentially all oxidized in vivo. DsbB, an integral membrane protein having two pairs of essential cysteines, reoxidizes DsbA that has been reduced upon functioning. It is not known, however, what might provide the overall oxidizing power to the DsbA–DsbB disulfide bond formation system. We now report that E. coli mutants defective in the hemA gene or in the ubiA-menA genes markedly accumulate the reduced form of DsbA during growth under the conditions of protoheme deprivation as well as ubiquinone/menaquinone deprivation. Disulfide bond formation of β-lactamase was impaired under these conditions. Intracellular state of DsbB was found to be affected by deprivation of quinones, such that it accumulates first as a reduced form and then as a form of a disulfide-linked complex with DsbA. This is followed by reduction of the bulk of DsbA molecules. These results suggest that the respiratory electron transfer chain participates in the oxidation of DsbA, by acting primarily on DsbB. It is remarkable that a cellular catalyst of protein folding is connected to the respiratory chain.


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Biochemical studies have shown that the periplasmic protein disulfide oxidoreductase DsbC can isomerize aberrant disulfide bonds. Here we present the first evidence for an in vivo role of DsbC in disulfide bond isomerization. Furthermore, our data suggest that the enzymes DsbA and DsbC play distinct roles in the cell in disulfide bond formation and isomerization, respectively. We have shown that mutants in dsbC display a defect in disulfide bond formation specific for proteins with multiple disulfide bonds. The defect can be complemented by the addition of reduced dithiothreitol to the medium, suggesting that absence of DsbC results in accumulation of misoxidized proteins. Mutations in the dipZ and trxA genes have similar phenotypes. We propose that DipZ, a cytoplasmic membrane protein with a thioredoxin-like domain, and thioredoxin, the product of the trxA gene, are components of a pathway for maintaining DsbC active as a protein disulfide bond isomerase.


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Under physiological conditions, the Escherichia coli cytoplasm is maintained in a reduced state that strongly disfavors the formation of stable disulfide bonds in proteins. However, mutants in which the reduction of both thioredoxins and glutathione is impaired (trxB gor mutants) accumulate oxidized, enzymatically active alkaline phosphatase in the cytoplasm. These mutants grow very poorly in the absence of an exogenous reductant and accumulate extragenic suppressors at a high frequency. One such suppressor strain, FA113, grows almost as rapidly as the wild type in the absence of reductant, exhibits slightly faster kinetics of disulfide bond formation, and has fully induced activity of the transcriptional activator, OxyR. FA113 gave substantially higher yields of properly oxidized proteins compared with wild-type or trxB mutant strains. For polypeptides with very complex patterns of disulfide bonds, such as vtPA and the full-length tPA, the amount of active protein was further enhanced up to 15-fold by co-expression of TrxA (thioredoxin 1) mutants with different redox potentials, or 20-fold by the protein disulfide isomerase, DsbC. Remarkably, higher yields of oxidized, biologically active proteins were obtained by expression in the cytoplasm of E. coli FA113 compared with what could be achieved via secretion into the periplasm of a wild-type strain, even under optimized conditions. These results demonstrate that the cytoplasm can be rendered sufficiently oxidizing to allow efficient formation of native disulfide bonds without compromising cell viability.


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Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) is a repellent phototaxis receptor in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum, similar to visual pigments in its seven-helix structure and linkage of retinal to the protein by a protonated Schiff base in helix G. Asp-73 in helix C is shown by spectroscopic analysis to be a counterion to the protonated Schiff base in the unphotolyzed SRII and to be the proton acceptor from the Schiff base during photoconversion to the receptor signaling state. Coexpression of the genes encoding mutated SRII with Asn substituted for Asp-73 (D73N) and the SRII transducer HtrII in H. salinarum cells results in a 3-fold higher swimming reversal frequency accompanied by demethylation of HtrII in the dark, showing that D73N SRII produces repellent signals in its unphotostimulated state. Analogous constitutive signaling has been shown to be produced by the similar neutral residue substitution of the Schiff base counterion and proton acceptor Glu-113 in human rod rhodopsin. The interpretation for both seven-helix receptors is that light activation of the wild-type protein is caused primarily by photoisomerization-induced transfer of the Schiff base proton on helix G to its primary carboxylate counterion on helix C. Therefore receptor activation by helix C–G salt-bridge disruption in the photoactive site is a general mechanism in retinylidene proteins spanning the vast evolutionary distance between archaea and humans.


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It has long been known that rearrangements of chromosomes through breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) cycles may cause variability of phenotypic and genetic traits within a cell population. Because intercellular heterogeneity is often found in neoplastic tissues, we investigated the occurrence of BFB events in human solid tumors. Evidence of frequent BFB events was found in malignancies that showed unspecific chromosome aberrations, including ring chromosomes, dicentric chromosomes, and telomeric associations, as well as extensive intratumor heterogeneity in the pattern of structural changes but not in tumors with tumor-specific aberrations and low variability. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that chromosomes participating in anaphase bridge formation were involved in a significantly higher number of structural aberrations than other chromosomes. Tumors with BFB events showed a decreased elimination rate of unstable chromosome aberrations after irradiation compared with normal cells and other tumor cells. This result suggests that a combination of mitotically unstable chromosomes and an elevated tolerance to chromosomal damage leads to constant genomic reorganization in many malignancies, thereby providing a flexible genetic system for clonal evolution and progression.


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The active-site cysteines of DsbA, the periplasmic disulfide-bond-forming enzyme of Escherichia coli, are kept oxidized by the cytoplasmic membrane protein DsbB. DsbB, in turn, is oxidized by two kinds of quinones (ubiquinone for aerobic and menaquinone for anaerobic growth) in the electron-transport chain. We describe the isolation of dsbB missense mutations that change a highly conserved arginine residue at position 48 to histidine or cysteine. In these mutants, DsbB functions reasonably well aerobically but poorly anaerobically. Consistent with this conditional phenotype, purified R48H exhibits very low activity with menaquinone and an apparent Michaelis constant (Km) for ubiquinone seven times greater than that of the wild-type DsbB, while keeping an apparent Km for DsbA similar to that of wild-type enzyme. From these results, we propose that this highly conserved arginine residue of DsbB plays an important role in the catalysis of disulfide bond formation through its role in the interaction of DsbB with quinones.


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Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) mediate cell attachment and stress transfer through extracellular domains. Here we forcibly unfold the Ig domains of a prototypical Ig superfamily CAM that contains intradomain disulfide bonds. The Ig domains of all such CAMs have conformations homologous to cadherin extracellular domains, titin Ig-type domains, and fibronectin type-III (FNIII) domains. Atomic force microscopy has been used to extend the five Ig domains of Mel-CAM (melanoma CAM)—a protein that is overexpressed in metastatic melanomas—under conditions where the disulfide bonds were either left intact or disrupted through reduction. Under physiological conditions where intradomain disulfide bonds are intact, partial unfolding was observed at forces far smaller than those reported previously for either titin's Ig-type domains or tenascin's FNIII domains. This partial unfolding under low force may be an important mechanism for imparting elasticity to cell–cell contacts, as well as a regulatory mechanism for adhesive interactions. Under reducing conditions, Mel-CAM's Ig domains were found to fully unfold through a partially folded state and at slightly higher forces. The results suggest that, in divergent evolution of all such domains, stabilization imparted by disulfide bonds relaxes requirements for strong, noncovalent, folded-state interactions.


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We introduced disulfide bonds to lock the integrin αLβ2 I domain in predicted open, ligand binding or closed, nonbinding conformations. Transfectants expressing αLβ2 heterodimers containing locked-open but not locked-closed or wild-type I domains constitutively adhered to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) substrates. Locking the I domain closed abolished constitutive and activatable adhesion. The isolated locked-open I domain bound as well as the activated αLβ2 heterodimer, and binding was abolished by reduction of the disulfide. Lovastatin, which binds under the conformationally mobile C-terminal α-helix of the I domain, inhibited binding to ICAM-1 by αLβ2 with wild-type, but not locked-open I domains. These data establish the importance of conformational change in the αL I domain for adhesive function and show that this domain is sufficient for full adhesive activity.