11 resultados para Directional hearing

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The dynamic responses of the hearing organ to acoustic overstimulation were investigated using the guinea pig isolated temporal bone preparation. The organ was loaded with the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator Fluo-3, and the cochlear electric responses to low-level tones were recorded through a microelectrode in the scala media. After overstimulation, the amplitude of the cochlear potentials decreased significantly. In some cases, rapid recovery was seen with the potentials returning to their initial amplitude. In 12 of 14 cases in which overstimulation gave a decrease in the cochlear responses, significant elevations of the cytoplasmic [Ca2+] in the outer hair cells were seen. [Ca2+] increases appeared immediately after terminating the overstimulation, with partial recovery taking place in the ensuing 30 min in some preparations. Such [Ca2+] changes were not seen in preparations that were stimulated at levels that did not cause an amplitude change in the cochlear potentials. The overstimulation also gave rise to a contraction, evident as a decrease of the width of the organ of Corti. The average contraction in 10 preparations was 9 μm (SE 2 μm). Partial or complete recovery was seen within 30–45 min after the overstimulation. The [Ca2+] changes and the contraction are likely to produce major functional alterations and consequently are suggested to be a factor contributing strongly to the loss of function seen after exposure to loud sounds.


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To elucidate the role of thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) α1 and β in the development of hearing, cochlear functions have been investigated in mice lacking TRα1 or TRβ. TRs are ligand-dependent transcription factors expressed in the developing organ of Corti, and loss of TRβ is known to impair hearing in mice and in humans. Here, TRα1-deficient (TRα1−/−) mice are shown to display a normal auditory-evoked brainstem response, indicating that only TRβ, and not TRα1, is essential for hearing. Because cochlear morphology was normal in TRβ−/− mice, we postulated that TRβ regulates functional rather than morphological development of the cochlea. At the onset of hearing, inner hair cells (IHCs) in wild-type mice express a fast-activating potassium conductance, IK,f, that transforms the immature IHC from a regenerative, spiking pacemaker to a high-frequency signal transmitter. Expression of IK,f was significantly retarded in TRβ−/− mice, whereas the development of the endocochlear potential and other cochlear functions, including mechanoelectrical transduction in hair cells, progressed normally. TRα1−/− mice expressed IK,f normally, in accord with their normal auditory-evoked brainstem response. These results establish that the physiological differentiation of IHCs depends on a TRβ-mediated pathway. When defective, this may contribute to deafness in congenital thyroid diseases.


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Postmitotic hair-cell regeneration in the inner ear of birds provides an opportunity to study the effect of renewed auditory input on auditory perception, vocal production, and vocal learning in a vertebrate. We used behavioral conditioning to test both perception and vocal production in a small Australian parrot, the budgerigar. Results show that both auditory perception and vocal production are disrupted when hair cells are damaged or lost but that these behaviors return to near normal over time. Precision in vocal production completely recovers well before recovery of full auditory function. These results may have particular relevance for understanding the relation between hearing loss and human speech production especially where there is consideration of an auditory prosthetic device. The present results show, at least for a bird, that even limited recovery of auditory input soon after deafening can support full recovery of vocal precision.


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We report here a new directional cDNA library construction method using an in vitro site-specific recombination reaction, based on the integrase–excisionase system of bacteriophage λ. Preliminary experiments revealed that in vitro recombinational cloning (RC) provided important advantages over conventional ligation-assisted cloning: it eliminated restriction digestion for directional cloning, generated low levels of chimeric clones, reduced size bias and, in our hands, gave a higher cloning efficiency than conventional ligation reactions. In a cDNA cloning experiment using an in vitro synthesized long poly(A)+ RNA (7.8 kb), the RC gave a higher full-length cDNA clone content and about 10 times more transformants than conventional ligation-assisted cloning. Furthermore, characterization of rat brain cDNA clones yielded by the RC method showed that the frequency of cDNA clones >2 kb having internal NotI sites was ∼6%, whereas these cDNAs could not be cloned at all or could be isolated only in a truncated form by conventional methods. Taken together, these results indicate that the RC method makes it possible to prepare cDNA libraries better representing the entire population of cDNAs, without sacrificing the simplicity of current conventional ligation-assisted methods.


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The intracellular degradation of many proteins is mediated in an ATP-dependent manner by large assemblies comprising a chaperone ring complex associated coaxially with a proteolytic cylinder, e.g., ClpAP, ClpXP, and HslUV in prokaryotes, and the 26S proteasome in eukaryotes. Recent studies of the chaperone ClpA indicate that it mediates ATP-dependent unfolding of substrate proteins and directs their ATP-dependent translocation into the ClpP protease. Because the axial passageway into the proteolytic chamber is narrow, it seems likely that unfolded substrate proteins are threaded from the chaperone into the protease, suggesting that translocation could be directional. We have investigated directionality in the ClpA/ClpP-mediated reaction by using two substrate proteins bearing the COOH-terminal ssrA recognition element, each labeled near the NH2 or COOH terminus with fluorescent probes. Time-dependent changes in both fluorescence anisotropy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer between donor fluorophores in the ClpP cavity and the substrate probes as acceptors were measured to monitor translocation of the substrates from ClpA into ClpP. We observed for both substrates that energy transfer occurs 2–4 s sooner with the COOH-terminally labeled molecules than with the NH2-terminally labeled ones, indicating that translocation is indeed directional, with the COOH terminus of the substrate protein entering ClpP first.


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Cerebral organization during sentence processing in English and in American Sign Language (ASL) was characterized by employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 4 T. Effects of deafness, age of language acquisition, and bilingualism were assessed by comparing results from (i) normally hearing, monolingual, native speakers of English, (ii) congenitally, genetically deaf, native signers of ASL who learned English late and through the visual modality, and (iii) normally hearing bilinguals who were native signers of ASL and speakers of English. All groups, hearing and deaf, processing their native language, English or ASL, displayed strong and repeated activation within classical language areas of the left hemisphere. Deaf subjects reading English did not display activation in these regions. These results suggest that the early acquisition of a natural language is important in the expression of the strong bias for these areas to mediate language, independently of the form of the language. In addition, native signers, hearing and deaf, displayed extensive activation of homologous areas within the right hemisphere, indicating that the specific processing requirements of the language also in part determine the organization of the language systems of the brain.


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Peripheral auditory neurons are tuned to single frequencies of sound. In the central auditory system, excitatory (or facilitatory) and inhibitory neural interactions take place at multiple levels and produce neurons with sharp level-tolerant frequency-tuning curves, neurons tuned to parameters other than frequency, cochleotopic (frequency) maps, which are different from the peripheral cochleotopic map, and computational maps. The mechanisms to create the response properties of these neurons have been considered to be solely caused by divergent and convergent projections of neurons in the ascending auditory system. The recent research on the corticofugal (descending) auditory system, however, indicates that the corticofugal system adjusts and improves auditory signal processing by modulating neural responses and maps. The corticofugal function consists of at least the following subfunctions. (i) Egocentric selection for short-term modulation of auditory signal processing according to auditory experience. Egocentric selection, based on focused positive feedback associated with widespread lateral inhibition, is mediated by the cortical neural net working together with the corticofugal system. (ii) Reorganization for long-term modulation of the processing of behaviorally relevant auditory signals. Reorganization is based on egocentric selection working together with nonauditory systems. (iii) Gain control based on overall excitatory, facilitatory, or inhibitory corticofugal modulation. Egocentric selection can be viewed as selective gain control. (iv) Shaping (or even creation) of response properties of neurons. Filter properties of neurons in the frequency, amplitude, time, and spatial domains can be sharpened by the corticofugal system. Sharpening of tuning is one of the functions of egocentric selection.


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β-actin mRNA is localized near the leading edge in several cell types, where actin polymerization is actively promoting forward protrusion. The localization of the β-actin mRNA near the leading edge is facilitated by a short sequence in the 3′ untranslated region, the “zip code.” Localization of the mRNA at this region is important physiologically. Treatment of chicken embryo fibroblasts with antisense oligonucleotides complementary to the localization sequence (zip code) in the 3′ untranslated region leads to delocalization of β-actin mRNA, alteration of cell phenotype, and a decrease in cell motility. To determine the components of this process responsible for the change in cell behavior after β-actin mRNA delocalization, the Dynamic Image Analysis System was used to quantify movement of cells in the presence of sense and antisense oligonucleotides to the zip code. It was found that net path length and average speed of antisense-treated cells were significantly lower than in sense-treated cells. Total path length and the velocity of protrusion of antisense-treated cells were not affected compared with those of control cells. These results suggest that a decrease in persistence of direction of movement and not in velocity results from treatment of cells with zip code-directed antisense oligonucleotides. To test this, direct analysis of directionality was performed on antisense-treated cells and showed a decrease in directionality (net path/total path) and persistence of movement. Less directional movement of antisense-treated cells correlated with a unpolarized and discontinuous distribution of free barbed ends of actin filaments and of β-actin protein. These results indicate that delocalization of β-actin mRNA results in delocalization of nucleation sites and β-actin protein from the leading edge followed by loss of cell polarity and directional movement.


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Pollen tubes navigate the route from stigma to ovule with great accuracy, but the cues that guide them along this route are not known. We reproduced the environment on the stigma of Nicotiana alata by immersing pollen in stigma exudate or oil close to an interface with an aqueous medium. The growth of pollen in this culture system mimicked growth on stigmas: pollen grains hydrated and germinated, and pollen tubes grew toward the aqueous medium. The rate-limiting step in pollen germination was the movement of water through the surrounding exudate or oil. By elimination of other potential guidance cues, we conclude that the directional supply of water probably determined the axis of polarity of pollen tubes and resulted in growth toward the interface. We propose that a gradient of water in exudate is a guidance cue for pollen tubes on the stigma and that the composition of the exudate must be such that it is permeable enough for pollen hydration to occur but not so permeable that the supply of water becomes nondirectional. Pollen tube penetration of the stigma may be the most frequently occurring hydrotropic response of higher plants.


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We applied the directional tag PCR subtractive hybridization method to construct a rat hypothalamic cDNA library from which cerebellar and hippocampal sequences had been depleted, enriching 20-30-fold for sequences expressed selectively in the hypothalamus. We studied a sample of 94 clones selected for enrichment in the subtracted library. These clones corresponded to 43 distinct mRNA species, about half of which were novel. Thirty-eight of these 43 mRNAs (corresponding to 85 of the clones in the sample) exhibited enrichment in the hypothalamus; 23 were highly enriched. In situ hybridization studies revealed that one novel species was restricted to cells in a small bilaterally symmetric area of the paraventricular hypothalamus. Other novel mRNAs showed substantial enrichment in basal diencephalic structures, particularly the hypothalamus, without restriction to single hypothalamic nuclei. The data suggest that the hypothalamus utilizes at least two distinct strategies for employing its selectively expressed proteins. Secretory neuropeptides utilized for intercellular communication are produced by functionally discrete nuclei, while several other proteins are shared by structures that are unrelated in their physiological roles but may share biochemical systems.