18 resultados para Dicamba and 2,4-D

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A spontaneous mutator strain of Escherichia coli (fpg mutY) was used to clone the OGG1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which encodes a DNA glycosylase activity that excises 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-OxoG). E. coli (fpg mutY) was transformed by a yeast DNA library, and clones that showed a reduced spontaneous mutagenesis were selected. The antimutator activity was associated with pYSB10, an 11-kbp recombinant plasmid. Cell-free extracts of E. coli (fpg mutY) harboring pYSB10 possess an enzymatic activity that cleaves a 34-mer oligonucleotide containing a single 8-oxoG opposite a cytosine (8-OxoG/C). The yeast DNA fragment of 1.7 kbp that suppresses spontaneous mutagenesis and overproduces the 8-OxoG/C cleavage activity was sequenced and mapped to chromosome XIII. DNA sequencing identified an open reading frame, designated OGG1, which encodes a protein of 376 amino acids with a molecular mass of 43 kDa. The OGG1 gene was inserted in plasmid pUC19, yielding pYSB110. E. coli (fpg) harboring pYSB110 was used to purify the Ogg1 protein of S. cerevisiae to apparent homogeneity. The Ogg1 protein possesses a DNA glycosylase activity that releases 8-OxoG and 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-N-methylformamidopyrimidine. The Ogg1 protein preferentially incises DNA that contains 8-OxoG opposite cytosine (8-OxoG/C) or thymine (8-OxoG/T). In contrast, Ogg1 protein does not incise the duplex where an adenine is placed opposite 8-OxoG (8-OxoG/A). The mechanism of strand cleavage by Ogg1 protein is probably due to the excision of 8-OxoG followed by a beta-elimination at the resulting apurinic/apyrimidinic site.


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Comparison of immune responses to infection by a pathogenic or a nonpathogenic immunodeficiency virus in macaques may provide insights into pathogenetic events leading to simian AIDS. This work is aimed at exploring cytokine expression during infection by simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). We used semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR to monitor interleukin (IL)-2/interferon (IFN)-gamma (Th1-like), and IL-4/IL-10 (Th2-like) expression in unmanipulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), during the acute phase of infection of eight cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) with a pathogenic primary isolate of SIVmac251 (full-length nef), and of four other cynomolgus macaques by an attenuated molecular clone of SIVmac251 (nef-truncated). All the monkeys became infected, as clearly shown by the presence of infected PBMCs and by seroconversion. Nevertheless, PBMC-associated virus loads and p27 antigenemia in monkeys infected by the attenuated virus clone remained lower than those observed in animals infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251 isolate. A rise of IL-10 mRNA expression occurred in both groups of monkeys coincident with the peak of viral replication. In monkeys infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251, IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma mRNAs were either weakly detectable or undetectable. On the contrary, animals infected by the attenuated virus exhibited an overexpression of these cytokine mRNAs during the first weeks after inoculation. The lack of expression of these cytokines in monkeys infected with the pathogenic primary isolate may reflect early immunodeficiency.


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A cDNA encoding for a functional ornithine decarboxylase has been isolated from a cDNA library of carpels of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Ornithine decarboxylase in tomato is represented by a single-copy gene that we show to be up-regulated during early fruit growth induced by 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and gibberellic acid.


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Although transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily ligands play critical roles in diverse developmental processes, how cells transduce signals from these ligands is still poorly understood. Cell surface receptors for these ligands have been identified, but their cytoplasmic targets are unknown. We have identified three Caenorhabditis elegans genes, sma-2, sma-3, and sma-4, that have mutant phenotypes similar to those of the TGF-beta-like receptor gene daf-4, indicating that they are required for daf-4-mediated developmental processes. We show that sma-2 functions in the same cells as daf-4, consistent with a role in transducing signals from the receptor. These three genes define a protein family, the dwarfins, that includes the Mad gene product, which participates in the decapentaplegic TGF-beta-like pathway in Drosophila [Sekelsky, J. J., Newfeld, S. J., Raftery, L. A., Chartoff, E. H. & Gelbart, W. M. (1995) Genetics 139, 1347-1358]. The identification of homologous components of these pathways in distantly related organisms suggests that dwarfins may be universally required for TGF-beta-like signal transduction. In fact, we have isolated highly conserved dwarfins from vertebrates, indicating that these components are not idiosyncratic to invertebrates. These analyses suggest that dwarfins are conserved cytoplasmic signal transducers.


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We report here on the ability of IDRA 21 and aniracetam, two negative allosteric modulators of glutamate-induced DL-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor desensitization, to attenuate alprazolam-induced learning deficit in patas monkeys working in a complex behavioral task. In one component of a multiple schedule (repeated acquisition or "learning"), patas monkeys acquired a different four-response chain each session by responding sequentially on three keys in the presence of four discriminative stimuli (geometric forms or numerals). In the other component (performance) the four-response chain was the same each session. The response chain in each component was maintained by food presentation under a fixed-ratio schedule. When alprazolam (0.1 or 0.32 mg/kg p.o.) was administered alone, this full allosteric modulator of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors produced large decreases in the response rate and accuracy in the learning component of the task. IDRA 21 (3 or 5.6 mg/kg p.o.) and aniracetam (30 mg/kg p.o.) administered 60 min before alprazolam, having no effect when given alone, antagonized the large disruptive effects of alprazolam on learning. From dose-response studies, it can be estimated that IDRA 21 is approximately 10-fold more potent than aniracetam in antagonizing alprazolam-induced learning deficit. We conclude that IDRA 21, a chemically unrelated pharmacological congener of aniracetam, improves learning deficit induced in patas monkeys by the increase of GABAergic tone elicited by alprazolam. Very likely IDRA 21 exerts its behavioral effects by antagonizing AMPA receptor desensitization.


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A nervous system-specific glycoprotein antigen from adult Drosophila heads, designated Nervana (Nrv), has been purified on the basis of reactivity of its carbohydrate epitope(s) with anti-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) antibodies that are specific markers for Drosophila neurons. Anti-Nrv monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), specific for the protein moiety of Nrv, were used to screen a Drosophila embryo cDNA expression library. Three cDNA clones (designated Nrv1, Nrv2.1, and Nrv2.2) were isolated that code for proteins recognized by anti-Nrv mAbs on Western blots. DNA sequencing and Southern blot analyses established that the cDNA clones are derived from two different genes. In situ hybridization to Drosophila polytene chromosomes showed that the cDNA clones map to the third chromosome near 92C-D. Nrv1 and Nrv2.1/2.2 have open reading frames of 309 and 322/323 amino acids, respectively, and they are 43.4% identical at the amino acid level. The proteins deduced from these clones exhibit significant homology in both primary sequence and predicted topology to the beta subunit of Na+,K(+)-ATPase. Immunoaffinity-purified Nrv is associated with a protein (M(r) 100,000) recognized on Western blots by anti-ATPase alpha-subunit mAb. Our results suggest that the Drosophila nervous system-specific antigens Nrv1 and -2 are neuronal forms of the beta subunit of Na+,K(+)-ATPase.


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Cytokines are important regulators of hematopoesis. Mutations in gamma c, which is a subunit shared by the receptors for interleukin (IL) 2, IL-4, and IL-7, have been causally associated with human X chromosome-linked severe combined immunodeficiency disease. This finding indicates a mandatory role for cytokine receptor signaling at one or more stages of lymphocyte development. To evaluate the cellular level at which gamma c is critical for lymphopoiesis, the effect of monoclonal antibodies to gamma c on the capacity of syngeneic bone marrow cells to reconstitute the hematopoietic compartment of lethally irradiated recipient mice was examined. We show that monoclonal antibody to gamma c blocked lymphocyte development at or before the appearance of pro-B cells and prior to or at the seeding of the thymus by precursor cells while erythromyeloid cell development was normal. These results suggest that one level of lymphocyte development that requires gamma c is a point in hematopoietic cell differentiation near the divergence of lymphopoiesis and erythromyelopoesis.


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Many viruses have evolved mechanisms for evading the host immune system by synthesizing proteins that interfere with the normal immune response. The poxviruses are among the most accomplished at deceiving their hosts’ immune systems. The nucleotide sequence of the genome of the human cutaneous poxvirus, molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) type 1, was recently reported to contain a region that resembles a human chemokine. We have cloned and expressed the chemokine-like genes from MCV type 1 and the closely related MCV type 2 to determine a potential role for these proteins in the viral life cycle. In monocyte chemotaxis assays, the viral proteins have no chemotactic activity but both viral proteins block the chemotactic response to the human chemokine, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α. Like MIP-1α, both viral proteins also inhibit the growth of human hematopoietic progenitor cells, but the viral proteins are more potent in this activity than the human chemokine. These viral chemokines antagonize the chemotactic activity of human chemokines and have an inhibitory effect on human hematopoietic progenitor cells. We hypothesize that the inhibition of chemotaxis is an immune evasion function of these proteins during molluscum contagiosum virus infection. The significance of hematopoietic progenitor cell inhibition in viral pathogenesis is uncertain.


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Circulating autoantibodies to phospholipids (aPLs), such as cardiolipin (CL), are found in patients with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS). We recently demonstrated that many aPLs bound to CL only after it had been oxidized (OxCL), but not to a reduced CL analogue that could not undergo oxidation. We now show that the neoepitopes recognized by some aPLs consist of adducts formed between breakdown products of oxidized phospholipid and associated proteins, such as β2 glycoprotein 1 (β2GP1). Addition of human β2GP1, polylysine, native low-density lipoprotein, or apolipoprotein AI to OxCL-coated wells increased the anticardiolipin antibody (aCL) binding from APS sera that first had been diluted so that no aCL binding to OxCL could be detected. No increase in aCL binding was observed when these proteins were added to wells coated with reduced CL. The ability of β2GP1, polylysine, or low-density lipoprotein to be a “cofactor” for aCL binding to OxCL was greatly reduced when the proteins were methylated. Incubation of β2GP1 with oxidized 1-palmitoyl-2-linoleyl-[1-14C]-phosphatidylcholine (PC), but not with dipalmitoyl-[1-14C]-PC, led to formation of covalent adducts with β2GP1 recognized by APS sera. These data suggest that the reactive groups of OxCL, such as aldehydes generated during the decomposition of oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids, form covalent adducts with β2GP1 (and other proteins) and that these are epitopes for aCLs. Knowledge that the epitopes recognized by many aPLs are adducts of oxidized phospholipid and associated proteins, including β2GP1, may give new insights into the pathogenic events underlying the clinical manifestations of APS.


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Hypertrophy of mammalian cardiac muscle is mediated, in part, by angiotensin II through an angiotensin II type1a receptor (AT1aR)-dependent mechanism. To understand how the level of AT1aRs is altered in this pathological state, we studied the expression of an injected AT1aR promoter-luciferase reporter gene in adult rat hearts subjected to an acute pressure overload by aortic coarctation. This model was validated by demonstrating that coarctation increased expression of the α-skeletal actin promoter 1.7-fold whereas the α-myosin heavy chain promoter was unaffected. Pressure overload increased expression from the AT1aR promoter by 1.6-fold compared with controls. Mutations introduced into consensus binding sites for AP-1 or GATA transcription factors abolished the pressure overload response but had no effect on AT1aR promoter activity in control animals. In extracts from coarcted hearts, but not from control hearts, a Fos-JunB-JunD complex and GATA-4 were detected in association with the AP-1 and GATA sites, respectively. These results establish that the AT1aR promoter is active in cardiac muscle and its expression is induced by pressure overload, and suggest that this response is mediated, in part, by a functional interaction between AP-1 and GATA-4 transcription factors.


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Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) is a key element required to complete mammalian male sex differentiation. The expression pattern of MIS is tightly regulated in fetal, neonatal, and prepubertal testes and adult ovaries and is well conserved among mammalian species. Although several factors have been shown to be essential to MIS expression, its regulatory mechanisms are not fully understood. We have examined MIS promoter activity in 2-day postnatal primary cultures of rat Sertoli cells that continue to express endogenous MIS mRNA. Using this system, we found that the region between human MIS−269 and −192 is necessary for full MIS promoter activity. We identified by DNase I footprint and electrophoretic mobility-shift analyses a distal steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1)-binding site that is essential for full promoter activity. Mutational analysis of this new distal SF-1 site and the previously identified proximal SF-1 site showed that both are necessary for transcriptional activation. Moreover, the proximal promoter also contains multiple GATA-4-binding sites that are essential for functional promoter activity. Thus multiple SF-1- and GATA-4-binding sites in the MIS promoter are required for normal tissue-specific and developmental expression of MIS.


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Level of physical activity is linked to improved glucose homeostasis. We determined whether exercise alters the expression and/or activity of proteins involved in insulin-signal transduction in skeletal muscle. Wistar rats swam 6 h per day for 1 or 5 days. Epitrochlearis muscles were excised 16 h after the last exercise bout, and were incubated with or without insulin (120 nM). Insulin-stimulated glucose transport increased 30% and 50% after 1 and 5 days of exercise, respectively. Glycogen content increased 2- and 4-fold after 1 and 5 days of exercise, with no change in glycogen synthase expression. Protein expression of the glucose transporter GLUT4 and the insulin receptor increased 2-fold after 1 day, with no further change after 5 days of exercise. Insulin-stimulated receptor tyrosine phosphorylation increased 2-fold after 5 days of exercise. Insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin-receptor substrate (IRS) 1 and associated phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase activity increased 2.5- and 3.5-fold after 1 and 5 days of exercise, despite reduced (50%) IRS-1 protein content after 5 days of exercise. After 1 day of exercise, IRS-2 protein expression increased 2.6-fold and basal and insulin-stimulated IRS-2 associated PI 3-kinase activity increased 2.8-fold and 9-fold, respectively. In contrast to IRS-1, IRS-2 expression and associated PI 3-kinase activity normalized to sedentary levels after 5 days of exercise. Insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation increased 5-fold after 5 days of exercise. In conclusion, increased insulin-stimulated glucose transport after exercise is not limited to increased GLUT4 expression. Exercise leads to increased expression and function of several proteins involved in insulin-signal transduction. Furthermore, the differential response of IRS-1 and IRS-2 to exercise suggests that these molecules have specialized, rather than redundant, roles in insulin signaling in skeletal muscle.


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The four major oligomeric reaction products from saponified modified hairy regions (MHR-S) from apple, produced by recombinant rhamnogalacturonan (RG) α-l-rhamnopyranosyl-(1,4)-α-d-galactopyranosyluronide lyase (rRG-lyase) from Aspergillus aculeatus, were isolated and characterized by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. They contain an alternating RG backbone with a degree of polymerization of 4, 6, 8, and 10 and with an α-Δ-(4,5)-unsaturated d-galactopyranosyluronic acid at the nonreducing end and an l-rhamnopyranose at the reducing end. l-Rhamnopyranose units are substituted at C-4 with β-galactose. The maximum reaction rate of rRG-lyase toward MHR-S at pH 6.0 and 31°C was 28 units mg−1. rRG-lyase and RG-hydrolase cleave the same alternating RG I subunit in MHR. Both of these enzymes fragment MHR by a multiple attack mechanism. The catalytic efficiency of rRG-lyase for MHR increases with decreasing degree of acetylation. Removal of arabinose side chains improves the action of rRG-lyase toward MHR-S. In contrast, removal of galactose side chains decreased the catalytic efficiency of rRG-lyase. Native RG-lyase was purified from A. aculeatus, characterized, and found to be similar to the rRG-lyase expressed in Aspergillus oryzae.


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Penetration of 3H-labeled water (3H2O) and the 14C-labeled organic acids benzoic acid ([14C]BA), salicylic acid ([14C]SA), and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid ([14C]2,4-D) were measured simultaneously in isolated cuticular membranes of Prunus laurocerasus L., Ginkgo biloba L., and Juglans regia L. For each of the three pairs of compounds (3H2O/[14C]BA, 3H2O/[14C]SA, and 3H2O/[14C]2,4-D) rates of cuticular water penetration were highly correlated with the rates of penetration of the organic acids. Therefore, water and organic acids penetrated the cuticles by the same routes. With the combination 3H2O/[14C]BA, co-permeability was measured with isolated cuticles of nine other plant species. Permeances of 3H2O of all 12 investigated species were highly correlated with the permeances of [14C]BA (r2 = 0.95). Thus, cuticular transpiration can be predicted from BA permeance. The application of this experimental method, together with the established prediction equation, offers the opportunity to answer several important questions about cuticular transport physiology in future investigations.


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Complement receptor 1 (CR1, CD35) and complement receptor 2 (CR2, CD21) have been implicated as regulators of B-cell activation. We explored the role of these receptors in the development of humoral immunity by generating CR1- and CR2-deficient mice using gene-targeting techniques. These mice have normal basal levels of IgM and of IgG isotypes. B- and T-cell development are overtly normal. Nevertheless, B-cell responses to low and high doses of a T-cell-dependent antigen are impaired with decreased titers of antigen-specific IgM and IgG isotypes. This defect is not complete because there is still partial activation of B lymphocytes during the primary immune response, with generation of splenic germinal centers and a detectable, although reduced, secondary antibody response. These data suggest that certain T-dependent antigens manifest an absolute dependence on complement receptors for the initiation of a normally robust immune response.