8 resultados para Diagnostic Criteria for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Objective: To evaluate the impact of the revised diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus adopted by the American Diabetes Association on prevalence of diabetes and on classification of patients. For epidemiological purposes the American criteria use a fasting plasma glucose concentration ⩾7.0 mmol/l in contrast with the current World Health Organisation criteria of 2 hour glucose concentration ⩾11.1 mmol/l.


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Our preliminary family studies have suggested that some female first-degree relatives of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have hyperandrogenemia per se. It was our hypothesis that this may be a genetic trait and thus could represent a phenotype suitable for linkage analysis. To investigate this hypothesis, we examined 115 sisters of 80 probands with PCOS from unrelated families. PCOS was diagnosed by the combination of elevated serum androgen levels and ≤6 menses per year with the exclusion of secondary causes. The sisters were compared with 70 healthy age- and weight-comparable control women with regular menses, no clinical evidence of hyperandrogenemia, and normal glucose tolerance. Twenty-two percent of the sisters fulfilled diagnostic criteria for PCOS. In addition, 24% of the sisters had hyperandrogenemia and regular menstrual cycles. Circulating testosterone (T) and nonsex hormone-binding globulin-bound testosterone (uT) levels in both of these groups of sisters were significantly increased compared with unaffected sisters and control women (P < 0.0001 for both T and uT). Probands, sisters with PCOS, and hyperandrogenemic sisters had elevated serum luteinizing hormone levels compared with control women. We conclude that there is familial aggregation of hyperandrogenemia (with or without oligomenorrhea) in PCOS kindreds. In affected sisters, only one-half have oligomenorrhea and hyperandrogenemia characteristic of PCOS, whereas the remaining one-half have hyperandrogenemia per se. This familial aggregation of hyperandrogenemia in PCOS kindreds suggests that it is a genetic trait. We propose that hyperandrogenemia be used to assign affected status in linkage studies designed to identify PCOS genes.


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The heroin analogue 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, MPP+, both in vitro and in vivo, produces death of dopaminergic substantia nigral cells by inhibiting the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase multienzyme complex, producing a syndrome indistinguishable from Parkinson's disease. Similarly, a fragment of amyloid protein, Aβ1–42, is lethal to hippocampal cells, producing recent memory deficits characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. Here we show that addition of 4 mM d-β-hydroxybutyrate protected cultured mesencephalic neurons from MPP+ toxicity and hippocampal neurons from Aβ1–42 toxicity. Our previous work in heart showed that ketone bodies, normal metabolites, can correct defects in mitochondrial energy generation. The ability of ketone bodies to protect neurons in culture suggests that defects in mitochondrial energy generation contribute to the pathophysiology of both brain diseases. These findings further suggest that ketone bodies may play a therapeutic role in these most common forms of human neurodegeneration.


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Werner syndrome (WS) is a human progeroid syndrome characterized by the early onset of a large number of clinical features associated with the normal aging process. The complex molecular and cellular phenotypes of WS involve characteristic features of genomic instability and accelerated replicative senescence. The gene involved (WRN) was recently cloned, and its gene product (WRNp) was biochemically characterized as a helicase. Helicases play important roles in a variety of DNA transactions, including DNA replication, transcription, repair, and recombination. We have assessed the role of the WRN gene in transcription by analyzing the efficiency of basal transcription in WS lymphoblastoid cell lines that carry homozygous WRN mutations. Transcription was measured in permeabilized cells by [3H]UTP incorporation and in vitro by using a plasmid template containing the RNA polymerase II (RNA pol II)–dependent adenovirus major late promoter. With both of these approaches, we find that the transcription efficiency in different WS cell lines is reduced to 40–60% of the transcription in cells from normal individuals. This defect can be complemented by the addition of normal cell extracts to the chromatin of WS cells. Addition of purified wild-type WRNp but not mutated WRNp to the in vitro transcription assay markedly stimulates RNA pol II–dependent transcription carried out by nuclear extracts. A nonhelicase domain (a direct repeat of 27 amino acids) also appears to have a role in transcription enhancement, as revealed by a yeast hybrid–protein reporter assay. This is further supported by the lack of stimulation of transcription when mutant WRNp lacking this domain was added to the in vitro assay. We have thus used several approaches to show a role for WRNp in RNA pol II transcription, possibly as a transcriptional activator. A deficit in either global or regional transcription in WS cells may be a primary molecular defect responsible for the WS clinical phenotype.


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Yeast Las17 protein is homologous to the Wiskott–Aldrich Syndrome protein, which is implicated in severe immunodeficiency. Las17p/Bee1p has been shown to be important for actin patch assembly and actin polymerization. Here we show that Las17p interacts with the Arp2/3 complex. LAS17 is an allele-specific multicopy suppressor of ARP2 and ARP3 mutations; overexpression restores both actin patch organization and endocytosis defects in ARP2 temperature-sensitive (ts) cells. Six of seven ARP2 ts mutants and at least one ARP3 ts mutant are synthetically lethal with las17Δ ts confirming functional interaction with the Arp2/3 complex. Further characterization of las17Δ cells showed that receptor-mediated internalization of α factor by the Ste2 receptor is severely defective. The polarity of normal bipolar bud site selection is lost. Las17-gfp remains localized in cortical patches in vivo independently of polymerized actin and is required for the polarized localization of Arp2/3 as well as actin. Coimmunoprecipitation of Arp2p with Las17p indicates that Las17p interacts directly with the complex. Two hybrid results also suggest that Las17p interacts with actin, verprolin, Rvs167p and several other proteins including Src homology 3 (SH3) domain proteins, suggesting that Las17p may integrate signals from different regulatory cascades destined for the Arp2/3p complex and the actin cytoskeleton.


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Nucleotide excision repair (NER) of ultraviolet light-damaged DNA in eukaryotes requires a large number of highly conserved protein factors. Recent studies in yeast have suggested that NER involves the action of distinct protein subassemblies at the damage site rather than the placement there of a "preformed repairosome" containing all the essential NER factors. Neither of the two endonucleases, Rad1-Rad10 and Rad2, required for dual incision, shows any affinity for ultraviolet-damaged DNA. Rad1-Rad10 forms a ternary complex with the DNA damage recognition protein Rad14, providing a means for targeting this nuclease to the damage site. It has remained unclear how the Rad2 nuclease is targeted to the DNA damage site and why mutations in the human RAD2 counterpart, XPG, result in Cockayne syndrome. Here we examine whether Rad2 is part of a higher order subassembly. Interestingly, we find copurification of Rad2 protein with TFIIH, such that TFIIH purified from a strain that overexpresses Rad2 contains a stoichiometric amount of Rad2. By several independent criteria, we establish that Rad2 is tightly associated with TFIIH, exhibiting an apparent dissociation constant < 3.3 x 10(-9) M. These results identify a novel subassembly consisting of TFIIH and Rad2, which we have designated as nucleotide excision repair factor 3. Association with TFIIH provides a means of targeting Rad2 to the damage site, where its endonuclease activity would mediate the 3' incision. Our findings are important for understanding the manner of assembly of the NER machinery and they have implications for Cockayne syndrome.