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Incubation of Na/K-ATPase with ascorbate plus H2O2 produces specific cleavage of the α subunit. Five fragments with intact C termini and complementary fragments with intact N termini were observed. The β subunit is not cleaved. Cleavages depend on the presence of contaminant or added Fe2+ ions, as inferred by suppression of cleavages with nonspecific metal complexants (histidine, EDTA, phenanthroline) or the Fe3+-specific complexant desferrioxamine, or acceleration of cleavages by addition of low concentrations of Fe2+ but not of other heavy metal ions. Na/K-ATPase is inactivated in addition to cleavage, and both effects are insensitive to OH⋅ radical scavengers. Cleavages are sensitive to conformation. In low ionic strength media (E2) or media containing Rb ions [E2(Rb)], cleavage is much faster than in high ionic strength media (E1) or media containing Na ions (E1Na). N-terminal fragments and two C-terminal fragments (N-terminals E214 and V712) have been identified by amino acid sequencing. Approximate positions of other cleavages were determined with specific antibodies. The results suggest that Fe2+ (or Fe3+) ions bind with high affinity at the cytoplasmic surface and catalyze cleavages of peptide bonds close to the Fe2+ (or Fe3+) ion. Thus, cleavage patterns can provide information on spatial organization of the polypeptide chain. We propose that highly conserved regions of the α subunit, within the minor and major cytoplasmic loops, interact in the E2 or E2(Rb) conformations but move apart in the E1 or E1Na conformations. We discuss implications of domain interactions for the energy transduction mechanism. Fe-catalyzed cleavages may be applicable to other P-type pumps or membrane proteins.


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The structure of a multisubunit protein (immunoglobulin light chain) was solved in three crystal forms, differing only in the solvent of crystallization. The three structures were obtained at high ionic strength and low pH, high ionic strength and high pH, and low ionic strength and neutral pH. The three resulting "snapshots" of possible structures show that their variable-domain interactions differ, reflecting their stabilities under specific solvent conditions. In the three crystal forms, the variable domains had different rotational and translational relationships, whereas no alteration of the constant domains was found. The critical residues involved in the observed effect of the solvent are tryptophans and histidines located between the two variable domains in the dimeric structure. Tryptophan residues are commonly found in interfaces between proteins and their subunits, and histidines have been implicated in pH-dependent conformation changes. The quaternary structure observed for a multisubunit protein or protein complex in a crystal may be influenced by the interactions of the constituents within the molecule or complex and/or by crystal packing interactions. The comparison of buried surface areas and hydrogen bonds between the domains forming the molecule and between the molecules forming the crystals suggest that, for this system, the interactions within the molecule are most likely the determining factors.


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In the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, oligosaccharyl transferase (OT), which catalyzes the transfer of dolichol-linked oligosaccharide chains to nascent polypeptides in the endoplasmic reticulum, consists of nine nonidentical membrane protein subunits. Genetic and biochemical evidence indicated these nine proteins exist in three subcomplexes. Three of the OT subunits (Ost4p, Ost3p, and Stt3p) have been proposed to exist in one subcomplex. To investigate the interaction of these three membrane proteins, initially we carried out a mutational analysis of Ost4p, which is an extraordinarily small membrane protein containing only 36 amino acid residues. This analysis indicated that when single amino acid residues in a region close to the luminal face of the putative transmembrane domain of Ost4p were changed into an ionizable amino acid such as Lys or Asp, growth at 37°C and OT activity measured in vitro were impaired. In addition, using immunoprecipitation techniques and Western blot analysis, we found that with these mutations the interaction between Ost4p, Ost3p, and Stt3p was disrupted. Introduction of Lys or Asp residues at other positions in the putative transmembrane domain or at the N or C terminus of Ost4p had no effect on disrupting subunit interactions or impairing the activity of OT. These findings suggest that a localized region of the putative transmembrane domain of Ost4p mediates in stabilization of the interaction with the two other OT subunits (Ost3p and Stt3p) in a subcomplex in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.


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Pre-mRNA splicing requires the bridging of the 5′ and 3′ ends of the intron. In yeast, this bridging involves interactions between the WW domains in the splicing factor PRP40 and a proline-rich domain in the branchpoint binding protein, BBP. Using a proline-rich domain derived from formin (a product of the murine limb deformity locus), we have identified a family of murine formin binding proteins (FBP’s), each of which contains one or more of a special class of tyrosine-rich WW domains. Two of these WW domains, in the proteins FBP11 and FBP21, are strikingly similar to those found in the yeast splicing factor PRP40. We show that FBP21 is present in highly purified spliceosomal complex A, is associated with U2 snRNPs, and colocalizes with splicing factors in nuclear speckle domains. Moreover, FBP21 interacts directly with the U1 snRNP protein U1C, the core snRNP proteins SmB and SmB′, and the branchpoint binding protein SF1/mBBP. Thus, FBP21 may play a role in cross-intron bridging of U1 and U2 snRNPs in the mammalian A complex.


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Previously we showed that the functional activity of the epithelial chloride channel that is encoded by the cystic fibrosis gene (CFTR) is reciprocally modulated by two components of the vesicle fusion machinery, syntaxin 1A and Munc-18. Here we report that syntaxin 1A inhibits CFTR chloride channels by means of direct and domain-specific protein–protein interactions. Syntaxin 1A stoichiometrically binds to the N-terminal cytoplasmic tail of CFTR, and this binding is blocked by Munc-18. The modulation of CFTR currents by syntaxin 1A is eliminated either by deletion of this tail or by injecting this tail as a blocking peptide into coexpressing Xenopus oocytes. The CFTR binding site on syntaxin 1A maps to the third predicted helical domain (H3) of this membrane protein. Moreover, CFTR Cl− currents are effectively inhibited by a minimal syntaxin 1A construct (i.e., the membrane-anchored H3 domain) that cannot fully substitute for wild-type syntaxin 1A in membrane fusion reactions. We also show that syntaxin 1A binds to and inhibits the activities of disease-associated mutants of CFTR, and that the chloride current activity of recombinant ΔF508 CFTR (i.e., the most common cystic fibrosis mutant) can be potentiated by disrupting its interaction with syntaxin 1A in cultured epithelial cells. Our results provide evidence for a direct physical interaction between CFTR and syntaxin 1A that limits the functional activities of normal and disease-associated forms of this chloride channel.


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The effects of NusA on the RNA polymerase contacts made by nucleotides at internal positions in the nascent RNA in Escherichia coli transcription complexes were analyzed by using the photocrosslinking nucleotide analog 5-[(4-azidophenacyl) thio]-UMP. It was placed at nucleotides between +6 and +15 in RNA transcribed from the phage lambda PR' promoter. Crosslinks of analog in these positions in RNAs which contained either 15, 28, 29, or 49 nt were examined. Contacts between the nascent RNA and proteins in the transcription complex were analyzed as the RNA was elongated, by placing the crosslinker nearest the 5' end of the RNA 10, 23, 24, or 44 nt away from the 3' end. The beta or beta' subunit of polymerase, and NusA when added, were contacted by RNA from 15 to 49 nt long. When the upstream crosslinker was 24 nt from the 3" end of the RNA (29-nt RNA), alpha was also contacted in the absence of NusA. The addition of NusA prevented RNA crosslinking to alpha. When the crosslinker was 44 nt from the 3' end (49-nt RNA), alpha crosslinks were still observed, but crosslinks to beta or beta' and NusA were greatly diminished. RNA crosslinking to alpha, and loss of this crosslink when NusA was added, was observed in the presence of NusB, NusE, and NusG and when transcription was carried out in the presence of an E. coli S100 cell extract. Peptide mapping localized the RNA interactions to the C-terminal domain of alpha.


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Translocation of mitochondrial precursor proteins across the mitochondrial outer membrane is facilitated by the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) complex. By using site-specific photocrosslinking, we have mapped interactions between TOM proteins and a mitochondrial precursor protein arrested at two distinct stages, stage A (accumulated at 0°C) and stage B (accumulated at 30°C), in the translocation across the outer membrane at high resolution not achieved previously. Although the stage A and stage B intermediates were assigned previously to the forms bound to the cis site and the trans site of the TOM complex, respectively, the results of crosslinking indicate that the presequence of the intermediates at both stage A and stage B is already on the trans side of the outer membrane. The mature domain is unfolded and bound to Tom40 at stage B whereas it remains folded at stage A. After dissociation from the TOM complex, translocation of the stage B intermediate, but not of the stage A intermediate, across the inner membrane was promoted by the intermembrane-space domain of Tom22. We propose a new model for protein translocation across the outer membrane, where translocation of the presequence and unfolding of the mature domain are not necessarily coupled.


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Phosphorylation of Ser-627 is both necessary and sufficient for full activity of the expressed 35-kDa catalytic domain of myosin I heavy chain kinase (MIHCK). Ser-627 lies in the variable loop between highly conserved residues DFG and APE at a position at which a phosphorylated Ser/Thr also occurs in many other Ser/Thr protein kinases. The variable loop of MIHCK contains two other hydroxyamino acids: Thr-631, which is conserved in almost all Ser/Thr kinases, and Thr-632, which is not conserved. We determined the effects on the kinase activity of the expressed catalytic domain of mutating Ser-627, Thr-631, and Thr-632 individually to Ala, Asp, and Glu. The S627A mutant was substantially less active than wild type (wt), with a lower kcat and higher Km for both peptide substrate and ATP, but was more active than unphosphorylated wt. The S627D and S627E mutants were also less active than phosphorylated wt, i.e., acidic amino acids cannot substitute for phospho-Ser-627. The activity of the T631A mutant was as low as that of the S627A mutant, whereas the T632A mutant was as active as phosphorylated wt, indicating that highly conserved Thr-631, although not phosphorylated, is essential for catalytic activity. Asp and Glu substitutions for Thr-631 and Thr-632 were inhibitory to various degrees. Molecular modeling indicated that Thr-631 can hydrogen bond with conserved residue Asp-591 in the catalytic loop and that similar interactions are possible for other kinases whose activities also are regulated by phosphorylation in the variable loop. Thus, this conserved Thr residue may be essential for the activities of other Ser/Thr protein kinases as well as for the activity of MIHCK.


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Atomic level structures have been determined for the soluble forms of several colicins and toxins, but the structural changes that occur after membrane binding have not been well characterized. Changes occurring in the transition from the soluble to membrane-bound state of the C-terminal 190-residue channel polypeptide of colicin E1 (P190) bound to anionic membranes are described. In the membrane-bound state, the α-helical content increases from 60–64% to 80–90%, with a concomitant increase in the average length of the helical segments from 12 to 16 or 17 residues, close to the length required to span the membrane bilayer in the open channel state. The average distance between helical segments is increased and interhelix interactions are weakened, as shown by a major loss of tertiary structure interactions, decreased efficiency of fluorescence resonance energy transfer from an energy donor on helix V of P190 to an acceptor on helix IX, and decreased resonance energy transfer at higher temperatures, not observed in soluble P190, implying freedom of motion of helical segments. Weaker interactions are also shown by a calorimetric thermal transition of low cooperativity, and the extended nature of the helical array is shown by a 3- to 4-fold increase in the average area subtended per molecule to 4,200 Å2 on the membrane surface. The latter, with analysis of the heat capacity changes, implies the absence of a developed hydrophobic core in the membrane-bound P190. The membrane interfacial layer thus serves to promote formation of a highly helical extended two-dimensional flexible net. The properties of the membrane-bound state of the colicin channel domain (i.e., hydrophobic anchor, lengthened and loosely coupled α-helices, and close association with the membrane interfacial layer) are plausible structural features for the state that is a prerequisite for voltage gating, formation of transmembrane helices, and channel opening.


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The 1,3–1,4-β-glucanase from Bacillus macerans (wtGLU) and the 1,4-β-xylanase from Bacillus subtilis (wtXYN) are both single-domain jellyroll proteins catalyzing similar enzymatic reactions. In the fusion protein GluXyn-1, the two proteins are joined by insertion of the entire XYN domain into a surface loop of cpMAC-57, a circularly permuted variant of wtGLU. GluXyn-1 was generated by protein engineering methods, produced in Escherichia coli and shown to fold spontaneously and have both enzymatic activities at wild-type level. The crystal structure of GluXyn-1 was determined at 2.1 Å resolution and refined to R = 17.7% and R(free) = 22.4%. It shows nearly ideal, native-like folding of both protein domains and a small, but significant hinge bending between the domains. The active sites are independent and accessible explaining the observed enzymatic activity. Because in GluXyn-1 the complete XYN domain is inserted into the compact folding unit of GLU, the wild-type-like activity and tertiary structure of the latter proves that the folding process of GLU does not depend on intramolecular interactions that are short-ranged in the sequence. Insertion fusions of the GluXyn-1 type may prove to be an easy route toward more stable bifunctional proteins in which the two parts are more closely associated than in linear end-to-end protein fusions.


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The PsaF-deficient mutant 3bF of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was used to modify PsaF by nuclear transformation and site-directed mutagenesis. Four lysine residues in the N-terminal domain of PsaF, which have been postulated to form the positively charged face of a putative amphipathic α-helical structure were altered to K12P, K16Q, K23Q, and K30Q. The interactions between plastocyanin (pc) or cytochrome c6 (cyt c6) and photosystem I (PSI) isolated from wild type and the different mutants were analyzed using crosslinking techniques and flash absorption spectroscopy. The K23Q change drastically affected crosslinking of pc to PSI and electron transfer from pc and cyt c6 to PSI. The corresponding second order rate constants for binding of pc and cyt c6 were reduced by a factor of 13 and 7, respectively. Smaller effects were observed for mutations K16Q and K30Q, whereas in K12P the binding was not changed relative to wild type. None of the mutations affected the half-life of the microsecond electron transfer performed within the intermolecular complex between the donors and PSI. The fact that these single amino acid changes within the N-terminal domain of PsaF have different effects on the electron transfer rate constants and dissociation constants for both electron donors suggests the existence of a rather precise recognition site for pc and cyt c6 that leads to the stabilization of the final electron transfer complex through electrostatic interactions.


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The Pointed (PNT) domain and an adjacent mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphorylation site are defined by sequence conservation among a subset of ets transcription factors and are implicated in two regulatory strategies, protein interactions and posttranslational modifications, respectively. By using NMR, we have determined the structure of a 110-residue fragment of murine Ets-1 that includes the PNT domain and MAP kinase site. The Ets-1 PNT domain forms a monomeric five-helix bundle. The architecture is distinct from that of any known DNA- or protein-binding module, including the helix-loop-helix fold proposed for the PNT domain of the ets protein TEL. The MAP kinase site is in a highly flexible region of both the unphosphorylated and phosphorylated forms of the Ets-1 fragment. Phosphorylation alters neither the structure nor monomeric state of the PNT domain. These results suggest that the Ets-1 PNT domain functions in heterotypic protein interactions and support the possibility that target recognition is coupled to structuring of the MAP kinase site.


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Reassembly of enzymes from peptide fragments has been used as a strategy for understanding the evolution, folding, and role of individual subdomains in catalysis and regulation of activity. We demonstrate an oligomerization-assisted enzyme reassembly strategy whereby fragments are covalently linked to independently folding and interacting domains whose interactions serve to promote efficient refolding and complementation of fragments, forming active enzyme. We show that active murine dihydrofolate reductase (E.C. can be reassembled from complementary N- and C-terminal fragments when fused to homodimerizing GCN4 leucine zipper-forming sequences as well as heterodimerizing protein partners. Reassembly is detected by an in vivo selection assay in Escherichia coli and in vitro. The effects of mutations that disrupt fragment affinity or enzyme activity were assessed. The steady–state kinetic parameters for the reassembled mutant (Phe-31 → Ser) were determined; they are not significantly different from the full-length mutant. The strategy described here provides a general approach for protein dissection and domain swapping studies, with the capacity both for rapid in vivo screening as well as in vitro characterization. Further, the strategy suggests a simple in vivo enzyme-based detection system for protein–protein interactions, which we illustrate with two examples: ras–GTPase and raf–ras-binding domain and FK506-binding protein-rapamycin complexed with the target of rapamycin TOR2.


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Fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) exhibit a β-barrel topology, comprising 10 antiparallel β-sheets capped by two short α-helical segments. Previous studies suggested that fatty acid transfer from several FABPs occurs during interaction between the protein and the acceptor membrane, and that the helical domain of the FABPs plays an important role in this process. In this study, we employed a helix-less variant of intestinal FABP (IFABP-HL) and examined the rate and mechanism of transfer of fluorescent anthroyloxy fatty acids (AOFA) from this protein to model membranes in comparison to the wild type (wIFABP). In marked contrast to wIFABP, IFABP-HL does not show significant modification of the AOFA transfer rate as a function of either the concentration or the composition of the acceptor membranes. These results suggest that the transfer of fatty acids from IFABP-HL occurs by an aqueous diffusion-mediated process, i.e., in the absence of the helical domain, effective collisional transfer of fatty acids to membranes does not occur. Binding of wIFABP and IFABP-HL to membranes was directly analyzed by using a cytochrome c competition assay, and it was shown that IFABP-HL was 80% less efficient in preventing cytochrome c from binding to membranes than the native IFABP. Collectively, these results indicate that the α-helical region of IFABP is involved in membrane interactions and thus plays a critical role in the collisional mechanism of fatty acid transfer from IFABP to phospholipid membranes.


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The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of membrane insertion and the structural organization of pores formed by Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin. We determined the relative affinities for membranes of peptides corresponding to the seven helices that compose the toxin pore-forming domain, their modes of membrane interaction, their structures within membranes, and their orientations relative to the membrane normal. In addition, we used resonance energy transfer measurements of all possible combinatorial pairs of membrane-bound helices to map the network of interactions between helices in their membrane-bound state. The interaction of the helices with the bilayer membrane was also probed by a Monte Carlo simulation protocol to determine lowest-energy orientations. Our results are consistent with a situation in which helices α4 and α5 insert into the membrane as a helical hairpin in an antiparallel manner, while the other helices lie on the membrane surface like the ribs of an umbrella (the “umbrella model”). Our results also support the suggestion that α7 may serve as a binding sensor to initiate the structural rearrangement of the pore-forming domain.