54 resultados para DNA, Viral

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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It has been suggested that anergic T cells may not be only inert cells but may rather play an active role, for example by regulating immune responses. We have previously reported the existence of “anergic” IL-10-producing CD4+ T cells generated in vivo by continuous antigenic stimulation. Using a gene transfer system where the antigen recognized by such T cells is expressed in skeletal muscle by two different DNA viral vectors, we show that these cells not only remain tolerant toward their cognate antigen but also can suppress the immune response of naïve T cells against the immunogenic adenoviral proteins. Furthermore, they can completely inhibit tissue destruction that takes place as a result of an immune response. The system presented here is unique in that the T cells have been anergized in vivo, their antigen specificity and functional status are known, and the amount, form, and timing of antigen expression can be manipulated. This model will therefore permit us to carefully dissect the mechanisms by which these anergic T cells regulate the priming and/or effector function of naïve T cells.


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Bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) induces fibropapillomas in its natural host and can transform fibroblasts in culture. The viral genome is maintained as an episome within fibroblasts, which has allowed extensive genetic analyses of the viral functions required for DNA replication, gene expression, and transformation. Much less is known about BPV-1 gene expression and replication in bovine epithelial cells because the study of the complete viral life cycle requires an experimental system capable of generating a fully differentiated stratified bovine epithelium. Using a combination of organotypic raft cultures and xenografts on nude mice, we have developed a system in which BPV-1 can replicate and produce infectious viral particles. Organotypic cultures were established with bovine keratinocytes plated on a collagen raft containing BPV-1-transformed fibroblasts. These keratinocytes were infected with virus particles isolated from a bovine wart or were transfected with cloned BPV-1 DNA. Several days after the rafts were lifted to the air interface, they were grafted on nude mice. After 6–8 weeks, large xenografts were produced that exhibited a hyperplastic and hyperkeratotic epithelium overlying a large dermal fibroma. These lesions were strikingly similar to a fibropapilloma caused by BPV-1 in the natural host. Amplified viral DNA and capsid antigens were detected in the suprabasal cells of the epithelium. Moreover, infectious virus particles could be isolated from these lesions and quantitated by a focus formation assay on mouse cells in culture. Interestingly, analysis of grafts produced with infected and uninfected fibroblasts indicated that the fibroma component was not required for productive infection or morphological changes characteristic of papillomavirus-infected epithelium. This system will be a powerful tool for the genetic analysis of the roles of the viral gene products in the complete viral life cycle.


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Insolubility of full-length HIV-1 integrase (IN) limited previous structure analyses to individual domains. By introducing five point mutations, we engineered a more soluble IN that allowed us to generate multidomain HIV-1 IN crystals. The first multidomain HIV-1 IN structure is reported. It incorporates the catalytic core and C-terminal domains (residues 52–288). The structure resolved to 2.8 Å is a Y-shaped dimer. Within the dimer, the catalytic core domains form the only dimer interface, and the C-terminal domains are located 55 Å apart. A 26-aa α-helix, α6, links the C-terminal domain to the catalytic core. A kink in one of the two α6 helices occurs near a known proteolytic site, suggesting that it may act as a flexible elbow to reorient the domains during the integration process. Two proteins that bind DNA in a sequence-independent manner are structurally homologous to the HIV-1 IN C-terminal domain, suggesting a similar protein–DNA interaction in which the IN C-terminal domain may serve to bind, bend, and orient viral DNA during integration. A strip of positively charged amino acids contributed by both monomers emerges from each active site of the dimer, suggesting a minimally dimeric platform for binding each viral DNA end. The crystal structure of the isolated catalytic core domain (residues 52–210), independently determined at 1.6-Å resolution, is identical to the core domain within the two-domain 52–288 structure.


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Retroviral DNA integration is mediated by the preintegration complex, a large nucleoprotein complex derived from the core of the infecting virion. We previously have used Mu-mediated PCR to probe the nucleoprotein organization of Moloney murine leukemia virus preintegration complexes. A region of protection spans several hundred base pairs at each end of the viral DNA, and strong enhancements are present near the termini. Here, we show that these footprints reflect a specific association between integrase and the viral DNA ends in functional preintegration complexes. Barrier-to-autointegration factor, a cellular protein that blocks autointegration of Moloney murine leukemia virus DNA, also plays an indirect role in generating the footprints at the ends of the viral DNA. We have exploited Mu-mediated PCR to examine the effect of mutations at the viral DNA termini on complex formation. We find that a replication competent mutant with a deletion at one end of the viral DNA still exhibits a strong enhancement about 20 bp from the terminus of the mutant DNA end. The site of the enhancement therefore appears to be at a fixed distance from the ends of the viral DNA. We also find that a mutation at one end of the viral DNA, which renders the virus incompetent for replication, abolishes the enhancements and protection at both the U3 and U5 ends. A pair of functional viral DNA ends therefore are required to interact before the chemical step of 3′ end processing.


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Using a spectrophotometric assay that measures the hyperchromicity that accompanies the unwinding of a DNA duplex, we have identified an ATP-independent step in the unwinding of a herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) origin of replication, Oris, by a complex of the HSV-1 origin binding protein (UL9 protein) and the HSV-1 single-strand DNA binding protein (ICP8). The sequence unwound is the 18-bp A + T-rich segment that links the two high-affinity UL9 protein binding sites, boxes I and II of Oris. P1 nuclease sensitivity of Oris and single-strand DNA-dependent ATPase measurements of the UL9 protein indicate that, at 37°C, the A + T-rich segment is sufficiently single stranded to permit the binding of ICP8. Binding of the UL9 protein to boxes I and II then results in the formation of the UL9 protein–ICP8 complex, that can, in the absence of ATP, promote unwinding of the A + T-rich segment. On addition of ATP, the helicase activity of the UL9 protein–ICP8 complex can unwind boxes I and II, permitting access of the replication machinery to the Oris sequences.


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We describe molecular and clinical findings in an immunocompetent patient with an oligoastrocytoma and the concomitant presence of the human papovavirus, JC virus (JCV), which is the etiologic agent of the subacute, debilitating demyelinating disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Histologic review revealed a glial neoplasm consisting primarily of a moderately cellular oligodendroglioma with distinct areas of a fibrillary astrocytoma. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed nuclear staining of tumor cells with antibodies against the viral oncoprotein [tumor antigen (T antigen)], the proliferation marker (Ki67), and the cellular proliferation regulator (p53). Using primers specific to the JCV control region, PCR yielded amplified DNA that was identical to the control region of the Mad-4 strain of the virus. PCR analysis demonstrated the presence of the genome for the viral oncoprotein, T antigen, and results from primer extension studies revealed synthesis of the viral early RNA for T antigen in the tumor tissues. The presence of viral T antigen in the tumor tissue was further demonstrated by immunoblot assay. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of JCV DNA, RNA, and T antigen in tissue in which viral T antigen is localized to tumor cell nuclei and suggests the possible association of JCV with some glial neoplasms.


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Adenoviral vector-mediated gene transfer offers significant potential for gene therapy of many human diseases. However, progress has been slowed by several limitations. First, the insert capacity of currently available adenoviral vectors is limited to 8 kb of foreign DNA. Second, the expression of viral proteins in infected cells is believed to trigger a cellular immune response that results in inflammation and in only transient expression of the transferred gene. We report the development of a new adenoviral vector that has all viral coding sequences removed. Thus, large inserts are accommodated and expression of all viral proteins is eliminated. The first application of this vector system carries a dual expression cassette comprising 28.2 kb of nonviral DNA that includes the full-length murine dystrophin cDNA under control of a large muscle-specific promoter and a lacZ reporter construct. Using this vector, we demonstrate independent expression of both genes in primary mdx (dystrophin-deficient) muscle cells.


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The transcriptional transactivator (Tas) of simian foamy virus type 1 strongly augments gene expression directed by both the promoter in the viral long terminal repeat and the newly discovered internal promoter located within the env gene. A region of 121 bp, located immediately 5' to the TATA box in the internal promoter, is required for transactivation by Tas. The present study aimed to identify the precise Tas-responsive target(s) in this region and to determine the role of Tas in transcriptional regulation. By analysis of both clustered-site mutations and hybrid promoters in transient expression assays in murine and simian cells, two separate sequence elements within this 121-bp region were shown to be Tas-dependent transcriptional enhancers. These targets, each < 30 bp in length and displaying no apparent sequence homology one to the other, are designated the promoter-proximal and promoter-distal elements. By means of the gel electrophoresis mobility-shift assays, using purified glutathione S-transferase-Tas fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli, the target proximal to the TATA box exhibited strong binding to glutathione S-transferase-Tas, whereas the distal element appears not to bind. In addition, footprint analysis revealed that 26 bp in the promoter proximal element was protected by glutathione S-transferase-Tas from DNase I. We propose a model for transactivation of the simian foamy virus type 1 internal promoter in which Tas interacts directly with the proximal target element positioned immediately 5' to the TATA box. In this model, Tas attached to this element is presumed to interact with a component(s) of the cellular RNA polymerase II initiation complex and thereby enhance transcription directed by the viral internal promoter.


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In the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), gag MA (matrix), a major structural protein of the virus, carries out opposing targeting functions. During virus assembly, gag MA is cotranslationally myristoylated, a modification required for membrane targeting of gag polyproteins. During virus infection, however, gag MA, by virtue of a nuclear targeting signal at its N terminus, facilitates the nuclear localization of viral DNA and establishment of the provirus. We now show that phosphorylation of gag MA on tyrosine and serine prior to and during virus infection facilitates its dissociation from the membrane, thus allowing it to translocate to the nucleus. Inhibition of gag MA phosphorylation either on tyrosine or on serine prevents gag MA-mediated nuclear targeting of viral nucleic acids and impairs virus infectivity. The requirement for gag MA phosphorylation in virus infection is underscored by our finding that a serine/threonine kinase is associated with virions of HIV-1. These results reveal a novel level of regulation of primate lentivirus infectivity.


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Although the origin of autoimmune antibodies to double-stranded DNA is not known, the variable-region structures of such antibodies indicate that they are produced in response to antigen-selective stimulation. In accordance with this, results from experiments using artificial complexes of DNA and DNA-binding polypeptides for immunizations have indicated that DNA may induce these antibodies. Hence, the immunogenicity of DNA in vivo may depend upon other structures or processes that may render DNA immunogenic. We report that in vivo expression of a single DNA-binding protein, the polyoma virus T antigen, is sufficient to initiate production of anti-double-stranded DNA and anti-histone antibodies but not a panel of other autoantigens. Expression of a mutant, non-DNA-binding T antigen did result in strong production of antibodies to the T antigen, but only borderline levels of antibodies to DNA and no detectable antibodies to histones. Nonexpressing plasmid DNA containing the complete cDNA sequence for T antigen did not evoke such immune responses, indicating that DNA by itself is not immunogenic in vivo. The results represent a conceptual advance in understanding a potential molecular basis for initiation of autoimmunity in systemic lupus erythematosus.


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The ability of DNA polymerases (pols) to catalyze the template-directed synthesis of duplex oligonucleotides containing a nonstandard Watson-Crick base pair between a nucleotide bearing a 5-(2,4-diaminopyrimidine) heterocycle (d kappa) and a nucleotide bearing either deoxyxanthosine (dX) or N1-methyloxoformycin B (pi) has been investigated. The kappa-X and kappa-pi base pairs are jointed by a hydrogen bonding pattern different from and exclusive of those joining the AT and GC base pairs. Reverse transcriptase from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) incorporates dXTP into an oligonucleotide opposite d kappa in a template with good fidelity. With lower efficiency and fidelity, HIV-1 reverse transcriptase also incorporates d kappa TP opposite dX in the template. With d pi in the template, no incorporation of d kappa TP was observed with HIV reverse transcriptase. The Klenow fragment of DNA pol I from Escherichia coli does not incorporate d kappa TP opposite dX in a template but does incorporate dXTP opposite d kappa. Bovine DNA pols alpha, beta, and epsilon accept neither dXTP opposite d kappa nor d kappa TP opposite d pi. DNA pols alpha and epsilon (but not beta) incorporate d kappa TP opposite dX in a template but discontinue elongation after incorporating a single additional base. These results are discussed in light of the crystal structure for pol beta and general considerations of how polymerases must interact with an incoming base pair to faithfully copy genetic information.


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Intramuscular injection of plasmid DNA expression vectors encoding the three envelope proteins of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) induced humoral responses in C57BL/6 mice specific to several antigenic determinants of the viral envelope. The first antibodies appeared within 1-2 weeks after injection of DNA and included antibodies of the IgM isotype. Over the next few weeks, an IgM to IgG class switch occurred, indicating helper T-lymphocyte activity. Peak IgG titers were reached by 4-8 weeks after a single DNA injection and were maintained for at least 6 months without further DNA injections. The antibodies to the envelope proteins reacted with group- and subtype-specific antigenic determinants of the HBV surface antigen (HBsAg). Expression vectors encoding the major (S) and middle (preS2 plus S) envelope proteins induced antibodies specific to the S protein and preS2 domain, and preS2 antibodies were prominent at early time points. In general, the expression vectors induced humoral responses in mice that mimic those observed in humans during the course of natural HBV infection.


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The Rep protein of geminiviruses is the sole viral protein required for their DNA replication. The amino acid sequence of Rep protein contains an NTP binding consensus motif (P-loop). Here we show that purified Rep protein of tomato yellow leaf curl virus expressed in Escherichia coli exhibits an ATPase activity in vitro. Amino acid exchanges in the P-loop sequence of Rep causes a substantial decrease or loss of the ATPase activity. In vivo, mutant viruses carrying these Rep mutations do not replicate in plant cells. These results show that ATP binding by the Rep protein of geminiviruses is required for its function in viral DNA replication.


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Eukaryotic viruses can maintain latency in dividing cells as extrachromosomal nuclear plasmids. Segregation and nuclear retention of DNA is, therefore, a key issue in retaining copy number. The E2 enhancer protein of the papillomaviruses is required for viral DNA replication and transcription. Viral mutants that prevent phosphorylation of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV) E2 protein are transformation-defective, despite normal viral gene expression and replication function. Cell colonies harboring such mutants show sectoring of viral DNA and are unable to maintain the episome. We find that transforming viral DNA attaches to mitotic chromosomes, in contrast to the mutant genome encoding the E2 phosphorylation mutant. Second-site suppressor mutations were uncovered in both E1 and E2 genes that allow for transformation, maintenance, and chromosomal attachment. E2 protein was also found to colocalize to mitotic chromosomes, whereas the mutant did not, suggesting a direct role for E2 in viral attachment to chromosomes. Such viral hitch-hiking onto cellular chromosomes is likely to provide a general mechanism for maintaining nuclear plasmids.


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This study aimed to exploit bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) as large antigen-capacity DNA vaccines (BAC-VAC) against complex pathogens, such as herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). The 152-kbp HSV-1 genome recently has been cloned as an F-plasmid-based BAC in Escherichia coli (fHSV), which can efficiently produce infectious virus progeny upon transfection into mammalian cells. A safe modification of fHSV, fHSVΔpac, does not give rise to progeny virus because the signals necessary to package DNA into virions have been excluded. However, in mammalian cells fHSVΔpac DNA can still replicate, express the HSV-1 genes, cause cytotoxic effects, and produce virus-like particles. Because these functions mimic the lytic cycle of the HSV-1 infection, fHSVΔpac was expected to stimulate the immune system as efficiently as a modified live virus vaccine. To test this hypothesis, mice were immunized with fHSVΔpac DNA applied intradermally by gold-particle bombardment, and the immune responses were compared with those induced by infection with disabled infectious single cycle HSV-1. Immunization with either fHSVΔpac or disabled infectious single cycle HSV-1 induced the priming of HSV-1-specific cytotoxic T cells and the production of virus-specific antibodies and conferred protection against intracerebral injection of wild-type HSV-1 at a dose of 200 LD50. Protection probably was cell-mediated, as transfer of serum from immunized mice did not protect naive animals. We conclude that BAC-VACs per se, or in combination with genetic elements that support replicative amplification of the DNA in the cell nucleus, represent a useful new generation of DNA-based vaccination strategies for many viral and nonviral antigens.