8 resultados para DBD lamp

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Interleukin 1β (IL-1β), a secretory protein lacking a signal peptide, does not follow the classical endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi pathway of secretion. Here we provide the evidence for a “leaderless” secretory route that uses regulated exocytosis of preterminal endocytic vesicles to transport cytosolic IL-1β out of the cell. Indeed, although most of the IL-1β precursor (proIL-1β) localizes in the cytosol of activated human monocytes, a fraction is contained within vesicles that cofractionate with late endosomes and early lysosomes on Percoll density gradients and display ultrastructural features and markers typical of these organelles. The observation of organelles positive for both IL-1β and the endolysosomal hydrolase cathepsin D or for both IL-1β and the lysosomal marker Lamp-1 further suggests that they belong to the preterminal endocytic compartment. In addition, similarly to lysosomal hydrolases, secretion of IL-1β is induced by acidotropic drugs. Treatment of monocytes with the sulfonylurea glibenclamide inhibits both IL-1β secretion and vesicular accumulation, suggesting that this drug prevents the translocation of proIL-1β from the cytosol into the vesicles. A high concentration of extracellular ATP and hypotonic medium increase secretion of IL-1β but deplete the vesicular proIL-1β content, indicating that exocytosis of proIL-1β–containing vesicles is regulated by ATP and osmotic conditions.


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We have previously identified a 94- to 97-kDa oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL)-binding protein in mouse macrophages as macrosialin (MS), a member of the lamp family. Earlier immunostaining studies have shown that MS and its human homolog, CD68, are predominantly intracellular proteins. However, using sensitive techniques such as flow cytometry (FACS) and cell-surface-specific biotinylation, we now show that there is significant surface expression of these proteins. FACS analysis of intact cells using mAb FA/11 showed small but definite surface expression of MS in resident mouse peritoneal macrophages but this was greatly enhanced with thioglycollate elicitation. Biotinylation of intact cells and detergent-solubilized cell preparations followed by immunoprecipitation revealed 10–15% of the total MS content of elicited macrophages on the plasma membrane. Similar results were obtained with untreated RAW 264.7 cells. FACS analysis of intact THP-1 monocytic cells showed minimal surface expression of CD68 on unactivated cells (4% of total cell content). Stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate increased both surface and total CD68 expression considerably. Furthermore, the specific binding at 4°C and uptake at 37°C of 125I-labeled oxidized LDL by activated THP-1 cells was inhibited by 30–50% by CD68 mAbs KP-1 and EBM-11. Thus, although the surface expression of MS/CD68 at steady-state represents only a small percentage of their total cellular content, these proteins can play a significant role in oxidized LDL uptake by activated macrophages in vitro and could contribute to foam cell formation in atherosclerotic lesions.


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A human cDNA encoding an 841-aa guanine nucleotide-exchange protein (GEP) for ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs), named ARF-GEP100, which contains a Sec7 domain, a pleckstrin homology (PH)-like domain, and an incomplete IQ-motif, was identified. On Northern blot analysis of human tissues, a ≈8-kb mRNA that hybridized with an ARF-GEP100 cDNA was abundant in peripheral blood leukocytes, brain, and spleen. ARF-GEP100 accelerated [35S]GTPγS binding to ARF1 (class I) and ARF5 (class II) 2- to 3-fold, and to ARF6 (class III) ca. 12-fold. The ARF-GEP100 Sec7 domain contains Asp543 and Met555, corresponding to residues associated with sensitivity to the inhibitory effect of the fungal metabolite brefeldin A (BFA) in yeast Sec7, but also Phe535 and Ala536, associated with BFA-insensitivity. The PH-like domain differs greatly from those of other ARF GEPs in regions involved in phospholipid binding. Consistent with its structure, ARF-GEP100 activity was not affected by BFA or phospholipids. After subcellular fractionation of cultured T98G human glioblastoma cells, ARF6 was almost entirely in the crude membrane fraction, whereas ARF-GEP100, a 100-kDa protein detected with antipeptide antibodies, was cytosolic. On immunofluorescence microscopy, both proteins had a punctate pattern of distribution throughout the cells, with apparent colocalization only in peripheral areas. The coarse punctate distribution of EEA-1 in regions nearer the nucleus appeared to coincide with that of ARF-GEP100 in those areas. No similar coincidence of ARF-GEP100 with AP-1, AP-2, catenin, LAMP-1, or 58K was observed. The new human BFA-insensitive GEP may function with ARF6 in specific endocytic processes.


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Stimulation of endothelial cells by various inflammatory mediators leads to release of Weibel–Palade bodies and therefore to exocytosis of both P-selectin (adhesion receptor for leukocytes) and von Willebrand factor (vWf) (platelet ligand). The potential role of vWf in leukocyte recruitment was investigated with the use of vWf-deficient mice. We report a strong reduction of leukocyte rolling in venules of vWf-deficient mice. Similarly, vWf deficiency led to a decrease in neutrophil recruitment in a cytokine-induced meningitis model as well as in early skin wounds. In all instances with an antibody that preferentially recognizes plasma membrane P-selectin, we observed a dramatic reduction in P-selectin expression at the cell surface of vWf-deficient endothelium. With confocal microscopy, we found that the typical rodlike shape of the Weibel–Palade body is missing in vWf −/− endothelial cells and that part of the P-selectin content in the vWf −/− cells colocalized with LAMP-1, a lysosomal marker. However, intracellular P-selectin levels were similar in tumor necrosis factor α- and lipopolysaccharide-activated cells of both genotypes. We conclude that the absence of vWf, as found in severe von Willebrand disease, leads to a defect in Weibel–Palade body formation. This defect results in decreased P-selectin translocation to the cell surface and reduced leukocyte recruitment in early phases of inflammation.


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Afipia felis is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes some cases of human Cat Scratch Disease. A. felis can survive and multiply in several mammalian cell types, including macrophages, but the precise intracellular compartmentalization of A. felis-containing phagosomes is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that, in murine macrophages, most A. felis-containing phagosomes exclude lysosomal tracer loaded into macrophage lysosomes before, as well as endocytic tracer loaded after, establishment of an infection. Established Afipia-containing phagosomes possess neither early endosomal marker proteins [early endosome antigen 1 (EEA1), Rab5, transferrin receptor, trytophane aspartate containing coat protein (TACO)] nor late endosomal or lysosomal proteins [cathepsin D, β-glucuronidase, vacuolar proton-pumping ATPase, rab7, mannose-6-phosphate receptor, vesicle-associated membrane protein 8, lysosome-associated membrane proteins LAMP-1 and LAMP-2]. Those bacteria that will be found in a nonendosomal compartment enter the macrophage via an EEA1-negative compartment, which remains negative for LAMP-1. The smaller subpopulation of afipiae whose phagosomes will be part of the endocytic system enters into an EEA1-positive compartment, which also subsequently acquires LAMP-1. Killing of Afipia or opsonization with immune antibodies leads to a strong increase in the percentage of A. felis-containing phagosomes that interact with the endocytic system. We conclude that most phagosomes containing A. felis are disconnected from the endosome–lysosome continuum, that their unusual compartmentalization is decided at uptake, and that this compartmentalization requires bacterial viability.


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ICSBP is a member of the interferon (IFN) regulatory factor (IRF) family that regulates expression of type I interferon (IFN) and IFN-regulated genes. To study the role of the IRF family in viral infection, a cDNA for the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of ICSBP was stably transfected into U937 human monocytic cells. Clones that expressed DBD exhibited a dominant negative phenotype and did not elicit antiviral activity against vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infection upon IFN treatment. Most notably, cells expressing DBD were refractory to infection by vaccinia virus (VV) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). The inhibition of VV infection was attributed to defective virion assembly, and that of HIV-1 to low CD4 expression and inhibition of viral transcription in DBD clones. HIV-1 and VV were found to have sequences in their regulatory regions similar to the IFN-stimulated response element (ISRE) to which IRF family proteins bind. Accordingly, these viral sequences and a cellular ISRE bound a shared factor(s) expressed in U937 cells. These observations suggest a novel host-virus relationship in which the productive infection of some viruses is regulated by the IRF-dependent transcription pathway through the ISRE.


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The presentation of antigenic peptides by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules to CD4+ T cells is critical to the function of the immune system. In this study, we have utilized the sorting signal of the lysosomal-associated membrane protein LAMP-1 to target a model antigen, human papillomavirus 16 E7 (HPV-16 E7), into the endosomal and lysosomal compartments. The LAMP-1 sorting signal reroutes the antigen into the MHC class II processing pathway, resulting in enhanced presentation to CD4+ cells in vitro. In vivo immunization experiments in mice demonstrated that vaccinia containing the chimeric E7/LAMP-1 gene generated greater E7-specific lymphoproliferative activity, antibody titers, and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activities than vaccinia containing the wild-type HPV-16 E7 gene. These results suggest that specific targeting of an antigen to the endosomal and lysosomal compartments enhances MHC class II presentation and vaccine potency.


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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase [PARP; NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase; NAD+:poly(adenosine-diphosphate-D-ribosyl)-acceptor ADP-D-ribosyltransferase, EC] is a zinc-dependent eukaryotic DNA-binding protein that specifically recognizes DNA strand breaks produced by various genotoxic agents. To study the biological function of this enzyme, we have established stable HeLa cell lines that constitutively produce the 46-kDa DNA-binding domain of human PARP (PARP-DBD), leading to the trans-dominant inhibition of resident PARP activity. As a control, a cell line was constructed, producing a point-mutated version of the DBD, which has no affinity for DNA in vitro. Expression of the PARP-DBD had only a slight effect on undamaged cells but had drastic consequences for cells treated with genotoxic agents. Exposure of cell lines expressing the wild-type (wt) or the mutated PARP-DBD, with low doses of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) resulted in an increase in their doubling time, a G2 + M accumulation, and a marked reduction in cell survival. However, UVC irradiation had no preferential effect on the cell growth or viability of cell lines expressing the PARP-DBD. These PARP-DBD-expressing cells treated with MNNG presented the characteristic nucleosomal DNA ladder, one of the hallmarks of cell death by apoptosis. Moreover, these cells exhibited chromosomal instability as demonstrated by higher frequencies of both spontaneous and MNNG-induced sister chromatid exchanges. Surprisingly, the line producing the mutated DBD had the same behavior as those producing the wt DBD, indicating that the mechanism of action of the dominant-negative mutant involves more than its DNA-binding function. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that PARP is an element of the G2 checkpoint in mammalian cells.