22 resultados para Cu(Zn)-SOD
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD) is a key enzyme in the metabolism of oxygen free radicals. The gene resides on chromosome 21 and is overexpressed in patients with Down syndrome. Cultured neurons of transgenic Cu/Zn SOD (Tg-Cu/Zn SOD) mice with elevated activity of Cu/Zn SOD were used to determine whether constitutive overexpression of Cu/Zn SOD creates an indigenous oxidative stress that predisposes the Tg-Cu/Zn SOD neurons to added insults. Neurons from three independently derived Tg-Cu/Zn SOD strains showed higher susceptibility than nontransgenic neurons to kainic acid (KA)-mediated excitotoxicity, reflected by an earlier onset and enhanced apoptotic cell death. This higher susceptibility of transgenic neurons to KA-mediated apoptosis was associated with a chronic prooxidant state that was manifested by reduced levels of cellular glutathione and altered [Ca2+]i homeostasis. The data are compatible with the thesis that overexpression of Cu/Zn SOD creates chronic oxidative stress in the transgenic neurons, which exacerbates their susceptibility to additional insults such as KA-mediated excitotoxicity.
Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) is known to be a locus of mutation in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS). Transgenic mice that express a mutant Cu,Zn-SOD, Gly-93--> Ala (G93A), have been shown to develop amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) symptoms. We cloned the FALS mutant, G93A, and wild-type cDNA of human Cu,Zn-SOD, overexpressed them in Sf9 insect cells, purified the proteins, and studied their enzymic activities for catalyzing the dismutation of superoxide anions and the generation of free radicals with H2O2 as substrate. Our results showed that both enzymes contain one copper ion per subunit and have identical dismutation activity. However, the free radical-generating function of the G93A mutant, as measured by the spin trapping method, is enhanced relative to that of the wild-type enzyme, particularly at lower H2O2 concentrations. This is due to a small, but reproducible, decrease in the value of Km for H2O2 for the G93A mutant, while the kcat is identical for both enzymes. Thus, the ALS symptoms observed in G93A transgenic mice are not caused by the reduction of Cu,Zn-SOD activity with the mutant enzyme; rather, it is induced by a gain-of-function, an enhancement of the free radical-generating function. This is consistent with the x-ray crystallographic studies showing the active channel of the FALS mutant is slightly larger than that of the wild-type enzyme; thus, it is more accessible to H2O2. This gain-of-function, in part, may provide an explanation for the association between ALS and Cu,Zn-SOD mutants.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) involves the progressive degeneration of motor neurons in the spinal cord and motor cortex. Mutations to Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) linked with familial ALS are reported to increase hydroxyl radical adduct formation from hydrogen peroxide as measured by spin trapping with 5,5′-dimethyl-1-pyrrolline N-oxide (DMPO). In the present study, we have used oxygen-17-enriched water and H2O2 to reinvestigate the mechanism of DMPO/⋅OH formation from the SOD and SOD mutants. The relative ratios of DMPO/⋅17OH and DMPO/⋅16OH formed in the Fenton reaction were 90% and 10%, respectively, reflecting the ratios of H217O2 to H216O2. The reaction of the WT SOD with H217O2 in bicarbonate/CO2 buffer yielded 63% DMPO/⋅17OH and 37% DMPO/⋅16OH. Similar results were obtained from the reaction between familial ALS SOD mutants and H217O2: DMPO/⋅17OH (64%); DMPO/⋅16OH (36%) from A4V and DMPO/⋅17OH (62%); and DMPO/⋅16OH (38%) from G93A. These results were confirmed further by using 5-diethoxyphosphoryl-5-methyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide spin trap, a phosphorylated analog of DMPO. Contrary to earlier reports, the present results indicate that a significant fraction of DMPO/⋅OH formed during the reaction of SOD and familial ALS SOD mutants with H2O2 is derived from the incorporation of oxygen from water due to oxidation of DMPO to DMPO/⋅OH presumably via DMPO radical cation. No differences were detected between WT and mutant SODs, neither in the concentration of DMPO/⋅OH or DEPMPO/⋅OH formed nor in the relative incorporation of oxygen from H2O2 or water.
Eukaryotic Cu,Zn superoxide dismutases (CuZnSODs) are antioxidant enzymes remarkable for their unusually stable β-barrel fold and dimer assembly, diffusion-limited catalysis, and electrostatic guidance of their free radical substrate. Point mutations of CuZnSOD cause the fatal human neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. We determined and analyzed the first crystallographic structure (to our knowledge) for CuZnSOD from a prokaryote, Photobacterium leiognathi, a luminescent symbiont of Leiognathid fish. This structure, exemplifying prokaryotic CuZnSODs, shares the active-site ligand geometry and the topology of the Greek key β-barrel common to the eukaryotic CuZnSODs. However, the β-barrel elements recruited to form the dimer interface, the strategy used to forge the channel for electrostatic recognition of superoxide radical, and the connectivity of the intrasubunit disulfide bond in P. leiognathi CuZnSOD are discrete and strikingly dissimilar from those highly conserved in eukaryotic CuZnSODs. This new CuZnSOD structure broadens our understanding of structural features necessary and sufficient for CuZnSOD activity, highlights a hitherto unrecognized adaptability of the Greek key β-barrel building block in evolution, and reveals that prokaryotic and eukaryotic enzymes diverged from one primordial CuZnSOD and then converged to distinct dimeric enzymes with electrostatic substrate guidance.
Dominant mutations of the SOD1 gene encoding Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase have been found in members of certain families with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). To better understand the contribution of SOD1 mutations in the pathogenesis of familial ALS, we developed transgenic mice expressing one of the mutations found in familial ALS. These animals display clinical and pathological features closely resembling human ALS. Early changes observed in these animals were intra-axonal and dendritic vacuoles due to dilatation of the endoplasmic reticulum and vacuolar degeneration of mitochondria. We have reported that the Golgi apparatus of spinal cord motor neurons in patients with sporadic ALS is fragmented and atrophic. In this study we show that spinal cord motor neurons of transgenic mice for an SOD1 mutation display a lesion of the Golgi apparatus identical to that found in humans with sporadic ALS. In these mice, the stacks of the cisternae of the fragmented Golgi apparatus are shorter than in the normal organelle, and there is a reduction in Golgi-associated vesicles and adjacent cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, the fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus occurs in an early, presymptomatic stage and usually precedes the development of the vacuolar changes. Transgenic mice overexpressing the wild-type human superoxide dismutase are normal. In familial ALS, an early lesion of the Golgi apparatus of motor neurons may have adverse functional effects, because newly synthesized proteins destined for fast axoplasmic transport pass through the Golgi apparatus.
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalyzes the conversion of superoxide radical to hydrogen peroxide. Periplasmic localization of bacterial Cu,Zn-SOD has suggested a role of this enzyme in defense against extracellular phagocyte-derived reactive oxygen species. Sequence analysis of regions flanking the Salmonella typhimurium sodC gene encoding Cu,Zn-SOD demonstrates significant homology to λ phage proteins, reflecting possible bacteriophage-mediated horizontal gene transfer of this determinant among pathogenic bacteria. Salmonella deficient in Cu,Zn-SOD has reduced survival in macrophages and attenuated virulence in mice, which can be restored by abrogation of either the phagocyte respiratory burst or inducible nitric oxide synthase. Moreover, a sodC mutant is extremely susceptible to the combination of superoxide and nitric oxide. These observations suggest that SOD protects periplasmic or inner membrane targets by diverting superoxide and limiting peroxynitrite formation, and they demonstrate the ability of the respiratory burst and nitric oxide synthase to synergistically kill microbial pathogens in vivo.
To test the hypothesis that enhanced tolerance of oxidative stress would improve winter survival, two clones of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) were transformed with a Mn-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) targeted to the mitochondria or to the chloroplast. Although Mn-SOD activity increased in most primary transgenic plants, both cytosolic and chloroplastic forms of Cu/Zn-SOD had lower activity in the chloroplast SOD transgenic plants than in the nontransgenic plants. In a field trial at Elora, Ontario, Canada, the survival and yield of 33 primary transgenic and control plants were compared. After one winter most transgenic plants had higher survival rates than control plants, with some at 100%. Similarly, some independent transgenic plants had twice the herbage yield of the control plants. Prescreening the transgenic plants for SOD activity, vigor, or freezing tolerance in the greenhouse was not effective in identifying individual transgenic plants with improved field performance. Freezing injury to leaf blades and fibrous roots, measured by electrolyte leakage from greenhouse-grown acclimated plants, indicated that the most tolerant were only 1°C more freezing-tolerant than alfalfa clone N4. There were no differences among transgenic and control plants for tetrazolium staining of field-grown plants at any freezing temperature. Therefore, although many of the transgenic plants had higher winter survival rates and herbage yield, there was no apparent difference in primary freezing injury, and therefore, the trait is not associated with a change in the primary site of freezing injury.
We analyzed the antioxidative defense responses of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants expressing antisense RNA for uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase or coproporphyrinogen oxidase. These plants are characterized by necrotic leaf lesions resulting from the accumulation of potentially photosensitizing tetrapyrroles. Compared with control plants, the transformants had increased levels of antioxidant mRNAs, particularly those encoding superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. These elevated transcript levels correlated with increased activities of cytosolic Cu/Zn-SOD and mitochondrial Mn-SOD. Total catalase activity decreased in the older leaves of the transformants to levels lower than in the wild-type plants, reflecting an enhanced turnover of this photosensitive enzyme. Most of the enzymes of the Halliwell-Asada pathway displayed increased activities in transgenic plants. Despite the elevated enzyme activities, the limited capacity of the antioxidative system was apparent from decreased levels of ascorbate and glutathione, as well as from necrotic leaf lesions and growth retardation. Our data demonstrate the induction of the enzymatic detoxifying defense system in several compartments, suggesting a photosensitization of the entire cell. It is proposed that the tetrapyrroles that initially accumulate in the plastids leak out into other cellular compartments, thereby necessitating the local detoxification of reactive oxygen species.
To determine if nitration of tyrosine residues by peroxynitrite (PN), which can be generated endogenously, can disrupt the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in proteins involved in cell signaling networks, we studied the effect of PN-promoted nitration of tyrosine residues in a pentadecameric peptide, cdc2(6-20)NH2, on the ability of the peptide to be phosphorylated. cdc2(6-20)NH2 corresponds to the tyrosine phosphorylation site of p34cdc2 kinase, which is phosphorylated by lck kinase (lymphocyte-specific tyrosine kinase, p56lck). PN nitrates both Tyr-15 and Tyr-19 of the peptide in phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) at 37 degrees C. Nitration of Tyr-15. which is the phosphorylated amino acid residue, inhibits completely the phosphorylation of the peptide. The nitration reaction is enhanced by either Fe(III)EDTA or Cu(II)-Zn(II)-superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD). The kinetic data are consistent with the view that reactions of Fe(111)EDTA or Cu,Zn-SOD with the cis form of PN yield complexes in which PN decomposes more slowly to form N02+, the nitrating agent. Thus, the nitration efficiency of PN is enhanced. These results are discussed from the point of view that PN-promoted nitration will result in permanent impairment of cyclic cascades that control signal transduction processes and regulate cell cycles.
We have investigated the evolution of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gpdh). The rate of amino acid replacements is 1 x 10(-10)/site/year when Drosophila species are compared. The rate is 2.7 times greater when Drosophila and Chymomyza species are compared; and about 5 times greater when any of those species are compared with the medfly Ceratitis capitata. This rate of 5 x 10(-10)/site/year is also the rate observed in comparisons between mammals, or between different animal phyla, or between the three multicellular kingdoms. We have also studied the evolution of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (Sod). The rate of amino acid replacements is about 17 x 10(-10)/site/year when comparisons are made between dipterans or between mammals, but only 5 x 10(-10) when animal phyla are compared, and only 3 x 10(-10) when the multicellular kingdoms are compared. The apparent decrease by about a factor of 5 in the rate of SOD evolution as the divergence between species increases can be consistent with the molecular clock hypothesis by assuming the covarion hypothesis (namely, that the number of amino acids that can change is constant, but the set of such amino acids changes from time to time and from lineage to lineage). However, we know of no model consistent with the molecular clock hypothesis that would account for the increase in the rate of GPDH evolution as the divergence between species increases.
Mutations in Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), a hallmark of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) in humans, are shown here to confer striking neuropathology in Drosophila. Heterozygotes with one wild-type and one deleted SOD allele retain the expected 50% of normal activity for this dimeric enzyme. However, heterozygotes with one wild-type and one missense SOD allele show lesser SOD activities, ranging from 37% for a heterozygote carrying a missense mutation predicted from structural models to destabilize the dimer interface, to an average of 13% for several heterozygotes carrying missense mutations predicted to destabilize the subunit fold. Genetic and biochemical evidence suggests a model of dimer dysequilibrium whereby SOD activity in missense heterozygotes is reduced through entrapment of wild-type subunits into unstable or enzymatically inactive heterodimers. This dramatic impairment of the activity of wild-type subunits in vivo has implications for our understanding of FALS and for possible therapeutic strategies.
Free transition metal ions oxidize lipids and lipoproteins in vitro; however, recent evidence suggests that free metal ion-independent mechanisms are more likely in vivo. We have shown previously that human ceruloplasmin (Cp), a serum protein containing seven Cu atoms, induces low density lipoprotein oxidation in vitro and that the activity depends on the presence of a single, chelatable Cu atom. We here use biochemical and molecular approaches to determine the site responsible for Cp prooxidant activity. Experiments with the His-specific reagent diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) showed that one or more His residues was specifically required. Quantitative [14C]DEPC binding studies indicated the importance of a single His residue because only one was exposed upon removal of the prooxidant Cu. Plasmin digestion of [14C]DEPC-treated Cp (and N-terminal sequence analysis of the fragments) showed that the critical His was in a 17-kDa region containing four His residues in the second major sequence homology domain of Cp. A full length human Cp cDNA was modified by site-directed mutagenesis to give His-to-Ala substitutions at each of the four positions and was transfected into COS-7 cells, and low density lipoprotein oxidation was measured. The prooxidant site was localized to a region containing His426 because CpH426A almost completely lacked prooxidant activity whereas the other mutants expressed normal activity. These observations support the hypothesis that Cu bound at specific sites on protein surfaces can cause oxidative damage to macromolecules in their environment. Cp may serve as a model protein for understanding mechanisms of oxidant damage by copper-containing (or -binding) proteins such as Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase, and amyloid precursor protein.
Peroxynitrite activates the cyclooxygenase activities of constitutive and inducible prostaglandin endoperoxide synthases by serving as a substrate for the enzymes’ peroxidase activities. Activation of purified enzyme is induced by direct addition of peroxynitrite or by in situ generation of peroxynitrite from NO coupling to superoxide anion. Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase completely inhibits cyclooxygenase activation in systems where peroxynitrite is generated in situ from superoxide. In the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7, the lipophilic superoxide dismutase-mimetic agents, Cu(II) (3,5-diisopropylsalicylic acid)2, and Mn(III) tetrakis(1-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin dose-dependently decrease the synthesis of prostaglandins without affecting the levels of NO synthase or prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase or by inhibiting the release of arachidonic acid. These findings support the hypothesis that peroxynitrite is an important modulator of cyclooxygenase activity in inflammatory cells and establish that superoxide anion serves as a biochemical link between NO and prostaglandin biosynthesis.
Mutations in Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) cause the neurodegenerative disease familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis from an as-yet-unidentified toxic property(ies). Analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae of a broad range of human familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis–linked SOD1 mutants (A4V, G37R, G41D, H46R, H48Q, G85R, G93C, and I113T) reveals one property common to these mutants (including two at residues that coordinate the catalytic copper): Each does indeed bind copper and scavenge oxygen-free radicals in vivo. Neither decreased copper binding nor decreased superoxide scavenging activity is a property shared by all mutants. The demonstration that shows that all mutants tested do bind copper under physiologic conditions supports a mechanism of SOD1 mutant-mediated disease arising from aberrant copper-mediated chemistry catalyzed by less tightly folded (and hence less constrained) mutant enzymes. The mutant enzymes also are shown to acquire the catalytic copper in vivo through the action of CCS, a specific copper chaperone for SOD1, which in turn suggests that a search for inhibitors of this SOD1 copper chaperone may represent a therapeutic avenue.
Essential role for mammalian copper transporter Ctr1 in copper homeostasis and embryonic development
The trace metal copper (Cu) plays an essential role in biology as a cofactor for many enzymes that include Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase, cytochrome oxidase, ceruloplasmin, lysyl oxidase, and dopamine β-hydroxylase. Consequently, Cu transport at the cell surface and the delivery of Cu to intracellular compartments are critical events for a wide variety of biological processes. The components that orchestrate intracellular Cu trafficking and their roles in Cu homeostasis have been elucidated by the studies of model microorganisms and by the characterizations of molecular basis of Cu-related genetic diseases, including Menkes disease and Wilson disease. However, little is known about the mechanisms for Cu uptake at the plasma membrane and the consequences of defects in this process in mammals. Here, we show that the mouse Ctr1 gene encodes a component of the Cu transport machinery and that mice heterozygous for Ctr1 exhibit tissue-specific defects in copper accumulation and in the activities of copper-dependent enzymes. Mice completely deficient for Ctr1 exhibit profound growth and developmental defects and die in utero in mid-gestation. These results demonstrate a crucial role for Cu acquisition through the Ctr1 transporter for mammalian Cu homeostasis and embryonic development.