10 resultados para Clostridium perfringens type D

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The RD114/simian type D retroviruses, which include the feline endogenous retrovirus RD114, all strains of simian immunosuppressive type D retroviruses, the avian reticuloendotheliosis group including spleen necrosis virus, and baboon endogenous virus, use a common cell-surface receptor for cell entry. We have used a retroviral cDNA library approach, involving transfer and expression of cDNAs from highly infectable HeLa cells to nonpermissive NIH 3T3 mouse cells, to clone and identify this receptor. The cloned cDNA, denoted RDR, is an allele of the previously cloned neutral amino acid transporter ATB0 (SLC1A5). Both RDR and ATB0 serve as retrovirus receptors and both show specific transport of neutral amino acids. We have localized the receptor by radiation hybrid mapping to a region of about 500-kb pairs on the long arm of human chromosome 19 at q13.3. Infection of cells with RD114/type D retroviruses results in impaired amino acid transport, suggesting a mechanism for virus toxicity and immunosuppression. The identification and functional characterization of this retrovirus receptor provide insight into the retrovirus life cycle and pathogenesis and will be an important tool for optimization of gene therapy using vectors derived from RD114/type D retroviruses.


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The jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV), which appears to be a type B/D retrovirus chimera, has been incriminated as the cause of ovine pulmonary carcinoma. Recent studies suggest that the sequences related to this virus are found in the genomes of normal sheep and goats. To learn whether there are breeds of sheep that lack the endogenous viral sequences and to study their distribution among other groups of mammals, we surveyed several domestic sheep and goat breeds, other ungulates, and various mammal groups for sequences related to JSRV. Probes prepared from the envelope (SU) region of JSRV and the capsid (CA) region of a Peruvian type D virus related to JSRV were used in Southern blot hybridization with genomic DNA followed by low- and high-stringency washes. Fifteen to 20 CA and SU bands were found in all members of the 13 breeds of domestic sheep and 6 breeds of goats tested. There were similar findings in 6 wild Ovis and Capra genera. Within 22 other genera of Bovidae including domestic cattle, and 7 other families of Artiodactyla including Cervidae, there were usually a few CA or SU bands at low stringency and rare bands at high stringency. Among 16 phylogenetically distant genera, there were generally fewer bands hybridizing with either probe. These results reveal wide-spread phylogenetic distribution of endogenous type B and type D retroviral sequences related to JSRV among mammals and argue for further investigation of their potential role in disease.


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The cell wall imparts structural strength and shape to bacteria. It is made up of polymeric glycan chains with peptide branches that are cross-linked to form the cell wall. The cross-linking reaction, catalyzed by transpeptidases, is the last step in cell wall biosynthesis. These enzymes are members of the family of penicillin-binding proteins, the targets of β-lactam antibiotics. We report herein the structure of a penicillin-binding protein complexed with a cephalosporin designed to probe the mechanism of the cross-linking reaction catalyzed by transpeptidases. The 1.2-Å resolution x-ray structure of this cephalosporin bound to the active site of the bifunctional serine type d-alanyl-d-alanine carboxypeptidase/transpeptidase (EC from Streptomyces sp. strain R61 reveals how the two peptide strands from the polymeric substrates are sequestered in the active site of a transpeptidase. The structure of this complex provides a snapshot of the enzyme and the bound cell wall components poised for the final and critical cross-linking step of cell wall biosynthesis.


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Recent studies demonstrated that a synthetic fusion peptide of HIV-1 self-associates in phospholipid membranes and inhibits HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein-mediated cell fusion, presumably by interacting with the N-terminal domain of gp41 and forming inactive heteroaggregates [Kliger, Y., Aharoni, A., Rapaport, D., Jones, P., Blumenthal, R. & Shai, Y. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 13496–13505]. Here, we show that a synthetic all d-amino acid peptide corresponding to the N-terminal sequence of HIV-1 gp41 (D-WT) of HIV-1 associates with its enantiomeric wild-type fusion (WT) peptide in the membrane and inhibits cell fusion mediated by the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein. D-WT does not inhibit cell fusion mediated by the HIV-2 envelope glycoprotein. WT and D-WT are equally potent in inducing membrane fusion. D-WT peptide but not WT peptide is resistant to proteolytic digestion. Structural analysis showed that the CD spectra of D-WT in trifluoroethanol/water is a mirror image of that of WT, and attenuated total reflectance–fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed similar structures and orientation for the two enantiomers in the membrane. The results reveal that the chirality of the synthetic peptide corresponding to the HIV-1 gp41 N-terminal sequence does not play a role in liposome fusion and that the peptides’ chirality is not necessarily required for peptide–peptide interaction within the membrane environment. Furthermore, studies along these lines may provide criteria to design protease-resistant therapeutic agents against HIV and other viruses.


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Vitamin D, the major steroid hormone that controls mineral ion homeostasis, exerts its actions through the vitamin D receptor (VDR). The VDR is expressed in many tissues, including several tissues not thought to play a role in mineral metabolism. Studies in kindreds with VDR mutations (vitamin D-dependent rickets type II, VDDR II) have demonstrated hypocalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, rickets, and osteomalacia. Alopecia, which is not a feature of vitamin D deficiency, is seen in some kindreds. We have generated a mouse model of VDDR II by targeted ablation of the second zinc finger of the VDR DNA-binding domain. Despite known expression of the VDR in fetal life, homozygous mice are phenotypically normal at birth and demonstrate normal survival at least until 6 months. They become hypocalcemic at 21 days of age, at which time their parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels begin to rise. Hyperparathyroidism is accompanied by an increase in the size of the parathyroid gland as well as an increase in PTH mRNA levels. Rickets and osteomalacia are seen by day 35; however, as early as day 15, there is an expansion in the zone of hypertrophic chondrocytes in the growth plate. In contrast to animals made vitamin D deficient by dietary means, and like some patients with VDDR II, these mice develop progressive alopecia from the age of 4 weeks.


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Lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase (L-PGDS) is localized in the central nervous system and male genital organs of various mammals and is secreted as β-trace into the closed compartment of these tissues separated from the systemic circulation. In this study, we found that the mRNA for the human enzyme was expressed most intensely in the heart among various tissues examined. In human autopsy specimens, the enzyme was localized immunocytochemically in myocardial cells, atrial endocardial cells, and a synthetic phenotype of smooth muscle cells in the arteriosclerotic intima, and accumulated in the atherosclerotic plaque of coronary arteries with severe stenosis. In patients with stable angina (75–99% stenosis), the plasma level of L-PGDS was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the great cardiac vein (0.694 ± 0.054 μg/ml, n = 7) than in the coronary artery (0.545 ± 0.034 μg/ml), as determined by a sandwich enzyme immunoassay. However, the veno-arterial difference in the plasma L-PGDS concentration was not observed in normal subjects without stenosis. After a percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty was performed to compress the stenotic atherosclerotic plaques, the L-PGDS concentration in the cardiac vein decreased significantly (P < 0.05) to 0.610 ± 0.051 μg/ml at 20 min and reached the arterial level within 1 h. These findings suggest that L-PGDS is present in both endocardium and myocardium of normal subjects and the stenotic site of patients with stable angina and is secreted into the coronary circulation.


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Ca2+ influx controls multiple neuronal functions including neurotransmitter release, protein phosphorylation, gene expression, and synaptic plasticity. Brain L-type Ca2+ channels, which contain either alpha 1C or alpha 1D as their pore-forming subunits, are an important source of calcium entry into neurons. Alpha 1C exists in long and short forms, which are differentially phosphorylated, and C-terminal truncation of alpha 1C increases its activity approximately 4-fold in heterologous expression systems. Although most L-type calcium channels in brain are localized in the cell body and proximal dendrites, alpha 1C subunits in the hippocampus are also present in clusters along the dendrites of neurons. Examination by electron microscopy shows that these clusters of alpha 1C are localized in the postsynaptic membrane of excitatory synapses, which are known to contain glutamate receptors. Activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-specific glutamate receptors induced the conversion of the long form of alpha 1C into the short form by proteolytic removal of the C terminus. Other classes of Ca2+ channel alpha1 subunits were unaffected. This proteolytic processing reaction required extracellular calcium and was blocked by inhibitors of the calcium-activated protease calpain, indicating that calcium entry through NMDA receptors activated proteolysis of alpha1C by calpain. Purified calpain catalyzed conversion of the long form of immunopurified alpha 1C to the short form in vitro, consistent with the hypothesis that calpain is responsible for processing of alpha 1C in hippocampal neurons. Our results suggest that NMDA receptor-induced processing of the postsynaptic class C L-type Ca2+ channel may persistently increase Ca2+ influx following intense synaptic activity and may influence Ca2+-dependent processes such as protein phosphorylation, synaptic plasticity, and gene expression.


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Three gene products, including Myc and the D- and E-type G1 cyclins, are rate limiting for G1 progression in mammalian fibroblasts. Quiescent mouse NIH 3T3 fibroblasts engineered to express a mutant colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1) receptor (CSF-1R 809F) fail to synthesize c-myc and cyclin D1 mRNAs upon CSF-1 stimulation and remain arrested in early G1 phase. Ectopic expression of c-myc or either of three D-type cyclin genes, but not cyclin E, resensitized these cells to the mitogenic effects of CSF-1, enabling them to proliferate continuously in liquid culture and to form colonies in agar in response to the growth factor. Rescue by cyclin D1 was enhanced by c-myc but not by cyclin E and was reversed by infecting cyclin D1-reconstituted cells with a retroviral vector encoding catalytically inactive cyclin-dependent kinase 4. Induction of cyclin D1 mRNA by CSF-1 was restored in cells forced to express c-myc, and vice versa, suggesting that expression of the two genes is interdependent. Cells reconstituted with c-myc were prevented from entering S phase when microinjected with a monoclonal antibody to cyclin D1, and conversely, those rescued by cyclin D1 were inhibited from forming CSF-1-dependent colonies when challenged with a dominant-negative c-myc mutant. Cyclin D mutants defective in binding to the retinoblastoma protein were impaired in rescuing mitogenic signaling. Therefore, Myc and D-type cyclins collaborate during the mitogenic response to CSF-1, whereas cyclin E functions in a separate pathway.


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GDP-L-fucose:beta-D-galactoside alpha-2-L-fucosyltransferase (EC is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of fucosylated type 1 and 2 lactoseries structures, such as Lewis b and the H type 2 and Lewis Y, respectively, that are accumulated in colon adenocarcinoma. Analysis of the mRNA transcript level for the human H gene-encoded beta-D-galactoside alpha-2-L-fucosyltransferase revealed 40- and 340-fold increases in the mRNA levels in all adenocarcinomas and tumor cell lines, respectively, compared to normal colon mucosa where a low level of mRNA transcript was detected. A variable increase in mRNA transcript levels was observed in 50% of adenomatous polyps. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the protein coding region of the cDNAs derived from normal colon, adenoma, and colon adenocarcinoma revealed 100% homology, suggesting that there are no tumor-associated allelic variations within the H beta-D-galactoside alpha-2-L-fucosyltransferase cDNA. These results suggest that beta-D-galactoside alpha-2-L-fucosyltransferase expression highly correlates with malignant progression of colon adenocarcinoma.