30 resultados para Central Region [Thailand]

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A key step in signal transduction in the visual cell is the light-induced conformational change of rhodopsin that triggers the binding and activation of the guanine nucleotide-binding protein. Site-directed mAbs against bovine rhodopsin were produced and used to detect and characterize these conformational changes upon light activation. Among several antibodies that bound exclusively to the light-activated state, an antibody (IgG subclass) with the highest affinity (Ka ≈ 6 × 10−9 M) was further purified and characterized. The epitope of this antibody was mapped to the amino acid sequence 304–311. This epitope extends from the central region to the cytoplasmic end of the seventh transmembrane helix and incorporates a part of a highly conserved NPXXY motif, a critical region for signaling and agonist-induced internalization of several biogenic amine and peptide receptors. In the dark state, no binding of the antibody to rhodopsin was detected. Accessibility of the epitope to the antibody correlated with formation of the metarhodopsin II photointermediate and was reduced significantly at the metarhodopsin III intermediate. Further, incubation of the antigenantibody complex with 11-cis-retinal failed to regenerate the native rhodopsin chromophore. These results suggest significant and reversible conformational changes in close proximity to the cytoplasmic end of the seventh transmembrane helix of rhodopsin that might be important for folding and signaling.


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Multiprotein bridging factor 1 (MBF1) is a transcriptional cofactor that bridges between the TATA box-binding protein (TBP) and the Drosophila melanogaster nuclear hormone receptor FTZ-F1 or its silkworm counterpart BmFTZ-F1. A cDNA clone encoding MBF1 was isolated from the silkworm Bombyx mori whose sequence predicts a basic protein consisting of 146 amino acids. Bacterially expressed recombinant MBF1 is functional in interactions with TBP and a positive cofactor MBF2. The recombinant MBF1 also makes a direct contact with FTZ-F1 through the C-terminal region of the FTZ-F1 DNA-binding domain and stimulates the FTZ-F1 binding to its recognition site. The central region of MBF1 (residues 35–113) is essential for the binding of FTZ-F1, MBF2, and TBP. When the recombinant MBF1 was added to a HeLa cell nuclear extract in the presence of MBF2 and FTZ622 bearing the FTZ-F1 DNA-binding domain, it supported selective transcriptional activation of the fushi tarazu gene as natural MBF1 did. Mutations disrupting the binding of FTZ622 to DNA or MBF1, or a MBF2 mutation disrupting the binding to MBF1, all abolished the selective activation of transcription. These results suggest that tethering of the positive cofactor MBF2 to a FTZ-F1-binding site through FTZ-F1 and MBF1 is essential for the binding site-dependent activation of transcription. A homology search in the databases revealed that the deduced amino acid sequence of MBF1 is conserved across species from yeast to human.


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The activity of Ras family proteins is modulated in vivo by the function of GTPase activating proteins, which increase their intrinsic rate of GTP hydrolysis. We have isolated cDNAs encoding a GAP for the Drosophila Rap1 GTPase. Drosophila Rapgap1 encodes an 850-amino acid protein with a central region that displays substantial sequence similarity to human RapGAP. This domain, when expressed in Escherichia coli, potently stimulates Rap1 GTPase activity in vitro. Unlike Rap1, which is ubiquitously expressed, Rapgap1 expression is highly restricted. Rapgap1 is expressed at high levels in the developing photoreceptor cells and in the optic lobe. Rapgap1 mRNA is also localized in the pole plasm in an oskar-dependent manner. Although mutations that completely abolish Rapgap1 function display no obvious phenotypic abnormalities, overexpression of Rapgap1 induces a rough eye phenotype that is exacerbated by reducing Rap1 gene dosage. Thus, Rapgap1 can function as a negative regulator of Rap1-mediated signaling in vivo.


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The myofibrils of cross-striated muscle fibers contain in their M bands cytoskeletal proteins whose main function seems to be the stabilization of the three-dimensional arrangement of thick filaments. We identified two immunoglobin domains (Mp2–Mp3) of M-protein as a site binding to the central region of light meromyosin. This binding is regulated in vitro by phosphorylation of a single serine residue (Ser76) in the immediately adjacent amino-terminal domain Mp1. M-protein phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent kinase A inhibits binding to myosin LMM. Transient transfection studies of cultured cells revealed that the myosin-binding site seems involved in the targeting of M-protein to its location in the myofibril. Using the same method, a second myofibril-binding site was uncovered in domains Mp9–Mp13. These results support the view that specific phosphorylation events could be also important for the control of sarcomeric M band formation and remodeling.


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In complex with FKBP12, the immunosuppressant rapamycin binds to and inhibits the yeast TOR1 and TOR2 proteins and the mammalian homologue mTOR/FRAP/RAFT1. The TOR proteins promote cell cycle progression in yeast and human cells by regulating translation and polarization of the actin cytoskeleton. A C-terminal domain of the TOR proteins shares identity with protein and lipid kinases, but only one substrate (PHAS-I), and no regulators of the TOR-signaling cascade have been identified. We report here that yeast TOR1 has an intrinsic protein kinase activity capable of phosphorylating PHAS-1, and this activity is abolished by an active site mutation and inhibited by FKBP12-rapamycin or wortmannin. We find that an intact TOR1 kinase domain is essential for TOR1 functions in yeast. Overexpression of a TOR1 kinase-inactive mutant, or of a central region of the TOR proteins distinct from the FRB and kinase domains, was toxic in yeast, and overexpression of wild-type TOR1 suppressed this toxic effect. Expression of the TOR-toxic domain leads to a G1 cell cycle arrest, consistent with an inhibition of TOR function in translation. Overexpression of the PLC1 gene, which encodes the yeast phospholipase C homologue, suppressed growth inhibition by the TOR-toxic domains. In conclusion, our findings identify a toxic effector domain of the TOR proteins that may interact with substrates or regulators of the TOR kinase cascade and that shares sequence identity with other PIK family members, including ATR, Rad3, Mei-41, and ATM.


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Transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatases, such as CD45, can act as both positive and negative regulators of cellular signaling. CD45 positively modulates T cell receptor (TCR) signaling by constitutively priming p56lck through the dephosphorylation of the C-terminal negative regulatory phosphotyrosine site. However, CD45 can also exert negative effects on cellular processes, including events triggered by integrin-mediated adhesion. To better understand these opposing actions of tyrosine phosphatases, the subcellular compartmentalization of CD45 was imaged by using laser scanning confocal microscopy during functional TCR signaling of live T lymphocytes. On antigen engagement, CD45 was first excluded from the central region of the interface between the T cell and the antigen-presenting surface where CD45 would inhibit integrin activation. Subsequently, CD45 was recruited back to the center of the contact to an area adjacent to the site of sustained TCR engagement. Thus, CD45 is well positioned within a supramolecular assembly in the vicinity of the engaged TCR, where CD45 would be able to maintain src-kinase activity for the duration of TCR engagement.


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The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21(WAF1/CIP1) inhibits proliferation both in vitro and in vivo, and overexpression of p21 in normal and tumor cell lines results in cell cycle arrest. In contrast, ectopic expression of Myc alleviates G1 cell cycle arrest. Recent studies showed that Myc can repress p21 transcription, thereby overriding a p21-mediated cell cycle checkpoint. We found that activation of a Myc-estrogen receptor fusion protein by 4-hydroxytamoxifen in mouse cells resulted in suppression of endogenous p21 transcription. This effect was observed in the absence of de novo protein synthesis and was independent of histone deacetylase activity. In transient transfection studies, Myc effectively repressed p21 promoter constructs containing only 119 bp of sequence upstream of the transcription start site. This region contains multiple Sp1-binding sites and a potential initiator element, but no canonical Myc DNA-binding sites. Deletion of the potential initiator element does not affect repression of the p21 promoter by c-Myc. Coimmunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase pull-down experiments demonstrate that c-Myc may form complexes with Sp1/Sp3. We found that the central region of c-Myc interacts with the zinc finger domain of Sp1. Because Sp1 is required for p21 transcription, it is possible that Myc may down-regulate p21 transcription, at least in part, by sequestering Sp1. Repression of the p21 promoter may contribute to the ability of c-Myc to promote cell proliferation.


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Ascorbate peroxidase (AP) is a key enzyme that scavenges potentially harmful H2O2 and thus prevents oxidative damage in plants, especially in N2-fixing legume root nodules. The present study demonstrates that the nodule endodermis of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) root nodules contains elevated levels of AP protein, as well as the corresponding mRNA transcript and substrate (ascorbate). Enhanced AP protein levels were also found in cells immediately peripheral to the infected region of soybean (Glycine max), pea (Pisum sativum), clover (Trifolium pratense), and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) nodules. Regeneration of ascorbate was achieved by (homo)glutathione and associated enzymes of the ascorbate-glutathione pathway, which were present at high levels. The presence of high levels of antioxidants suggests that respiratory consumption of O2 in the endodermis or nodule parenchyma may be an essential component of the O2-diffusion barrier that regulates the entry of O2 into the central region of nodules and ensures optimal functioning of nitrogenase.


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Changes in DNA superhelicity during DNA replication are mediated primarily by the activities of DNA helicases and topoisomerases. If these activities are defective, the progression of the replication fork can be hindered or blocked, which can lead to double-strand breaks, elevated recombination in regions of repeated DNA, and genome instability. Hereditary diseases like Werner's and Bloom's Syndromes are caused by defects in DNA helicases, and these diseases are associated with genome instability and carcinogenesis in humans. Here we report a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, MGS1 (Maintenance of Genome Stability 1), which encodes a protein belonging to the AAA+ class of ATPases, and whose central region is similar to Escherichia coli RuvB, a Holliday junction branch migration motor protein. The Mgs1 orthologues are highly conserved in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The Mgs1 protein possesses DNA-dependent ATPase and single-strand DNA annealing activities. An mgs1 deletion mutant has an elevated rate of mitotic recombination, which causes genome instability. The mgs1 mutation is synergistic with a mutation in top3 (encoding topoisomerase III), and the double mutant exhibits severe growth defects and markedly increased genome instability. In contrast to the mgs1 mutation, a mutation in the sgs1 gene encoding a DNA helicase homologous to the Werner and Bloom helicases suppresses both the growth defect and the increased genome instability of the top3 mutant. Therefore, evolutionarily conserved Mgs1 may play a role together with RecQ family helicases and DNA topoisomerases in maintaining proper DNA topology, which is essential for genome stability.


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In tetrapods, only one gene encoding a somatostatin precursor has been identified so far. The present study reports the characterization of the cDNA clones that encode two distinct somatostatin precursors in the brain of the frog Rana ridibunda. The cDNAs were isolated by using degenerate oligonucleotides based on the sequence of the central region of somatostatin to screen a frog brain cDNA library. One of the cDNAs encodes a 115-amino acid protein (prepro-somatostatin-14; PSS1) that exhibits a high degree of structural similarity with the mammalian somatostatin precursor. The other cDNA encodes a 103-amino acid protein (prepro-[Pro2, Met13]somatostatin-14; PSS2) that contains the sequence of the somatostatin analog (peptide SS2) at its C terminus, but does not exhibit appreciable sequence similarity with PSS1 in the remaining region. In situ hybridization studies indicate differential expression of the PSS1 and PSS2 genes in the septum, the lateral part of the pallium, the amygdaloid complex, the posterior nuclei of the thalamus, the ventral hypothalamic nucleus, the torus semicircularis and the optic tectum. The somatostatin variant SS2 was significantly more potent (4-6 fold) than somatostatin itself in displacing [125I-Tyr0, D-Trp8] somatostatin-14 from its specific binding sites. The present study indicates that the two somatostatin variants could exert different functions in the frog brain and pituitary. These data also suggest that distinct genes encoding somatostatin variants may be expressed in the brain of other tetrapods.


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Zip1 is a yeast synaptonemal complex (SC) central region component and is required for normal meiotic recombination and crossover interference. Physical analysis of meiotic recombination in a zip1 mutant reveals the following: Crossovers appear later than normal and at a reduced level. Noncrossover recombinants, in contrast, seem to appear in two phases: (i) a normal number appear with normal timing and (ii) then additional products appear late, at the same time as crossovers. Also, Holliday junctions are present at unusually late times, presumably as precursors to late-appearing products. Red1 is an axial structure component required for formation of cytologically discernible axial elements and SC and maximal levels of recombination. In a red1 mutant, crossovers and noncrossovers occur at coordinately reduced levels but with normal timing. If Zip1 affected recombination exclusively via SC polymerization, a zip1 mutation should confer no recombination defect in a red1 strain background. But a red1 zip1 double mutant exhibits the sum of the two single mutant phenotypes, including the specific deficit of crossovers seen in a zip1 strain. We infer that Zip1 plays at least one role in recombination that does not involve SC polymerization along the chromosomes. Perhaps some Zip1 molecules act first in or around the sites of recombinational interactions to influence the recombination process and thence nucleate SC formation. We propose that a Zip1-dependent, pre-SC transition early in the recombination reaction is an essential component of meiotic crossover control. A molecular basis for crossover/noncrossover differentiation is also suggested.


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Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (MsrA; EC is a ubiquitous protein that can reduce methionine sulfoxide residues in proteins as well as in a large number of methyl sulfoxide compounds. The expression of MsrA in various rat tissues was determined by using immunocytochemical staining. Although the protein was found in all tissues examined, it was specifically localized to renal medulla and retinal pigmented epithelial cells, and it was prominent in neurons and throughout the nervous system. In addition, blood and alveolar macrophages showed high expression of the enzyme. The msrA gene was mapped to the central region of mouse chromosome 14, in a region of homology with human chromosomes 13 and 8p21.


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Nerve cells contain abundant subpopulations of cold-stable microtubules. We have previously isolated a calmodulin-regulated brain protein, STOP (stable tubule-only polypeptide), which reconstitutes microtubule cold stability when added to cold-labile microtubules in vitro. We have now cloned cDNA encoding STOP. We find that STOP is a 100.5-kDa protein with no homology to known proteins. The primary structure of STOP includes two distinct domains of repeated motifs. The central region of STOP contains 5 tandem repeats of 46 amino acids, 4 with 98% homology to the consensus sequence. The STOP C terminus contains 28 imperfect repeats of an 11-amino acid motif. STOP also contains a putative SH3-binding motif close to its N terminus. In vitro translated STOP binds to both microtubules and Ca2+-calmodulin. When STOP cDNA is expressed in cells that lack cold-stable microtubules, STOP associates with microtubules at 37 degrees C, and stabilizes microtubule networks, inducing cold stability, nocodazole resistance, and tubulin detyrosination on microtubules in transfected cells. We conclude that STOP must play an important role in the generation of microtubule cold stability and in the control of microtubule dynamics in brain.


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Cassette mutagenesis was used to identify side chains in human interleukin 5 (hIL-5) that mediate binding to hIL-5 receptor alpha chain (hIL-5R alpha). A series of single alanine substitutions was introduced into a stretch of residues in the C-terminal region, including helix D, which previously had been implicated in receptor alpha chain recognition and which is aligned on the IL-5 surface so as to allow the topography of receptor binding residues to be examined. hIL-5 and single site mutants were expressed in COS cells, their interactions with hIL-5R alpha were measured by a sandwich surface plasmon resonance biosensor method, and their biological activities were measured by an IL-5-dependent cell proliferation assay. A pattern of mutagenesis effects was observed, with greatest impact near the interface between the two four-helix bundles of IL-5, in particular at residues Glu-110 and Trp-111, and least at the distal ends of the D helices. This pattern suggests the possibility that residues near the interface of the two four-helix bundles in hIL-5 comprise a central patch or hot spot, which constitutes an energetically important alpha chain recognition site. This hypothesis suggests a structural explanation for the 1:1 stoichiometry observed for the complex of hIL-5 with hIL-5R alpha.


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Many features of Down syndrome might result from the overdosage of only a few genes located in a critical region of chromosome 21. To search for these genes, cosmids mapping in this region were isolated and used for trapping exons. One of the trapped exons obtained has a sequence very similar to part of the Drosophila single-minded (sim) gene, a master regulator of the early development of the fly central nervous system midline. Mapping data indicated that this exonic sequence is only present in the Down syndrome-critical region in the human genome. Hybridization of this exonic sequence with human fetal kidney poly(A)+ RNA revealed two transcripts of 6 and 4.3 kb. In situ hybridization of a probe derived from this exon with human and rat fetuses showed that the corresponding gene is expressed during early fetal life in the central nervous system and in other tissues, including the facial, skull, palate, and vertebra primordia. The expression pattern of this gene suggests that it might be involved in the pathogenesis of some of the morphological features and brain anomalies observed in Down syndrome.