18 resultados para Cell-based

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We have reported previously that murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) pulsed with whole tumor lysates can mediate potent antitumor immune responses both in vitro and in vivo. Because successful therapy was dependent on host immune T cells, we have now evaluated whether the systemic administration of the T cell stimulatory/growth promoting cytokine interleukin-2 (IL-2) could enhance tumor lysate-pulsed DC-based immunizations to further promote protective immunity toward, and therapeutic rejection of, syngeneic murine tumors. In three separate approaches using a weakly immunogenic sarcoma (MCA-207), the systemic administration of nontoxic doses of recombinant IL-2 (20,000 and 40,000 IU/dose) was capable of mediating significant increases in the potency of DC-based immunizations. IL-2 could augment the efficacy of tumor lysate-pulsed DC to induce protective immunity to lethal tumor challenge as well as enhance splenic cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity and interferon-γ production in these treated mice. Moreover, treatment with the combination of tumor lysate-pulsed DC and IL-2 could also mediate regressions of established pulmonary 3-day micrometastases and 7-day macrometastases as well as established 14- and 28-day s.c. tumors, leading to either significant cure rates or prolongation in overall survival. Collectively, these findings show that nontoxic doses of recombinant IL-2 can potentiate the antitumor effects of tumor lysate-pulsed DC in vivo and provide preclinical rationale for the use of IL-2 in DC-based vaccine strategies in patients with advanced cancer.


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Although the zebrafish possesses many characteristics that make it a valuable model for genetic studies of vertebrate development, one deficiency of this model system is the absence of methods for cell-mediated gene transfer and targeted gene inactivation. In mice, embryonic stem cell cultures are routinely used for gene transfer and provide the advantage of in vitro selection for rare events such as homologous recombination and targeted mutation. Transgenic animals possessing a mutated copy of the targeted gene are generated when the selected cells contribute to the germ line of a chimeric embryo. Although zebrafish embryo cell cultures that exhibit characteristics of embryonic stem cells have been described, successful contribution of the cells to the germ-cell lineage of a host embryo has not been reported. In this study, we demonstrate that short-term zebrafish embryo cell cultures maintained in the presence of cells from a rainbow trout spleen cell line (RTS34st) are able to produce germ-line chimeras when introduced into a host embryo. Messenger RNA encoding the primordial germ-cell marker, vasa, was present for more than 30 days in embryo cells cocultured with RTS34st cells or their conditioned medium and disappeared by 5 days in the absence of the spleen cells. The RTS34st cells also inhibited melanocyte and neuronal cell differentiation in the embryo cell cultures. These results suggest that the RTS34st splenic–stromal cell line will be a valuable tool in the development of a cell-based gene transfer approach to targeted gene inactivation in zebrafish.


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Angiostatin blocks tumor angiogenesis in vivo, almost certainly through its demonstrated ability to block endothelial cell migration and proliferation. Although the mechanism of angiostatin action remains unknown, identification of F1-FO ATP synthase as the major angiostatin-binding site on the endothelial cell surface suggests that ATP metabolism may play a role in the angiostatin response. Previous studies noting the presence of F1 ATP synthase subunits on endothelial cells and certain cancer cells did not determine whether this enzyme was functional in ATP synthesis. We now demonstrate that all components of the F1 ATP synthase catalytic core are present on the endothelial cell surface, where they colocalize into discrete punctate structures. The surface-associated enzyme is active in ATP synthesis as shown by dual-label TLC and bioluminescence assays. Both ATP synthase and ATPase activities of the enzyme are inhibited by angiostatin as well as by antibodies directed against the α- and β-subunits of ATP synthase in cell-based and biochemical assays. Our data suggest that angiostatin inhibits vascularization by suppression of endothelial-surface ATP metabolism, which, in turn, may regulate vascular physiology by established mechanisms. We now have shown that antibodies directed against subunits of ATP synthase exhibit endothelial cell-inhibitory activities comparable to that of angiostatin, indicating that these antibodies function as angiostatin mimetics.


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Selective inhibition of T cell costimulation using the B7-specific fusion protein CTLA4-Ig has been shown to induce long-term allograft survival in rodents. Antibodies preventing the interaction between CD40 and its T cell-based ligand CD154 (CD40L) have been shown in rodents to act synergistically with CTLA4-Ig. It has thus been hypothesized that these agents might be capable of inducing long-term acceptance of allografted tissues in primates. To test this hypothesis in a relevant preclinical model, CTLA4-Ig and the CD40L-specific monoclonal antibody 5C8 were tested in rhesus monkeys. Both agents effectively inhibited rhesus mixed lymphocyte reactions, but the combination was 100 times more effective than either drug alone. Renal allografts were transplanted into nephectomized rhesus monkeys shown to be disparate at major histocompatibility complex class I and class II loci. Control animals rejected in 5–8 days. Brief induction doses of CTLA4-Ig or 5C8 alone significantly prolonged rejection-free survival (20–98 days). Two of four animals treated with both agents experienced extended (>150 days) rejection-free allograft survival. Two animals treated with 5C8 alone and one animal treated with both 5C8 and CTLA4-Ig experienced late, biopsy-proven rejection, but a repeat course of their induction regimen successfully restored normal graft function. Neither drug affected peripheral T cell or B cell counts. There were no clinically evident side effects or rejections during treatment. We conclude that CTLA4-Ig and 5C8 can both prevent and reverse acute allograft rejection, significantly prolonging the survival of major histocompatibility complex-mismatched renal allografts in primates without the need for chronic immunosuppression.


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Deciphering the information that eyes, ears, and other sensory organs transmit to the brain is important for understanding the neural basis of behavior. Recordings from single sensory nerve cells have yielded useful insights, but single neurons generally do not mediate behavior; networks of neurons do. Monitoring the activity of all cells in a neural network of a behaving animal, however, is not yet possible. Taking an alternative approach, we used a realistic cell-based model to compute the ensemble of neural activity generated by one sensory organ, the lateral eye of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus. We studied how the neural network of this eye encodes natural scenes by presenting to the model movies recorded with a video camera mounted above the eye of an animal that was exploring its underwater habitat. Model predictions were confirmed by simultaneously recording responses from single optic nerve fibers of the same animal. We report here that the eye transmits to the brain robust “neural images” of objects having the size, contrast, and motion of potential mates. The neural code for such objects is not found in ambiguous messages of individual optic nerve fibers but rather in patterns of coherent activity that extend over small ensembles of nerve fibers and are bound together by stimulus motion. Integrative properties of neurons in the first synaptic layer of the brain appear well suited to detecting the patterns of coherent activity. Neural coding by this relatively simple eye helps explain how horseshoe crabs find mates and may lead to a better understanding of how more complex sensory organs process information.


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Potent and selective inhibitors of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) (EC were identified in an encoded combinatorial chemical library that blocked human iNOS dimerization, and thereby NO production. In a cell-based iNOS assay (A-172 astrocytoma cells) the inhibitors had low-nanomolar IC50 values and thus were >1,000-fold more potent than the substrate-based direct iNOS inhibitors 1400W and N-methyl-l-arginine. Biochemical studies confirmed that inhibitors caused accumulation of iNOS monomers in mouse macrophage RAW 264.7 cells. High affinity (Kd ≈ 3 nM) of inhibitors for isolated iNOS monomers was confirmed by using a radioligand binding assay. Inhibitors were >1,000-fold selective for iNOS versus endothelial NOS dimerization in a cell-based assay. The crystal structure of inhibitor bound to the monomeric iNOS oxygenase domain revealed inhibitor–heme coordination and substantial perturbation of the substrate binding site and the dimerization interface, indicating that this small molecule acts by allosterically disrupting protein–protein interactions at the dimer interface. These results provide a mechanism-based approach to highly selective iNOS inhibition. Inhibitors were active in vivo, with ED50 values of <2 mg/kg in a rat model of endotoxin-induced systemic iNOS induction. Thus, this class of dimerization inhibitors has broad therapeutic potential in iNOS-mediated pathologies.


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We have investigated the dynamic properties of the switch I region of the GTP-binding protein Ras by using mutants of Thr-35, an invariant residue necessary for the switch function. Here we show that these mutants, previously used as partial loss-of-function mutations in cell-based assays, have a reduced affinity to Ras effector proteins without Thr-35 being involved in any interaction. The structure of Ras(T35S)⋅GppNHp was determined by x-ray crystallography. Whereas the overall structure is very similar to wildtype, residues from switch I are completely invisible, indicating that the effector loop region is highly mobile. 31P-NMR data had indicated an equilibrium between two rapidly interconverting conformations, one of which (state 2) corresponds to the structure found in the complex with the effectors. 31P-NMR spectra of Ras mutants (T35S) and (T35A) in the GppNHp form show that the equilibrium is shifted such that they occur predominantly in the nonbinding conformation (state 1). On addition of Ras effectors, Ras(T35S) but not Ras(T35A) shift to positions corresponding to the binding conformation. The structural data were correlated with kinetic experiments that show two-step binding reaction of wild-type and (T35S)Ras with effectors requires the existence of a rate-limiting isomerization step, which is not observed with T35A. The results indicate that minor changes in the switch region, such as removing the side chain methyl group of Thr-35, drastically affect dynamic behavior and, in turn, interaction with effectors. The dynamics of the switch I region appear to be responsible for the conservation of this threonine residue in GTP-binding proteins.


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Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a 19-aa cyclic neuropeptide originally isolated from chum salmon pituitaries. Besides its effects on the aggregation of melanophores in fish several lines of evidence suggest that in mammals MCH functions as a regulator of energy homeostasis. Recently, several groups reported the identification of an orphan G protein-coupled receptor as a receptor for MCH (MCH-1R). We hereby report the identification of a second human MCH receptor termed MCH-2R, which shares about 38% amino acid identity with MCH-1R. MCH-2R displayed high-affinity MCH binding, resulting in inositol phosphate turnover and release of intracellular calcium in mammalian cells. In contrast to MCH-1R, MCH-2R signaling is not sensitive to pertussis toxin and MCH-2R cannot reduce forskolin-stimulated cAMP production, suggesting an exclusive Gαq coupling of the MCH-2R in cell-based systems. Northern blot and in situ hybridization analysis of human and monkey tissue shows that expression of MCH-2R mRNA is restricted to several regions of the brain, including the arcuate nucleus and the ventral medial hypothalamus, areas implicated in regulation of body weight. In addition, the human MCH-2R gene was mapped to the long arm of chromosome 6 at band 6q16.2–16.3, a region reported to be associated with cytogenetic abnormalities of obese patients. The characterization of a second mammalian G protein-coupled receptor for MCH potentially indicates that the control of energy homeostasis in mammals by the MCH neuropeptide system may be more complex than initially anticipated.


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The estrogen-related receptors (ERRα, ERRβ, and ERRγ) form a family of orphan nuclear receptors that share significant amino acid identity with the estrogen receptors, but for which physiologic roles remain largely unknown. By using a peptide sensor assay, we have identified the stilbenes diethylstilbestrol (DES), tamoxifen (TAM), and 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) as high-affinity ligands for ERRγ. In direct binding assays, 4-OHT had a Kd value of 35 nM, and both DES and TAM displaced radiolabeled 4-OHT with Ki values of 870 nM. In cell-based assays, 4-OHT binding caused a dissociation of the complex between ERRγ and the steroid receptor coactivator-1, and led to an inhibition of the constitutive transcriptional activity of ERRγ. ERRα did not bind 4-OHT, but replacing a single amino acid predicted to be in the ERRα ligand-binding pocket with the corresponding ERRγ residue allowed high-affinity 4-OHT binding. These results demonstrate the existence of high-affinity ligands for the ERR family of orphan receptors, and identify 4-OHT as a molecule that can regulate the transcriptional activity of ERRγ.


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Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) drives the sequential assembly of a receptor complex containing the ligand-specific alpha-receptor subunit (CNTFR alpha) and the signal transducers gp130 and leukemia inhibitory factor receptor-beta (LIFR). The D1 structural motif, located at the beginning of the D-helix of human CNTF, contains two amino acid residues, F152 and K155, which are conserved among all cytokines that signal through LIFR. The functional importance of these residues was assessed by alanine mutagenesis. Substitution of either F152 or K155 with alanine was found to specifically inhibit cytokine interaction with LIFR without affecting binding to CNTFR alpha or gp130. The resulting variants behaved as partial agonists with varying degrees of residual bioactivity in different cell-based assays. Simultaneous alanine substitution of both F152 and K155 totally abolished biological activity. Combining these mutations with amino acid substitutions in the D-helix, which enhance binding affinity for the CNTFR alpha, gave rise to a potent competitive CNTF receptor antagonist. This protein constitutes a new tool for studies of CNTF function in normal physiology and disease.


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A recombinant Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vector-based vaccine that secretes the V3 principal neutralizing epitope of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) could induce immune response to the epitope and prevent the viral infection. By using the Japanese consensus sequence of HIV-1, we successfully constructed chimeric protein secretion vectors by selecting an appropriate insertion site of a carrier protein and established the principal neutralizing determinant (PND)-peptide secretion system in BCG. The recombinant BCG (rBCG)-inoculated guinea pigs were initially screened by delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) skin reactions to the PND peptide, followed by passive transfer of the DTH by the systemic route. Further, immunization of mice with the rBCG resulted in induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The guinea pig immune antisera showed elevated titers to the PND peptide and neutralized HIVMN, and administration of serum IgG from the vaccinated guinea pigs was effective in completely blocking the HIV infection in thymus/liver transplanted severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)/hu or SCID/PBL mice. In addition, the immune serum IgG was shown to neutralize primary field isolates of HIV that match the neutralizing sequence motif by a peripheral blood mononuclear cell-based virus neutralization assay. The data support the idea that the antigen-secreting rBCG system can be used as a tool for development of HIV vaccines.


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The identification and physical isolation of epithelial stem cells is critical to our understanding of their growth regulation during homeostasis, wound healing, and carcinogenesis. These stem cells remain poorly characterized because of the absence of specific molecular markers that permit us to distinguish them from their progeny, the transit amplifying (TA) cells, which have a more restricted proliferative potential. Cell kinetic analyses have permitted the identification of murine keratinocyte stem cells (KSCs) as slowly cycling cells that retain [3H]thymidine ([3H]Tdr) label, termed label-retaining cells (LRCs), whereas TA cells are visualized as rapidly cycling cells after a single pulse of [3H]Tdr, termed pulse-labeled cells (PLCs). Here, we report on the successful separation of KSCs from TA cells through the combined use of in vivo cell kinetic analysis and fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Specifically, we demonstrate that murine dorsal keratinocytes characterized by their high levels of α6 integrin and low to undetectable expression of the transferrin receptor (CD71) termed α6briCD71dim cells, are enriched for epithelial stem cells because they represent a minor (≈8%) and quiescent subpopulation of small blast-like cells, with a high nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio, containing ≈70% of label-retaining cells, the latter being a well documented characteristic of stem cells. Conversely, TA cells could be enriched in a phenotypically distinct subpopulation termed α6briCD71bri, representing the majority (≈60%) of basal keratinocytes that are actively cycling, and importantly contain ≈70% of [3H]Tdr pulse-labeled cells. Importantly, immunostaining of dorsal skin revealed the presence of CD71dim cells in the hair follicle bulge region, a well documented location for KSCs.


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Objective: To determine how patients with lung cancer value the trade off between the survival benefit of chemotherapy and its toxicities.


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The relationship between the production of reactive oxygen species and the hypersensitive response (HR) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) toward an incompatible race of the Oomycete Phytophthora parasitica var nicotianae has been investigated. A new assay for superoxide radical (O2−) production based on reduction of the tetrazolium dye sodium,3′-(1-[phenylamino-carbonyl]-3,4-tetrazolium)-bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro) benzene-sulfonic acid hydrate (XTT) has enabled the quantitative estimation of perhydroxyl/superoxide radical acid-base pair (HO2·/O2−) production during the resistant response. Tobacco suspension cells were inoculated with zoospores from compatible or incompatible races of the pathogen. Subsequent HO2·/O2− production was monitored by following the formation of XTT formazan. In the incompatible interaction only, HO2·/O2− was produced in a minor burst between 0 and 2 h and then in a major burst between 8 and 10 h postinoculation. During this second burst, rates of XTT reduction equivalent to a radical flux of 9.9 × 10−15 mol min−1 cell−1 were observed. The HO2·/O2− scavengers O2− dismutase and Mn(III)desferal each inhibited dye reduction. An HR was observed in challenged, resistant cells immediately following the second burst of radical production. Both scavengers inhibited the HR when added prior to the occurrence of either radical burst, indicating that O2− production is a necessary precursor to the HR.