49 resultados para Cell Disruption
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
The elimination of identified cells is a powerful tool for investigating development and system function. Here we report on genetically mediated cell disruption effected by the toxic Caenorhabditis elegans mec-4(d) allele. We found that ectopic expression of mec-4(d) in the nematode causes dysfunction of a wide range of nerve, muscle, and hypodermal cells. mec-4(d)-mediated toxicity is dependent on the activity of a second gene, mec-6, rendering cell disruption conditionally dependent on genetic background. We describe a set of mec-4(d) vectors that facilitate construction of cell-specific disruption reagents and note that genetic cell disruption can be used for functional analyses of specific neurons or neuronal classes, for confirmation of neuronal circuitry, for generation of nematode populations lacking defined classes of functional cells, and for genetic screens. We suggest that mec-4(d) and/or related genes may be effective general tools for cell inactivation that could be used toward similar purposes in higher organisms.
Partitioning of the mammalian Golgi apparatus during cell division involves disassembly at M-phase. Despite the importance of the disassembly/reassembly pathway in Golgi biogenesis, it remains unclear whether mitotic Golgi breakdown in vivo proceeds by direct vesiculation or involves fusion with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To test whether mitotic Golgi is fused with the ER, we compared the distribution of ER and Golgi proteins in interphase and mitotic HeLa cells by immunofluorescence microscopy, velocity gradient fractionation, and density gradient fractionation. While mitotic ER appeared to be a fine reticulum excluded from the region containing the spindle-pole body, mitotic Golgi appeared to be dispersed small vesicles that penetrated the area containing spindle microtubules. After cell disruption, M-phase Golgi was recovered in two size classes. The major breakdown product, accounting for at least 75% of the Golgi, was a population of 60-nm vesicles that were completely separated from the ER using velocity gradient separation. The minor breakdown product was a larger, more heterogenously sized, membrane population. Double-label fluorescence analysis of these membranes indicated that this portion of mitotic Golgi also lacked detectable ER marker proteins. Therefore we conclude that the ER and Golgi remain distinct at M-phase in HeLa cells. To test whether the 60-nm vesicles might form from the ER at M-phase as the result of a two-step vesiculation pathway involving ER–Golgi fusion followed by Golgi vesicle budding, mitotic cells were generated with fused ER and Golgi by brefeldin A treatment. Upon brefeldin A removal, Golgi vesicles did not emerge from the ER. In contrast, the Golgi readily reformed from similarly treated interphase cells. We conclude that Golgi-derived vesicles remain distinct from the ER in mitotic HeLa cells, and that mitotic cells lack the capacity of interphase cells for Golgi reemergence from the ER. These experiments suggest that mitotic Golgi breakdown proceeds by direct vesiculation independent of the ER.
Hearing loss is most often the result of hair-cell degeneration due to genetic abnormalities or ototoxic and traumatic insults. In the postembryonic and adult mammalian auditory sensory epithelium, the organ of Corti, no hair-cell regeneration has ever been observed. However, nonmammalian hair-cell epithelia are capable of regenerating sensory hair cells as a consequence of nonsensory supporting-cell proliferation. The supporting cells of the organ of Corti are highly specialized, terminally differentiated cell types that apparently are incapable of proliferation. At the molecular level terminally differentiated cells have been shown to express high levels of cell-cycle inhibitors, in particular, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors [Parker, S. B., et al. (1995) Science 267, 1024–1027], which are thought to be responsible for preventing these cells from reentering the cell cycle. Here we report that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 is selectively expressed in the supporting-cell population of the organ of Corti. Effects of p27Kip1-gene disruption include ongoing cell proliferation in postnatal and adult mouse organ of Corti at time points well after mitosis normally has ceased during embryonic development. This suggests that release from p27Kip1-induced cell-cycle arrest is sufficient to allow supporting-cell proliferation to occur. This finding may provide an important pathway for inducing hair-cell regeneration in the mammalian hearing organ.
Chimeric mice in which lymphocytes are deficient in the Syk tyrosine kinase have been created. Compared with Syk-positive controls, mice with Syk -/- lymphocytes display substantial depletion of intraepithelial gamma delta T cells in the skin and gut, with developmental arrest occurring after antigen receptor gene rearrangement. In this dependence on Syk, subsets of intraepithelial gamma delta T cells are similar to B cells, but distinct from splenic gamma delta T cells that develop and expand in Syk-deficient mice. The characteristic associations of certain T-cell receptor V gamma/V delta gene rearrangements with specific epithelia are also disrupted by Syk deficiency.
In addition to the five 70-kDa heat shock proteins (HSP70) common to germ cells and somatic tissues of mammals, spermatogenic cells synthesize HSP70-2 during meiosis. To determine if this unique stress protein has a critical role in meiosis, we used gene-targeting techniques to disrupt Hsp70-2 in mice. Male mice homozygous for the mutant allele (Hsp70-2 -/-) did not synthesize HSP70-2, lacked postmeiotic spermatids and mature sperm, and were infertile. However, neither meiosis nor fertility was affected in female Hsp70-2 -/- mice. We previously found that HSP70-2 is associated with synaptonemal complexes in the nucleus of meiotic spermatocytes from mice and hamsters. While synaptonemal complexes assembled in Hsp70-2 -/- spermatocytes, structural abnormalities became apparent in these cells by late prophase, and development rarely progressed to the meiotic divisions. Furthermore, analysis of nuclei and genomic DNA indicated that the failure of meiosis in Hsp70-2 -/- mice was coincident with a dramatic increase in spermatocyte apoptosis. These results suggest that HSP70-2 participates in synaptonemal complex function during meiosis in male germ cells and is linked to mechanisms that inhibit apoptosis.
Vinculin, a major constituent of focal adhesions and zonula adherens junctions, is thought to be involved in linking the microfilaments to areas of cell-substrate and cell-cell contacts. To test the role of vinculin in cell adhesion and motility, we used homologous recombination to generate F9 embryonal carcinoma and embryonic stem cell clones homozygous for a disrupted vinculin gene. When compared to wild-type cells, vinculin-mutant cells displayed a rounder morphology and a reduced ability to adhere and spread on plastic or fibronectin. Decreased adhesion of the mutant cells was associated with a reduction in lamellipodial extensions, as observed by time-lapse video microscopy. The locomotive activities of control F9 and the vinculin-null cells were compared in two assays. Loss of vinculin resulted in a 2.4-fold increase in cell motility. These results demonstrate an important role for vinculin in determining cell shape, adhesion, surface protrusive activity, and cell locomotion.
The experiments presented in this report were designed to specifically examine the role of CD4–major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II interactions during T cell development in vivo. We have generated transgenic mice expressing class II molecules that cannot interact with CD4 but that are otherwise competent to present peptides to the T cell receptor. MHC class II expression was reconstituted in Aβ gene knock-out mice by injection of a transgenic construct encoding either the wild-type I-Aβb protein or a construct encoding a mutation designed to specifically disrupt binding to the CD4 molecule. We demonstrate that the mutation, EA137 and VA142 in the β2 domain of I-Ab, is sufficient to disrupt CD4–MHC class II interactions in vivo. Furthermore, we show that this interaction is critical for the efficient selection of a complete repertoire of mature CD4+ T helper cells as evidenced by drastically reduced numbers of conventional CD4+ T cells in animals expressing the EA137/VA142 mutant I-Ab and by the failure to positively select the transgenic AND T cell receptor on the mutated I-Ab. These results underscore the importance of the CD4–class II interaction in the development of mature peripheral CD4+ T cells.
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a T cell autoimmune disorder that is a widely used animal model for multiple sclerosis (MS) and, as in MS, clinical signs of EAE are associated with blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption. SR 57746A, a nonpeptide drug without classical immunosuppressive properties, efficiently protected the BBB and impaired intrathecal IgG synthesis (two conventional markers of MS exacerbation) and consequently suppressed EAE clinical signs. This compound inhibited EAE-induced spinal cord mononuclear cell invasion and normalized tumor necrosis factor α and IFN-γ mRNA expression within the spinal cord. These data suggested that pharmacological intervention aimed at inhibiting proinflammatory cytokine expression within the central nervous system provided protection against BBB disruption, the first clinical sign of EAE and probably the key point of acute MS attacks. This finding could lead to the development of a new class of compounds for oral therapy of MS, as a supplement to immunosuppressive agents.
Proximal spinal muscular atrophy is an autosomal recessive human disease of spinal motor neurons leading to muscular weakness with onset predominantly in infancy and childhood. With an estimated heterozygote frequency of 1/40 it is the most common monogenic disorder lethal to infants; milder forms represent the second most common pediatric neuromuscular disorder. Two candidate genes—survival motor neuron (SMN) and neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein have been identified on chromosome 5q13 by positional cloning. However, the functional impact of these genes and the mechanism leading to a degeneration of motor neurons remain to be defined. To analyze the role of the SMN gene product in vivo we generated SMN-deficient mice. In contrast to the human genome, which contains two copies, the mouse genome contains only one SMN gene. Mice with homozygous SMN disruption display massive cell death during early embryonic development, indicating that the SMN gene product is necessary for cellular survival and function.
β-catenin has functions as both an adhesion and a signaling molecule. Disruption of these functions through mutations of the β-catenin gene (CTNNB1) may be important in the development of colorectal tumors. We examined the entire coding sequence of β-catenin by reverse transcriptase–PCR (RT-PCR) and direct sequencing of 23 human colorectal cancer cell lines from 21 patients. In two cell lines, there was apparent instability of the β-catenin mRNA. Five different mutations (26%) were found in the remaining 21cell lines (from 19 patients). A three-base deletion (codon 45) was identified in the cell line HCT 116, whereas cell lines SW 48, HCA 46, CACO 2, and Colo 201 each contained single-base missense mutations (codons 33, 183, 245, and 287, respectively). All 23 cell lines had full-length β-catenin protein that was detectable by Western blotting and that coprecipitated with E-cadherin. In three of the cell lines with CTNNB1 mutations, complexes of β-catenin with α-catenin and APC were detectable. In SW48 and HCA 46, however, we did not detect complexes of β-catenin protein with α-catenin and APC, respectively. These results show that selection of CTNNB1 mutations occurs in up to 26% of colorectal cancers from which cell lines are derived. In these cases, mutation selection is probably for altered β-catenin function, which may significantly alter intracellular signaling and intercellular adhesion and may serve as a complement to APC mutations in the early stages of tumorigenesis.
Telomerase is an essential enzyme that maintains telomeres on eukaryotic chromosomes. In mammals, telomerase is required for the lifelong proliferative capacity of normal regenerative and reproductive tissues and for sustained growth in a dedifferentiated state. Although the importance of telomeres was first elucidated in plants 60 years ago, little is known about the role of telomeres and telomerase in plant growth and development. Here we report the cloning and characterization of the Arabidopsis telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene, AtTERT. AtTERT is predicted to encode a highly basic protein of 131 kDa that harbors the reverse transcriptase and telomerase-specific motifs common to all known TERT proteins. AtTERT mRNA is 10–20 times more abundant in callus, which has high levels of telomerase activity, versus leaves, which contain no detectable telomerase. Plants homozygous for a transfer DNA insertion into the AtTERT gene lack telomerase activity, confirming the identity and function of this gene. Because telomeres in wild-type Arabidopsis are short, the discovery that telomerase-null plants are viable for at least two generations was unexpected. In the absence of telomerase, telomeres decline by approximately 500 bp per generation, a rate 10 times slower than seen in telomerase-deficient mice. This gradual loss of telomeric DNA may reflect a reduced rate of nucleotide depletion per round of DNA replication, or the requirement for fewer cell divisions per organismal generation. Nevertheless, progressive telomere shortening in the mutants, however slow, ultimately should be lethal.
A combination of in vitro embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation and targeted gene disruption has defined complex regulatory events underlying oxidative stress-induced cardiac apoptosis, a model of postischemic reperfusion injury of myocardium. ES cell-derived cardiac myocytes (ESCM) having targeted disruption of the MEKK1 gene were extremely sensitive, relative to wild-type ESCM, to hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis. In response to oxidative stress, MEKK1−/− ESCM failed to activate c-Jun kinase (JNK) but did activate p38 kinase similar to that observed in wild-type ESCM. The increased apoptosis was mediated through enhanced tumor necrosis factor α production, a response that was positively and negatively regulated by p38 and the MEKK1-JNK pathway, respectively. Thus, MEKK1 functions in the survival of cardiac myocytes by inhibiting the production of a proapoptotic cytokine. MEKK1 regulation of the JNK pathway is a critical response for the protection against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis in cardiac myocytes.
Pituitary gonadotropins follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone stimulate the gonads by regulating germ cell proliferation and differentiation. FSH receptors (FSH-Rs) are localized to testicular Sertoli cells and ovarian granulosa cells and are coupled to activation of the adenylyl cyclase and other signaling pathways. Activation of FSH-Rs is considered essential for folliculogenesis in the female and spermatogenesis in the male. We have generated mice lacking FSH-R by homologous recombination. FSH-R-deficient males are fertile but display small testes and partial spermatogenic failure. Thus, although FSH signaling is not essential for initiating spermatogenesis, it appears to be required for adequate viability and motility of the sperms. FSH-R-deficient females display thin uteri and small ovaries and are sterile because of a block in folliculogenesis before antral follicle formation. Although the expression of marker genes is only moderately altered in FSH-R −/− mice, drastic sex-specific changes are observed in the levels of various hormones. The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland in females is enlarged and reveals a larger number of FSH- and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)-positive cells. The phenotype of FSH-R −/− mice is reminiscent of human hypergonadotropic ovarian dysgenesis and infertility.
The identification and functional characterization of Dictyostelium discoideum dynamin A, a protein composed of 853 amino acids that shares up to 44% sequence identity with other dynamin-related proteins, is described. Dynamin A is present during all stages of D. discoideum development and is found predominantly in the cytosolic fraction and in association with endosomal and postlysosomal vacuoles. Overexpression of the protein has no adverse effect on the cells, whereas depletion of dynamin A by gene-targeting techniques leads to multiple and complex phenotypic changes. Cells lacking a functional copy of dymA show alterations of mitochondrial, nuclear, and endosomal morphology and a defect in fluid-phase uptake. They also become multinucleated due to a failure to complete normal cytokinesis. These pleiotropic effects of dynamin A depletion can be rescued by complementation with the cloned gene. Morphological studies using cells producing green fluorescent protein-dynamin A revealed that dynamin A associates with punctate cytoplasmic vesicles. Double labeling with vacuolin, a marker of a postlysosomal compartment in D. discoideum, showed an almost complete colocalization of vacuolin and dynamin A. Our results suggest that that dynamin A is likely to function in membrane trafficking processes along the endo-lysosomal pathway of D. discoideum but not at the plasma membrane.
Assembly and modulation of focal adhesions during dynamic adhesive processes are poorly understood. We describe here the use of ventral plasma membranes from adherent fibroblasts to explore mechanisms regulating integrin distribution and function in a system that preserves the integration of these receptors into the plasma membrane. We find that partial disruption of the cellular organization responsible for the maintenance of organized adhesive sites allows modulation of integrin distribution by divalent cations. High Ca2+ concentrations induce quasi-reversible diffusion of β1 integrins out of focal adhesions, whereas low Ca2+ concentrations induce irreversible recruitment of β1 receptors along extracellular matrix fibrils, as shown by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Both effects are independent from the presence of actin stress fibers in this system. Experiments with cells expressing truncated β1 receptors show that the cytoplasmic portion of β1 is required for low Ca2+-induced recruitment of the receptors to matrix fibrils. Analysis with function-modulating antibodies indicates that divalent cation-mediated receptor distribution within the membrane correlates with changes in the functional state of the receptors. Moreover, reconstitution experiments show that purified α-actinin colocalizes and redistributes with β1 receptors on ventral plasma membranes depleted of actin, implicating binding of α-actinin to the receptors. Finally, we found that recruitment of exogenous actin is specifically restricted to focal adhesions under conditions in which new actin polymerization is inhibited. Our data show that the described system can be exploited to investigate the mechanisms of integrin function in an experimental setup that permits receptor redistribution. The possibility to uncouple, under cell-free conditions, events involved in focal adhesion and actin cytoskeleton assembly should facilitate the comprehension of the underlying molecular mechanisms.