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We describe a genome-wide characterization of mRNA transcript levels in yeast grown on the fatty acid oleate, determined using Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE). Comparison of this SAGE library with that reported for glucose grown cells revealed the dramatic adaptive response of yeast to a change in carbon source. A major fraction (>20%) of the 15,000 mRNA molecules in a yeast cell comprised differentially expressed transcripts, which were derived from only 2% of the total number of ∼6300 yeast genes. Most of the mRNAs that were differentially expressed code for enzymes or for other proteins participating in metabolism (e.g., metabolite transporters). In oleate-grown cells, this was exemplified by the huge increase of mRNAs encoding the peroxisomal β-oxidation enzymes required for degradation of fatty acids. The data provide evidence for the existence of redox shuttles across organellar membranes that involve peroxisomal, cytoplasmic, and mitochondrial enzymes. We also analyzed the mRNA profile of a mutant strain with deletions of the PIP2 and OAF1 genes, encoding transcription factors required for induction of genes encoding peroxisomal proteins. Induction of genes under the immediate control of these factors was abolished; other genes were up-regulated, indicating an adaptive response to the changed metabolism imposed by the genetic impairment. We describe a statistical method for analysis of data obtained by SAGE.


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Large-scale gene expression studies can now be routinely performed on macroamounts of cells, but it is unclear to which extent current methods are valuable for analyzing complex tissues. In the present study, we used the method of serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) for quantitative mRNA profiling in the mouse kidney. We first performed SAGE at the whole-kidney level by sequencing 12,000 mRNA tags. Most abundant tags corresponded to transcripts widely distributed or enriched in the predominant kidney epithelial cells (proximal tubular cells), whereas transcripts specific for minor cell types were barely evidenced. To better explore such cells, we set up a SAGE adaptation for downsized extracts, enabling a 1,000-fold reduction of the amount of starting material. The potential of this approach was evaluated by studying gene expression in microdissected kidney tubules (50,000 cells). Specific gene expression profiles were obtained, and known markers (e.g., uromodulin in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop and aquaporin-2 in the collecting duct) were found appropriately enriched. In addition, several enriched tags had no databank match, suggesting that they correspond to unknown or poorly characterized transcripts with specific tissue distribution. It is concluded that SAGE adaptation for downsized extracts makes possible large-scale quantitative gene expression measurements in small biological samples and will help to study the tissue expression and function of genes not evidenced with other high-throughput methods.


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The patterns of cortico-cortical and cortico-thalamic connections of auditory cortical areas in the rhesus monkey have led to the hypothesis that acoustic information is processed in series and in parallel in the primate auditory cortex. Recent physiological experiments in the behaving monkey indicate that the response properties of neurons in different cortical areas are both functionally distinct from each other, which is indicative of parallel processing, and functionally similar to each other, which is indicative of serial processing. Thus, auditory cortical processing may be similar to the serial and parallel “what” and “where” processing by the primate visual cortex. If “where” information is serially processed in the primate auditory cortex, neurons in cortical areas along this pathway should have progressively better spatial tuning properties. This prediction is supported by recent experiments that have shown that neurons in the caudomedial field have better spatial tuning properties than neurons in the primary auditory cortex. Neurons in the caudomedial field are also better than primary auditory cortex neurons at predicting the sound localization ability across different stimulus frequencies and bandwidths in both azimuth and elevation. These data support the hypothesis that the primate auditory cortex processes acoustic information in a serial and parallel manner and suggest that this may be a general cortical mechanism for sensory perception.


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We have studied the neuropathological characteristics of the brain of rats receiving daily intracerebroventricular administration of freshly dissolved human immunodeficiency virus type 1 recombinant protein gp120 (100 ng per rat per day) given for up to 14 days. Histological examination of serial brain sections revealed no apparent gross damage to the cortex or hippocampus, nor did cell counting yield significant neuronal cell loss. However, the viral protein caused after 7 and 14 days of treatment DNA fragmentation in 10% of brain cortical neurons. Interestingly, reduced neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression along with significant increases in nerve growth factor (NGF) were observed in the hippocampus, where gp120 did not cause neuronal damage. No changes in NGF and NOS expression were seen in the cortex, where cell death is likely to be of the apoptotic type. The present data demonstrate that gp120-induced cortical cell death is associated with the lack of increase of NGF in the cerebral cortex and suggest that the latter may be important for the expression of neuropathology in the rat brain. By contrast, enhanced levels of NGF may prevent or delay neuronal death in the hippocampus, where reduced NOS expression may be a reflection of a subcellular insult inflicted by the viral protein.


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O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is an abundant and dynamic posttranslational modification composed of a single monosaccharide, GlcNAc, glycosidically composed of a single monosaccharide, GlcNAc, glycosidically linked to the side-chain hydroxyl of serine or threonine residues. Although O-GlcNAc occurs on a myriad of nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins, only a few have thus far been identified. These O-GlcNAc-bearing proteins are also modified by phosphorylation and form reversible multimeric complexes. Here we present evidence for O-GlcNAc glycosylation of the oncoprotein c-Myc, a helix-loop-helix/leucine zipper phosphoprotein that heterodimerizes with Max and participates in the regulation of gene transcription in normal and neoplastic cells. O-GlcNAc modification of c-Myc is shown by three different methods: (i) demonstration of lectin binding to in vitro translated protein using a protein-protein interaction mobility-shift assay; (ii) glycosidase or glycosyltransferase treatment of in vitro translated protein analyzed by lectin affinity chromatography; and (iii) direct characterization of the sugar moieties on purified recombinant protein overexpressed in either insect cells or Chinese hamster ovary cells. Analyses of serial deletion mutants of c-Myc further suggest that the O-GlcNAc site(s) are located within or near the N-terminal transcription activation/malignant transformation domain, a region where mutations of c-Myc that are frequently found in Burkitt and AIDS-related lymphomas cluster.


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A permanent line of mouse embryo fibroblasts was treated with concentrations of the anticancer drug methotrexate (MTX) that left 20–50% surviving colonies. The surviving population initially multiplied at a much slower rate than controls after subculture in the absence of the drug, and required 9–12 days of serial subculture, with selective growth of the faster growing cells, to approximate the control rate. To determine the distribution of growth rates of cells in the original posttreatment populations, many single cells were isolated in multiwell plates immediately after the treatment period, and the resulting clones were serially subcultured. Most of the control clones underwent about 2 population doublings per day (PD/D). Almost all the survivors of MTX treatment multiplied at heterogeneously reduced rates, ranging from 0.6 PD/D to as high as control rates for a very few clones. They maintained the reduced rates through many subcultivations. The heritability of the reduced growth rates indicates that most cells that retain proliferative capacity after treatment with MTX carry random genetic damage that is perpetuated through many divisions of their progeny. Similar results have been described for cells that survive x-irradiation, and suggest random genetic damage is a common occurrence among cells in rapidly growing tissues that survive cytotoxic treatment. It also occurs in serial subcultures of cells that had been held under the constraint of confluence for extended periods, which suggests that the accumulation of random genetic damage to somatic cells during aging of mammals underlies the reduction of growth rate and function of the cells that characterizes the aging process.


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To prevent mother-to-child human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission, it is important to identify its determinants. Because HIV-1 RNA levels can be reduced by antiviral therapy, we examined the role of maternal plasma HIV-1 RNA level in mother-to-child transmission. We used quantitative competitive PCR to measure HIV-RNA in 30 infected pregnant women and then followed their infants prospectively; 27% of the women transmitted HIV-1 to their infants and maternal plasma HIV-1 RNA level correlated strikingly with transmission. Eight of the 10 women with the highest HIV-1 RNA levels at delivery (190,400-1,664,100 copies per ml of plasma) transmitted, while none of the 20 women with lower levels (500-155,800 copies per ml) did (P = 0.0002). Statistical analysis of the distribution of HIV-1 RNA loads in these 30 women projected a threshold for mother-to-child transmission in a larger population; the probability of a woman with a viral RNA level of < or = 100,000 copies per ml not transmitting is predicted to be 97%. Examination of serial HIV-1 RNA levels during pregnancy showed that viral load was stable in women who did not initiate or change antiviral therapy. These data identify maternal plasma HIV-1-RNA level as a major determinant of mother-to-child transmission and suggest that quantitation of HIV-1 RNA may predict the risk of transmission.