29 resultados para Canker (Plant disease)
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
The Arabidopsis thaliana disease resistance genes RPS2 and RPM1 belong to a class of plant disease resistance genes that encode proteins that contain an N-terminal tripartite nucleotide binding site (NBS) and a C- terminal tandem array of leucine-rich repeats. RPS2 and RPM1 confer resistance to strains of the bacterial phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae carrying the avirulence genes avrRpt2 and avrB, respectively. In these gene-for-gene relationships, it has been proposed that pathogen avirulence genes generate specific ligands that are recognized by cognate receptors encoded by the corresponding plant resistance genes. To test this hypothesis, it is crucial to know the site of the potential molecular recognition. Mutational analysis of RPS2 protein and in vitro translation/translocation studies indicated that RPS2 protein is localized in the plant cytoplasm. To determine whether avirulence gene products themselves are the ligands for resistance proteins, we expressed the avrRpt2 and avrB genes directly in plant cells using a novel quantitative transient expression assay, and found that expression of avrRpt2 and avrB elicited a resistance response in plants carrying the corresponding resistance genes. This observation indicates that no bacterial factors other than the avirulence gene products are required for the specific resistance response as long as the avirulence gene products are correctly localized. We propose that molecular recognition of P. syringae in RPS2- and RPM1-specified resistance occurs inside of plant cells.
The cell death response known as the hypersensitive response (HR) is a central feature of gene-for-gene plant disease resistance. A mutant line of Arabidopsis thaliana was identified in which effective gene-for-gene resistance occurs despite the virtual absence of HR cell death. Plants mutated at the DND1 locus are defective in HR cell death but retain characteristic responses to avirulent Pseudomonas syringae such as induction of pathogenesis-related gene expression and strong restriction of pathogen growth. Mutant dnd1 plants also exhibit enhanced resistance against a broad spectrum of virulent fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens. The resistance against virulent pathogens in dnd1 plants is quantitatively less strong and is differentiable from the gene-for-gene resistance mediated by resistance genes RPS2 and RPM1. Levels of salicylic acid compounds and mRNAs for pathogenesis-related genes are elevated constitutively in dnd1 plants. This constitutive induction of systemic acquired resistance may substitute for HR cell death in potentiating the stronger gene-for-gene defense response. Although cell death may contribute to defense signal transduction in wild-type plants, the dnd1 mutant demonstrates that strong restriction of pathogen growth can occur in the absence of extensive HR cell death in the gene-for-gene resistance response of Arabidopsis against P. syringae.
Disease resistance in plants is often controlled by a gene-for-gene mechanism in which avirulence (avr) gene products encoded by pathogens are specifically recognized, either directly or indirectly, by plant disease resistance (R) gene products. Members of the NBS-LRR class of R genes encode proteins containing a putative nucleotide binding site (NBS) and carboxyl-terminal leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). Generally, NBS-LRR proteins do not contain predicted transmembrane segments or signal peptides, suggesting they are soluble cytoplasmic proteins. RPM1 is an NBS-LRR protein from Arabidopsis thaliana that confers resistance to Pseudomonas syringae expressing either avrRpm1 or avrB. RPM1 protein was localized by using an epitope tag. In contrast to previous suggestions, RPM1 is a peripheral membrane protein that likely resides on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. Furthermore, RPM1 is degraded coincident with the onset of the hypersensitive response, suggesting a negative feedback loop controlling the extent of cell death and overall resistance response at the site of infection.
Epidemics of soil-borne plant disease are characterized by patchiness because of restricted dispersal of inoculum. The density of inoculum within disease patches depends on a sequence comprising local amplification during the parasitic phase followed by dispersal of inoculum by cultivation during the intercrop period. The mechanisms that control size, shape, and persistence have received very little rigorous attention in epidemiological theory. Here we derive a model for dispersal of inoculum in soil by cultivation that takes account into the discrete stochastic nature of the system in time and space. Two parameters, probability of movement and mean dispersal distance, characterize lateral dispersal of inoculum by cultivation. The dispersal parameters are used in combination with the characteristic area and dimensions of host plants to identify criteria that control the shape and size of disease patches. We derive a critical value for the probability of movement for the formation of cross-shaped patches and show that this is independent of the amount of inoculum. We examine the interaction between local amplification of inoculum by parasitic activity and subsequent dilution by dispersal and identify criteria whereby asymptomatic patches may persist as inoculum falls below a threshold necessary for symptoms to appear in the subsequent crop. The model is motivated by the spread of rhizomania, an economically important soil-borne disease of sugar beet. However, the results have broad applicability to a very wide range of diseases that survive as discrete units of inoculum. The application of the model to patch dynamics of weed seeds and local introductions of genetically modified seeds is also discussed.
Isolation and characterization of a tobacco mosaic virus-inducible myb oncogene homolog from tobacco
Salicylic acid (SA) plays an important role in signaling the activation of plant defense responses against pathogen attack including induction of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. To gain further insight into the SA-mediated signal transduction pathway, we have isolated and characterized a tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-inducible myb oncogene homolog (myb1) from tobacco. The myb1 gene was induced upon TMV infection during both the hypersensitive response and development of systemic acquired resistance in the resistant tobacco cultivar following the rise of endogenous SA, but was not activated in the susceptible cultivar that fails to accumulate SA. The myb1 gene was also induced by incompatible bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae during the hypersensitive response. Exogenous SA treatment rapidly (within 15 min) activated the expression of myb1 in both resistant and susceptible tobacco cultivars with the subsequent induction of PR genes occurring several hours later. Biologically active analogs of SA and 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (a synthetic functional analog of SA), which induce PR genes and enhanced resistance, also activated the myb1 gene. In contrast, biologically inactive analogs were poor inducers of myb1 gene expression. Furthermore, the recombinant Myb1 protein was shown to specifically bind to a Myb-binding consensus sequence found in the promoter of the PR-1a gene. Taken together, these results suggest that the tobacco myb1 gene encodes a signaling component downstream of SA that may participate in transcriptional activation of PR genes and plant disease resistance.
The Arabidopsis thaliana NPR1 has been shown to be a key regulator of gene expression during the onset of a plant disease-resistance response known as systemic acquired resistance. The npr1 mutant plants fail to respond to systemic acquired resistance-inducing signals such as salicylic acid (SA), or express SA-induced pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. Using NPR1 as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified a subclass of transcription factors in the basic leucine zipper protein family (AHBP-1b and TGA6) and showed that they interact specifically in yeast and in vitro with NPR1. Point mutations that abolish the NPR1 function in A. thaliana also impair the interactions between NPR1 and the transcription factors in the yeast two-hybrid assay. Furthermore, a gel mobility shift assay showed that the purified transcription factor protein, AHBP-1b, binds specifically to an SA-responsive promoter element of the A. thaliana PR-1 gene. These data suggest that NPR1 may regulate PR-1 gene expression by interacting with a subclass of basic leucine zipper protein transcription factors.
Plant disease resistance (R) genes confer race-specific resistance to pathogens and are genetically defined on the basis of intra-specific functional polymorphism. Little is known about the evolutionary mechanisms that generate this polymorphism. Most R loci examined to date contain alternate alleles and/or linked homologs even in disease-susceptible plant genotypes. In contrast, the resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pathovar maculicola (RPM1) bacterial resistance gene is completely absent (rpm1-null) in 5/5 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions that lack RPM1 function. The rpm1-null locus contains a 98-bp segment of unknown origin in place of the RPM1 gene. We undertook comparative mapping of RPM1 and flanking genes in Brassica napus to determine the ancestral state of the RPM1 locus. We cloned two B. napus RPM1 homologs encoding hypothetical proteins with ≈81% amino acid identity to Arabidopsis RPM1. Collinearity of genes flanking RPM1 is conserved between B. napus and Arabidopsis. Surprisingly, we found four additional B. napus loci in which the flanking marker synteny is maintained but RPM1 is absent. These B. napus rpm1-null loci have no detectable nucleotide similarity to the Arabidopsis rpm1-null allele. We conclude that RPM1 evolved before the divergence of the Brassicaceae and has been deleted independently in the Brassica and Arabidopsis lineages. These results suggest that functional polymorphism at R gene loci can arise from gene deletions.
Systemic acquired resistance is an important component of the disease-resistance arsenal of plants, and is associated with an enhanced potency for activating local defense responses upon pathogen attack. Here we demonstrate that pretreatment with benzothiadiazole (BTH), a synthetic activator of acquired resistance in plants, augmented the sensitivity for low-dose elicitation of coumarin phytoalexin secretion by cultured parsley (Petroselinum crispum L.) cells. Enhanced coumarin secretion was associated with potentiated activation of genes encoding Phe ammonia-lyase (PAL). The augmentation of PAL gene induction was proportional to the length of pretreatment with BTH, indicating time-dependent priming of the cells. In contrast to the PAL genes, those for anionic peroxidase were directly induced by BTH in the absence of elicitor, thus confirming a dual role for BTH in the activation of plant defenses. Strikingly, the ability of various chemicals to enhance plant disease resistance correlated with their capability to potentiate parsley PAL gene elicitation, emphasizing an important role for defense response potentiation in acquired plant disease resistance.
It has been proposed that cloned plant disease resistance genes could be transferred from resistant to susceptible plant species to control important crop plant diseases. The recently cloned N gene of tobacco confers resistance to the viral pathogen, tobacco mosaic virus. We generated transgenic tomato plants bearing the N gene and demonstrate that N confers a hypersensitive response and effectively localizes tobacco mosaic virus to sites of inoculation in transgenic tomato, as it does in tobacco. The ability to reconstruct the N-mediated resistance response to tobacco mosaic virus in tomato demonstrates the utility of using isolated resistance genes to protect crop plants from diseases, and it demonstrates that all the components necessary for N-mediated resistance are conserved in tomato.
Pathways of salicylic acid (SA) biosynthesis and metabolism in tobacco have been recently identified. SA, an endogenous regulator of disease resistance, is a product of phenylpropanoid metabolism formed via decarboxylation of trans-cinnamic acid to benzoic acid and its subsequent 2-hydroxylation to SA. In tobacco mosaic virus-inoculated tobacco leaves, newly synthesized SA is rapidly metabolized to SA O-beta-D-glucoside and methyl salicylate. Two key enzymes involved in SA biosynthesis and metabolism: benzoic acid 2-hydroxylase, which converts benzoic acid to SA, and UDPglucose:SA glucosyltransferase (EC, which catalyzes conversion of SA to SA glucoside have been partially purified and characterized. Progress in enzymology and molecular biology of SA biosynthesis and metabolism will provide a better understanding of signal transduction pathway involved in plant disease resistance.
The rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea, generates enormous turgor pressure within a specialized cell called the appressorium to breach the surface of host plant cells. Here, we show that a mitogen-activated protein kinase, Mps1, is essential for appressorium penetration. Mps1 is 85% similar to yeast Slt2 mitogen-activated protein kinase and can rescue the thermosensitive growth of slt2 null mutants. The mps1–1Δ mutants of M. grisea have some phenotypes in common with slt2 mutants of yeast, including sensitivity to cell-wall-digesting enzymes, but display additional phenotypes, including reduced sporulation and fertility. Interestingly, mps1–1Δ mutants are completely nonpathogenic because of the inability of appressoria to penetrate plant cell surfaces, suggesting that penetration requires remodeling of the appressorium wall through an Mps1-dependent signaling pathway. Although mps1–1Δ mutants are unable to cause disease, they are able to trigger early plant-cell defense responses, including the accumulation of autofluorescent compounds and the rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton. We conclude that MPS1 is essential for pathogen penetration; however, penetration is not required for induction of some plant defense responses.
Saponins are glycosylated plant secondary metabolites found in many major food crops [Price, K. R., Johnson, I. T. & Fenwick, G. R. (1987) CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 26, 27–133]. Because many saponins have potent antifungal properties and are present in healthy plants in high concentrations, these molecules may act as preformed chemical barriers to fungal attack. The isolation of plant mutants defective in saponin biosynthesis represents a powerful strategy for evaluating the importance of these compounds in plant defense. The oat root saponin avenacin A-1 fluoresces under ultraviolet illumination [Crombie, L., Crombie, W. M. L. & Whiting, D. A. (1986) J. Chem. Soc. Perkins 1, 1917–1922], a property that is extremely rare among saponins. Here we have exploited this fluorescence to isolate saponin-deficient (sad) mutants of a diploid oat species, Avena strigosa. These sad mutants are compromised in their resistance to a variety of fungal pathogens, and a number of lines of evidence suggest that this compromised disease resistance is a direct consequence of saponin deficiency. Because saponins are widespread throughout the plant kingdom, this group of secondary metabolites may have general significance as antimicrobial phytoprotectants.
The Bs2 resistance gene of pepper specifically recognizes and confers resistance to strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria that contain the corresponding bacterial avirulence gene, avrBs2. The involvement of avrBs2 in pathogen fitness and its prevalence in many X. campestris pathovars suggests that the Bs2 gene may be durable in the field and provide resistance when introduced into other plant species. Employing a positional cloning strategy, the Bs2 locus was isolated and the gene was identified by coexpression with avrBs2 in an Agrobacterium-mediated transient assay. A single candidate gene, predicted to encode motifs characteristic of the nucleotide binding site–leucine-rich repeat class of resistance genes, was identified. This gene specifically controlled the hypersensitive response when transiently expressed in susceptible pepper and tomato lines and in a nonhost species, Nicotiana benthamiana, and was designated as Bs2. Functional expression of Bs2 in stable transgenic tomatoes supports its use as a source of resistance in other Solanaceous plant species.
Many pathogen recognition genes, such as plant R-genes, undergo rapid adaptive evolution, providing evidence that these genes play a critical role in plant-pathogen coevolution. Surprisingly, whether rapid adaptive evolution also occurs in genes encoding other kinds of plant defense proteins is unknown. Unlike recognition proteins, plant chitinases attack pathogens directly, conferring disease resistance by degrading chitin, a component of fungal cell walls. Here, we show that nonsynonymous substitution rates in plant class I chitinase often exceed synonymous rates in the plant genus Arabis (Cruciferae) and in other dicots, indicating a succession of adaptively driven amino acid replacements. We identify individual residues that are likely subject to positive selection by using codon substitution models and determine the location of these residues on the three-dimensional structure of class I chitinase. In contrast to primate lysozymes and plant class III chitinases, structural and functional relatives of class I chitinase, the adaptive replacements of class I chitinase occur disproportionately in the active site cleft. This highly unusual pattern of replacements suggests that fungi directly defend against chitinolytic activity through enzymatic inhibition or other forms of chemical resistance and identifies target residues for manipulating chitinolytic activity. These data also provide empirical evidence that plant defense proteins not involved in pathogen recognition also evolve in a manner consistent with rapid coevolutionary interactions.