19 resultados para Caldwell, Masslich and Reed

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Distinct subtypes of glutamate receptors often are colocalized at individual excitatory synapses in the mammalian brain yet appear to subserve distinct functions. To address whether neuronal activity may differentially regulate the surface expression at synapses of two specific subtypes of ionotropic glutamate receptors we epitope-tagged an AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid) receptor subunit (GluR1) and an NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) receptor subunit (NR1) on their extracellular termini and expressed these proteins in cultured hippocampal neurons using recombinant adenoviruses. Both receptor subtypes were appropriately targeted to the synaptic plasma membrane as defined by colocalization with the synaptic vesicle protein synaptophysin. Increasing activity in the network of cultured cells by prolonged blockade of inhibitory synapses with the γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor antagonist picrotoxin caused an activity-dependent and NMDA receptor-dependent decrease in surface expression of GluR1, but not NR1, at synapses. Consistent with this observation identical treatment of noninfected cultures decreased the contribution of endogenous AMPA receptors to synaptic currents relative to endogenous NMDA receptors. These results indicate that neuronal activity can differentially regulate the surface expression of AMPA and NMDA receptors at individual synapses.


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Pallido-ponto-nigral degeneration (PPND) is one of the most well characterized familial neurodegenerative disorders linked to chromosome 17q21–22. These hereditary disorders are known collectively as frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). Although the clinical features and associated regional variations in the neuronal loss observed in different FTDP-17 kindreds are diverse, the diagnostic lesions of FTDP-17 brains are tau-rich filaments in the cytoplasm of specific subpopulations of neurons and glial cells. The microtubule associated protein (tau) gene is located on chromosome 17q21–22. For these reasons, we investigated the possibility that PPND and other FTDP-17 syndromes might be caused by mutations in the tau gene. Two missense mutations in exon 10 of the tau gene that segregate with disease, Asn279Lys in the PPND kindred and Pro301Leu in four other FTDP-17 kindreds, were found. A third mutation was found in the intron adjacent to the 3′ splice site of exon 10 in patients from another FTDP-17 family. Transcripts that contain exon 10 encode tau isoforms with four microtubule (MT)-binding repeats (4Rtau) as opposed to tau isoforms with three MT-binding repeats (3Rtau). The insoluble tau aggregates isolated from brains of patients with each mutation were analyzed by immunoblotting using tau-specific antibodies. For each of three mutations, abnormal tau with an apparent Mr of 64 and 69 was observed. The dephosphorylated material comigrated with tau isoforms containing exon 10 having four MT-binding repeats but not with 3Rtau. Thus, the brains of patients with both the missense mutations and the splice junction mutation contain aggregates of insoluble 4Rtau in filamentous inclusions, which may lead to neurodegeneration.


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A differentiation induction subtraction hybridization strategy is being used to identify and clone genes involved in growth control and terminal differentiation in human cancer cells. This scheme identified melanoma differentiation associated gene-7 (mda-7), whose expression is up-regulated as a consequence of terminal differentiation in human melanoma cells. Forced expression of mda-7 is growth inhibitory toward diverse human tumor cells. The present studies elucidate the mechanism by which mda-7 selectively suppresses the growth of human breast cancer cells and the consequence of ectopic expression of mda-7 on human breast tumor formation in vivo in nude mice. Infection of wild-type, mutant, and null p53 human breast cancer cells with a recombinant type 5 adenovirus expressing mda-7, Ad.mda-7 S, inhibited growth and induced programmed cell death (apoptosis). Induction of apoptosis correlated with an increase in BAX protein, an established inducer of programmed cell death, and an increase in the ratio of BAX to BCL-2, an established inhibitor of apoptosis. Infection of breast carcinoma cells with Ad.mda-7 S before injection into nude mice inhibited tumor development. In contrast, ectopic expression of mda-7 did not significantly alter cell cycle kinetics, growth rate, or survival in normal human mammary epithelial cells. These data suggest that mda-7 induces its selective anticancer properties in human breast carcinoma cells by promoting apoptosis that occurs independent of p53 status. On the basis of its selective anticancer inhibitory activity and its direct antitumor effects, mda-7 may represent a new class of cancer suppressor genes that could prove useful for the targeted therapy of human cancer.


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Pre-mRNA splicing is among the last known nuclear events before export of mature mRNA to the cytoplasm. At present, it is not known whether splicing and mRNA export are biochemically coupled processes. In this study, we have injected pre-mRNAs containing a single intron or the same mRNAs lacking an intron (Δi-mRNAs) into Xenopus oocyte nuclei. We find that the spliced mRNAs are exported much more rapidly and efficiently than the identical Δi-mRNAs. Moreover, competition studies using excess Δi-mRNA indicate that different factor(s) are involved in the inefficient export of Δi-mRNA vs. the efficient export of spliced mRNA. Consistent with this conclusion, spliced mRNA and Δi-mRNA, though identical in sequence, are assembled into different messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNP) in vitro. Strikingly, the mRNA in the spliced mRNP, but not in the Δi-mRNP, is exported rapidly and efficiently. We conclude that splicing generates a specific nucleoprotein complex that targets mRNA for export. Our results, revealing a link between splicing and efficient mRNA export, may explain the reports that an intron is required for efficient expression of many protein-coding genes in metazoans.


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The primary motivation behind the considerable effort in studying stratospheric ozone depletion is the potential for biological consequences of increased solar UVB (280–315 nm) radiation. Yet, direct links between ozone depletion and biological impacts have been established only for organisms of Antarctic waters under the influence of the ozone “hole;” no direct evidence exists that ozone-related variations in UVB affect ecosystems of temperate latitudes. Indeed, calculations based on laboratory studies with plants suggest that the biological impact of ozone depletion (measured by the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in DNA) is likely to be less marked than previously thought, because UVA quanta (315–400 nm) may also cause significant damage, and UVA is unaffected by ozone depletion. Herein, we show that the temperate ecosystems of southern South America have been subjected to increasingly high levels of ozone depletion during the last decade. We found that in the spring of 1997, despite frequent cloud cover, the passages of the ozone hole over Tierra del Fuego (55° S) caused concomitant increases in solar UV and that the enhanced ground-level UV led to significant increases in DNA damage in the native plant Gunnera magellanica. The fluctuations in solar UV explained a large proportion of the variation in DNA damage (up to 68%), particularly when the solar UV was weighted for biological effectiveness according to action spectra that assume a sharp decline in quantum efficiency with increasing wavelength from the UVB into the UVA regions of the spectrum.


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The genetic properties of the non-Mendelian element, [URE3], suggest that it is a prion (infectious protein) form of Ure2p, a mediator of nitrogen regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Into a ure2Δ strain (necessarily lacking [URE3]), we introduced a plasmid overproducing Ure2p. This induced the frequent “spontaneous generation” of [URE3], with properties identical to the original [URE3]. Altering the translational frame only in the prion-inducing domain of URE2 shows that it is Ure2 protein (and not URE2 RNA) that induces appearance of [URE3]. The proteinase K-resistance of Ure2p is unique to [URE3] strains and is not seen in nitrogen regulation of normal strains. The prion-inducing domain of Ure2p (residues 1–65) can propagate [URE3] in the absence of the C-terminal part of the molecule. In contrast, the C-terminal part of Ure2p cannot be converted to the prion (inactive) form without the prion-inducing domain covalently attached. These experiments support the prion model for [URE3] and extend our understanding of its propagation.


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Subcellular targeting and the activity of facilitative glucose transporters are likely to be regulated by interactions with cellular proteins. This report describes the identification and characterization of a protein, GLUT1 C-terminal binding protein (GLUT1CBP), that binds via a PDZ domain to the C terminus of GLUT1. The interaction requires the C-terminal four amino acids of GLUT1 and is isoform specific because GLUT1CBP does not interact with the C terminus of GLUT3 or GLUT4. Most rat tissues examined contain both GLUT1CBP and GLUT1 mRNA, whereas only small intestine lacked detectable GLUT1CBP protein. GLUT1CBP is also expressed in primary cultures of neurons and astrocytes, as well as in Chinese hamster ovary, 3T3-L1, Madin–Darby canine kidney, Caco-2, and pheochromocytoma-12 cell lines. GLUT1CBP is able to bind to native GLUT1 extracted from cell membranes, self-associate, or interact with the cytoskeletal proteins myosin VI, α-actinin-1, and the kinesin superfamily protein KIF-1B. The presence of a PDZ domain places GLUT1CBP among a growing family of structural and regulatory proteins, many of which are localized to areas of membrane specialization. This and its ability to interact with GLUT1 and cytoskeletal proteins implicate GLUT1CBP in cellular mechanisms for targeting GLUT1 to specific subcellular sites either by tethering the transporter to cytoskeletal motor proteins or by anchoring the transporter to the actin cytoskeleton.


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In RBL-2H3 tumor mast cells, cross-linking the high affinity IgE receptor (FcεRI) with antigen activates cytosolic tyrosine kinases and stimulates Ins(1,4,5)P3 production. Using immune complex phospholipase assays, we show that FcεRI cross-linking activates both PLCγ1 and PLCγ2. Activation is accompanied by the increased phosphorylation of both PLCγ isoforms on serine and tyrosine in antigen-treated cells. We also show that the two PLCγ isoforms have distinct subcellular localizations. PLCγ1 is primarily cytosolic in resting RBL-2H3 cells, with low levels of plasma membrane association. After antigen stimulation, PLCγ1 translocates to the plasma membrane where it associates preferentially with membrane ruffles. In contrast, PLCγ2 is concentrated in a perinuclear region near the Golgi and adjacent to the plasma membrane in resting cells and does not redistribute appreciably after FcεRI cross-linking. The activation of PLCγ1, but not of PLCγ2, is blocked by wortmannin, a PI 3-kinase inhibitor previously shown to block antigen-stimulated ruffling and to inhibit Ins(1,4,5)P3 synthesis. In addition, wortmannin strongly inhibits the antigen-stimulated phosphorylation of both serine and tyrosine residues on PLCγ1 with little inhibition of PLCγ2 phosphorylation. Wortmannin also blocks the antigen-stimulated translocation of PLCγ1 to the plasma membrane. Our results implicate PI 3-kinase in the phosphorylation, translocation, and activation of PLCγ1. Although less abundant than PLCγ2, activated PLCγ1 may be responsible for the bulk of antigen-stimulated Ins(1,4,5)P3 production in RBL-2H3 cells.


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Voltage-gated sodium channels perform critical roles for electrical signaling in the nervous system by generating action potentials in axons and in dendrites. At least 10 genes encode sodium channels in mammals, but specific physiological roles that distinguish each of these isoforms are not known. One possibility is that each isoform is expressed in a restricted set of cell types or is targeted to a specific domain of a neuron or muscle cell. Using affinity-purified isoform-specific antibodies, we find that Nav1.6 is highly concentrated at nodes of Ranvier of both sensory and motor axons in the peripheral nervous system and at nodes in the central nervous system. The specificity of this antibody was also demonstrated with the Nav1.6-deficient mouse mutant strain med, whose nodes were negative for Nav1.6 immunostaining. Both the intensity of labeling and the failure of other isoform-specific antibodies to label nodes suggest that Nav1.6 is the predominant channel type in this structure. In the central nervous system, Nav1.6 is localized in unmyelinated axons in the retina and cerebellum and is strongly expressed in dendrites of cortical pyramidal cells and cerebellar Purkinje cells. Ultrastructural studies indicate that labeling in dendrites is both intracellular and on dendritic shaft membranes. Remarkably, Nav1.6 labeling was observed at both presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes in the cortex and cerebellum. Thus, a single sodium channel isoform is targeted to different neuronal domains and can influence both axonal conduction and synaptic responses.


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We cloned a new inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) homolog, SfIAP, from Spodoptera frugiperda Sf-21 cells, a host of insect baculoviruses. SfIAP contains two baculovirus IAP repeat domains followed by a RING domain. SfIAP has striking amino acid sequence similarity with baculoviral IAPs, CpIAP and OpIAP, suggesting that baculoviral IAPs may be host-derived genes. SfIAP and baculoviral CpIAP inhibit Bax but not Fas-induced apoptosis in human cells. Their apoptosis-suppressing activity in mammalian cells requires both baculovirus IAP repeat and RING domains. Further biochemical data suggest that SfIAP and CpIAP are specific inhibitors of mammalian caspase-9, the pinnacle caspase in the mitochondria/cytochrome c pathway for apoptosis, but are not inhibitors of downstream caspase-3 and caspase-7. Thus the mechanisms by which insect and baculoviral IAPs suppress apoptosis may involve inhibition of an insect caspase-9 homologue. Peptides representing the IAP-binding domain of the Drosophila cell death protein Grim abrogated human caspase suppression by SfIAP and CpIAP, implying evolutionary conservation of the functions of IAPs and their inhibitors.


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Pre-mRNA splicing requires the bridging of the 5′ and 3′ ends of the intron. In yeast, this bridging involves interactions between the WW domains in the splicing factor PRP40 and a proline-rich domain in the branchpoint binding protein, BBP. Using a proline-rich domain derived from formin (a product of the murine limb deformity locus), we have identified a family of murine formin binding proteins (FBP’s), each of which contains one or more of a special class of tyrosine-rich WW domains. Two of these WW domains, in the proteins FBP11 and FBP21, are strikingly similar to those found in the yeast splicing factor PRP40. We show that FBP21 is present in highly purified spliceosomal complex A, is associated with U2 snRNPs, and colocalizes with splicing factors in nuclear speckle domains. Moreover, FBP21 interacts directly with the U1 snRNP protein U1C, the core snRNP proteins SmB and SmB′, and the branchpoint binding protein SF1/mBBP. Thus, FBP21 may play a role in cross-intron bridging of U1 and U2 snRNPs in the mammalian A complex.


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We compared peripheral and mucosal primary CD8 T cell responses to inflammatory and noninflammatory forms of antigen in a T cell-adoptive transfer system. Immunization with the soluble antigen, ovalbumin (ova), administered i.p. or orally without adjuvant, activated nonmucosal CD8 T cells but did not induce cytotoxic activity. However, after activation, the transferred cells entered the intestinal mucosa and became potent antigen-specific killers. Thus, exogenous intact soluble protein entered the major histocompatibility complex class I antigen presentation pathway and induced mucosal cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Moreover, distinct costimulatory requirements for activation of peripheral versus mucosal T cells were noted in that the CD28 ligand, B7-1, was critical for activated mucosal T cell generation but not for activation of peripheral CD8 T cells. The costimulator, B7-2, was required for optimum activation of both populations. Infection with a new recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus encoding ovalbumin induced lytic activity in mucosal as well as peripheral sites, demonstrating an adjuvant effect of inflammatory mediators produced during virus infection. Generation of antiviral cytotoxic T lymphocytes was also costimulation-dependent. The results indicated that induction of peripheral tolerance via antigen administration may not extend to mucosal sites because of distinct costimulatory and inflammatory signals in the mucosa.


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Adipocyte complement-related protein (30 kDa) (Acrp30), a secreted protein of unknown function, is exclusively expressed in differentiated adipocytes; its mRNA is decreased in obese humans and mice. Here we describe novel pharmacological properties of the protease-generated globular head domain of Acrp30 (gAcrp30). Acute treatment of mice with gAcrp30 significantly decreased the elevated levels of plasma free fatty acids caused either by administration of a high fat test meal or by i.v. injection of Intralipid. This effect of gAcrp30 was caused, at least in part, by an acute increase in fatty acid oxidation by muscle. As a result, daily administration of a very low dose of gAcrp30 to mice consuming a high-fat/sucrose diet caused profound and sustainable weight reduction without affecting food intake. Thus, gAcrp30 is a novel pharmacological compound that controls energy homeostasis and exerts its effect primarily at the peripheral level.


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The cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1, important for p53-dependent cell cycle control, mediates G1/S arrest through inhibition of Cdks and possibly through inhibition of DNA replication. Cdk inhibition requires a sequence of approximately 60 amino acids within the p21 NH2 terminus. We show, using proteolytic mapping, circular dichroism spectropolarimetry, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, that p21 and NH2-terminal fragments that are active as Cdk inhibitors lack stable secondary or tertiary structure in the free solution state. In sharp contrast to the disordered free state, however, the p21 NH2 terminus adopts an ordered stable conformation when bound to Cdk2, as shown directly by NMR spectroscopy. We have, thus, identified a striking disorder-order transition for p21 upon binding to one of its biological targets, Cdk2. This structural transition has profound implications in light of the ability of p21 to bind and inhibit a diverse family of cyclin-Cdk complexes, including cyclin A-Cdk2, cyclin E-Cdk2, and cyclin D-Cdk4. Our findings suggest that the flexibility, or disorder, of free p21 is associated with binding diversity and offer insights into the role for structural disorder in mediating binding specificity in biological systems. Further, these observations challenge the generally accepted view of proteins that stable secondary and tertiary structure are prerequisites for biological activity and suggest that a broader view of protein structure should be considered in the context of structure-activity relationships.


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We have isolated cDNAs encoding a second member of the dilute (myosin-V) unconventional myosin family in vertebrates, myr 6 (myosin from rat 6). Expression of myr 6 transcripts in the brain is much more limited than is the expression of dilute, with highest levels observed in choroid plexus and components of the limbic system. We have mapped the myr 6 locus to mouse chromosome 18 using an interspecific backcross. The 3' portion of the myr 6 cDNA sequence from rat is nearly identical to that of a previously published putative glutamic acid decarboxylase from mouse [Huang, W.M., Reed-Fourquet, L., Wu, E. & Wu, J.Y. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 8491-8495].