em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A technique is described for displaying distinct tissue layers of large blood vessel walls as well as measuring their mechanical strain. The technique is based on deuterium double-quantum-filtered (DQF) spectroscopic imaging. The effectiveness of the double-quantum filtration in suppressing the signal of bulk water is demonstrated on a phantom consisting of rat tail tendon fibers. Only intrafibrillar water is displayed, excluding all other signals of water molecules that reorient isotropically. One- and two-dimensional spectroscopic imaging of bovine aorta and coronary arteries show the characteristic DQF spectrum of each of the tissue layers. This property is used to obtain separate images of the outer layer, the tunica adventitia, or the intermediate layer, the tunica media, or both. To visualize the effect of elongation, the average residual quadrupole splitting <Δνq> is calculated for each pixel. Two-dimensional deuterium quadrupolar splitting images are obtained for a fully relaxed and a 55% elongated sample of bovine coronary artery. These images indicate that the strong effect of strain is associated with water molecules in the tunica adventitia whereas the DQF NMR signal of water in the tunica media is apparently strain-insensitive. After appropriate calibration, these average quadrupolar splitting images can be interpreted as strain maps.


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We describe a procedure for the generation of chemically accurate computer-simulation models to study chemical reactions in the condensed phase. The process involves (i) the use of a coupled semiempirical quantum and classical molecular mechanics method to represent solutes and solvent, respectively; (ii) the optimization of semiempirical quantum mechanics (QM) parameters to produce a computationally efficient and chemically accurate QM model; (iii) the calibration of a quantum/classical microsolvation model using ab initio quantum theory; and (iv) the use of statistical mechanical principles and methods to simulate, on massively parallel computers, the thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions in aqueous solution. The utility of this process is demonstrated by the calculation of the enthalpy of reaction in vacuum and free energy change in aqueous solution for a proton transfer involving methanol, methoxide, imidazole, and imidazolium, which are functional groups involved with proton transfers in many biochemical systems. An optimized semiempirical QM model is produced, which results in the calculation of heats of formation of the above chemical species to within 1.0 kcal/mol (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ) of experimental values. The use of the calibrated QM and microsolvation QM/MM (molecular mechanics) models for the simulation of a proton transfer in aqueous solution gives a calculated free energy that is within 1.0 kcal/mol (12.2 calculated vs. 12.8 experimental) of a value estimated from experimental pKa values of the reacting species.


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We announce a proof of H-stability for the quantized radiation field, with ultraviolet cutoff, coupled to arbitrarily many non-relativistic quantized electrons and static nuclei. Our result holds for arbitrary atomic numbers and fine structure constant. We also announce bounds for the energy of many electrons and nuclei in a classical vector potential and for the eigenvalue sum of a one-electron Pauli Hamiltonian with magnetic field.


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Topogenic determinants that direct protein topology at the endoplasmic reticulum membrane usually function with high fidelity to establish a uniform topological orientation for any given polypeptide. Here we show, however, that through the coupling of sequential translocation events, native topogenic determinants are capable of generating two alternate transmembrane structures at the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Using defined chimeric and epitope-tagged full-length proteins, we found that topogenic activities of two C-trans (type II) signal anchor sequences, encoded within the seventh and eighth transmembrane (TM) segments of human P-glycoprotein were directly coupled by an inefficient stop transfer (ST) sequence (TM7b) contained within the C-terminus half of TM7. Remarkably, these activities enabled TM7 to achieve both a single- and a double-spanning TM topology with nearly equal efficiency. In addition, ST and C-trans signal anchor activities encoded by TM8 were tightly linked to the weak ST activity, and hence topological fate, of TM7b. This interaction enabled TM8 to span the membrane in either a type I or a type II orientation. Pleiotropic structural features contributing to this unusual topogenic behavior included 1) a short, flexible peptide loop connecting TM7a and TM7b, 2) hydrophobic residues within TM7b, and 3) hydrophilic residues between TM7b and TM8.


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Enzymatic transformations of macromolecular substrates such as DNA repair enzyme/DNA transformations are commonly interpreted primarily by active-site functional-group chemistry that ignores their extensive interfaces. Yet human uracil–DNA glycosylase (UDG), an archetypical enzyme that initiates DNA base-excision repair, efficiently excises the damaged base uracil resulting from cytosine deamination even when active-site functional groups are deleted by mutagenesis. The 1.8-Å resolution substrate analogue and 2.0-Å resolution cleaved product cocrystal structures of UDG bound to double-stranded DNA suggest enzyme–DNA substrate-binding energy from the macromolecular interface is funneled into catalytic power at the active site. The architecturally stabilized closing of UDG enforces distortions of the uracil and deoxyribose in the flipped-out nucleotide substrate that are relieved by glycosylic bond cleavage in the product complex. This experimentally defined substrate stereochemistry implies the enzyme alters the orientation of three orthogonal electron orbitals to favor electron transpositions for glycosylic bond cleavage. By revealing the coupling of this anomeric effect to a delocalization of the glycosylic bond electrons into the uracil aromatic system, this structurally implicated mechanism resolves apparent paradoxes concerning the transpositions of electrons among orthogonal orbitals and the retention of catalytic efficiency despite mutational removal of active-site functional groups. These UDG/DNA structures and their implied dissociative excision chemistry suggest biology favors a chemistry for base-excision repair initiation that optimizes pathway coordination by product binding to avoid the release of cytotoxic and mutagenic intermediates. Similar excision chemistry may apply to other biological reaction pathways requiring the coordination of complex multistep chemical transformations.


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We have developed a coupled helicase–polymerase DNA unwinding assay and have used it to monitor the rate of double-stranded DNA unwinding catalyzed by the phage T4 DNA replication helicase (gp41). This procedure can be used to follow helicase activity in subpopulations in systems in which the unwinding-synthesis reaction is not synchronized on all the substrate-template molecules. We show that T4 replication helicase (gp41) and polymerase (gp43) can be assembled onto a loading site located near the end of a long double-stranded DNA template in the presence of a macromolecular crowding agent, and that this coupled “two-protein” system can carry out ATP-dependent strand displacement DNA synthesis at physiological rates (400 to 500 bp per sec) and with high processivity in the absence of other T4 DNA replication proteins. These results suggest that a direct helicase–polymerase interaction may be central to fast and processive double-stranded DNA replication, and lead us to reconsider the roles of the other replication proteins in processivity control.


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The wealth of kinetic and structural information makes inorganic pyrophosphatases (PPases) a good model system to study the details of enzymatic phosphoryl transfer. The enzyme accelerates metal-complexed phosphoryl transfer 1010-fold: but how? Our structures of the yeast PPase product complex at 1.15 Å and fluoride-inhibited complex at 1.9 Å visualize the active site in three different states: substrate-bound, immediate product bound, and relaxed product bound. These span the steps around chemical catalysis and provide strong evidence that a water molecule (Onu) directly attacks PPi with a pKa vastly lowered by coordination to two metal ions and D117. They also suggest that a low-barrier hydrogen bond (LBHB) forms between D117 and Onu, in part because of steric crowding by W100 and N116. Direct visualization of the double bonds on the phosphates appears possible. The flexible side chains at the top of the active site absorb the motion involved in the reaction, which may help accelerate catalysis. Relaxation of the product allows a new nucleophile to be generated and creates symmetry in the elementary catalytic steps on the enzyme. We are thus moving closer to understanding phosphoryl transfer in PPases at the quantum mechanical level. Ultra-high resolution structures can thus tease out overlapping complexes and so are as relevant to discussion of enzyme mechanism as structures produced by time-resolved crystallography.


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We reported previously that Go-deficient mice develop severe neurological defects that include hyperalgesia, a generalized tremor, lack of coordination, and a turning syndrome somewhat reminiscent of unilateral lesions of the dopaminergic nigro-striatal pathway. By using frozen coronal sections of serially sectioned brains of normal and Go-deficient mice, we studied the ability of several G protein coupled receptors to promote binding of GTPγS to G proteins and the ability of GTP to promote a shift in the affinity of D2 dopamine receptor for its physiologic agonist dopamine. We found a generalized, but not abolished reduction in agonist-stimulated binding of GTPγS to frozen brain sections, with no significant left–right differences. Unexpectedly, the ability of GTP to regulate the binding affinity of dopamine to D2 receptors (as seen in in situ [35S]sulpiride displacement curves) that was robust in control mice, was absent in Go-deficient mice. The data suggest that most of the effects of the Gi/Go-coupled D2 receptors in the central nervous system are mediated by Go instead of Gi1, Gi2, or Gi3. In agreement with this, the effect of GTP on dopamine binding to D2 receptors in double Gi1 plus Gi2- and Gi1 plus Gi3-deficient mice was essentially unaffected.


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Accurate quantum mechanical simulations of the primary charge transfer in photosynthetic reaction centers are reported. The process is modeled by three coupled electronic states corresponding to the photoexcited chlorophyll special pair (donor), the reduced bacteriopheophytin (acceptor), and the reduced accessory chlorophyll (bridge) that interact with a dissipative medium of protein and solvent degrees of freedom. The time evolution of the excited special pair is followed over 17 ps by using a fully quantum mechanical path integral scheme. We find that a free energy of the reduced accessory chlorophyll state approximately equal to 400 cm(-1) lower than that of the excited special pair state yields state populations in agreement with experimental results on wild-type and modified reaction centers. For this energetic configuration electron transfer is a two-step process.