81 resultados para CLAMP
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The replication system of bacteriophage T4 uses a trimeric ring-shaped processivity clamp (gp45) to tether the replication polymerase (gp43) to the template-primer DNA. This ring is placed onto the DNA by an ATPase-driven clamp-loading complex (gp44/62) where it then transfers, in closed form, to the polymerase. It generally has been assumed that one of the functions of the loading machinery is to open the clamp to place it around the DNA. However, the mechanism by which this occurs has not been fully defined. In this study we design and characterize a double-mutant gp45 protein that contains pairs of cysteine residues located at each monomer-monomer interface of the trimeric clamp. This mutant protein is functionally equivalent to wild-type gp45. However, when all three monomer-monomer interfaces are tethered by covalent crosslinks formed (reversibly or irreversibly) between the cysteine pairs these closed clamps can no longer be loaded onto the DNA nor onto the polymerase, effectively eliminating processive strand-displacement DNA synthesis. Analysis of the individual steps of the clamp-loading process shows that the ATPase-dependent interactions between the clamp and the clamp loader that precede DNA binding are hyperstimulated by the covalently crosslinked ring, suggesting that binding of the closed ring induces a futile, ATP-driven, ring-opening cycle. These findings and others permit further characterization and ordering of the steps involved in the T4 clamp-loading process.
Transporters for the biogenic amines dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine and serotonin are largely responsible for transmitter inactivation after release. They also serve as high-affinity targets for a number of clinically relevant psychoactive agents, including antidepressants, cocaine, and amphetamines. Despite their prominent role in neurotransmitter inactivation and drug responses, we lack a clear understanding of the permeation pathway or regulation mechanisms at the single transporter level. The resolution of radiotracer-based flux techniques limits the opportunities to dissect these problems. Here we combine patch-clamp recording techniques with microamperometry to record the transporter-mediated flux of norepinephrine across isolated membrane patches. These data reveal voltage-dependent norepinephrine flux that correlates temporally with antidepressant-sensitive transporter currents in the same patch. Furthermore, we resolve unitary flux events linked with bursts of transporter channel openings. These findings indicate that norepinephrine transporters are capable of transporting neurotransmitter across the membrane in discrete shots containing hundreds of molecules. Amperometry is used widely to study neurotransmitter distribution and kinetics in the nervous system and to detect transmitter release during vesicular exocytosis. Of interest regarding the present application is the use of amperometry on inside-out patches with synchronous recording of flux and current. Thus, our results further demonstrate a powerful method to assess transporter function and regulation.
Synchronized network responses in thalamus depend on phasic inhibition originating in the thalamic reticular nucleus (nRt) and are mediated by the neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). A suggested role for intra-nRt connectivity in inhibitory phasing remains controversial. Recently, functional GABA type B (GABAB) receptors were demonstrated on nRt cells, and the slow time course of the GABAB synaptic response seems ideally suited to deinactivate low-threshold calcium channels. This promotes burst firing, a characteristic feature of synchronized responses. Here we investigate GABAB-mediated rebound burst firing in thalamic cells. Whole-cell current-clamp recordings were obtained from nRt cells and somatosensory thalamocortical relay cells in rat brain slices. Synthetic GABAB inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, generated by a hybrid computer–neuron synapse (dynamic clamp), triggered rebound low-threshold calcium spikes in both cell types when peak inhibitory postsynaptic potential hyperpolarization was greater than −92 mV. The threshold inhibitory postsynaptic potential conductance for rebound burst generation was comparable in nRt (7 nS) and thalamocortical (5 nS) cells. However, burst onset in nRt (1 s) was considerably delayed compared with thalamocortical (0.6 s) cells. Thus, GABAB inhibitory postsynaptic potentials can elicit low-threshold calcium spikes in both relay and nRt neurons, but the resultant oscillation frequency would be faster for thalamocortical–nRt networks (3 Hz) than for nRt–nRt networks (1–2 Hz). We conclude, therefore, that fast (>2 Hz) GABAB-dependent thalamic oscillations are maintained primarily by reciprocal connections between excitatory and inhibitory cells. These findings further indicate that when oscillatory neural networks contain both recurrent and reciprocal inhibition, then distinct population frequencies may result when one or the other type of inhibition is favored.
The replication of damaged nucleotides that have escaped DNA repair leads to the formation of mutations caused by misincorporation opposite the lesion. In Escherichia coli, this process is under tight regulation of the SOS stress response and is carried out by DNA polymerase III in a process that involves also the RecA, UmuD′ and UmuC proteins. We have shown that DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is able to replicate, unassisted, through a synthetic abasic site in a gapped duplex plasmid. Here, we show that DNA polymerase III*, a subassembly of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme lacking the β subunit, is blocked very effectively by the synthetic abasic site in the same DNA substrate. Addition of the β subunit caused a dramatic increase of at least 28-fold in the ability of the polymerase to perform translesion replication, reaching 52% bypass in 5 min. When the ssDNA region in the gapped plasmid was extended from 22 nucleotides to 350 nucleotides, translesion replication still depended on the β subunit, but it was reduced by 80%. DNA sequence analysis of translesion replication products revealed mostly −1 frameshifts. This mutation type is changed to base substitution by the addition of UmuD′, UmuC, and RecA, as demonstrated in a reconstituted SOS translesion replication reaction. These results indicate that the β subunit sliding DNA clamp is the major determinant in the ability of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme to perform unassisted translesion replication and that this unassisted bypass produces primarily frameshifts.
The coordinated assembly of the DNA polymerase (gp43), the sliding clamp (gp45), and the clamp loader (gp44/62) to form the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme is a multistep process. A partially opened toroid-shaped gp45 is loaded around DNA by gp44/62 in an ATP-dependent manner. Gp43 binds to this complex to generate the holoenzyme in which gp45 acts to topologically link gp43 to DNA, effectively increasing the processivity of DNA replication. Stopped-flow fluorescence resonance energy transfer was used to investigate the opening and closing of the gp45 ring during holoenzyme assembly. By using two site-specific mutants of gp45 along with a previously characterized gp45 mutant, we tracked changes in distances across the gp45 subunit interface through seven conformational changes associated with holoenzyme assembly. Initially, gp45 is partially open within the plane of the ring at one of the three subunit interfaces. On addition of gp44/62 and ATP, this interface of gp45 opens further in-plane through the hydrolysis of ATP. Addition of DNA and hydrolysis of ATP close gp45 in an out-of-plane conformation. The final holoenzyme is formed by the addition of gp43, which causes gp45 to close further in plane, leaving the subunit interface open slightly. This open interface of gp45 in the final holoenzyme state is proposed to interact with the C-terminal tail of gp43, providing a point of contact between gp45 and gp43. This study further defines the dynamic process of bacteriophage T4 polymerase holoenzyme assembly.
The β and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) sliding clamps were first identified as components of their respective replicases, and thus were assigned a role in chromosome replication. Further studies have shown that the eukaryotic clamp, PCNA, interacts with several other proteins that are involved in excision repair, mismatch repair, cellular regulation, and DNA processing, indicating a much wider role than replication alone. Indeed, the Escherichia coli β clamp is known to function with DNA polymerases II and V, indicating that β also interacts with more than just the chromosomal replicase, DNA polymerase III. This report demonstrates three previously undetected protein–protein interactions with the β clamp. Thus, β interacts with MutS, DNA ligase, and DNA polymerase I. Given the diverse use of these proteins in repair and other DNA transactions, this expanded list of β interactive proteins suggests that the prokaryotic β ring participates in a wide variety of reactions beyond its role in chromosomal replication.
We have used capacitance measurements with a 1-microsecond voltage clamp technique to probe electrogenic ion-transporter interactions in giant excised membrane patches. The hydrophobic ion dipicrylamine was used to test model predictions for a simple charge-moving reaction. The voltage and frequency dependencies of the apparent dipicrylamine-induced capacitance, monitored by 1-mV sinusoidal perturbations, correspond to single charges moving across 76% of the membrane field at a rate of 9500 s-1 at 0 mV. For the cardiac Na,K pump, the combined presence of cytoplasmic ATP and sodium induces an increase of apparent membrane capacitance which requires the presence of extracellular sodium. The dependencies of capacitance changes on frequency, voltage, ATP, and sodium verify that phosphorylation enables a slow, 300- to 900-s-1, pump transition (the E1-E2 conformational change), which in turn enables fast, electrogenic, extracellular sodium binding reactions. For the GAT1 (gamma-aminobutyric acid,Na,Cl) cotransporter, expressed in Xenopus oocyte membrane, we find that chloride binding from the cytoplasmic side, and probably sodium binding from the extracellular side, results in a decrease of membrane capacitance monitored with 1- to 50-kHz perturbation frequencies. Evidently, ion binding by the GAT1 transporter suppresses an intrinsic fast charge movement which may originate from a mobility of charged residues of the transporter binding sites. The results demonstrate that fast capacitance measurements can provide new insight into electrogenic processes closely associated with ion binding by membrane transporters.
While previous studies have demonstrated that synaptotagmin plays an essential role in evoked neurotransmitter release, it has been difficult to determine whether it acts to facilitate or inhibit release. To address this question, we used acute genetic manipulations to alter the expression of synaptotagmin in Aplysia neurons. Transient overexpression of synaptotagmin in acutely dissected cholinergic neurons and in cultured glutaminergic neurons decreased the amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) by 32% and 26%, respectively. In contrast, treatment of cultured presynaptic neurons with synaptotagmin antisense oligonucleotides increased the amplitude of the EPSP by 50-75%. These results are consistent with a role of synaptotagmin as an inhibitor of release.
The small HIV-1 accessory protein Vpr (virus protein R) is a multifunctional protein that is present in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of AIDS patients. We previously showed that Vpr can form cation-selective ion channels across planar lipid bilayers, introducing the possibility that, if incorporated into the membranes of living cells, Vpr might form ion channels and consequently perturb the maintained ionic gradient. In this study, we demonstrate, by a variety of approaches, that Vpr added extracellularly to intact cells does indeed form ion channels. We use confocal laser scanning microscopy to examine the subcellular localization of fluorescently labeled Vpr. Plasmalemma depolarization and damage are examined using the anionic potential-sensitive dye bis(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid) trimethine oxonol and propidium iodide (PI), respectively, and the effect of Vpr on whole-cell current is demonstrated directly by using the patch-clamp technique. We show that recombinant purified extracellular Vpr associates with the plasmalemma of hippocampal neurons to cause a large inward cation current and depolarization of the plasmalemma, eventually resulting in cell death. Thus, we demonstrate a physiological action of extracellular Vpr and present its mechanistic basis. These findings may have important implications for neuropathologies in AIDS patients who possess significant amounts of Vpr in the cerebrospinal fluid.
In higher plants changes and oscillations in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) are central to hormonal physiology, including that of abscisic acid (ABA), which signals conditions of water stress and alters ion channel activities in guard cells of higher-plant leaves. Such changes in [Ca2+]i are thought to encode for cellular responses to different stimuli, but their origins and functions are poorly understood. Because transients and oscillations in membrane voltage also occur in guard cells and are elicited by hormones, including ABA, we suspected a coupling of [Ca2+]i to voltage and its interaction with ABA. We recorded [Ca2+]i by Fura2 fluorescence ratio imaging and photometry while bringing membrane voltage under experimental control with a two-electrode voltage clamp in intact Vicia guard cells. Free-running oscillations between voltages near −50 mV and −200 mV were associated with oscillations in [Ca2+]i, and, under voltage clamp, equivalent membrane hyperpolarizations caused [Ca2+]i to increase, often in excess of 1 μM, from resting values near 100 nM. Image analysis showed that the voltage stimulus evoked a wave of high [Ca2+]i that spread centripetally from the peripheral cytoplasm within 5–10 s and relaxed over 40–60 s thereafter. The [Ca2+]i increases showed a voltage threshold near −120 mV and were sensitive to external Ca2+ concentration. Substituting Mn2+ for Ca2+ to quench Fura2 fluorescence showed that membrane hyperpolarization triggered a divalent influx. ABA affected the voltage threshold for the [Ca2+]i rise, its amplitude, and its duration. In turn, membrane voltage determined the ability of ABA to raise [Ca2+]i. These results demonstrate a capacity for voltage to evoke [Ca2+]i increases, they point to a dual interaction with ABA in triggering and propagating [Ca2+]i increases, and they implicate a role for voltage in “conditioning” [Ca2+]i signals that regulate ion channels for stomatal function.
Many neurons of the central nervous system display multiple high voltage-activated Ca2+ currents, pharmacologically classified as L-, N-, P-, Q-, and R-type. Of these current types, the R-type is the least understood. The leading candidate for the molecular correlate of R-type currents in cerebellar granule cells is the α1E subunit, which yields Ca2+ currents very similar to the R-type when expressed in heterologous systems. As a complementary approach, we tested whether antisense oligonucleotides against α1E could decrease the expression of R-type current in rat cerebellar granule neurons in culture. Cells were supplemented with either antisense or sense oligonucleotides and whole-cell patch clamp recordings were obtained after 6–8 days in vitro. Incubation with α1E antisense oligonucleotide caused a 52.5% decrease in the peak R-type current density, from −10 ± 0.6 picoamperes/picofarad (pA/pF) (n = 6) in the untreated controls to −4.8 ± 0.8 pA/pF (n = 11) (P < 0.01). In contrast, no significant changes in the current expression were seen in sense oligonucleotide-treated cells (−11.3 ± 3.2 pA/pF). The specificity of the α1E antisense oligonucleotides was supported by the lack of change in estimates of the P/Q current amplitude. Furthermore, antisense and sense oligonucleotides against α1A did not affect R-type current expression (−11.5 ± 1.7 and −11.7 ± 1.7 pA/pF, respectively), whereas the α1A antisense oligonucleotide significantly reduced whole cell currents under conditions in which P/Q current is dominant. Our results support the hypothesis that members of the E class of α1 subunits support the high voltage-activated R-type current in cerebellar granule cells.
The mechanoelectrical-transduction channel of the hair cell is permeable to both monovalent and divalent cations. Because Ca2+ entering through the transduction channel serves as a feedback signal in the adaptation process that sets the channel’s open probability, an understanding of adaptation requires estimation of the magnitude of Ca2+ influx. To determine the Ca2+ current through the transduction channel, we measured extracellular receptor currents with transepithelial voltage-clamp recordings while the apical surface of a saccular macula was bathed with solutions containing various concentrations of K+, Na+, or Ca2+. For modest concentrations of a single permeant cation, Ca2+ carried much more receptor current than did either K+ or Na+. For higher cation concentrations, however, the flux of Na+ or K+ through the transduction channel exceeded that of Ca2+. For mixtures of Ca2+ and monovalent cations, the receptor current displayed an anomalous mole-fraction effect, which indicates that ions interact while traversing the channel’s pore. These results demonstrate not only that the hair cell’s transduction channel is selective for Ca2+ over monovalent cations but also that Ca2+ carries substantial current even at low Ca2+ concentrations. At physiological cation concentrations, Ca2+ flux through transduction channels can change the local Ca2+ concentration in stereocilia in a range relevant for the control of adaptation.
We have studied the effect of the cholinergic agonist carbachol on the spontaneous release of glutamate in cultured rat hippocampal cells. Spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) through glutamatergic α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-type channels were recorded by means of the patch-clamp technique. Carbachol increased the frequency of sEPSCs in a concentration-dependent manner. The kinetic properties of the sEPSCs and the amplitude distribution histograms were not affected by carbachol, arguing for a presynaptic site of action. This was confirmed by measuring the turnover of the synaptic vesicular pool by means of the fluorescent dye FM 1–43. The carbachol-induced increase in sEPSC frequency was not mimicked by nicotine, but could be blocked by atropine or by pirenzepine, a muscarinic cholinergic receptor subtype M1 antagonist. Intracellular Ca2+ signals recorded with the fluorescent probe Fluo-3 indicated that carbachol transiently increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Since, however, carbachol still enhanced the sEPSC frequency in bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetra-acetate-loaded cells, this effect could not be attributed to the rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration. On the other hand, the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine as well as a down-regulation of protein kinase C by prolonged treatment of the cells with 4β-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate inhibited the carbachol effect. This argues for an involvement of protein kinase C in presynaptic regulation of spontaneous glutamate release. Adenosine, which inhibits synaptic transmission, suppressed the carbachol-induced stimulation of sEPSCs by a G protein-dependent mechanism activated by presynaptic A1-receptors.
Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) mediate both active transport and passive diffusion across the nuclear envelope (NE). Determination of NE electrical conductance, however, has been confounded by the lack of an appropriate technical approach. The nuclear patch clamp technique is restricted to preparations with electrically closed NPCs, and microelectrode techniques fail to resolve the extremely low input resistance of large oocyte nuclei. To address the problem, we have developed an approach for measuring the NE electrical conductance of Xenopus laevis oocyte nuclei. The method uses a tapered glass tube, which narrows in its middle part to 2/3 of the diameter of the nucleus. The isolated nucleus is sucked into the narrow part of the capillary by gentle fluid movement, while the resulting change in electrical resistance is monitored. NE electrical conductance was unexpectedly large (7.9 ± 0.34 S/cm2). Evaluation of NPC density by atomic force microscopy showed that this conductance corresponded to 3.7 × 106 NPCs. In contrast to earlier conclusions drawn from nuclear patch clamp experiments, NPCs were in an electrically “open” state with a mean single NPC electrical conductance of 1.7 ± 0.07 nS. Enabling or blocking of active NPC transport (accomplished by the addition of cytosolic extracts or gp62-directed antibodies) revealed this large NPC conductance to be independent of the activation state of the transport machinery located in the center of NPCs. We conclude that peripheral channels, which are presumed to reside in the NPC subunits, establish a high ionic permeability that is virtually independent of the active protein transport mechanism.
The sperm acrosome reaction is a Ca2+-dependent exocytotic event that is triggered by adhesion to the mammalian egg’s zona pellucida. Previous studies using ion-selective fluorescent probes suggested a role of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels in acrosome reactions. Here, whole-cell patch clamp techniques are used to demonstrate the expression of functional T-type Ca2+ channels during mouse spermatogenesis. The germ cell T current is inhibited by antagonists of T-type channels (pimozide and amiloride) as well as by antagonists whose major site of action is the somatic cell L-type Ca2+ channel (1,4-dihydropyridines, arylalkylamines, benzothiazapines), as has also been reported for certain somatic cell T currents. In sperm, inhibition of T channels during gamete interaction inhibits zona pellucida-dependent Ca2+ elevations, as demonstrated by ion-selective fluorescent probes, and also inhibits acrosome reactions. These studies directly link sperm T-type Ca2+ channels to fertilization. In addition, the kinetics of channel inhibition by 1,4-dihydropyridines suggests a mechanism for the reported contraceptive effects of those compounds in human males.