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We previously generated a transgenic mouse model for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) by expressing the promyelocytic leukemia (PML)–retinoic acid receptor (RARα) cDNA in early myeloid cells. This fusion protein causes a myeloproliferative disease in 100% of animals, but only 15–20% of the animals develop acute leukemia after a long latency period (6–13 months). PML-RARα is therefore necessary, but not sufficient, for APL development. The coexpression of a reciprocal form of the fusion, RARα-PML, increased the likelihood of APL development (55–60%), but did not shorten latency. Together, these results suggested that additional genetic events are required for the development of APL. We therefore evaluated the splenic tumor cells from 18 transgenic mice with APL for evidence of secondary genetic events, by using spectral karyotyping analysis. Interstitial or terminal deletions of the distal region of one copy of chromosome 2 [del(2)] were found in 1/5 tumors expressing PML-RARα, but in 11/13 tumors expressing both PML-RARα and RARα-PML (P < 0.05). Leukemic cells that contained a deletion on chromosome 2 often contained additional chromosomal gains (especially of 15), chromosomal losses (especially of 11 or X/Y), or were tetraploid (P ≤ 0.001). These changes did not commonly occur in nontransgenic littermates, nor in aged transgenic mice that did not develop APL. These results suggest that expression of RARα-PML increases the likelihood of chromosome 2 deletions in APL cells. Deletion 2 appears to predispose APL cells to further chromosomal instability, which may lead to the acquisition of additional changes that provide an advantage to the transformed cells.


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The region of human chromosome 22q11 is prone to rearrangements. The resulting chromosomal abnormalities are involved in Velo-cardio-facial and DiGeorge syndromes (VCFS and DGS) (deletions), “cat eye” syndrome (duplications), and certain types of tumors (translocations). As a prelude to the development of mouse models for VCFS/DGS by generating targeted deletions in the mouse genome, we examined the organization of genes from human chromosome 22q11 in the mouse. Using genetic linkage analysis and detailed physical mapping, we show that genes from a relatively small region of human 22q11 are distributed on three mouse chromosomes (MMU6, MMU10, and MMU16). Furthermore, although the region corresponding to about 2.5 megabases of the VCFS/DGS critical region is located on mouse chromosome 16, the relative organization of the region is quite different from that in humans. Our results show that the instability of the 22q11 region is not restricted to humans but may have been present throughout evolution. The results also underscore the importance of detailed comparative mapping of genes in mice and humans as a prerequisite for the development of mouse models of human diseases involving chromosomal rearrangements.


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Etoposide, a topoisomerase II inhibitor widely used in cancer therapy, is suspected of inducing secondary tumors and affecting the genetic constitution of germ cells. A better understanding of the potential heritable risk of etoposide is needed to provide sound genetic counseling to cancer patients treated with this drug in their reproductive years. We used a mouse model to investigate the effects of clinical doses of etoposide on the induction of chromosomal abnormalities in spermatocytes and their transmission to zygotes by using a combination of chromosome painting and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining. High frequencies of chromosomal aberrations were detected in spermatocytes within 64 h after treatment when over 30% of the metaphases analyzed had structural aberrations (P < 0.01). Significant increases in the percentages of zygotic metaphases with structural aberrations were found only for matings that sampled treated pachytene (28-fold, P < 0.0001) and preleptotene spermatocytes (13-fold, P < 0.001). Etoposide induced mostly acentric fragments and deletions, types of aberrations expected to result in embryonic lethality, because they represent loss of genetic material. Chromosomal exchanges were rare. Etoposide treatment of pachytene cells induced aneuploidy in both spermatocytes (18-fold, P < 0.01) and zygotes (8-fold, P < 0.05). We know of no other report of an agent for which paternal exposure leads to an increased incidence of aneuploidy in the offspring. Thus, we found that therapeutic doses of etoposide affect primarily meiotic germ cells, producing unstable structural aberrations and aneuploidy, effects that are transmitted to the progeny. This finding suggests that individuals who undergo chemotherapy with etoposide may be at a higher risk for abnormal reproductive outcomes especially within the 2 months after chemotherapy.


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We present a general method for rigorously identifying correlations between variations in large-scale molecular profiles and outcomes and apply it to chromosomal comparative genomic hybridization data from a set of 52 breast tumors. We identify two loci where copy number abnormalities are correlated with poor survival outcome (gain at 8q24 and loss at 9q13). We also identify a relationship between abnormalities at two loci and the mutational status of p53. Gain at 8q24 and loss at 5q15-5q21 are linked with mutant p53. The 9q and 5q losses suggest the possibility of gene products involved in breast cancer progression. The analytical techniques are general and also are applicable to the analysis of array-based expression data.


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Skeletal formation is a fundamental element of body patterning and is strictly regulated both temporally and spatially by a variety of molecules. Among these, retinoic acid (RA) has been shown to be involved in normal skeletal development. However, its pleiotropic effects have caused difficulty in identifying its crucial target cells and molecular mechanisms for each effect. Development of cartilage primordia is an important process in defining the skeletal structures. To address the role of RA in skeletal formation, we have generated mice expressing a dominant-negative retinoic acid receptor (RAR) in chondrogenic cells by using the type II collagen α1 promoter, and we have analyzed their phenotypes. These mice exhibited small cartilage primordia during development and retarded skeletal formation in both embryonic and postnatal periods. They also showed selective degeneration in their cervical vertebrae combined with homeotic transformations, but not in their extremities. The cervical phenotypes are reminiscent of phenotypes involving homeobox genes. We found that the expression of Hoxa-4 was indeed reduced in the cartilage primordia of cervical vertebrae of embryonic day 12.5 embryos. These observations demonstrate that endogenous RA acts directly on chondrogenic cells to promote skeletal growth in both embryonic and growing periods, and it regulates the proper formation of cervical vertebrae. Furthermore, RA apparently specifies the identities of the cervical vertebrae through the regulation of homeobox genes in the chondrogenic cells. Great similarities of the phenotypes between our mice and reported RAR knockout mice revealed that chondrogenic cells are a principal RA target during complex cascades of skeletal development.


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We report the cloning and characterization of a tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase (CA) that was identified in a human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) by serological expression screening with autologous antibodies. The cDNA sequence predicts a 354-amino acid polypeptide with a molecular mass of 39,448 Da that has features of a type I membrane protein. The predicted sequence includes a 29-amino acid signal sequence, a 261-amino acid CA domain, an additional short extracellular segment, a 26-amino acid hydrophobic transmembrane domain, and a hydrophilic C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of 29 amino acids that contains two potential phosphorylation sites. The extracellular CA domain shows 30–42% homology with known human CAs, contains all three Zn-binding histidine residues found in active CAs, and contains two potential sites for asparagine glycosylation. When expressed in COS cells, the cDNA produced a 43- to 44-kDa protein in membranes that had around one-sixth the CA activity of membranes from COS cells transfected with the same vector expressing bovine CA IV. We have designated this human protein CA XII. Northern blot analysis of normal tissues demonstrated a 4.5-kb transcript only in kidney and intestine. However, in 10% of patients with RCC, the CA XII transcript was expressed at much higher levels in the RCC than in surrounding normal kidney tissue. The CA XII gene was mapped by using fluorescence in situ hybridization to 15q22. CA XII is the second catalytically active membrane CA reported to be overexpressed in certain cancers. Its relationship to oncogenesis and its potential as a clinically useful tumor marker clearly merit further investigation.


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Members of the bacterial families Haemophilus and Neisseria, important human pathogens that commonly colonize the nasopharynx, are naturally competent for DNA uptake from their environment. In each genus this process is discriminant in favor of its own and against foreign DNA through sequence specificity of DNA receptors. The Haemophilus DNA uptake apparatus binds a 29-bp oligonucleotide domain containing a highly conserved 9-bp core sequence, whereas the neisserial apparatus binds a 10-bp motif. Each motif (“uptake sequence”, US) is highly over-represented in the chromosome of the corresponding genus, particularly concentrated with core sequences in inverted pairs forming gene terminators. Two Haemophilus core USs were unexpectedly found forming the terminator of sodC in Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus), and sequence analysis strongly suggests that this virulence gene, located next to IS1106, arose through horizontal transfer from Haemophilus. By using USs as search strings in a computer-based analysis of genome sequence, it was established that while USs of the “wrong” genus do not occur commonly in Neisseria or Haemophilus, where they do they are highly likely to flag domains of chromosomal DNA that have been transferred from Haemophilus. Three independent domains of Haemophilus-like DNA were found in the meningococcal chromosome, associated respectively with the virulence gene sodC, the bio gene cluster, and an unidentified orf. This report identifies intergenerically transferred DNA and its source in bacteria, and further identifies transformation with heterologous chromosomal DNA as a way of establishing potentially important chromosomal mosaicism in these pathogenic bacteria.


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Investigation of the three-generation KE family, half of whose members are affected by a pronounced verbal dyspraxia, has led to identification of their core deficit as one involving sequential articulation and orofacial praxis. A positron emission tomography activation study revealed functional abnormalities in both cortical and subcortical motor-related areas of the frontal lobe, while quantitative analyses of magnetic resonance imaging scans revealed structural abnormalities in several of these same areas, particularly the caudate nucleus, which was found to be abnormally small bilaterally. A recent linkage study [Fisher, S., Vargha-Khadem, F., Watkins, K. E., Monaco, A. P. & Pembry, M. E. (1998) Nat. Genet. 18, 168–170] localized the abnormal gene (SPCH1) to a 5.6-centiMorgan interval in the chromosomal band 7q31. The genetic mutation or deletion in this region has resulted in the abnormal development of several brain areas that appear to be critical for both orofacial movements and sequential articulation, leading to marked disruption of speech and expressive language.


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The repair of chromosomal double-strand breaks (DSBs) is necessary for genomic integrity in all organisms. Genetic consequences of misrepair include chromosomal loss, deletion, and duplication resulting in loss of heterozygosity (LOH), a common finding in human solid tumors. Although work with radiation-sensitive cell lines suggests that mammalian cells primarily rejoin DSBs by nonhomologous mechanisms, alternative mechanisms that are implicated in chromosomal LOH, such as allelic recombination, may also occur. We have examined chromosomal DSB repair between homologs in a gene targeted mammalian cell line at the retinoblastoma (Rb) locus. We have found that allelic recombinational repair occurs in mammalian cells and is increased at least two orders of magnitude by the induction of a chromosomal DSB. One consequence of allelic recombination is LOH at the Rb locus. Some of the repair events also resulted in other types of genetic instability, including deletions and duplications. We speculate that mammalian cells may have developed efficient nonhomologous DSB repair processes to bypass allelic recombination and the potential for reduction to homozygosity.


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The Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) mutant UV40 cell line is hypersensitive to UV and ionizing radiation, simple alkylating agents, and DNA cross-linking agents. The mutant cells also have a high level of spontaneous chromosomal aberrations and 3-fold elevated sister chromatid exchange. We cloned and sequenced a human cDNA, designated XRCC9, that partially corrected the hypersensitivity of UV40 to mitomycin C, cisplatin, ethyl methanesulfonate, UV, and γ-radiation. The spontaneous chromosomal aberrations in XRCC9 cDNA transformants were almost fully corrected whereas sister chromatid exchanges were unchanged. The XRCC9 genomic sequence was cloned and mapped to chromosome 9p13. The translated XRCC9 sequence of 622 amino acids has no similarity with known proteins. The 2.5-kb XRCC9 mRNA seen in the parental cells was undetectable in UV40 cells. The mRNA levels in testis were up to 10-fold higher compared with other human tissues and up to 100-fold higher compared with other baboon tissues. XRCC9 is a candidate tumor suppressor gene that might operate in a postreplication repair or a cell cycle checkpoint function.


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Nonpathogenic, resident bacteria participate in the pathogenesis of inflammation in the small intestine, but the molecular messages produced by such bacteria are unknown. Inflammatory responses involve the recruitment of specific leukocyte subsets. We, therefore, hypothesized that butyrate, a normal bacterial metabolite, may modulate chemokine secretion by epithelial cells, by amplifying their response to proinflammatory signals. We studied the expression of the chemokine, macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) by the rat small intestinal epithelial cell line, IEC-6. Cells were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide or with interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and incubated with sodium butyrate. Acetylation of histones was examined in Triton X acetic acid–urea gels by PAGE. Unstimulated IEC-6 cells did not secrete MIP-2. However, lipopolysaccharide and IL-1β induced MIP-2 expression. Butyrate enhanced MIP-2 secretion both in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated and IL-1β-stimulated enterocytes; but butyrate alone did not induce MIP-2 expression. Butyrate increased the acetylation of histones extracted from the nuclei of IEC-6 cells. Furthermore, acetylation of histones (induced by trichostatin A, a specific inhibitor of histone deacetylase) enhanced MIP-2 expression by cells stimulated with IL-1β. In conclusion, trichostatin A reproduced the effects of butyrate on MIP-2 secretion. Butyrate, therefore, increases MIP-2 secretion in stimulated cells by increasing histone acetylation. We speculate that butyrate carries information from bacteria to epithelial cells. Epithelial cells transduce this signal through histone deacetylase, modulating the secretion of chemokines.


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Autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) elements, which function as the cis-acting chromosomal replicators in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, depend upon an essential copy of the 11-bp ARS consensus sequence (ACS) for activity. Analysis of the chromosome III replicator ARS309 unexpectedly revealed that its essential ACS differs from the canonical ACS at two positions. One of the changes observed in ARS309 inactivates other ARS elements. This atypical ACS binds the origin recognition complex efficiently and is required for chromosomal replication origin activity. Comparison of the essential ACS of ARS309 with the essential regions of other ARS elements revealed an expanded 17-bp conserved sequence that efficiently predicts the essential core of ARS elements.


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ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels are known to play important roles in various cellular functions, but the direct consequences of disruption of KATP channel function are largely unknown. We have generated transgenic mice expressing a dominant-negative form of the KATP channel subunit Kir6.2 (Kir6.2G132S, substitution of glycine with serine at position 132) in pancreatic beta cells. Kir6.2G132S transgenic mice develop hypoglycemia with hyperinsulinemia in neonates and hyperglycemia with hypoinsulinemia and decreased beta cell population in adults. KATP channel function is found to be impaired in the beta cells of transgenic mice with hyperglycemia. In addition, both resting membrane potential and basal calcium concentrations are shown to be significantly elevated in the beta cells of transgenic mice. We also found a high frequency of apoptotic beta cells before the appearance of hyperglycemia in the transgenic mice, suggesting that the KATP channel might play a significant role in beta cell survival in addition to its role in the regulation of insulin secretion.


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The ultra-long telomeres that have been observed in mice are not in accordance with the concept that critical telomere shortening is related to aging and immortalization. Here, we have used quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization to estimate (T2AG3)n lengths of individual telomeres in various mouse strains. Telomere lengths were very heterogeneous, but specific chromosomes of bone marrow cells and skin fibroblasts from individual mice had similar telomere lengths. We estimate that the shortest telomeres are around 10 kb in length, indicating that each mouse cell has a few telomeres with (T2AG3)n lengths within the range of human telomeres. These short telomeres may be critical in limiting the replicative potential of murine cells.


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A sensitive and precise in vitro technique for detecting DNA strand discontinuities produced in vivo has been developed. The procedure, a form of runoff DNA synthesis on molecules released from lysed bacterial cells, mapped precisely the position of cleavage of the plasmid pMV158 leading strand origin in Streptococcus pneumoniae and the site of strand scission, nic, at the transfer origins of F and the F-like plasmid R1 in Escherichia coli. When high frequency of recombination strains of E. coli were examined, DNA strand discontinuities at the nic positions of the chromosomally integrated fertility factors were also observed. Detection of DNA strand scission at the nic position of F DNA in the high frequency of recombination strains, as well as in the episomal factors, was dependent on sexual expression from the transmissable element, but was independent of mating. These results imply that not only the transfer origins of extrachromosomal F and F-like fertility factors, but also the origins of stably integrated copies of these plasmids, are subject to an equilibrium of cleavage and ligation in vivo in the absence of DNA transfer.