em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We explore charge migration in DNA, advancing two distinct mechanisms of charge separation in a donor (d)–bridge ({Bj})–acceptor (a) system, where {Bj} = B1,B2, … , BN are the N-specific adjacent bases of B-DNA: (i) two-center unistep superexchange induced charge transfer, d*{Bj}a → d∓{Bj}a±, and (ii) multistep charge transport involves charge injection from d* (or d+) to {Bj}, charge hopping within {Bj}, and charge trapping by a. For off-resonance coupling, mechanism i prevails with the charge separation rate and yield exhibiting an exponential dependence ∝ exp(−βR) on the d-a distance (R). Resonance coupling results in mechanism ii with the charge separation lifetime τ ∝ Nη and yield Y ≃ (1 + δ̄ Nη)−1 exhibiting a weak (algebraic) N and distance dependence. The power parameter η is determined by charge hopping random walk. Energetic control of the charge migration mechanism is exerted by the energetics of the ion pair state d∓B1±B2 … BNa relative to the electronically excited donor doorway state d*B1B2 … BNa. The realization of charge separation via superexchange or hopping is determined by the base sequence within the bridge. Our energetic–dynamic relations, in conjunction with the energetic data for d*/d− and for B/B+, determine the realization of the two distinct mechanisms in different hole donor systems, establishing the conditions for “chemistry at a distance” after charge transport in DNA. The energetic control of the charge migration mechanisms attained by the sequence specificity of the bridge is universal for large molecular-scale systems, for proteins, and for DNA.


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The rate constants for reduction of the flavoenzyme, l-lactate oxidase, and a mutant (in which alanine 95 is replaced by glycine), by a series of para-substituted mandelates, in both the 2-1H- and 2-2H- forms, have been measured by rapid reaction spectrophotometry. In all cases, significant isotope effects (1H/2H = 3–7) on the rate constants of flavin reduction were found, indicating that flavin reduction is a direct measure of α-C-H bond breakage. The rate constants show only a small influence of the electronic characteristics of the substituents, but show a good correlation when combined with some substituent volume parameters. A surprisingly good correlation is found with the molecular mass of the substrate. The results are compatible with any mechanism in which there is little development of charge in the transition state. This could be a transfer of hydride to the flavin N(5) position or a synchronous mechanism in which the α-C-H is formally abstracted as a H+ while the resulting charge is simultaneously neutralized by another event.


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The equilibrium for formation of the intramolecular hydrogen bond (KHB) in a series of substituted salicylate monoanions was investigated as a function of ΔpKa, the difference between the pKa values of the hydrogen bond donor and acceptor, in both water and dimethyl sulfoxide. The dependence of log KHB upon ΔpKa is linear in both solvents, but is steeper in dimethyl sulfoxide (slope = 0.73) than in water (slope = 0.05). Thus, hydrogen bond strength can undergo substantially larger increases in nonaqueous media than aqueous solutions as the charge density on the donor or acceptor atom increases. These results support a general mechanism for enzymatic catalysis, in which hydrogen bonding to a substrate is strengthened as charge rearranges in going from the ground state to the transition state; the strengthening of the hydrogen bond would be greater in a nonaqueous enzymatic active site than in water, thus providing a rate enhancement for an enzymatic reaction relative to the solution reaction. We suggest that binding energy of an enzyme is used to fix the substrate in the low-dielectric active site, where the strengthening of the hydrogen bond in the course of a reaction is increased.


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We studied the effect of pH on ligand binding in wild-type lactose permease or mutants in the four residues—Glu-269, Arg-302, His-322, and Glu-325—that are the key participants in H+ translocation and coupling between sugar and H+ translocation. Although wild-type permease or mutants in Glu-325 and Arg-302 exhibit marked decreases in affinity at alkaline pH, mutants in either His-322 or Glu-269 do not titrate. The results offer a mechanistic model for lactose/H+ symport. In the ground state, the permease is protonated, the H+ is shared between His-322 and Glu-269, Glu-325 is charge-paired with Arg-302, and substrate is bound with high affinity at the outside surface. Substrate binding induces a conformational change that leads to transfer of the H+ from His-322/Glu-269 to Glu-325 and reorientation of the binding site to the inner surface with a decrease in affinity. Glu-325 then is deprotonated on the inside because of rejuxtaposition with Arg-302. The His-322/Glu-269 complex then is reprotonated from the outside surface to reinitiate the cycle.


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In myocardial ischemia, adrenergic nerves release excessive amounts of norepinephrine (NE), causing dysfunction and arrhythmias. With anoxia and the concomitant ATP depletion, vesicular storage of NE is impaired, resulting in accumulation of free NE in the axoplasm of sympathetic nerves. Intraneuronal acidosis activates the Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE), leading to increased Na+ entry in the nerve terminals. These conditions favor availability of the NE transporter to the axoplasmic side of the membrane, causing massive carrier-mediated efflux of free NE. Neuronal NHE activation is pivotal in this process; NHE inhibitors attenuate carrier-mediated NE release. We previously reported that activation of histamine H3 receptors (H3R) on cardiac sympathetic nerves also reduces carrier-mediated NE release and alleviates arrhythmias. Thus, H3R activation may be negatively coupled to NHE. We tested this hypothesis in individual human SKNMC neuroblastoma cells stably transfected with H3R cDNA, loaded with the intracellular pH (pHi) indicator BCECF. These cells possess amiloride-sensitive NHE. NHE activity was measured as the rate of Na+-dependent pHi recovery in response to an acute acid pulse (NH4Cl). We found that the selective H3R-agonist imetit markedly diminished NHE activity, and so did the amiloride derivative EIPA. The selective H3R antagonist thioperamide abolished the imetit-induced NHE attenuation. Thus, our results provide a link between H3R and NHE, which may limit the excessive release of NE during protracted myocardial ischemia. Our previous and present findings uncover a novel mechanism of cardioprotection: NHE inhibition in cardiac adrenergic neurons as a means to prevent ischemic arrhythmias associated with carrier-mediated NE release.


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A mechanistic model for lactose/H+ symport via the lactose permease of Escherichia coli proposed recently indicates that the permease must be protonated to bind ligand with high affinity. Moreover, in the ground state, the symported H+ is shared between His-322 (helix X) and Glu-269 (helix VIII), whereas Glu-325 (helix X) is charge-paired with Arg-302 (helix IX). Substrate binding at the outer surface induces a conformational change that leads to transfer of the H+ to Glu-325 and reorientation of the binding site to the inner surface. After release of the substrate, Glu-325 is deprotonated on the inside because of rejuxtapositioning with Arg-302. To test the role of Arg-302 in the mechanism, the catalytic properties of mutants Arg-302→Ala and Arg-302→Ser were studied. Both mutants are severely defective in active lactose transport, as well as in efflux or influx down a concentration gradient, translocation modes that involve net H+ movement. In marked contrast, the mutants catalyze equilibrium exchange of lactose and bind ligand with high affinity. These characteristics are remarkably analogous to those of permease mutants with neutral replacements for Glu-325, a residue that plays a direct role in H+ translocation. These observations lend strong support for the argument that Arg-302 interacts with Glu-325 to facilitate deprotonation of the carboxylic acid during turnover.


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The nucleocapsid protein (NC) of HIV type 1 is a nucleic acid chaperone that facilitates the rearrangement of nucleic acids into conformations containing the maximum number of complementary base pairs. We use an optical tweezers instrument to stretch single DNA molecules from the helix to coil state at room temperature in the presence of NC and a mutant form (SSHS NC) that lacks the two zinc finger structures present in NC. Although both NC and SSHS NC facilitate annealing of complementary strands through electrostatic attraction, only NC destabilizes the helical form of DNA and reduces the cooperativity of the helix-coil transition. In particular, we find that the helix-coil transition free energy at room temperature is significantly reduced in the presence of NC. Thus, upon NC binding, it is likely that thermodynamic fluctuations cause continuous melting and reannealing of base pairs so that DNA strands are able to rapidly sample configurations to find the lowest energy state. The reduced cooperativity allows these fluctuations to occur in the middle of complex double-stranded structures. The reduced stability and cooperativity, coupled with the electrostatic attraction generated by the high charge density of NC, is responsible for the nucleic acid chaperone activity of this protein.


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We propose a mechanism for oligonucleotide (ODN) release from cationic lipid complexes in cells that accounts for various observations on cationic lipid-nucleic acid-cell interactions. Fluorescent confocal microscopy of cells treated with rhodamine-labeled cationic liposome/ fluorescein-labeled ODN (F-ODN) complexes show the F-ODN separates from the lipid after internalization and enters the nucleus leaving the fluorescent lipid in cytoplasmic structures. ODN displacement from the complex was studied by fluorescent resonance energy transfer. Anionic liposome compositions (e.g., phosphatidylserine) that mimic the cytoplasmic facing monolayer of the cell membrane released ODN from the complex at about a 1:1 (-/+) charge ratio. Release was independent of ionic strength and pH. Physical separation of the F-ODN from monovalent and multivalent cationic lipids was confirmed by gel electrophoresis. Fluid but not solid phase anionic liposomes are required, whereas the physical state of the cationic lipids does not effect the release. Water soluble molecules with a high negative linear charge density, dextran sulfate, or heparin also release ODN. However, ATP, spermidine, spermine, tRNA, DNA, polyglutamic acid, polylysine, bovine serum albumin, or histone did not release ODN, even at 100-fold charge excess (-/+). Based upon these results, we propose that the complex, after internalization by endocytosis, induces flip-flop of anionic lipids from the cytoplasmic facing monolayer. Anionic lipids laterally diffuse into the complex and form a charged neutralized ion-pair with the cationic lipids. This leads to displacement of the ODN from the cationic lipid and its release into the cytoplasm.


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Recovery of cell volume in response to osmotic stress is mediated in part by increases in the Cl- permeability of the plasma membrane. These studies evaluate the hypothesis that ATP release and autocrine stimulation of purinergic (P2) receptors couple increases in cell volume to opening of Cl- channels. In HTC rat hepatoma cells, swelling induced by hypotonic exposure increased membrane Cl- current density to 44.8 +/- 7.1 pA/pF at -80 mV. Both the rate of volume recovery and the increase in Cl- permeability were inhibited in the presence of the ATP hydrolase apyrase (3 units/ml) or by exposure to the P2 receptor blockers suramin and Reactive Blue 2 (10-100 microM). Cell swelling also stimulated release of ATP. Hypotonic exposure increased the concentration of ATP in the effluent of perfused cells by 170 +/- 36 nM in the presence of a nucleotidase inhibitor (P < 0.01). In whole-cell recordings with ATP as the charge carrier, cell swelling increased membrane current density approximately 30-fold to 16.5 +/- 10.4 pA/pF. These findings indicate that increases in cell volume lead to efflux of ATP through opening of a conductive pathway consistent with a channel, and that extracellular ATP is required for recovery from swelling. ATP may function as an autocrine factor that couples increases in cell volume to opening of Cl- channels through stimulation of P2 receptors.