43 resultados para CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes -- immunology

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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In this study, we describe the interaction between cytokine and cytokine receptor (R) for the activation and proliferation of gamma delta T-cell receptor-positive T cells (gamma delta T cells). gamma delta T cells isolated from murine intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) were separated into gamma delta (Dim) and gamma delta (Bright) fractions according to the intensity of gamma delta T-cell receptor expression. The gamma delta T cells express low levels of IL-2R and IL-7R as shown by flow cytometry and reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis, whereas gamma delta (Bright) T cells did not express either receptor. Our study also revealed that recombinant marine (rm)IL-2 and rmIL-7 reciprocally induced high expressions of IL-7R and IL-2R, respectively, on gamma delta (Dim) T cells but not on gamma delta (Bright) cells. Thus, treatment of gamma delta (Dim) T cells with rmIL-2 and rmIL-7 resulted in high proliferative responses, whereas gamma delta (Bright) T cells did not respond to these two cytokines. The sources of these two cytokines for gamma delta T cells were neighboring epithelial cells (IL-7) and alpha beta T cells (IL-2 and IL-7). Cytokine signaling by IL-2 and IL-7 from alpha beta T cells and epithelial cells was necessary for the expression of IL-7R and IL-2R, respectively, on a subset of gamma delta T cells (e.g., gamma delta (Dim) T cells) in mucosa-associated tissue for subsequent activation and cell division.


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An analysis of the initial antigen-recognition step in the destruction of target cells by CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs) shows that a relationship in the form of the law of mass action can be used to describe interactions between antigen-specific receptors on T cells (TCRs) and their natural ligands on target cells (peptide-major histocompatibility protein complexes, termed pepMHC complexes), even though these reactants are confined to their respective cell membranes. For a designated level of lysis and receptor affinities below about 5 X 10(6) M-1, the product of the required number of pepMHC complexes per target cell ("epitope density") and TCR affinity for pepMHC complexes is constant; therefore, over this range TCR affinities can be predicted from epitope densities (or vice versa). At higher receptor affinities ("affinity ceiling") the epitope density required for half-maximal lysis reaches a lower limit of less than 10 complexes per target cell.


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The active form of vitamin D, 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1α,25(OH)2D], is synthesized from its precursor 25 hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] via the catalytic action of the 25(OH)D-1α-hydroxylase [1α(OH)ase] enzyme. Many roles in cell growth and differentiation have been attributed to 1,25(OH)2D, including a central role in calcium homeostasis and skeletal metabolism. To investigate the in vivo functions of 1,25(OH)2D and the molecular basis of its actions, we developed a mouse model deficient in 1α(OH)ase by targeted ablation of the hormone-binding and heme-binding domains of the 1α(OH)ase gene. After weaning, mice developed hypocalcemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism, retarded growth, and the skeletal abnormalities characteristic of rickets. These abnormalities are similar to those described in humans with the genetic disorder vitamin D dependent rickets type I [VDDR-I; also known as pseudovitamin D-deficiency rickets (PDDR)]. Altered non-collagenous matrix protein expression and reduced numbers of osteoclasts were also observed in bone. Female mutant mice were infertile and exhibited uterine hypoplasia and absent corpora lutea. Furthermore, histologically enlarged lymph nodes in the vicinity of the thyroid gland and a reduction in CD4- and CD8-positive peripheral T lymphocytes were observed. Alopecia, reported in vitamin D receptor (VDR)-deficient mice and in humans with VDDR-II, was not seen. The findings establish a critical role for the 1α(OH)ase enzyme in mineral and skeletal homeostasis as well as in female reproduction and also point to an important role in regulating immune function.


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The epitopes recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are generated from cytosolic proteins by proteolytic processing. The nature of the influences exerted by the sequences flanking CTL epitopes on these processing events remains controversial. Here we show that each epitope within an artificial polyepitope protein containing nine minimal CD8+ CTL epitopes in sequence was processed and presented to appropriate CTL clones. Natural flanking sequences were thus not required to direct class I proteolytic processing. In addition, unnatural flanking sequences containing other CTL epitopes did not interfere with processing. The ability of every CTL epitope to be effectively processed from a protein containing only CTL epitopes is likely to find application in the construction of recombinant polyepitope CTL vaccines.


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The tetraspanin CD81 is ubiquitously expressed and associated with CD19 on B lymphocytes and with CD4 and CD8 on T lymphocytes. Analysis of mice with disrupted CD81 gene reveals normal T cells but a distinct abnormality in B cells consisting of decreased expression of CD19 and severe reduction in peritoneal B-1 cells. CD81-deficient B cells responded normally to surface IgM crosslinking, but had severely impaired calcium influx following CD19 engagement. CD81-deficient mice had increased serum IgM and IgA and an exaggerated antibody response to the type II T independent antigen TNP-Ficoll. These results suggest that CD81 is important for CD19 signaling and B cell function.


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A challenge for subunit vaccines whose goal is to elicit CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) is to deliver the antigen to the cytosol of the living cell, where it can be processed for presentation by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Several bacterial toxins have evolved to efficiently deliver catalytic protein moieties to the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Anthrax lethal toxin consists of two distinct proteins that combine to form the active toxin. Protective antigen (PA) binds to cells and is instrumental in delivering lethal factor (LF) to the cell cytosol. To test whether the lethal factor protein could be exploited for delivery of exogenous proteins to the MHC class I processing pathway, we constructed a genetic fusion between the amino-terminal 254 aa of LF and the gp120 portion of the HIV-1 envelope protein. Cells treated with this fusion protein (LF254-gp120) in the presence of PA effectively processed gp120 and presented an epitope recognized by HIV-1 gp120 V3-specific CTL. In contrast, when cells were treated with the LF254-gp120 fusion protein and a mutant PA protein defective for translocation, the cells were not able to present the epitope and were not lysed by the specific CTL. The entry into the cytosol and dependence on the classical cytosolic MHC class I pathway were confirmed by showing that antigen presentation by PA + LF254-gp120 was blocked by the proteasome inhibitor lactacystin. These data demonstrate the ability of the LF amino-terminal fragment to deliver antigens to the MHC class I pathway and provide the basis for the development of novel T cell vaccines.


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Mice immunized with heat shock proteins (hsps) isolated from mouse tumor cells (donor cells) produce CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that recognize donor cell peptides in association with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I proteins of the responding mouse. The CTL are induced apparently because peptides noncovalently associated with the isolated hsp molecules can enter the MHC class I antigen processing pathway of professional antigen-presenting cells. Using a recombinant heat shock fusion protein with a large fragment of ovalbumin covalently linked to mycobacterial hsp70, we show here that when the soluble fusion protein was injected without adjuvant into H-2b mice, CTL were produced that recognized an ovalbumin-derived peptide, SIINFEKL, in association with Kb. The peptide is known to arise from natural processing of ovalbumin in H-2b mouse cells, and CTL from the ovalbumin-hsp70-immunized mice and a highly effective CTL clone (4G3) raised against ovalbumin-expressing EL4 tumor cells (EG7-OVA) were equally effective in terms of the concentration of SIINFEKL required for half-maximal lysis in a CTL assay. The mice were also protected against lethal challenge with ovalbumin-expressing melanoma tumor cells. Because large protein fragments or whole proteins serving as fusion partners can be cleaved into short peptides in the MHC class I processing pathway, hsp fusion proteins of the type described here are promising candidates for vaccines aimed at eliciting CD8 CTL in populations of MHC-disparate individuals.


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Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is a recently described natural endogenous immunosuppressive cytokine that has been identified in human, murine, and other organisms. Human IL-10 (hIL-10) has high homology with murine IL-10 (mIL-10) as well as with an Epstein–Barr virus genome product BCRFI. This viral IL-10 (vIL-10) shares a number of activities with hIL-10. IL-10 significantly affects chemokine biology, because human IL-10 inhibits chemokine production and is a specific chemotactic factor for CD8+ T cells. It suppresses the ability of CD4+ T cells, but not CD8+ T cells, to migrate in response to IL-8. A nonapeptide (IT9302) with complete homology to a sequence of hIL-10 located in the C-terminal portion (residues 152–160) of the cytokine was found to possess activities that mimic some of those of hIL-10. These are: (i) inhibition of IL-1β-induced IL-8 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cell, (ii) inhibition of spontaneous IL-8 production by cultured human monocytes, (iii) induction of IL-1 receptor antagonistic protein production by human monocytes, (iv) induction of chemotactic migration of CD8+ human T lymphocytes in vitro, (v) desensitization of human CD8+ T cells resulting in an unresponsiveness toward rhIL-10-induced chemotaxis, (vi) suppression of the chemotactic response of CD4+ T human lymphocytes toward IL-8, (vii) induction of IL-4 production by cultured normal human CD4+ T cells, (viii) down-regulation of tumor necrosis factor-α production by CD8+ T cells, and (ix) inhibition of class II major histocompatibility complex antigen expression on IFN-γ-stimulated human monocytes. Another nonapeptide (IT9403) close to the NH2-terminal part of hIL-10 did not reveal cytokine synthesis inhibitory properties, but proved to be a regulator of mast cell proliferation. In conclusion, we have identified two functional domains of IL-10 exerting different IL-10 like activities, an observation that suggests that relatively small segments of these signal proteins are responsible for particular biological functions.


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The long-term kinetics of T cell production following highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) were investigated in blood and lymph node in a group of HIV-infected subjects at early stage of established infection and prospectively studied for 72 wk. Before HAART, CD4 and CD8 T cell turnover was increased. However, the total number of proliferating CD4+ T lymphocytes, i.e., CD4+Ki67+ T lymphocytes, was not significantly different in HIV-infected (n = 73) and HIV-negative (n = 15) subjects, whereas proliferating CD8+Ki67+ T lymphocytes were significantly higher in HIV-infected subjects. After HAART, the total body number of proliferating CD4+Ki67+ T lymphocytes increased over time and was associated with an increase of both naive and memory CD4+ T cells. The maximal increase (2-fold) was observed at week 36, whereas at week 72 the number of proliferating CD4+ T cells dropped to baseline levels, i.e., before HAART. The kinetics of the fraction of proliferating CD4 and CD8 T cells were significantly correlated with the changes in the total body number of these T cell subsets. These results demonstrate a direct relationship between ex vivo measures of T cell production and quantitative changes in total body T lymphocyte populations. This study provides advances in the delineation of the kinetics of T cell production in HIV infection in the presence and/or in the absence of HAART.


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The human Melan-A/MART-1 gene encodes an HLA-A2-restricted peptide epitope recognized by melanoma-reactive CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Here we report that this gene also encodes at least one HLA-DR4-presented peptide recognized by CD4+ T cells. The Melan-A/MART-151–73 peptide was able to induce the in vitro expansion of specific CD4+ T cells derived from normal DR4+ donors or from DR4+ patients with melanoma when pulsed onto autologous dendritic cells. CD4+ responder T cells specifically produced IFN-γ in response to, and also lysed, T2.DR4 cells pulsed with the Melan-A/MART-151–73 peptide and DR4+ melanoma target cells naturally expressing the Melan-A/MART-1 gene product. Interestingly, CD4+ T cell immunoreactivity against the Melan-A/MART-151–73 peptide typically coexisted with a high frequency of anti-Melan-A/MART-127–35 reactive CD8+ T cells in freshly isolated blood harvested from HLA-A2+/DR4+ patients with melanoma. Taken together, these data support the use of this Melan-A/MART-1 DR4-restricted melanoma epitope in future immunotherapeutic trials designed to generate, augment, and quantitate specific CD4+ T cell responses against melanoma in vivo.


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The γ-herpesviruses, in contrast to the α- and β-herpesviruses, are not known to inhibit antigen presentation to CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) during lytic cycle replication. However, murine γ-herpesvirus 68 causes a chronic lytic infection in CD4+ T cell-deficient mice despite the persistence of a substantial CTL response, suggesting that CTL evasion occurs. Here we show that, distinct from host protein synthesis shutoff, γ-herpesvirus 68 down-regulates surface MHC class I expression on lytically infected fibroblasts and inhibits their recognition by antigen-specific CTLs. The viral K3 gene, encoding a zinc-finger-containing protein, dramatically reduced the half-life of nascent class I molecules and the level of surface MHC class I expression and was by itself sufficient to block antigen presentation. The homologous K3 and K5 genes of the related Kaposi's sarcoma-associated virus also inhibited antigen presentation and decreased cell surface expression of HLA class I antigens. Thus it appears that an immune evasion strategy shared by at least two γ-herpesviruses allows continued lytic infection in the face of strong CTL immunity.


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Most tumor-associated antigens represent self-proteins and as a result are poorly immunogenic due to immune tolerance. Here we show that tolerance to carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), which is overexpressed by the majority of lethal malignancies, can be reversed by immunization with a CEA-derived peptide. This peptide was altered to make it a more potent T cell antigen and loaded onto dendritic cells (DCs) for delivery as a cellular vaccine. Although DCs are rare in the blood, we found that treatment of advanced cancer patients with Flt3 ligand, a hematopoietic growth factor, expanded DCs 20-fold in vivo. Immunization with these antigen-loaded DCs induced CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes that recognized tumor cells expressing endogenous CEA. Staining with peptide-MHC tetramers demonstrated the expansion of CD8 T cells that recognize both the native and altered epitopes and possess an effector cytotoxic T lymphocyte phenotype (CD45RA+CD27−CCR7−). After vaccination, two of 12 patients experienced dramatic tumor regression, one patient had a mixed response, and two had stable disease. Clinical response correlated with the expansion of CD8 tetramer+ T cells, confirming the role of CD8 T cells in this treatment strategy.


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The induction of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) is desirable for immunization against many diseases, and recombinant-synthetic peptide antigens are now favored agents to use. However, a major problem is how to induce CTLs, which requires a T1-type response to such synthetic antigens. We report that T1-type (generating high CTL, low antibody) or T2-type (the reciprocal) responses can be induced by conjugation of the antigen to the carbohydrate polymer mannan: T1 responses are selected by using oxidizing conditions; T2 responses are selected by using reducing conditions for the conjugation. Using human MUC1 as a model antigen in mice, immunization with oxidized mannan-MUC1 fusion protein (ox-M-FP) led to complete tumor protection (challenge up to 5 x 10(7) MUC1+ tumor cells), CTLs, and a high CTL precursor (CTLp) frequency (1/6900), whereas immunization with reduced mannan-MUC1 FP (red-M-FP) led to poor protection after challenge with only 10(6) MUC1+ tumor cells, no CTLs, and a low CTLp frequency (1/87,800). Ox-M-FP selects for a T1 response (mediated here by CD8+ cells) with high interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) secretion, no interleukin 4 (IL-4), and a predominant IgG2a antibody response; red-M-FP selects for a T2-type response with IL-4 production and a high predominant IgG1 antibody response but no IFN-gamma.


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Human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) -associated myelopathy/tropic spastic paraparesis is a demyelinating inflammatory neurologic disease associated with HTLV-1 infection. HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific cytotoxic T cells have been isolated from HLA-A2-positive patients. We have used a peptide-loaded soluble HLA-A2–Ig complex to directly visualize HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific T cells from peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid without in vitro stimulation. Five of six HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropic spastic paraparesis patients carried a significant number (up to 13.87%) of CD8+ lymphocytes specific for the HTLV-1 Tax11–19 peptide in their peripheral blood, which were not found in healthy controls. Simultaneous comparison of peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid from one patient revealed 2.5-fold more Tax11–19-specific T cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (23.7% vs. 9.4% in peripheral blood lymphocyte). Tax11–19-specific T cells were seen consistently over a 9-yr time course in one patient as far as 19 yrs after the onset of clinical symptoms. Further analysis of HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes in HAM/TSP patients showed different expression patterns of activation markers, intracellular TNF-α and γ-interferon depending on the severity of the disease. Thus, visualization of antigen-specific T cells demonstrates that HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific CD8+ T cells are activated, persist during the chronic phase of the disease, and accumulate in cerebrospinal fluid, showing their pivotal role in the pathogenesis of this neurologic disease.


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The H-2Ld alloreactive 2C T cell receptor (TCR) is commonly considered as being positively selected on the H-2Kb molecule. Surprisingly, 2C TCR+ CD8+ single-positive T cells emerge in massive numbers in fetal thymic organ culture originating from 2C transgenic, H-2KbDb−/− (2C+KbDb−/−) but not in fetal thymic organ culture from β2-microglobulin−/− 2C transgenic animals. Mature CD8+ T cells are observed in newborn but not in adult 2C+KbDb−/− mice. These CD8+ T cells express the α4β7 integrin, which allows them to populate the intestine, a pattern of migration visualized by intrathymic injection of FITC and subsequent accrual of FITC-labeled lymphocytes in the gut. We conclude that the 2C TCR is reactive not only with H-2Ld and H-2Kb, but also with nonclassical MHC class I products to enable positive selection of 2C+ T cells in the fetal and newborn thymus and to support their maintenance in the intestine.