117 resultados para CATHEPSIN-S INHIBITOR

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Potent and selective active-site-spanning inhibitors have been designed for cathepsin K, a cysteine protease unique to osteoclasts. They act by mechanisms that involve tight binding intermediates, potentially on a hydrolytic pathway. X-ray crystallographic, MS, NMR spectroscopic, and kinetic studies of the mechanisms of inhibition indicate that different intermediates or transition states are being represented that are dependent on the conditions of measurement and the specific groups flanking the carbonyl in the inhibitor. The species observed crystallographically are most consistent with tetrahedral intermediates that may be close approximations of those that occur during substrate hydrolysis. Initial kinetic studies suggest the possibility of irreversible and reversible active-site modification. Representative inhibitors have demonstrated antiresorptive activity both in vitro and in vivo and therefore are promising leads for therapeutic agents for the treatment of osteoporosis. Expansion of these inhibitor concepts can be envisioned for the many other cysteine proteases implicated for therapeutic intervention.


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The human brm (hbrm) protein (homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster brahma and Saccharomyces cervisiae SNF-2 proteins) is part of a polypeptide complex believed to regulate chromatin conformation. We have shown that the hbrm protein is cleaved in NB4 leukemic cells after induction of apoptosis by UV-irradiation, DNA damaging agents, or staurosporine. Because hbrm is found only in the nucleus, we have investigated the nature of the proteases that may regulate the degradation of this protein during apoptosis. In an in vitro assay, the hbrm protein could not be cleaved by caspase-3, -7, or -6, the “effector” caspases generally believed to carry out the cleavage of nuclear protein substrates. In contrast, we find that cathepsin G, a granule enzyme found in NB4 cells, cleaves hbrm in a pattern similar to that observed in vivo during apoptosis. In addition, a peptide inhibitor of cathepsin G blocks hbrm cleavage during apoptosis but does not block activation of caspases or cleavage of the nuclear protein polyADP ribose polymerase (PARP). Although localized in granules and in the Golgi complex in untreated cells, cathepsin G becomes diffusely distributed during apoptosis. Cleavage by cathepsin G removes a 20-kDa fragment containing a bromodomain from the carboxyl terminus of hbrm. This cleavage disrupts the association between hbrm and the nuclear matrix; the 160-kDa hbrm cleavage fragment is less tightly associated with the nuclear matrix than full-length hbrm.


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A serpin was identified in normal mammary gland by differential cDNA sequencing. In situ hybridization has detected this serpin exclusively in the myoepithelial cells on the normal and noninvasive mammary epithelial side of the basement membrane and thus was named myoepithelium-derived serine proteinase inhibitor (MEPI). No MEPI expression was detected in the malignant breast carcinomas. MEPI encodes a 405-aa precursor, including an 18-residue secretion signal with a calculated molecular mass of 46 kDa. The predicted sequence of the new protein shares 33% sequence identity and 58% sequence similarity to plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1 and PAI-2. To determine whether MEPI can modulate the in vivo growth and progression of human breast cancers, we transfected a full-length MEPI cDNA into human breast cancer cells and studied the orthotopic growth of MEPI-transfected vs. control clones in the mammary fat pad of athymic nude mice. Overexpression of MEPI inhibited the invasion of the cells in the in vitro invasion assay. When injected orthotopically into nude mice, the primary tumor volumes, axillary lymph node metastasis, and lung metastasis were significantly inhibited in MEPI-transfected clones as compared with controls. The expression of MEPI in myoepithelial cells may prevent breast cancer malignant progression leading to metastasis.


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Heart failure is accompanied by severely impaired β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) function, which includes loss of βAR density and functional uncoupling of remaining receptors. An important mechanism for the rapid desensitization of βAR function is agonist-stimulated receptor phosphorylation by the βAR kinase (βARK1), an enzyme known to be elevated in failing human heart tissue. To investigate whether alterations in βAR function contribute to the development of myocardial failure, transgenic mice with cardiac-restricted overexpression of either a peptide inhibitor of βARK1 or the β2AR were mated into a genetic model of murine heart failure (MLP−/−). In vivo cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography and cardiac catheterization. Both MLP−/− and MLP−/−/β2AR mice had enlarged left ventricular (LV) chambers with significantly reduced fractional shortening and mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening. In contrast, MLP−/−/βARKct mice had normal LV chamber size and function. Basal LV contractility in the MLP−/−/βARKct mice, as measured by LV dP/dtmax, was increased significantly compared with the MLP−/− mice but less than controls. Importantly, heightened βAR desensitization in the MLP−/− mice, measured in vivo (responsiveness to isoproterenol) and in vitro (isoproterenol-stimulated membrane adenylyl cyclase activity), was completely reversed with overexpression of the βARK1 inhibitor. We report here the striking finding that overexpression of this inhibitor prevents the development of cardiomyopathy in this murine model of heart failure. These findings implicate abnormal βAR-G protein coupling in the pathogenesis of the failing heart and point the way toward development of agents to inhibit βARK1 as a novel mode of therapy.


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Cathepsin B (CTSB) is overexpressed in tumors of the lung, prostate, colon, breast, and stomach. However, evidence of primary genomic alterations in the CTSB gene during tumor initiation or progression has been lacking. We have found a novel amplicon at 8p22–23 that results in CTSB overexpression in esophageal adenocarcinoma. Amplified genomic NotI–HinfI fragments were identified by two-dimensional DNA electrophoresis. Two amplified fragments (D4 and D5) were cloned and yielded unique sequences. Using bacterial artificial chromosome clones containing either D4 or D5, fluorescent in situ hybridization defined a single region of amplification involving chromosome bands 8p22–23. We investigated the candidate cancer-related gene CTSB, and potential coamplified genes from this region including farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase (FDFT1), arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT-1), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), and an uncharacterized expressed sequence tag (D8S503). Southern blot analysis of 66 esophageal adenocarcinomas demonstrated only CTSB and FDFT1 were consistently amplified in eight (12.1%) of the tumors. Neither NAT-1 nor LPL were amplified. Northern blot analysis showed overexpression of CTSB and FDFT1 mRNA in all six of the amplified esophageal adenocarcinomas analyzed. CTSB mRNA overexpression also was present in two of six nonamplified tumors analyzed. However, FDFT1 mRNA overexpression without amplification was not observed. Western blot analysis confirmed CTSB protein overexpression in tumor specimens with CTSB mRNA overexpression compared with either normal controls or tumors without mRNA overexpression. Abundant extracellular expression of CTSB protein was found in 29 of 40 (72.5%) of esophageal adenocarcinoma specimens by using immunohistochemical analysis. The finding of an amplicon at 8p22–23 resulting in CTSB gene amplification and overexpression supports an important role for CTSB in esophageal adenocarcinoma and possibly in other tumors.


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Most poxviruses, including variola, the causative agent of smallpox, express a secreted protein of 35 kDa, vCCI, which binds CC-chemokines with high affinity. This viral protein competes with the host cellular CC-chemokine receptors (CCRs), reducing inflammation and interfering with the host immune response. Such proteins or derivatives may have therapeutic uses as anti-inflammatory agents. We have determined the crystal structure to 1.85-Å resolution of vCCI from cowpox virus, the prototype of this poxvirus virulence factor. The molecule is a β-sandwich of topology not previously described. A patch of conserved residues on the exposed face of a β-sheet that is strongly negatively charged might have a role in binding of CC-chemokines, which are positively charged.


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Human cytomegalovirus (CMV), a herpesvirus that causes congenital disease and opportunistic infections in immunocompromised individuals, encodes functions that facilitate efficient viral propagation by altering host cell behavior. Here we show that CMV blocks apoptosis mediated by death receptors and encodes a mitochondria-localized inhibitor of apoptosis, denoted vMIA, capable of suppressing apoptosis induced by diverse stimuli. vMIA, a product of the viral UL37 gene, inhibits Fas-mediated apoptosis at a point downstream of caspase-8 activation and Bid cleavage but upstream of cytochrome c release, while residing in mitochondria and associating with adenine nucleotide translocator. These functional properties resemble those ascribed to Bcl-2; however, the absence of sequence similarity to Bcl-2 or any other known cell death suppressors suggests that vMIA defines a previously undescribed class of anti-apoptotic proteins.


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Prosystemin is the 200-amino acid precursor of the 18-amino acid polypeptide defense hormone, systemin. Herein, we report that prosystemin was found to be as biologically active as systemin when assayed for proteinase inhibitor induction in young tomato plants and nearly as active in the alkalinization response in Lycopersicon esculentum suspension-cultured cells. Similar to many animal prohormones that harbor multiple signals, the systemin precursor contains five imperfect repetitive domains N-terminal to a single systemin domain. Whether the five repetitive domains contain defense signals has not been established. N-terminal deletions of prosystemin had little effect on its activity in tomato plants or suspension-cultured cells. Deletion of the C-terminal region of prosystemin containing the 18-amino acid systemin domain completely abolished its proteinase inhibitor induction and alkalinization activities. The apoplastic fluid from tomato leaves and the medium of cultured cells were analyzed for proteolytic activity that could process prosystemin to systemin. These experiments showed that proteolytic enzymes present in the apoplasm and medium could cleave prosystemin into large fragments, but the enzymes did not produce detectable levels of systemin. Additionally, inhibitors of these proteolytic enzymes did not affect the biological activity of prosystemin. The cumulative data indicated that prosystemin and/or large fragments of prosystemin can be active inducers of defense responses in both tomato leaves and suspension-cultured cells and that the only region of prosystemin that is responsible for activating the defense response resides in the systemin domain.


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Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a potent human carcinogen implicated in the etiology of hepatocellular carcinoma. Upon metabolic activation to the reactive epoxide, AFB1 forms DNA adducts primarily at the N7 position of guanines. To elucidate more fully the molecular mechanism of AFB1-induced mutagenesis, an intercalation inhibitor was designed to probe the effects of intercalation by AFB1 epoxide on its reaction with DNA. DNA duplexes were prepared consisting of a target strand containing multiple potentially reactive guanines and a nontarget strand containing a cis-syn thymidine-benzofuran photoproduct. Because the covalently linked benzofuran moiety physically occupies an intercalation site, we reasoned that such a site would be rendered inaccessible to AFB1 epoxide. By strategic positioning of this intercalation inhibitor in the intercalation site 5′ to a specific guanine, the adduct yield at that site was greatly diminished, indicating that intercalation by AFB1 epoxide contributes favorably to adduct formation. Using this approach it has been possible to simplify the production of site-specifically modified oligonucleotides containing AFB1 adducts in the sequence context of a p53 mutational hotspot. Moreover, we report herein isolation of site-specifically AFB1-modified oligonucleotides in sequences containing multiple guanines. Use of intercalation inhibitors will facilitate both investigation of the ability of other carcinogens to intercalate into DNA and the synthesis of specific carcinogen-DNA adducts.


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Members of the NF-κB/Rel and inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) protein families have been implicated in signal transduction programs that prevent cell death elicited by the cytokine tumor necrosis factor α (TNF). Although NF-κB appears to stimulate the expression of specific protective genes, neither the identities of these genes nor the precise role of IAP proteins in this anti-apoptotic process are known. We demonstrate here that NF-κB is required for TNF-mediated induction of the gene encoding human c-IAP2. When overexpressed in mammalian cells, c-IAP2 activates NF-κB and suppresses TNF cytotoxicity. Both of these c-IAP2 activities are blocked in vivo by coexpressing a dominant form of IκB that is resistant to TNF-induced degradation. In contrast to wild-type c-IAP2, a mutant lacking the C-terminal RING domain inhibits NF-κB induction by TNF and enhances TNF killing. These findings suggest that c-IAP2 is critically involved in TNF signaling and exerts positive feedback control on NF-κB via an IκB targeting mechanism. Functional coupling of NF-κB and c-IAP2 during the TNF response may provide a signal amplification loop that promotes cell survival rather than death.


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IAPs comprise a family of inhibitors of apoptosis found in viruses and animals. In vivo binding studies demonstrated that both baculovirus and Drosophila IAPs physically interact with an apoptosis-inducing protein of Drosophila, Reaper (RPR), through their baculovirus IAP repeat (BIR) region. Expression of IAPs blocked RPR-induced apoptosis and resulted in the accumulation of RPR in punctate perinuclear locations which coincided with IAP localization. When expressed alone, RPR rapidly disappeared from the cells undergoing RPR-induced apoptosis. Expression of P35, a caspase inhibitor, also blocked RPR-induced apoptosis and delayed RPR decline, but RPR remained cytoplasmic in its location. Mutational analysis of RPR demonstrated that caspases were not directly responsible for RPR disappearance. The physical interaction of IAPs with RPR provides a molecular mechanism for IAP inhibition of RPR’s apoptotic activity.


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Histone acetylation is thought to have a role in transcription. To gain insight into the role of histone acetylation in retinoid-dependent transcription, we studied the effects of trichostatin A (TSA), a specific inhibitor of histone deacetylase, on P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. We show that coaddition of TSA and retinoic acid (RA) markedly enhances neuronal differentiation in these cells, although TSA alone does not induce differentiation but causes extensive apoptosis. Consistent with the cooperative effect of TSA and RA, coaddition of the two agents synergistically enhanced transcription from stably integrated RA-responsive promoters. The transcriptional synergy by TSA and RA required the RA-responsive element and a functional retinoid X receptor (RXR)/retinoic acid receptor (RAR) heterodimer, both obligatory for RA-dependent transcription. Furthermore, TSA led to promoter activation by an RXR-selective ligand that was otherwise inactive in transcription. In addition, TSA enhanced transcription from a minimum basal promoter, independently of the RA-responsive element. Finally, we show that TSA alone or in combination with RA increases in vivo endonuclease sensitivity within the RA-responsive promoter, suggesting that TSA treatment might alter a local chromatin environment to enhance RXR/RAR heterodimer action. Thus, these results indicate that histone acetylation influences activity of the heterodimer, which is in line with the observed interaction between the RXR/RAR heterodimer and a histone acetylase presented elsewhere.


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Angiostatin, a potent naturally occurring inhibitor of angiogenesis and growth of tumor metastases, is generated by cancer-mediated proteolysis of plasminogen. Human prostate carcinoma cells (PC-3) release enzymatic activity that converts plasminogen to angiostatin. We have now identified two components released by PC-3 cells, urokinase (uPA) and free sulfhydryl donors (FSDs), that are sufficient for angiostatin generation. Furthermore, in a defined cell-free system, plasminogen activators [uPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), or streptokinase], in combination with one of a series of FSDs (N-acetyl-l-cysteine, d-penicillamine, captopril, l-cysteine, or reduced glutathione] generate angiostatin from plasminogen. An essential role of plasmin catalytic activity for angiostatin generation was identified by using recombinant mutant plasminogens as substrates. The wild-type recombinant plasminogen was converted to angiostatin in the setting of uPA/FSD; however, a plasminogen activation site mutant and a catalytically inactive mutant failed to generate angiostatin. Cell-free derived angiostatin inhibited angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo and suppressed the growth of Lewis lung carcinoma metastases. These findings define a direct mechanism for cancer-cell-mediated angiostatin generation and permit large-scale production of bioactive angiostatin for investigation and potential therapeutic application.


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Triabin, a 142-residue protein from the saliva of the blood-sucking triatomine bug Triatoma pallidipennis, is a potent and selective thrombin inhibitor. Its stoichiometric complex with bovine α-thrombin was crystallized, and its crystal structure was solved by Patterson search methods and refined at 2.6-Å resolution to an R value of 0.184. The analysis revealed that triabin is a compact one-domain molecule essentially consisting of an eight-stranded β-barrel. The eight strands A to H are arranged in the order A-C-B-D-E-F-G-H, with the first four strands exhibiting a hitherto unobserved up-up-down-down topology. Except for the B-C inversion, the triabin fold exhibits the regular up-and-down topology of lipocalins. In contrast to the typical ligand-binding lipocalins, however, the triabin barrel encloses a hydrophobic core intersected by a unique salt-bridge cluster. Triabin interacts with thrombin exclusively via its fibrinogen-recognition exosite. Surprisingly, most of the interface interactions are hydrophobic. A prominent exception represents thrombin’s Arg-77A side chain, which extends into a hydrophobic triabin pocket forming partially buried salt bridges with Glu-128 and Asp-135 of the inhibitor. The fully accessible active site of thrombin in this complex is in agreement with its retained hydrolytic activity toward small chromogenic substrates. Impairment of thrombin’s fibrinogen converting activity or of its thrombomodulin-mediated protein C activation capacity upon triabin binding is explained by usage of overlapping interaction sites of fibrinogen, thrombomodulin, and triabin on thrombin. These data demonstrate that triabin inhibits thrombin via a novel and unique mechanism that might be of interest in the context of potential therapeutic applications.


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Successful gene therapy depends on stable transduction of hematopoietic stem cells. Target cells must cycle to allow integration of Moloney-based retroviral vectors, yet hematopoietic stem cells are quiescent. Cells can be held in quiescence by intracellular cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p15INK4B blocks association of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)4/cyclin D and p27kip-1 blocks activity of CDK2/cyclin A and CDK2/cyclin E, complexes that are mandatory for cell-cycle progression. Antibody neutralization of β transforming growth factor (TGFβ) in serum-free medium decreased levels of p15INK4B and increased colony formation and retroviral-mediated transduction of primary human CD34+ cells. Although TGFβ neutralization increased colony formation from more primitive, noncycling hematopoietic progenitors, no increase in M-phase-dependent, retroviral-mediated transduction was observed. Transduction of the primitive cells was augmented by culture in the presence of antisense oligonucleotides to p27kip-1 coupled with TGFβ-neutralizing antibodies. The transduced cells engrafted immune-deficient mice with no alteration in human hematopoietic lineage development. We conclude that neutralization of TGFβ, plus reduction in levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27, allows transduction of primitive and quiescent hematopoietic progenitor populations.