4 resultados para Broken Lance
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
The filamentary model of the metal-insulator transition in randomly doped semiconductor impurity bands is geometrically equivalent to similar models for continuous transitions in dilute antiferromagnets and even to the λ transition in liquid He, but the critical behaviors are different. The origin of these differences lies in two factors: quantum statistics and the presence of long range Coulomb forces on both sides of the transition in the electrical case. In the latter case, in addition to the main transition, there are two satellite transitions associated with disappearance of the filamentary structure in both insulating and metallic phases. These two satellite transitions were first identified by Fritzsche in 1958, and their physical origin is explained here in geometrical and topological terms that facilitate calculation of critical exponents.
Recent experimental data on the conductivity σ+(T), T → 0, on the metallic side of the metal–insulator transition in ideally random (neutron transmutation-doped) 70Ge:Ga have shown that σ+(0) ∝ (N − Nc)μ with μ = ½, confirming earlier ultra-low-temperature results for Si:P. This value is inconsistent with theoretical predictions based on diffusive classical scaling models, but it can be understood by a quantum-directed percolative filamentary amplitude model in which electronic basis states exist which have a well-defined momentum parallel but not normal to the applied electric field. The model, which is based on a new kind of broken symmetry, also explains the anomalous sign reversal of the derivative of the temperature dependence in the critical regime.
A hair cell’s tip links are thought to gate mechanoelectrical transduction channels. The susceptibility of tip links to acoustic trauma raises questions as to whether these fragile structures can be regenerated. We broke tip links with the calcium chelator 1,2-bis(O-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid and found that they can regenerate, albeit imperfectly, over several hours. The time course of tip-link regeneration suggests that this process may underlie recovery from temporary threshold shifts induced by noise exposure. Cycloheximide does not block tip-link regeneration, indicating that new protein synthesis is not required. The calcium ionophore ionomycin prevents regeneration, suggesting regeneration normally may be stimulated by the reduction in stereociliary Ca2+ when gating springs rupture and transduction channels close. Supporting the equivalence of tip links with gating springs, mechanoelectrical transduction returns over the same time period as tip links; strikingly, adaptation is substantially reduced, even 24 hr after breaking tip links.
The diffraction barrier responsible for a finite focal spot size and limited resolution in far-field fluorescence microscopy has been fundamentally broken. This is accomplished by quenching excited organic molecules at the rim of the focal spot through stimulated emission. Along the optic axis, the spot size was reduced by up to 6 times beyond the diffraction barrier. The simultaneous 2-fold improvement in the radial direction rendered a nearly spherical fluorescence spot with a diameter of 90–110 nm. The spot volume of down to 0.67 attoliters is 18 times smaller than that of confocal microscopy, thus making our results also relevant to three-dimensional photochemistry and single molecule spectroscopy. Images of live cells reveal greater details.