10 resultados para Bridge circuits

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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For analyzing the mechanism of energy transduction in the “motor” protein, myosin, it is opportune both to model the structural change in the hydrolytic transition, ATP (myosin-bound) + H2O → ADP⋅Pi (myosin-bound) and to check the plausibility of the model by appropriate site-directed mutations in the functional system. Here, we made a series of mutations to investigate the role of the salt-bridge between Glu-470 and Arg-247 (of chicken smooth muscle myosin) that has been inferred from crystallography to be a central feature of the transition [Fisher, A. J., Smith, C. A., Thoden, J. B., Smith, R., Sutoh, K., Holden, H. M., & Rayment, I. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 8960–8972]. Our results suggest that whether in the normal, or in the inverted, direction an intact salt-bridge is necessary for ATP hydrolysis, but when the salt-bridge is in the inverted direction it does not support actin activation. Normally, fluorescence changes result from adding nucleotides to myosin; these signals are reported by Trp-512 (of chicken smooth muscle myosin). Our results also suggest that structural impairments in the 470–247 region interfere with the transmission of these signals to the responsive Trp.


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Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) is a repellent phototaxis receptor in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum, similar to visual pigments in its seven-helix structure and linkage of retinal to the protein by a protonated Schiff base in helix G. Asp-73 in helix C is shown by spectroscopic analysis to be a counterion to the protonated Schiff base in the unphotolyzed SRII and to be the proton acceptor from the Schiff base during photoconversion to the receptor signaling state. Coexpression of the genes encoding mutated SRII with Asn substituted for Asp-73 (D73N) and the SRII transducer HtrII in H. salinarum cells results in a 3-fold higher swimming reversal frequency accompanied by demethylation of HtrII in the dark, showing that D73N SRII produces repellent signals in its unphotostimulated state. Analogous constitutive signaling has been shown to be produced by the similar neutral residue substitution of the Schiff base counterion and proton acceptor Glu-113 in human rod rhodopsin. The interpretation for both seven-helix receptors is that light activation of the wild-type protein is caused primarily by photoisomerization-induced transfer of the Schiff base proton on helix G to its primary carboxylate counterion on helix C. Therefore receptor activation by helix C–G salt-bridge disruption in the photoactive site is a general mechanism in retinylidene proteins spanning the vast evolutionary distance between archaea and humans.


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It has long been known that rearrangements of chromosomes through breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) cycles may cause variability of phenotypic and genetic traits within a cell population. Because intercellular heterogeneity is often found in neoplastic tissues, we investigated the occurrence of BFB events in human solid tumors. Evidence of frequent BFB events was found in malignancies that showed unspecific chromosome aberrations, including ring chromosomes, dicentric chromosomes, and telomeric associations, as well as extensive intratumor heterogeneity in the pattern of structural changes but not in tumors with tumor-specific aberrations and low variability. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that chromosomes participating in anaphase bridge formation were involved in a significantly higher number of structural aberrations than other chromosomes. Tumors with BFB events showed a decreased elimination rate of unstable chromosome aberrations after irradiation compared with normal cells and other tumor cells. This result suggests that a combination of mitotically unstable chromosomes and an elevated tolerance to chromosomal damage leads to constant genomic reorganization in many malignancies, thereby providing a flexible genetic system for clonal evolution and progression.


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We propose a framework to describe the cooperative orientational motions of water molecules in liquid water and around solute molecules in water solutions. From molecular dynamics (MD) simulation a new quantity “site-dipole field” is defined as the averaged orientation of water molecules that pass through each spatial position. In the site-dipole field of bulk water we found large vortex-like structures of more than 10 Å in size. Such coherent patterns persist more than 300 ps although the orientational memory of individual molecules is quickly lost. A 1-ns MD simulation of systems consisting of two amino acids shows that the fluctuations of site-dipole field of solvent are pinned around the amino acids, resulting in a stable dipole-bridge between side-chains of amino acids. The dipole-bridge is significantly formed even for the side-chain separation of 14 Å, which corresponds to five layers of water. The way that dipole-bridge forms sensitively depends on the side-chain orientations and thereby explains the specificity in the solvent-mediated interactions between biomolecules.


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Cholinergic transmission at muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR) has been implicated in higher brain functions such as learning and memory, and loss of synapses may contribute to the symptoms of Alzheimer disease. A heterogeneous family of five genetically distinct mAChR subtypes differentially modulate a variety of intracellular signaling systems as well as the processing of key molecules involved in the pathology of the disease. Although many muscarinic effects have been identified in memory circuits, including a diversity of pre- and post-synaptic actions in hippocampus, the identities of the molecular subtypes responsible for any given function remain elusive. All five mAChR genes are expressed in hippocampus, and subtype-specific antibodies have enabled identification, quantification, and localization of the encoded proteins. The m1, m2, and m4 mAChR proteins are most abundant in forebrain regions and they have distinct cellular and subcellular localizations suggestive of various pre- and postsynaptic functions in cholinergic circuits. The subtypes are also differentially altered in postmortem brain samples from Alzheimer disease cases. Further understanding of the molecular pharmacology of failing synapses in Alzheimer disease, together with the development of new subtype-selective drugs, may provide more specific and effective treatments for the disease.


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Evidence accumulated over more than 45 years has indicated that environmental stimuli can induce craving for drugs of abuse in individuals who have addictive disorders. However, the brain mechanisms that subserve such craving have not been elucidated. Here a positron emission tomographic study shows increased glucose metabolism in cortical and limbic regions implicated in several forms of memory when human volunteers who abuse cocaine are exposed to drug-related stimuli. Correlations of metabolic increases in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, medial temporal lobe (amygdala), and cerebellum with self-reports of craving suggest that a distributed neural network, which integrates emotional and cognitive aspects of memory, links environmental cues with cocaine craving.


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As an essential nutrient and a potential toxin, iron poses an exquisite regulatory problem in biology and medicine. At the cellular level, the basic molecular framework for the regulation of iron uptake, storage, and utilization has been defined. Two cytoplasmic RNA-binding proteins, iron-regulatory protein-1 (IRP-1) and IRP-2, respond to changes in cellular iron availability and coordinate the expression of mRNAs that harbor IRP-binding sites, iron-responsive elements (IREs). Nitric oxide (NO) and oxidative stress in the form of H2O2 also signal to IRPs and thereby influence cellular iron metabolism. The recent discovery of two IRE-regulated mRNAs encoding enzymes of the mitochondrial citric acid cycle may represent the beginnings of elucidating regulatory coupling between iron and energy metabolism. In addition to providing insights into the regulation of iron metabolism and its connections with other cellular pathways, the IRE/IRP system has emerged as a prime example for the understanding of translational regulation and mRNA stability control. Finally, IRP-1 has highlighted an unexpected role for iron sulfur clusters as post-translational regulatory switches.


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The solvation energies of salt bridges formed between the terminal carboxyl of the host pentapeptide AcWL- X-LL and the side chains of Arg or Lys in the guest (X) position have been measured. The energies were derived from octanol-to-buffer transfer free energies determined between pH 1 and pH 9. 13C NMR measurements show that the salt bridges form in the octanol phase, but not in the buffer phase, when the side chains and the terminal carboxyl group are charged. The free energy of salt-bridge formation in octanol is approximately -4 kcal/mol (1 cal = 4.184 J), which is equal to or slightly larger than the sum of the solvation energies of noninteracting pairs of charged side chains. This is about one-half the free energy that would result from replacing a charge pair in octanol with a pair of hydrophobic residues of moderate size. Therefore, salt bridging in octanol can change the favorable aqueous solvation energy of a pair of oppositely charged residues to neutral or slightly unfavorable but cannot provide the same free energy decrease as hydrophobic residues. This is consistent with recent computational and experimental studies of protein stability.