8 resultados para Brain neuroimaging

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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What are the neural bases of semantic memory? Traditional beliefs that the temporal lobes subserve the retrieval of semantic knowledge, arising from lesion studies, have been recently called into question by functional neuroimaging studies finding correlations between semantic retrieval and activity in left prefrontal cortex. Has neuroimaging taught us something new about the neural bases of cognition that older methods could not reveal or has it merely identified brain activity that is correlated with but not causally related to the process of semantic retrieval? We examined the ability of patients with focal frontal lesions to perform a task commonly used in neuroimaging experiments, the generation of semantically appropriate action words for concrete nouns, and found evidence of the necessity of the left inferior frontal gyrus for certain components of the verb generation task. Notably, these components did not include semantic retrieval per se.


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Recent neuroimaging and neurological data implicate cerebellum in nonmotor sensory, cognitive, vegetative, and affective functions. The present study assessed cerebellar responses when the urge to breathe is stimulated by inhaled CO2. Ventilation changes follow arterial blood partial pressure CO2 changes sensed by the medullary ventral respiratory group (VRG) and hypothalamus, entraining changes in midbrain, pons, thalamus, limbic, paralimbic, and insular regions. Nearly all these areas are known to connect anatomically with the cerebellum. Using positron emission tomography, we measured regional brain blood flow during acute CO2-induced breathlessness in humans. Separable physiological and subjective effects (air hunger) were assessed by comparisons with various respiratory control conditions. The conjoint physiological effects of hypercapnia and the consequent air hunger produced strong bilateral, near-midline activations of the cerebellum in anterior quadrangular, central, and lingula lobules, and in many areas of posterior quadrangular, tonsil, biventer, declive, and inferior semilunar lobules. The primal emotion of air hunger, dissociated from hypercapnia, activated midline regions of the central lobule. The distributed activity across the cerebellum is similar to that for thirst, hunger, and their satiation. Four possible interpretations of cerebellar function(s) here are that: it subserves implicit intentions to access air; it provides predictive internal models about the consequences of CO2 inhalation; it modulates emotional responses; and that while some cerebellar regions monitor sensory acquisition in the VRG (CO2 concentration), others influence VRG to adjust respiratory rate to optimize partial pressure CO2, and others still monitor and optimize the acquisition of other sensory data in service of air hunger aroused vigilance.


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Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) provide high-resolution measures of the time course of neuronal activity patterns associated with perceptual and cognitive processes. New techniques for ERP source analysis and comparisons with data from blood-flow neuroimaging studies enable improved localization of cortical activity during visual selective attention. ERP modulations during spatial attention point toward a mechanism of gain control over information flow in extrastriate visual cortical pathways, starting about 80 ms after stimulus onset. Paying attention to nonspatial features such as color, motion, or shape is manifested by qualitatively different ERP patterns in multiple cortical areas that begin with latencies of 100–150 ms. The processing of nonspatial features seems to be contingent upon the prior selection of location, consistent with early selection theories of attention and with the hypothesis that spatial attention is “special.”


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Although much of the brain’s functional organization is genetically predetermined, it appears that some noninnate functions can come to depend on dedicated and segregated neural tissue. In this paper, we describe a series of experiments that have investigated the neural development and organization of one such noninnate function: letter recognition. Functional neuroimaging demonstrates that letter and digit recognition depend on different neural substrates in some literate adults. How could the processing of two stimulus categories that are distinguished solely by cultural conventions become segregated in the brain? One possibility is that correlation-based learning in the brain leads to a spatial organization in cortex that reflects the temporal and spatial clustering of letters with letters in the environment. Simulations confirm that environmental co-occurrence does indeed lead to spatial localization in a neural network that uses correlation-based learning. Furthermore, behavioral studies confirm one critical prediction of this co-occurrence hypothesis, namely, that subjects exposed to a visual environment in which letters and digits occur together rather than separately (postal workers who process letters and digits together in Canadian postal codes) do indeed show less behavioral evidence for segregated letter and digit processing.


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Human functional neuroimaging techniques provide a powerful means of linking neural level descriptions of brain function and cognition. The exploration of the functional anatomy underlying human memory comprises a prime example. Three highly reliable findings linking memory-related cognitive processes to brain activity are discussed. First, priming is accompanied by reductions in the amount of neural activation relative to naive or unprimed task performance. These reductions can be shown to be both anatomically and functionally specific and are found for both perceptual and conceptual task components. Second, verbal encoding, allowing subsequent conscious retrieval, is associated with activation of higher order brain regions including areas within the left inferior and dorsal prefrontal cortex. These areas also are activated by working memory and effortful word generation tasks, suggesting that these tasks, often discussed as separable, might rely on interdependent processes. Finally, explicit (intentional) retrieval shares much of the same functional anatomy as the encoding and word generation tasks but is associated with the recruitment of additional brain areas, including the anterior prefrontal cortex (right > left). These findings illustrate how neuroimaging techniques can be used to study memory processes and can both complement and extend data derived through other means. More recently developed methods, such as event-related functional MRI, will continue this progress and may provide additional new directions for research.


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This review discusses how neuroimaging can contribute to our understanding of a fundamental aspect of skilled reading: the ability to pronounce a visually presented word. One contribution of neuroimaging is that it provides a tool for localizing brain regions that are active during word reading. To assess the extent to which similar results are obtained across studies, a quantitative review of nine neuroimaging investigations of word reading was conducted. Across these studies, the results converge to reveal a set of areas active during word reading, including left-lateralized regions in occipital and occipitotemporal cortex, the left frontal operculum, bilateral regions within the cerebellum, primary motor cortex, and the superior and middle temporal cortex, and medial regions in the supplementary motor area and anterior cingulate. Beyond localization, the challenge is to use neuroimaging as a tool for understanding how reading is accomplished. Central to this challenge will be the integration of neuroimaging results with information from other methodologies. To illustrate this point, this review will highlight the importance of spelling-to-sound consistency in the transformation from orthographic (word form) to phonological (word sound) representations, and then explore results from three neuroimaging studies in which the spelling-to-sound consistency of the stimuli was deliberately varied. Emphasis is placed on the pattern of activation observed within the left frontal cortex, because the results provide an example of the issues and benefits involved in relating neuroimaging results to behavioral results in normal and brain damaged subjects, and to theoretical models of reading.


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The brain amyloid of Alzheimer disease (AD) may potentially be imaged in patients with AD by using neuroimaging technology and a radiolabeled form of the 40-residue beta-amyloid peptide A beta 1-40 that is enabled to undergo transport through the brain capillary endothelial wall, which makes up the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in vivo. Transport of 125I-labeled A beta 1-40 (125I-A beta 1-40) through the BBB was found to be negligible by experiments with both an intravenous injection technique and an internal carotid artery perfusion method in anesthetized rats. In addition, 125I-A beta 1-40 was rapidly metabolized after either intravenous injection or internal carotid artery perfusion. BBB transport was increased and peripheral metabolism was decreased by conjugation of monobiotinylated 125I-A beta 1-40 to a vector-mediated drug delivery system, which consisted of a conjugate of streptavidin (SA) and the OX26 monoclonal antibody to the rat transferrin receptor, which undergoes receptor-mediated transcytosis through the BBB. The brain uptake, expressed as percent of injected dose delivered per gram of brain, of the 125I,bio-A beta 1-40/SA-OX26 conjugate was 0.15 +/- 0.01, a level that is 2-fold greater than the brain uptake of morphine. The binding of the 125I,bio-A beta 1-40/SA-OX26 conjugate to the amyloid of AD brain was demonstrated by both film and emulsion autoradiography performed on frozen sections of AD brain. Binding of the 125I,bio-A beta 1-40/SA-OX26 conjugate to the amyloid of AD brain was completely inhibited by high concentrations of unlabeled A beta 1-40. In conclusion, these studies show that BBB transport and access to amyloid within brain may be achieved by conjugation of A beta 1-40 to a vector-mediated BBB drug delivery system.