13 resultados para Box-Cox transformation and quintile-based capability indices

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The basal transcription factor IIE (TFIIE) is thought to be one of the last factors to be assembled into a preinitiation complex (PIC) at eukaryotic promoters after RNA polymerase II and TFIIF have been incorporated. It was shown that a primary function of TFIIE is to recruit and cooperate with TFIIH in promoter melting. Here, we show that the large subunit of TFIIE (E56) can directly stimulate TBP binding to the promoter in the absence of other basal factors. The zinc-finger domain of E56, required for transcriptional activity, is critical for this function. In addition, the small subunit of TFIIE (E34) directly contacts DNA and TFIIA and thus providing a second mechanism for TFIIE to help binding of a TBP/IIA complex to the promoter, the first critical step in the PIC assembly. These studies suggest an alternative PIC assembly pathway in which TFIIE affects both TBP and TFIIH functions during initiation of RNA synthesis.


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A technique for systematic peptide variation by a combination of rational and evolutionary approaches is presented. The design scheme consists of five consecutive steps: (i) identification of a “seed peptide” with a desired activity, (ii) generation of variants selected from a physicochemical space around the seed peptide, (iii) synthesis and testing of this biased library, (iv) modeling of a quantitative sequence-activity relationship by an artificial neural network, and (v) de novo design by a computer-based evolutionary search in sequence space using the trained neural network as the fitness function. This strategy was successfully applied to the identification of novel peptides that fully prevent the positive chronotropic effect of anti-β1-adrenoreceptor autoantibodies from the serum of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. The seed peptide, comprising 10 residues, was derived by epitope mapping from an extracellular loop of human β1-adrenoreceptor. A set of 90 peptides was synthesized and tested to provide training data for neural network development. De novo design revealed peptides with desired activities that do not match the seed peptide sequence. These results demonstrate that computer-based evolutionary searches can generate novel peptides with substantial biological activity.


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The assumption that genes encoding tyrosine kinase receptors could play a role in human cancers has been confirmed by the identification of oncogenic mutations in the kinase domain of RET and KIT. Recently, homologous residues were found mutated in MET, in papillary renal carcinomas (PRCs). The link coupling these genetic lesions to cellular transformation is still unclear. METPRC mutations result in increased kinase activity and—in some instances, i.e., M1250T substitution—in changes in substrate specificity. A direct correlation occurs between the transforming potential of METPRC mutants and their ability to constitutively associate with signal transducers through two phosphorylated tyrosines (Y1349VHVNATY1356VNV) located in the receptor tail. Substitution of these “docking tyrosines” with phenylalanines leaves unaffected the altered properties of the kinase but abrogates transformation and invasiveness in vitro. Uncoupling the receptor from signal transducers with a tyrosine-phosphorylated peptide derivative (YpVNV) inhibits invasive growth induced by METPRC mutants. These data indicate that constitutive receptor coupling to downstream signal transducers is a key mechanism in neoplastic transformation driven by mutated MET and suggest a therapeutic strategy to target neoplastic diseases associated with this oncogene.


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The Epstein–Barr virus latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is essential for the transformation of B lymphocytes into lymphoblastoid cell lines. Previous data are consistent with a model that LMP1 is a constitutively activated receptor that transduces signals for transformation through its carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic tail. One transformation effector site (TES1), located within the membrane proximal 45 residues of the cytoplasmic tail, constitutively engages tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factors. Signals from TES1 are sufficient to drive initial proliferation of infected resting B lymphocytes, but most lymphoblastoid cells infected with a virus that does not express the 155 residues beyond TES1 fail to grow as long-term cell lines. We now find that mutating two tyrosines to an isoleucine at the carboxyl end of the cytoplasmic tail cripples the ability of EBV to cause lymphoblastoid cell outgrowth, thereby marking a second transformation effector site, TES2. A yeast two-hybrid screen identified TES2 interacting proteins, including the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated death domain protein (TRADD). TRADD was the only protein that interacted with wild-type TES2 and not with isoleucine-mutated TES2. TRADD associated with wild-type LMP1 but not with isoleucine-mutated LMP1 in mammalian cells, and TRADD constitutively associated with LMP1 in EBV-transformed cells. In transfection assays, TRADD and TES2 synergistically mediated high-level NF-κB activation. These results indicate that LMP1 appropriates TRADD to enable efficient long-term lymphoblastoid cell outgrowth. High-level NF-κB activation also appears to be a critical component of long-term outgrowth.


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Mesothelioma, a malignancy associated with asbestos, has been recently linked to simian virus 40 (SV40). We found that infection of human mesothelial cells by SV40 is very different from the semipermissive infection thought to be characteristic of human cells. Mesothelial cells are uniformly infected but not lysed by SV40, a mechanism related to p53, and undergo cell transformation at an extremely high rate. Exposure of mesothelial cells to asbestos complemented SV40 mutants in transformation. Our data provide a mechanistic explanation for the ability of SV40 to transform mesothelial cells preferentially and indicate that asbestos and SV40 may be cocarcinogens.


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Arabidopsis thaliana, a small annual plant belonging to the mustard family, is the subject of study by an estimated 7000 researchers around the world. In addition to the large body of genetic, physiological and biochemical data gathered for this plant, it will be the first higher plant genome to be completely sequenced, with completion expected at the end of the year 2000. The sequencing effort has been coordinated by an international collaboration, the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (AGI). The rationale for intensive investigation of Arabidopsis is that it is an excellent model for higher plants. In order to maximize use of the knowledge gained about this plant, there is a need for a comprehensive database and information retrieval and analysis system that will provide user-friendly access to Arabidopsis information. This paper describes the initial steps we have taken toward realizing these goals in a project called The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) (www.arabidopsis.org).


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Lethal factor is a protease, one component of Bacillus anthracis exotoxin, which cleaves many of the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases (MEKs). Given the importance of MEK signaling in tumorigenesis, we assessed the effects of anthrax lethal toxin (LeTx) on tumor cells. LeTx was very effective in inhibiting mitogen-activated protein kinase activation in V12 H-ras-transformed NIH 3T3 cells. In vitro, treatment of transformed cells with LeTx caused them to revert to a nontransformed morphology, and inhibited their abilities to form colonies in soft agar and to invade Matrigel without markedly affecting cell proliferation. In vivo, LeTx inhibited growth of ras-transformed cells implanted in athymic nude mice (in some cases causing tumor regression) at concentrations that caused no apparent animal toxicity. Unexpectedly, LeTx also greatly decreased tumor neovascularization. These results demonstrate that LeTx potently inhibits ras-mediated tumor growth and is a potential antitumor therapeutic.


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Understanding dynamic conditions in the Solar Nebula is the key to prediction of the material to be found in comets. We suggest that a dynamic, large-scale circulation pattern brings processed dust and gas from the inner nebula back out into the region of cometesimal formation—extending possibly hundreds of astronomical units (AU) from the sun—and that the composition of comets is determined by a chemical reaction network closely coupled to the dynamic transport of dust and gas in the system. This scenario is supported by laboratory studies of Mg silicates and the astronomical data for comets and for protoplanetary disks associated with young stars, which demonstrate that annealing of nebular silicates must occur in conjunction with a large-scale circulation. Mass recycling of dust should have a significant effect on the chemical kinetics of the outer nebula by introducing reduced, gas-phase species produced in the higher temperature and pressure environment of the inner nebula, along with freshly processed grains with “clean” catalytic surfaces to the region of cometesimal formation. Because comets probably form throughout the lifetime of the Solar Nebula and processed (crystalline) grains are not immediately available for incorporation into the first generation of comets, an increasing fraction of dust incorporated into a growing comet should be crystalline olivine and this fraction can serve as a crude chronometer of the relative ages of comets. The formation and evolution of key organic and biogenic molecules in comets are potentially of great consequence to astrobiology.


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Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) proteins perform key roles in mediating signaling by cytokines and growth factors, including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). In addition, Src family kinases activate STAT signaling and are required for PDGF-induced mitogenesis in normal cells. One STAT family member, Stat3, has been shown to have an essential role in cell transformation by the Src oncoprotein. However, the mechanisms by which STAT-signaling pathways contribute to mitogenesis and transformation are not fully defined. We show here that disruption of Stat3 signaling by using dominant-negative Stat3β protein in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts suppresses c-Myc expression concomitant with inhibition of v-Src-induced transformation. Ectopic expression of c-Myc is able to partially reverse this inhibition, suggesting that c-Myc is a downstream effector of Stat3 signaling in v-Src transformation. Furthermore, c-myc gene knockout fibroblasts are refractory to transformation by v-Src, consistent with a requirement for c-Myc protein in v-Src transformation. In normal NIH 3T3 cells, disruption of Stat3 signaling with dominant-negative Stat3β protein inhibits PDGF-induced mitogenesis in a manner that is reversed by ectopic c-Myc expression. Moreover, inhibition of Src family kinases with the pharmacologic agent, SU6656, blocks Stat3 activation by PDGF. These findings, combined together, delineate the signaling pathway, PDGF → Src → Stat3 → Myc, that is important in normal PDGF-induced mitogenesis and subverted in Src transformation.


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The origin of land vertebrates was one of the major transitions in the history of vertebrates. Yet, despite many studies that are based on either morphology or molecules, the phylogenetic relationships among tetrapods and the other two living groups of lobe-finned fishes, the coelacanth and the lungfishes, are still unresolved and debated. Knowledge of the relationships among these lineages, which originated back in the Devonian, has profound implications for the reconstruction of the evolutionary scenario of the conquest of land. We collected the largest molecular data set on this issue so far, about 3,500 base pairs from seven species of the large 28S nuclear ribosomal gene. All phylogenetic analyses (maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum likelihood) point toward the hypothesis that lungfishes and coelacanths form a monophyletic group and are equally closely related to land vertebrates. This evolutionary hypothesis complicates the identification of morphological or physiological preadaptations that might have permitted the common ancestor of tetrapods to colonize land. This is because the reconstruction of its ancestral conditions would be hindered by the difficulty to separate uniquely derived characters from shared derived characters in the coelacanth/lungfish and tetrapod lineages. This molecular phylogeny aids in the reconstruction of morphological evolutionary steps by providing a framework; however, only paleontological evidence can determine the sequence of morphological acquisitions that allowed lobe-finned fishes to colonize land.


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Infectious human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was produced by the intracellular coexpression of five plasmid-borne cDNAs. One cDNA encoded a complete positive-sense version of the RSV genome (corresponding to the replicative intermediate RNA or antigenome), and each of the other four encoded a separate RSV protein, namely, the major nucleocapsid N protein, the nucleocapsid P phosphoprotein, the major polymerase L protein, or the protein from the 5' proximal open reading frame of the M2 mRNA [M2(ORF1)]. RSV was not produced if any of the five plasmids was omitted. The requirement for the M2(ORF1) protein is consistent with its recent identification as a transcription elongation factor and confirms its importance for RSV gene expression. It should thus be possible to introduce defined changes into infectious RSV. This should be useful for basic studies of RSV molecular biology and pathogenesis; in addition, there are immediate applications to the development of live attenuated vaccine strains bearing predetermined defined attenuating mutations.