6 resultados para Border Plan of Prosperity

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Hox complex genes control spatial patterning mechanisms in the development of arthropod and vertebrate body plans. Hox genes are all expressed during embryogenesis in these groups, which are all directly developing organisms in that embryogenesis leads at once to formation of major elements of the respective adult body plans. In the maximally indirect development of a large variety of invertebrates, the process of embryogenesis leads only to a free-living, bilaterally organized feeding larva. Maximal indirect development is exemplified in sea urchins. The 5-fold radially symmetric adult body plan of the sea urchin is generated long after embryogenesis is complete, by a separate process occurring within imaginal tissues set aside in the larva. The single Hox gene complex of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus contains 10 genes, and expression of eight of these genes was measured by quantitative methods during both embryonic and larval developmental stages and also in adult tissues. Only two of these genes are used significantly during the entire process of embryogenesis per se, although all are copiously expressed during the stages when the adult body plan is forming in the imaginal rudiment. They are also all expressed in various combinations in adult tissues. Thus, development of a microscopic, free-living organism of bilaterian grade, the larva, does not appear to require expression of the Hox gene cluster as such, whereas development of the adult body plan does. These observations reflect on mechanisms by which bilaterian metazoans might have arisen in Precambrian evolution.


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Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a highly conserved, cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase that has been implicated in promoting cell migration and transmission of antiapoptotic signals in vertebrate cells. In cultured cells, integrin engagement with the extracellular matrix promotes the recruitment of FAK to focal contacts and increases in its phosphotyrosine content and kinase activity, suggesting FAK is an intracellular mediator of integrin signaling. We have identified a Drosophila FAK homolog, DFak56, that is 33% identical to vertebrate FAK, with the highest degree of homology in domains critical for FAK function, including the kinase and focal adhesion targeting domains, and several protein–protein interaction motifs. Furthermore, when expressed in NIH 3T3 cells, DFak56 both localizes to focal contacts and displays the characteristic elevation of phosphotyrosine content in response to plating the cells on fibronectin. During embryogenesis, DFak56 is broadly expressed, and it becomes elevated in the gut and central nervous system at later stages. Consistent with a role in cell migration, we also observe that DFak56 is abundant in the border cells of developing egg chambers before the onset of, and during, their migration.


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The adult body plan of bilaterians is achieved by imposing regional specifications on pluripotential cells. The establishment of spatial domains is governed in part by regulating expression of transcription factors. The key to understanding bilaterian evolution is contingent on our understanding of how the regulation of these transcription factors influenced bilaterian stem-group evolution.


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The Hox family of proteins plays a central role in establishing the body plan of a wide range of metazoan organisms. Each member of this family of transcriptional regulators has a distinct functional specificity, yet they bind to similar DNA target sequences through their conserved homeodomain. The mechanisms whereby Hox proteins achieve their diverse specificities in vivo remain undefined. Using the opposing effects of Hoxa-4 and Hoxc-8 in vertebral patterning, we demonstrate by replacing the homeodomain of Hoxa-4 with that of Hoxc-8 that the functional specificity of Hoxa-4 does not track with the homeodomain. These observations provide evidence that other regions of Hox proteins play an important role in mediating functional specificity during mammalian embryogenesis.


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The bithorax complex (BX-C) of Drosophila, one of two complexes that act as master regulators of the body plan of the fly, is included within a sequence of 338,234 bp (SEQ89E). This paper presents the strategy used in sequencing SEQ89E and an analysis of its open reading frames. The BX-C sequence (BXCALL) contains 314,895 bp obtained by deletion of putative genes that are located at each end of SEQ89E and appear to be functionally unrelated to the BX-C. Only 1.4% of BXCALL codes for the three homeodomain-containing proteins of the complex. Principal findings include a putative ABD-A protein (ABD-AII) larger than a previously known ABD-A protein and a putative glucose transporter-like gene (1521 bp) located at or near the bithoraxoid (bxd), infra-abdominal-2 (iab-2) boundary on the opposite strand relative to that of the homeobox-containing genes.


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The bithorax complex (BX-C) of Drosophila, one of two complexes that act as master regulators of the body plan of the fly, has now been entirely sequenced and comprises approximately 315,000 bp, only 1.4% of which codes for protein. Analysis of this sequence reveals significantly overrepresented DNA motifs of unknown, as well as known, functions in the non-protein-coding portion of the sequence. The following types of motifs in that portion are analyzed: (i) concatamers of mono-, di-, and trinucleotides; (ii) tightly clustered hexanucleotides (spaced < or = 5 bases apart); (iii) direct and reverse repeats longer than 20 bp; and (iv) a number of motifs known from biochemical studies to play a role in the regulation of the BX-C. The hexanucleotide AGATAC is remarkably overrepresented and is surmised to play a role in chromosome pairing. The positions of sites of highly overrepresented motifs are plotted for those that occur at more than five sites in the sequence, when < 0.5 case is expected. Expected values are based on a third-order Markov chain, which is the optimal order for representing the BXCALL sequence.