6 resultados para Beets and beet sugar.

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The ability of 21 C3 and C4 monocot and dicot species to rapidly export newly fixed C in the light at both ambient and enriched CO2 levels was compared. Photosynthesis and concurrent export rates were estimated during isotopic equilibrium of the transport sugars using a steady-state 14CO2-labeling procedure. At ambient CO2 photosynthesis and export rates for C3 species were 5 to 15 and 1 to 10 μmol C m−2 s−1, respectively, and 20 to 30 and 15 to 22 μmol C m−2 s−1, respectively, for C4 species. A linear regression plot of export on photosynthesis rate of all species had a correlation coefficient of 0.87. When concurrent export was expressed as a percentage of photosynthesis, several C3 dicots that produced transport sugars other than Suc had high efflux rates relative to photosynthesis, comparable to those of C4 species. At high CO2 photosynthetic and export rates were only slightly altered in C4 species, and photosynthesis increased but export rates did not in all C3 species. The C3 species that had high efflux rates relative to photosynthesis at ambient CO2 exported at rates comparable to those of C4 species on both an absolute basis and as a percentage of photosynthesis. At ambient CO2 there were strong linear relationships between photosynthesis, sugar synthesis, and concurrent export. However, at high CO2 the relationships between photosynthesis and export rate and between sugar synthesis and export rate were not as strong because sugars and starch were accumulated.


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Choline monooxygenase (CMO) catalyzes the committing step in the synthesis of glycine betaine, an osmoprotectant accumulated by many plants in response to salinity and drought. To investigate how these stresses affect CMO expression, a spinach (Spinacia oleracea L., Chenopodiaceae) probe was used to isolate CMO cDNAs from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L., Chenopodiaceae), a salt- and drought-tolerant crop. The deduced beet CMO amino acid sequence comprised a transit peptide and a 381-residue mature peptide that was 84% identical (97% similar) to that of spinach and that showed the same consensus motif for coordinating a Rieske-type [2Fe-2S] cluster. A mononuclear Fe-binding motif was also present. When water was withheld, leaf relative water content declined to 59% and the levels of CMO mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity rose 3- to 5-fold; rewatering reversed these changes. After gradual salinization (NaCl:CaCl2 = 5.7:1, mol/mol), CMO mRNA, protein, and enzyme levels in leaves increased 3- to 7-fold at 400 mm salt, and returned to uninduced levels when salt was removed. Beet roots also expressed CMO, most strongly when salinized. Salt-inducible CMO mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity were readily detected in leaves of Amaranthus caudatus L. (Amaranthaceae). These data show that CMO most probably has a mononuclear Fe center, is inducibly expressed in roots as well as in leaves of Chenopodiaceae, and is not unique to this family.


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Microsatellites, tandem arrays of short (2-5 bp) nucleotide motifs, are present in high numbers in most eukaryotic genomes. We have characterized the physical distribution of microsatellites on chromosomes of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Each microsatellite sequence shows a characteristic genomic distribution and motif-dependent dispersion, with site-specific amplification on one to seven pairs of centromeres or intercalary chromosomal regions and weaker, dispersed hybridization along chromosomes. Exclusion of some microsatellites from 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA gene sites, centromeres, and intercalary sites was observed. In-gel and in situ hybridization patterns are correlated, with highly repeated restriction fragments indicating major centromeric sites of microsatellite arrays. The results have implications for genome evolution and the suitability of particular microsatellite markers for genetic mapping and genome analysis.


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Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation experiments were used to study the rigidity and spatial proximity of polymers in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) cell walls. Proton T1ρ decay and cross-polarization patterns were consistent with the presence of rigid, crystalline cellulose microfibrils with a diameter of approximately 3 nm, mobile pectic galacturonans, and highly mobile arabinans. A direct-polarization, magic-angle-spinning spectrum recorded under conditions adapted to mobile polymers showed only the arabinans, which had a conformation similar to that of beet arabinans in solution. These cell walls contained very small amounts of hemicellulosic polymers such as xyloglucan, xylan, and mannan, and no arabinan or galacturonan fraction closely associated with cellulose microfibrils, as would be expected of hemicelluloses. Cellulose microfibrils in the beet cell walls were stable in the absence of any polysaccharide coating.


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Epidemics of soil-borne plant disease are characterized by patchiness because of restricted dispersal of inoculum. The density of inoculum within disease patches depends on a sequence comprising local amplification during the parasitic phase followed by dispersal of inoculum by cultivation during the intercrop period. The mechanisms that control size, shape, and persistence have received very little rigorous attention in epidemiological theory. Here we derive a model for dispersal of inoculum in soil by cultivation that takes account into the discrete stochastic nature of the system in time and space. Two parameters, probability of movement and mean dispersal distance, characterize lateral dispersal of inoculum by cultivation. The dispersal parameters are used in combination with the characteristic area and dimensions of host plants to identify criteria that control the shape and size of disease patches. We derive a critical value for the probability of movement for the formation of cross-shaped patches and show that this is independent of the amount of inoculum. We examine the interaction between local amplification of inoculum by parasitic activity and subsequent dilution by dispersal and identify criteria whereby asymptomatic patches may persist as inoculum falls below a threshold necessary for symptoms to appear in the subsequent crop. The model is motivated by the spread of rhizomania, an economically important soil-borne disease of sugar beet. However, the results have broad applicability to a very wide range of diseases that survive as discrete units of inoculum. The application of the model to patch dynamics of weed seeds and local introductions of genetically modified seeds is also discussed.


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The goal of this research was to resolve the hypoxic and anoxic responses of maize (Zea mays) sucrose (Suc) synthases known to differ in their sugar regulation. The two maize Suc synthase genes, Sus1 and Sh1, both respond to sugar and O2, and recent work suggests commonalities between these signaling systems. Maize seedlings (NK508 hybrid, W22 inbred, and an isogenic sh1-null mutant) were exposed to anoxic, hypoxic, and aerobic conditions (0, 3, and 21% O2, respectively), when primary roots had reached approximately 5 cm. One-centimeter tips were excised for analysis during the 48-h treatments. At the mRNA level, Sus1 was rapidly up-regulated by hypoxia (approximately 5-fold in 6 h), whereas anoxia had less effect. In contrast, Sh1 mRNA abundance increased strongly under anoxia (approximately 5-fold in 24 h) and was much less affected by hypoxia. At the enzyme level, total Suc synthase activity rose rapidly under hypoxia but showed little significant change during anoxia. The contributions of SUS1 and SH1 activities to these responses were dissected over time by comparing the sh1-null mutant with the isogenic wild type (Sus+, Sh1+). Sh1-dependent activity contributed most markedly to a rapid protein-level response consistently observed in the first 3 h, and, subsequently, to a long-term change mediated at the level of mRNA accumulation at 48 h. A complementary midterm rise in SUS1 activity varied in duration with genetic background. These data highlight the involvement of distinctly different genes and probable signal mechanisms under hypoxia and anoxia, and together with earlier work, show parallel induction of “feast and famine” Suc synthase genes by hypoxia and anoxia, respectively. In addition, complementary modes of transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation are implicated by these data, and provide a mechanism for sequential contributions from the Sus1 and Sh1 genes during progressive onset of naturally occurring low-O2 events.