5 resultados para Bahram Gur, Azadah, camel, gazelle

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A rapidly growing area of genome research is the generation of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in which large numbers of randomly selected cDNA clones are partially sequenced. The collection of ESTs reflects the level and complexity of gene expression in the sampled tissue. To date, the majority of plant ESTs are from nonwoody plants such as Arabidopsis, Brassica, maize, and rice. Here, we present a large-scale production of ESTs from the wood-forming tissues of two poplars, Populus tremula L. × tremuloides Michx. and Populus trichocarpa ‘Trichobel.’ The 5,692 ESTs analyzed represented a total of 3,719 unique transcripts for the two cDNA libraries. Putative functions could be assigned to 2,245 of these transcripts that corresponded to 820 protein functions. Of specific interest to forest biotechnology are the 4% of ESTs involved in various processes of cell wall formation, such as lignin and cellulose synthesis, 5% similar to developmental regulators and members of known signal transduction pathways, and 2% involved in hormone biosynthesis. An additional 12% of the ESTs showed no significant similarity to any other DNA or protein sequences in existing databases. The absence of these sequences from public databases may indicate a specific role for these proteins in wood formation. The cDNA libraries and the accompanying database are valuable resources for forest research directed toward understanding the genetic control of wood formation and future endeavors to modify wood and fiber properties for industrial use.


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The intensely studied MHC has become the paradigm for understanding the architectural evolution of vertebrate multigene families. The 4-Mb human MHC (also known as the HLA complex) encodes genes critically involved in the immune response, graft rejection, and disease susceptibility. Here we report the continuous 1,796,938-bp genomic sequence of the HLA class I region, linking genes between MICB and HLA-F. A total of 127 genes or potentially coding sequences were recognized within the analyzed sequence, establishing a high gene density of one per every 14.1 kb. The identification of 758 microsatellite provides tools for high-resolution mapping of HLA class I-associated disease genes. Most importantly, we establish that the repeated duplication and subsequent diversification of a minimal building block, MIC-HCGIX-3.8–1-P5-HCGIV-HLA class I-HCGII, engendered the present-day MHC. That the currently nonessential HLA-F and MICE genes have acted as progenitors to today’s immune-competent HLA-ABC and MICA/B genes provides experimental evidence for evolution by “birth and death,” which has general relevance to our understanding of the evolutionary forces driving vertebrate multigene families.


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The puzzling linkage between genetic hemochromatosis and histocompatibility loci became even more so when the gene involved, HFE, was identified. Indeed, within the well defined, mainly peptide-binding, MHC class I family of molecules, HFE seems to perform an unusual yet essential function. As yet, our understanding of HFE function in iron homeostasis is only partial; an even more open question is its possible role in the immune system. To advance on both of these avenues, we report the deletion of HFE α1 and α2 putative ligand binding domains in vivo. HFE-deficient animals were analyzed for a comprehensive set of metabolic and immune parameters. Faithfully mimicking human hemochromatosis, mice homozygous for this deletion develop iron overload, characterized by a higher plasma iron content and a raised transferrin saturation as well as an elevated hepatic iron load. The primary defect could, indeed, be traced to an augmented duodenal iron absorption. In parallel, measurement of the gut mucosal iron content as well as iron regulatory proteins allows a more informed evaluation of various hypotheses regarding the precise role of HFE in iron homeostasis. Finally, an extensive phenotyping of primary and secondary lymphoid organs including the gut provides no compelling evidence for an obvious immune-linked function for HFE.


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Conventional major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes encode molecules that present intracellular peptide antigens to T cells. They are ubiquitously expressed and regulated by interferon gamma. Two highly divergent human MHC class I genes, MICA and MICB, are regulated by promoter heat shock elements similar to those of HSP70 genes. MICA encodes a cell surface glycoprotein, which is not associated with beta 2-microglobulin, is conformationally stable independent of conventional class I peptide ligands, and almost exclusively expressed in gastrointestinal epithelium. Thus, this MHC class I molecule may function as an indicator of cell stress and may be recognized by a subset of gut mucosal T cells in an unusual interaction.


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A pathogenic role for self-reactive cells against the stress protein Hsp60 has been proposed as one of the events leading to autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells in the diabetes of nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. To examine this hypothesis, we generated transgenic NOD mice carrying a murine Hsp60 transgene driven by the H-2E alpha class II promoter. This would be expected to direct expression of the transgene to antigen-presenting cells including those in the thymus and so induce immunological tolerance by deletion. Detailed analysis of Hsp60 expression revealed that the endogenous gene is itself expressed strongly in thymic medullary epithelium (and weakly in cortex) yet fails to induce tolerance. Transgenic mice with retargeted Hsp60 showed overexpression of the gene in thymic cortical epithelium and in bone marrow-derived cells. Analysis of spontaneous T-cell responses to a panel of self and heterologous Hsp60 antigens showed that tolerance to the protein had not been induced, although responses to an immunodominant 437-460 epitope implicated in disease were suppressed, probably indicating an epitope shift. This correlated with changes in disease susceptibility: insulitis in transgenic mice was substantially reduced so that pathology rarely progressed beyond periislet infiltration. This was reflected in a substantial reduction in hyperglycemia and disease. These data indicate that T cells specific for some epitopes of murine Hsp60 are likely to be involved in the islet-cell destruction that occurs in NOD mice.