35 resultados para B and T Lymphocyte Attenuator

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Immunological self-tolerance is ensured by eliminating or inhibiting self-reactive lymphocyte clones, creating physical or functional holes in the B- and T-lymphocyte antigen receptor repertoires. The nature and size of these gaps in our immune defenses must be balanced against the necessity of mounting rapid immune responses to an everchanging array of foreign pathogens. To achieve this balance, only a fraction of particularly hazardous self-reactive clones appears to be physically eliminated from the repertoire in a manner that fully prevents their recruitment into an antimicrobial immune response. Many self-reactive cells are retained with a variety of conditional and potentially flexible restraints: (i) their ability to be triggered by antigen is diminished by mechanisms that tune down signaling by their antigen receptors, (ii) their ability to carry out inflammatory effector functions can be inhibited, and (iii) their capacity to migrate and persist is constrained. This balance between tolerance and immunity can be shifted, altering susceptibility to autoimmune disease and to infection by genetic or environmental differences either in the way antigens are presented, in the tuning molecules that adjust triggering set points for lymphocyte responses to antigen, or in the effector molecules that eliminate, retain, or expand particular clones.


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Antigen presentation by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules requires the participation of different proteases in the endocytic route to degrade endocytosed antigens as well as the MHC class II-associated invariant chain (Ii). Thus far, only the cysteine protease cathepsin (Cat) S appears essential for complete destruction of Ii. The enzymes involved in degradation of the antigens themselves remain to be identified. Degradation of antigens in vitro and experiments using protease inhibitors have suggested that Cat B and Cat D, two major aspartyl and cysteine proteases, respectively, are involved in antigen degradation. We have analyzed the antigen-presenting properties of cells derived from mice deficient in either Cat B or Cat D. Although the absence of these proteases provoked a modest shift in the efficiency of presentation of some antigenic determinants, the overall capacity of Cat B−/− or Cat D−/− antigen-presenting cells was unaffected. Degradation of Ii proceeded normally in Cat B−/− splenocytes, as it did in Cat D−/− cells. We conclude that neither Cat B nor Cat D are essential for MHC class II-mediated antigen presentation.


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To study RAG2 gene regulation in vivo, we developed a blastocyst complementation method in which RAG2-deficient embryonic stem cells were transfected with genomic clones containing RAG2 and then assessed for their ability to generate lymphocytes. A RAG2 genomic clone that contained only the RAG2 promoter sequences rescued V(D)J recombination in RAG2-deficient pro-B cell lines, but did not rescue development of RAG2-deficient lymphocytes in vivo. However, inclusion of varying lengths of sequences 5′ of the RAG2 promoter generated constructs capable of rescuing only in vivo B cell development, as well as other constructs that rescued both B and T cell development. In particular, the 2-kb 5′ region starting just upstream of the RAG2 promoter, as well as the region from 2–7 kb 5′, could independently drive B cell development, but not efficient T cell development. Deletion of the 2-kb 5′ region from the murine germ line demonstrated that this region was not required for RAG expression sufficient to generate normal B or T cell numbers, implying redundancy among 5′ elements. We conclude that RAG2 expression in vivo requires elements beyond the core promoter, that such elements contribute to differential regulation in the B vs. T lineages, and that sequences sufficient to direct B cell expression are located in the promoter-proximal 5′ region.


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As previously reported, Listeria monocytogenes infection of P388D1 macrophages results in a rapid induction of NF-κB DNA-binding activity. Here we show that this induction of NF-κB activity occurs in a biphasic mode: first, a transient, IκBα degradation-dependent phase of activity, also induced by the nonvirulent species Listeria innocua, which is mediated by binding of the bacteria to the macrophage, or by adding Listeria-derived lipoteichoic acid to the macrophage; the second persistent phase of activation is only markedly induced when the bacteria enter the cytoplasm of the host cell and express the virulence genes plcA and plcB, encoding two phospholipases. We suggest that products of the enzymatic activity of phospholipases directly interfere with host cell signal transduction pathways, thus leading to persistent NF-κB activation via persistentBβ degradation.


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TNF-induced activation of the transcription factor NF-κB and the c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK/SAPK) requires TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2). The NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK) associates with TRAF2 and mediates TNF activation of NF-κB. Herein we show that NIK interacts with additional members of the TRAF family and that this interaction requires the conserved “WKI” motif within the TRAF domain. We also investigated the role of NIK in JNK activation by TNF. Whereas overexpression of NIK potently induced NF-κB activation, it failed to stimulate JNK activation. A kinase-inactive mutant of NIK was a dominant negative inhibitor of NF-κB activation but did not suppress TNF- or TRAF2-induced JNK activation. Thus, TRAF2 is the bifurcation point of two kinase cascades leading to activation of NF-κB and JNK, respectively.


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A toxic dose of the nitric oxide (NO) donor S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO; 1 mM) promoted apoptotic cell death of RAW 264.7 macrophages, which was attenuated by cellular preactivation with a nontoxic dose of GSNO (200 μM) or with lipopolysaccharide, interferon-γ, and NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (LPS/IFN-γ/NMMA) for 15 h. Protection from apoptosis was achieved by expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2). Here we investigated the underlying mechanisms leading to Cox-2 expression. LPS/IFN-γ/NMMA prestimulation activated nuclear factor (NF)-κB and promoted Cox-2 expression. Cox-2 induction by low-dose GSNO demanded activation of both NF-κB and activator protein-1 (AP-1). NF-κB supershift analysis implied an active p50/p65 heterodimer, and a luciferase reporter construct, containing four copies of the NF-κB site derived from the murine Cox-2 promoter, confirmed NF-κB activation after NO addition. An NF-κB decoy approach abrogated not only Cox-2 expression after low-dose NO or after LPS/IFN-γ/NMMA but also inducible protection. The importance of AP-1 for Cox-2 expression and cell protection by low-level NO was substantiated by using the extracellular signal-regulated kinase inhibitor PD98059, blocking NO-elicited Cox-2 expression, but leaving the cytokine signal unaltered. Transient transfection of a dominant-negative c-Jun mutant further attenuated Cox-2 expression by low-level NO. Whereas cytokine-mediated Cox-2 induction relies on NF-κB activation, a low-level NO–elicited Cox-2 response required activation of both NF-κB and AP-1.


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We present multiple native and denaturation simulations of the B and E domains of the three-helix bundle protein A, totaling 60 ns. The C-terminal helix (H3) consistently denatures later than either of the other two helices and contains residual helical structure in the denatured state. These results are consistent with experiments suggesting that the isolated H3 fragment is more stable than H1 and H2 and that H3 forms early in folding. Interestingly, the denatured state of the B domain is much more compact than that of the E domain. This sequence-dependent effect on the dimensions of the denatured state and the lack of correlation with structure suggest that the radius of gyration can be a misleading reaction coordinate for unfolding/folding. Various unfolding and refolding events are observed in the denaturation simulations. In some cases, the transitions are facilitated through interactions with other portions of the protein—contact-assisted helix formation. In the native simulations, the E domain is very stable: after 6 ns, the Cα root-mean-square deviation from the starting structure is less than 1.4 Å. In contrast, the native state of the B domain deviates more and its inter-helical angles fluctuate. In apparent contrast, we note that the B domain is thermodynamically more stable than the E domain. The simulations suggest that the increased stability of the B domain may be due to heightened mobility, and therefore entropy, in the native state and decreased mobility/entropy in the more compact denatured state.


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The suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) family of proteins act as intracellular inhibitors of several cytokine signal transduction pathways. Their expression is induced by cytokine activation of the Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK/STAT) pathway and they act as a negative feedback loop by subsequently inhibiting the JAK/STAT pathway either by direct interaction with activated JAKs or with the receptors. These interactions are mediated at least in part by the SH2 domain of SOCS proteins but these proteins also contain a highly conserved C-terminal homology domain termed the SOCS box. Here we show that the SOCS box mediates interactions with elongins B and C, which in turn may couple SOCS proteins and their substrates to the proteasomal protein degradation pathway. Analogous to the family of F-box-containing proteins, it appears that the SOCS proteins may act as adaptor molecules that target activated cell signaling proteins to the protein degradation pathway.


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Mutant I1A cells, lacking IL-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK) mRNA and protein, have been used to study the involvement of IRAK in NFκB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation. A series of IRAK deletion constructs were expressed in I1A cells, which were then tested for their ability to respond to IL-1. Both the N-terminal death domain and the C-terminal region of IRAK are required for IL-1-induced NFκB and JNK activation, whereas the N-proximal undetermined domain is required for the activation of NFκB but not JNK. The phosphorylation and ubiquitination of IRAK deletion mutants correlate tightly with their ability to activate NFκB in response to IL-1, but IRAK can mediate IL-1-induced JNK activation without being phosphorylated. These studies reveal that the IL-1-induced signaling pathways leading to NFκB and JNK activation diverge either at IRAK or at a point nearer to the receptor.


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Mutant sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) deficient in functional phytochrome B exhibits reduced photoperiodic sensitivity and constitutively expresses a shade-avoidance phenotype. Under relatively bright, high red:far-red light, ethylene production by seedlings of wild-type and phytochrome B-mutant cultivars progresses through cycles in a circadian rhythm; however, the phytochrome B mutant produces ethylene peaks with approximately 10 times the amplitude of the wild type. Time-course northern blots show that the mutant's abundance of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase mRNA SbACO2 is cyclic and is commensurate with ethylene production, and that ACC oxidase activity follows the same pattern. Both SbACO2 abundance and ACC oxidase activity in the wild-type plant are very low under this regimen. ACC levels in the two cultivars did not demonstrate fluctuations coincident with the ethylene produced. Simulated shading caused the wild-type plant to mimic the phenotype of the mutant and to produce high amplitude rhythms of ethylene evolution. The circadian feature of the ethylene cycle is conditionally present in the mutant and absent in the wild-type plant under simulated shading. SbACO2 abundance in both cultivars demonstrates a high-amplitude diurnal cycle under these conditions; however, ACC oxidase activity, although elevated, does not exhibit a clear rhythm correlated with ethylene production. ACC levels in both cultivars show fluctuations corresponding to the ethylene rhythm previously observed. It appears that at least two separate mechanisms may be involved in generating high-amplitude ethylene rhythms in sorghum, one in response to the loss of phytochrome B function and another in response to shading.


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Single, double, and triple null combinations of Arabidopsis mutants lacking the photoreceptors phytochrome (phy) A (phyA-201), phyB (phyB-5), and cryptochrome (cry) 1 (hy4-2.23n) were examined for de-etiolation responses in high-fluence red, far-red, blue, and broad-spectrum white light. Cotyledon unhooking, unfolding, and expansion, hypocotyl growth, and the accumulation of chlorophylls and anthocyanin in 5-d-old seedlings were measured under each light condition and in the dark. phyA was the major photoreceptor/effector for most far-red-light responses, although phyB and cry1 modulated anthocyanin accumulation in a phyA-dependent manner. phyB was the major photoreceptor in red light, although cry1 acted as a phyA/phyB-dependent modulator of chlorophyll accumulation under these conditions. All three photoreceptors contributed to most blue light deetiolation responses, either redundantly or additively; however, phyB acted as a modulator of cotyledon expansion dependent on the presence of cry1. As reported previously, flowering time in long days was promoted by phyA and inhibited by phyB, with each suppressing the other's effect. In addition to the effector/modulator relationships described above, measurements of hypocotyls from blue-light-grown seedlings demonstrated phytochrome activity in blue light and cry1 activity in a phyAphyB mutant background.


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The sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cultivar 58M, which contains the null mutant phytochrome B gene, shows reduced photoperiodic sensitivity and exhibits a shade-avoidance phenotype. Ethylene production by seedlings of wild-type and phytochrome B mutant cultivars was monitored every 3 h, and both cultivars were found to produce ethylene in a circadian rhythm, with peak production occurring during the day. The phytochrome B mutant produces rhythmic peaks of ethylene with approximately 10 times the amplitude of the wild-type counterpart with the same period and diurnal timing. The source of the mutant's additional ethylene is the shoot. The diurnal rhythm can be produced with either light or temperature cycles; however, both light and temperature cycles are required for circadian entrainment. The temperature signal overrides the light signal in the production of diurnal rhythms, because seedlings grown under thermoperiods reversed with the photoperiod produced ethylene peaks during the warm nights. To examine the effect of extreme shading on ethylene production, seedlings were grown under dim, far-red-enriched light. This treatment duplicated the phytochrome B mutant's shade-avoidance phenotype in the wild type and caused the wild type to produce ethylene peaks similar to those observed in the mutant. The results confirm that phytochrome B is not required for proper function of circadian timing, but it may be involved in modulating physiological rhythms driven by the biological clock oscillator.


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We have evaluated two synthetic epothilone analogues lacking the 12,13-epoxide functionality, 12,13-desoxyepothilone B (dEpoB), and 12,13-desoxyepothilone F (dEpoF). The concentrations required for 50% growth inhibition (IC50) for a variety of anticancer agents were measured in CCRF-CEM/VBL1000 cells (2,048-fold resistance to vinblastine). By using dEpoB, dEpoF, aza-EpoB, and paclitaxel, the IC50 values were 0.029, 0.092, 2.99, and 5.17 μM, respectively. These values represent 4-, 33.5-, 1,423- and 3,133-fold resistance, respectively, when compared with the corresponding IC50 in the parent [nonmultiple drug-resistant (MDR)] CCRF-CEM cells. We then produced MDR human lung carcinoma A549 cells by continuous exposure of the tumor cells to sublethal concentrations of dEpoB (1.8 yr), vinblastine (1.2 yr), and paclitaxel (1.8 yr). This continued exposure led to the development of 2.1-, 4,848-, and 2,553-fold resistance to each drug, respectively. The therapeutic effect of dEpoB and paclitaxel was also compared in vivo in a mouse model by using various tumor xenografts. dEpoB is much more effective in reducing tumor sizes in all MDR tumors tested. Analysis of dEpoF, an analog possessing greater aqueous solubility than dEpoB, showed curative effects similar to dEpoB against K562, CCRF-CEM, and MX-1 xenografts. These results indicate that dEpoB and dEpoF are efficacious antitumor agents with both a broad chemotherapeutic spectrum and wide safety margins.


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Nontypeable Hemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is an important human pathogen in both children and adults. In children, it causes otitis media, the most common childhood infection and the leading cause of conductive hearing loss in the United States. In adults, it causes lower respiratory tract infections in the setting of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. The molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of NTHi-induced infections remain undefined, but they may involve activation of NF-κB, a transcriptional activator of multiple host defense genes involved in immune and inflammatory responses. Here, we show that NTHi strongly activates NF-κB in human epithelial cells via two distinct signaling pathways, NF-κB translocation-dependent and -independent pathways. The NF-κB translocation-dependent pathway involves activation of NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK)–IKKα/β complex leading to IκBα phosphorylation and degradation, whereas the NF-κB translocation-independent pathway involves activation of MKK3/6–p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. Bifurcation of NTHi-induced NIK–IKKα/β-IκBα and MKK3/6–p38 MAP kinase pathways may occur at transforming growth factor-β activated kinase 1 (TAK1). Furthermore, we show that toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) is required for NTHi-induced NF-κB activation. In addition, several key inflammatory mediators including IL-1β, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-α are up-regulated by NTHi. Finally, P6, a 16-kDa lipoprotein highly conserved in the outer membrane of all NTHi and H. influenzae type b strains, appears to also activate NF-κB via similar signaling pathways. Taken together, our results demonstrate that NTHi activates NF-κB via TLR2–TAK1-dependent NIK–IKKα/β-IκBα and MKK3/6–p38 MAP kinase signaling pathways. These studies may bring new insights into molecular pathogenesis of NTHi-induced infections and open up new therapeutic targets for these diseases.