37 resultados para Arabidopsis -- Molecular aspects

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The mushroom-producing fungus Schizophyllum commune has thousands of mating types defined, in part, by numerous lipopeptide pheromones and their G protein-linked receptors. Compatible combinations of pheromones and receptors encoded by different mating types regulate a pathway of sexual development leading to mushroom formation and meiosis. A complex set of pheromone–receptor interactions maximizes the likelihood of outbreeding; for example, a single pheromone can activate more than one receptor and a single receptor can be activated by more than one pheromone. The current study demonstrates that the sex pheromones and receptors of Schizophyllum, when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, can substitute for endogenous pheromone and receptor and induce the yeast pheromone response pathway through the yeast G protein. Secretion of active Schizophyllum pheromone requires some, but not all, of the biosynthetic machinery used by the yeast lipopeptide pheromone a-factor. The specificity of interaction among pheromone–receptor pairs in Schizophyllum was reproduced in yeast, thus providing a powerful system for exploring molecular aspects of pheromone–receptor interactions for a class of seven-transmembrane-domain receptors common to a wide range of organisms.


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Tissues expressing mRNAs of three cold-induced genes, blt101, blt14, and blt4.9, and a control gene, elongation factor 1α, were identified in the crown and immature leaves of cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Igri). Hardiness and tissue damage were assessed. blt101 and blt4.9 mRNAs were not detected in control plants; blt14 was expressed in control plants but only in the inner layers of the crown cortex. blt101 was expressed in many tissues of cold-acclimated plants but most strongly in the vascular-transition zone of the crown; blt14 was expressed only in the inner layers of the cortex and in cell layers partly surrounding vascular bundles in the vascular-transition zone; expression of blt4.9, which codes for a nonspecific lipid-transfer protein, was confined to the epidermis of the leaf and to the epidermis of the older parts of the crown. None of the cold-induced genes was expressed in the tunica, although the control gene was most strongly expressed there. Thus, the molecular aspects of acclimation differed markedly between tissues. Damage in the vascular-transition zone of the crown correlated closely with plant survival. Therefore, the strong expression of blt101 and blt14 in this zone may indicate a direct role in freezing tolerance of the crown.


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The Raf-1 protein kinase is the best-characterized downstream effector of activated Ras. Interaction with Ras leads to Raf-1 activation and results in transduction of cell growth and differentiation signals. The details of Raf-1 activation are unclear, but our characterization of a second Ras-binding site in the cysteine-rich domain (CRD) and the involvement of both Ras-binding sites in effective Raf-1-mediated transformation provides insight into the molecular aspects and consequences of Ras-Raf interactions. The Raf-1 CRD is a member of an emerging family of domains, many of which are found within signal transducing proteins. Several contain binding sites for diacylglycerol (or phorbol esters) and phosphatidylserine and are believed to play a role in membrane translocation and enzyme activation. The CRD from Raf-1 does not bind diacylglycerol but interacts with Ras and phosphatidylserine. To investigate the ligand-binding specificities associated with CRDs, we have determined the solution structure of the Raf-1 CRD using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR. We show that there are differences between this structure and the structures of two related domains from protein kinase C (PKC). The differences are confined to regions of the CRDs involved in binding phorbol ester in the PKC domains. Since phosphatidylserine is a common ligand, we expect its binding site to be located in regions where the structures of the Raf-1 and PKC domains are similar. The structure of the Raf-1 CRD represents an example of this family of domains that does not bind diacylglycerol and provides a framework for investigating its interactions with other molecules.


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Auxins are plant hormones that mediate many aspects of plant growth and development. In higher plants, auxins are polarly transported from sites of synthesis in the shoot apex to their sites of action in the basal regions of shoots and in roots. Polar auxin transport is an important aspect of auxin functions and is mediated by cellular influx and efflux carriers. Little is known about the molecular identity of its regulatory component, the efflux carrier [Estelle, M. (1996) Current Biol. 6, 1589–1591]. Here we show that mutations in the Arabidopsis thaliana AGRAVITROPIC 1 (AGR1) gene involved in root gravitropism confer increased root-growth sensitivity to auxin and decreased sensitivity to ethylene and an auxin transport inhibitor, and cause retention of exogenously added auxin in root tip cells. We used positional cloning to show that AGR1 encodes a putative transmembrane protein whose amino acid sequence shares homologies with bacterial transporters. When expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, AGR1 promotes an increased efflux of radiolabeled IAA from the cells and confers increased resistance to fluoro-IAA, a toxic IAA-derived compound. AGR1 transcripts were localized to the root distal elongation zone, a region undergoing a curvature response upon gravistimulation. We have identified several AGR1-related genes in Arabidopsis, suggesting a global role of this gene family in the control of auxin-regulated growth and developmental processes.


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The Arabidopsis thaliana disease resistance genes RPS2 and RPM1 belong to a class of plant disease resistance genes that encode proteins that contain an N-terminal tripartite nucleotide binding site (NBS) and a C- terminal tandem array of leucine-rich repeats. RPS2 and RPM1 confer resistance to strains of the bacterial phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae carrying the avirulence genes avrRpt2 and avrB, respectively. In these gene-for-gene relationships, it has been proposed that pathogen avirulence genes generate specific ligands that are recognized by cognate receptors encoded by the corresponding plant resistance genes. To test this hypothesis, it is crucial to know the site of the potential molecular recognition. Mutational analysis of RPS2 protein and in vitro translation/translocation studies indicated that RPS2 protein is localized in the plant cytoplasm. To determine whether avirulence gene products themselves are the ligands for resistance proteins, we expressed the avrRpt2 and avrB genes directly in plant cells using a novel quantitative transient expression assay, and found that expression of avrRpt2 and avrB elicited a resistance response in plants carrying the corresponding resistance genes. This observation indicates that no bacterial factors other than the avirulence gene products are required for the specific resistance response as long as the avirulence gene products are correctly localized. We propose that molecular recognition of P. syringae in RPS2- and RPM1-specified resistance occurs inside of plant cells.


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Arabidopsis cyt1 mutants have a complex phenotype indicative of a severe defect in cell wall biogenesis. Mutant embryos arrest as wide, heart-shaped structures characterized by ectopic accumulation of callose and the occurrence of incomplete cell walls. Texture and thickness of the cell walls are irregular, and unesterified pectins show an abnormally diffuse distribution. To determine the molecular basis of these defects, we have cloned the CYT1 gene by a map-based approach and found that it encodes mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase. A weak mutation in the same gene, called vtc1, has previously been identified on the basis of ozone sensitivity due to reduced levels of ascorbic acid. Mutant cyt1 embryos are deficient in N-glycosylation and have an altered composition of cell wall polysaccharides. Most notably, they show a 5-fold decrease in cellulose content. Characteristic aspects of the cyt1 phenotype, including radial swelling and accumulation of callose, can be mimicked with the inhibitor of N-glycosylation, tunicamycin. Our results suggest that N-glycosylation is required for cellulose biosynthesis and that a deficiency in this process can account for most phenotypic features of cyt1 embryos.


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A 70-kb virulence plasmid (sometimes called pYV) enables Yersinia spp. to survive and multiply in the lymphoid tissues of their host. It encodes the Yop virulon, a system consisting of secreted proteins called Yops and their dedicated type III secretion apparatus called Ysc. The Ysc apparatus forms a channel composed of 29 proteins. Of these, 10 have counterparts in almost every type III system. Secretion of some Yops requires the assistance, in the bacterial cytosol, of small individual chaperones called the Syc proteins. These chaperones act as bodyguards or secretion pilots for their partner Yop. Yop proteins fall into two categories. Some are intracellular effectors, whereas the others are “translocators” needed to deliver the effectors across the eukaryotic plasma membrane, into eukaryotic cells. The translocators (YopB, YopD, LcrV) form a pore of 16–23 Å in the eukaryotic cell plasma membrane. The effector Yops are YopE, YopH, YpkA/YopO, YopP/YopJ, YopM, and YopT. YopH is a powerful phosphotyrosine phosphatase playing an antiphagocytic role by dephosphorylating several focal adhesion proteins. YopE and YopT contribute to antiphagocytic effects by inactivating GTPases controlling cytoskeleton dynamics. YopP/YopJ plays an anti-inflammatory role by preventing the activation of the transcription factor NF-κB. It also induces rapid apoptosis of macrophages. Less is known about the role of the phosphoserine kinase YopO/YpkA and YopM.


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Hydroperoxide lyase (HPL) cleaves lipid hydroperoxides to produce volatile flavor molecules and also potential signal molecules. We have characterized a gene from Arabidopsis that is homologous to a recently cloned HPL from green pepper (Capsicum annuum). The deduced protein sequence indicates that this gene encodes a cytochrome P-450 with a structure similar to that of allene oxide synthase. The gene was cloned into an expression vector and expressed in Escherichia coli to demonstrate HPL activity. Significant HPL activity was evident when 13S-hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(E),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic acid was used as the substrate, whereas activity with 13S-hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic acid was approximately 10-fold lower. Analysis of headspace volatiles by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, after addition of the substrate to E. coli extracts expressing the protein, confirmed enzyme-activity data, since cis-3-hexenal was produced by the enzymatic activity of the encoded protein, whereas hexanal production was limited. Molecular characterization of this gene indicates that it is expressed at high levels in floral tissue and is wound inducible but, unlike allene oxide synthase, it is not induced by treatment with methyl jasmonate.


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The biosynthesis of gibberellins (GAs) after GA12-aldehyde involves a series of oxidative steps that lead to the formation of bioactive GAs. Previously, a cDNA clone encoding a GA 20-oxidase [gibberellin, 2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (20-hydroxylating, oxidizing), EC 1.14.11.-] was isolated by immunoscreening a cDNA library from liquid endosperm of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) with antibodies against partially purified GA 20-oxidase. Here, we report isolation of a genomic clone for GA 20-oxidase from a genomic library of the long-day species Arabidopsis thaliana Heynh., strain Columbia, by using the pumpkin cDNA clone as a heterologous probe. This genomic clone contains a GA 20-oxidase gene that consists of three exons and two introns. The three exons are 1131-bp long and encode 377 amino acid residues. A cDNA clone corresponding to the putative GA 20-oxidase genomic sequence was constructed with the reverse transcription-PCR method, and the identity of the cDNA clone was confirmed by analyzing the capability of the fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli to convert GA53 to GA44 and GA19 to GA20. The Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase shares 55% identity and > 80% similarity with the pumpkin GA 20-oxidase at the derived amino acid level. Both GA 20-oxidases share high homology with other 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases (2-ODDs), but the highest homology was found between the two GA 20-oxidases. Mapping results indicated tight linkage between the cloned GA 20-oxidase and the GA5 locus of Arabidopsis. The ga5 semidwarf mutant contains a G-->A point mutation that inserts a translational stop codon in the protein-coding sequence, thus confirming that the GA5 locus encodes GA 20-oxidase. Expression of the GA5 gene in Ara-bidopsis leaves was enhanced after plants were transferred from short to long days; it was reduced by GA4 treatment, suggesting end-product repression in the GA biosynthetic pathway.


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Temperate plants develop a greater ability to withstand freezing in response to a period of low but nonfreezing temperatures through a complex, adaptive process of cold acclimation. Very little is known about the signaling processes by which plants perceive the low temperature stimulus and transduce it into the nucleus to activate genes needed for increased freezing tolerance. To help understand the signaling processes, we have isolated mutants of Arabidopsis that are constitutively freezing-tolerant in the absence of cold acclimation. Freezing tolerance of wild-type Arabidopsis was increased from −5.5°C to −12.6°C by cold acclimation whereas the freezing tolerance of 26 mutant lines ranged from −6.8°C to −10.6°C in the absence of acclimation. Plants with mutations at the eskimo1 (esk1) locus accumulated high levels of proline, a compatible osmolyte, but did not exhibit constitutively increased expression of several cold-regulated genes involved in freezing tolerance. RNA gel blot analysis suggested that proline accumulation in esk1 plants was mediated by regulation of transcript levels of genes involved in proline synthesis and degradation. The characterization of esk1 mutants and results from other mutants suggest that distinct signaling pathways activate different aspects of cold acclimation and that activation of one pathway can result in considerable freezing tolerance without activation of other pathways.


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ETR1 represents a prototypical ethylene receptor. Homologues of ETR1 have been identified in Arabidopsis as well as in other plant species, indicating that ethylene perception involves a family of receptors and that the mechanism of ethylene perception is conserved in plants. The amino-terminal half of ETR1 contains a hydrophobic domain responsible for ethylene binding and membrane localization. The carboxyl-terminal half of the polypeptide contains domains with homology to histidine kinases and response regulators, signaling motifs originally identified in bacteria. The putative histidine kinase domain of ETR1 was expressed in yeast as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase and affinity purified. Autophosphorylation of the purified fusion protein was observed on incubation with radiolabeled ATP. The incorporated phosphate was resistant to treatment with 3 M NaOH, but was sensitive to 1 M HCl, consistent with phosphorylation of histidine. Autophosphorylation was abolished by mutations that eliminated either the presumptive site of phosphorylation (His-353) or putative catalytic residues within the kinase domain. Truncations were used to delineate the region required for histidine kinase activity. An examination of cation requirements indicated that ETR1 requires Mn2+ for autophosphorylation. These results demonstrate that higher plants contain proteins with histidine kinase activity. Furthermore, these results indicate that aspects of ethylene signaling may be regulated by changes in histidine kinase activity of the receptor.


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Continuous growth and development in plants are accomplished by meristems, groups of undifferentiated cells that persist as stem cells and initiate organs. While the structures of the apical and floral meristems in dicotyledonous plants have been well described, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms controlling cell proliferation and differentiation in these structures. We have shown previously that the CLAVATA1 (CLV1) gene in Arabidopsis encodes a receptor kinase-like protein that controls the size of the apical and floral meristems. Here, we show that KAPP, a gene encoding a kinase-associated protein phosphatase, is expressed in apical and young floral meristems, along with CLV1. Overexpression of KAPP mimics the clv1 mutant phenotype. Furthermore, CLV1 has kinase activity: it phosphorylates both itself and KAPP. Finally, KAPP binds and dephosphorylates CLV1. We present a model where KAPP functions as a negative regulator of the CLAVATA1 signal transduction pathway.


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Homologous recombination contributes both to the generation of allelic diversity and to the preservation of genetic information. In plants, a lack of suitable experimental material has prevented studies of the regulatory and enzymatic aspects of recombination in somatic and meiotic cells. We have isolated nine Arabidopsis thaliana mutants hypersensitive to x-ray irradiation (xrs) and examined their recombination properties. For the three xrs loci described here, single recessive mutations were found to confer simultaneous hypersensitivities to the DNA-damaging chemicals mitomycin C (MMCs) and/or methyl methanesulfonate (MMSs) and alterations in homologous recombination. Mutant xrs9 (Xrays, MMSs) is reduced in both somatic and meiotic recombination and resembles yeast mutants of the rad52 epistatic group. xrs11 (Xrays, MMCs) is deficient in the x-ray-mediated stimulation of homologous recombination in somatic cells in a manner suggesting a specific signaling defect. xrs4 (Xrays, MMSs, MMCs) has a significant deficiency in somatic recombination, but this is accompanied by meiotic hyper-recombination. A corresponding phenotype has not been reported in other systems and thus this indicates a novel, plant-specific regulatory circuit linking mitotic and meiotic recombination.


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Collectively, the xanthophyll class of carotenoids perform a variety of critical roles in light harvesting antenna assembly and function. The xanthophyll composition of higher plant photosystems (lutein, violaxanthin, and neoxanthin) is remarkably conserved, suggesting important functional roles for each. We have taken a molecular genetic approach in Arabidopsis toward defining the respective roles of individual xanthophylls in vivo by using a series of mutant lines that selectively eliminate and substitute a range of xanthophylls. The mutations, lut1 and lut2 (lut = lutein deficient), disrupt lutein biosynthesis. In lut2, lutein is replaced mainly by a stoichiometric increase in violaxanthin and antheraxanthin. A third mutant, aba1, accumulates normal levels of lutein and substitutes zeaxanthin for violaxanthin and neoxanthin. The lut2aba1 double mutant completely lacks lutein, violaxanthin, and neoxanthin and instead accumulates zeaxanthin. All mutants were viable in soil and had chlorophyll a/b ratios ranging from 2.9 to 3.5 and near wild-type rates of photosynthesis. However, mutants accumulating zeaxanthin exhibited a delayed greening virescent phenotype, which was most severe and often lethal when zeaxanthin was the only xanthophyll present. Chlorophyll fluorescence quenching kinetics indicated that both zeaxanthin and lutein contribute to nonphotochemical quenching; specifically, lutein contributes, directly or indirectly, to the rapid rise of nonphotochemical quenching. The results suggest that the normal complement of xanthophylls, while not essential, is required for optimal assembly and function of the light harvesting antenna in higher plants.


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Three different cDNAs, Prh-19, Prh-26, and Prh-43 [3′-phosphoadenosine-5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS) reductase homolog], have been isolated by complementation of an Escherichia coli cysH mutant, defective in PAPS reductase activity, to prototrophy with an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library in the expression vector λYES. Sequence analysis of the cDNAs revealed continuous open reading frames encoding polypeptides of 465, 458, and 453 amino acids, with calculated molecular masses of 51.3, 50.5, and 50.4 kDa, respectively, that have strong homology with fungal, yeast, and bacterial PAPS reductases. However, unlike microbial PAPS reductases, each PRH protein has an N-terminal extension, characteristic of a plastid transit peptide, and a C-terminal extension that has amino acid and deduced three-dimensional homology to thioredoxin proteins. Adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) was shown to be a much more efficient substrate than PAPS when the activity of the PRH proteins was tested by their ability to convert 35S-labeled substrate to acid-volatile 35S-sulfite. We speculate that the thioredoxin-like domain is involved in catalytic function, and that the PRH proteins may function as novel “APS reductase” enzymes. Southern hybridization analysis showed the presence of a small multigene family in the Arabidopsis genome. RNA blot hybridization with gene-specific probes revealed for each gene the presence of a transcript of ≈1.85 kb in leaves, stems, and roots that increased on sulfate starvation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the cloning and characterization of plant genes that encode proteins with APS reductase activity and supports the suggestion that APS can be utilized directly, without activation to PAPS, as an intermediary substrate in reductive sulfate assimilation.