6 resultados para Apprendimento, Hebbiano, Robotica, Value, system, Distributed, adaptive, control

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Diverse roles in cellular functions have been ascribed to nitric oxide (NO), and its involvement in induction of long-term depression in cerebellar Purkinje cells has been demonstrated. Manipulations of NO concentration or its synthesis in cerebellar tissues therefore provide a means for investigating roles of NO in cerebellar functions at both cellular and behavioral levels. We tested adaptive control of locomotion to perturbation in cats, and found that this form of motor learning was abolished by application of either an inhibitor of NO synthase or a scavenger of NO to the cerebellar cortical locomotion area. This finding supports the view that NO in the cerebellum plays a key role in motor learning.


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The dynamic characteristics of reflex eye movements were measured in two strains of chronically prepared mice by using an infrared television camera system. The horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex (HVOR) and horizontal optokinetic response (HOKR) were induced by sinusoidal oscillations of a turntable, in darkness, by 10° (peak to peak) at 0.11–0.50 Hz and of a checked-pattern screen, in light, by 5–20°at 0.11–0.17 Hz, respectively. The gains and phases of the HVOR and HOKR of the C57BL/6 mice were nearly equivalent to those of rabbits and rats, whereas the 129/Sv mice exhibited very low gains in the HVOR and moderate phase lags in the HOKR, suggesting an inherent sensory-motor anomaly. Adaptability of the HOKR was examined in C57BL/6 mice by sustained screen oscillation. When the screen was oscillated by 10° at 0.17 Hz, which induced sufficient retinal slips, the gain of the HOKR increased by 0.08 in 1 h on average, whereas the stimuli that induced relatively small or no retinal slips affected the gain very little. Lesions of the flocculi induced by local applications of 0.1% ibotenic acid and lesions of the inferior olivary nuclei induced by i.p. injection of 3-acetylpyridine in C57BL/6 mice little affected the dynamic characteristics of the HVOR and HOKR, but abolished the adaptation of the HOKR. These results indicate that the olivo-floccular system plays an essential role in the adaptive control of the ocular reflex in mice, as suggested in other animal species. The data presented provide the basis for analyzing the reflex eye movements of genetically engineered mice.


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Angiotensin (Ang) II and Ang III are two peptide effectors of the brain renin-angiotensin system that participate in the control of blood pressure and increase water consumption and vasopressin release. In an attempt to delineate the respective roles of these peptides in the regulation of vasopressin secretion, their metabolic pathways and their effects on vasopressin release were identified in vivo. For this purpose, we used recently developed selective inhibitors of aminopeptidase A (APA) and aminopeptidase N (APN), two enzymes that are believed to be responsible for the N-terminal cleavage of Ang II and Ang III, respectively. Mice received [3H]Ang II intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) in the presence or absence of the APN inhibitor, EC33 (3-amino-4-thio-butyl sulfonate) of the APN inhibitor, EC27 (2-amino-pentan-1,5-dithiol). [3H]Ang II and [3H]Ang III levels were evaluated from hypothalamus homogenates by HPLC. EC33 increased the half-life of [3H]Ang II 2.6-fold and completely blocked the formation of [3H]Ang III, whereas EC27 increased the half-life of [3H]Ang III 2.3-fold. In addition, the effects of EC33 and EC27 on Ang-induced vasopressin release were studied in mice. Ang II was injected i.c.v. in the presence or absence of EC33, and plasma vasopressin levels were estimated by RIA. While vasopressin levels were increased 2-fold by Ang II (5 ng), EC33 inhibited Ang II-induced vasopressin release in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, EC27 injected alone increased in a dose-dependent manner vasopressin levels. The EC27-induced vasopressin release was completely blocked by the coadministration of the Ang receptor antagonist (Sar1-Ala8) Ang II. These results demonstrate for the first time that (i) APA and APN are involved in vivo in the metabolism of brain Ang II and Ang III, respectively, and that (ii) the action of Ang II on vasopressin release depends upon the prior conversion of Ang II to Ang III. This shows that Ang III behaves as one of the main effector peptides of the brain renin-angiotensin system in the control of vasopressin release.


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To create a universal system for the control of gene expression, we have studied methods for the construction of novel polydactyl zinc finger proteins that recognize extended DNA sequences. Elsewhere we have described the generation of zinc finger domains recognizing sequences of the 5′-GNN-3′ subset of a 64-member zinc finger alphabet. Here we report on the use of these domains as modular building blocks for the construction of polydactyl proteins specifically recognizing 9- or 18-bp sequences. A rapid PCR assembly method was developed that, together with this predefined set of zinc finger domains, provides ready access to 17 million novel proteins that bind the 5′-(GNN)6-3′ family of 18-bp DNA sites. To examine the efficacy of this strategy in gene control, the human erbB-2 gene was chosen as a model. A polydactyl protein specifically recognizing an 18-bp sequence in the 5′-untranslated region of this gene was converted into a transcriptional repressor by fusion with Krüppel-associated box (KRAB), ERD, or SID repressor domains. Transcriptional activators were generated by fusion with the herpes simplex VP16 activation domain or with a tetrameric repeat of VP16’s minimal activation domain, termed VP64. We demonstrate that both gene repression and activation can be achieved by targeting designed proteins to a single site within the transcribed region of a gene. We anticipate that gene-specific transcriptional regulators of the type described here will find diverse applications in gene therapy, functional genomics, and the generation of transgenic organisms.


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We report automated DNA sequencing in 16-channel microchips. A microchip prefilled with sieving matrix is aligned on a heating plate affixed to a movable platform. Samples are loaded into sample reservoirs by using an eight-tip pipetting device, and the chip is docked with an array of electrodes in the focal plane of a four-color scanning detection system. Under computer control, high voltage is applied to the appropriate reservoirs in a programmed sequence that injects and separates the DNA samples. An integrated four-color confocal fluorescent detector automatically scans all 16 channels. The system routinely yields more than 450 bases in 15 min in all 16 channels. In the best case using an automated base-calling program, 543 bases have been called at an accuracy of >99%. Separations, including automated chip loading and sample injection, normally are completed in less than 18 min. The advantages of DNA sequencing on capillary electrophoresis chips include uniform signal intensity and tolerance of high DNA template concentration. To understand the fundamentals of these unique features we developed a theoretical treatment of cross-channel chip injection that we call the differential concentration effect. We present experimental evidence consistent with the predictions of the theory.


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The annual Janet Doe Lecture was established in l966 to honor Janet Doe, emerita librarian of the New York Academy of Medicine. The lecture focuses on either the history or philosophy of health sciences librarianship. This lecture addresses three fundamental values of the field, highlighting basic beliefs of the profession that are at risk: privacy, intellectual property rights, and access to quality information. It calls upon readers to make the everyday choices required to keep the value system of health sciences librarianship in place. Robert Frost's poignant poem ”The Road Not Taken” provides the metaphor for examining choices in an information economy.