14 resultados para Anticorps anticoagulant lupique

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The tsetse thrombin inhibitor, a potent and specific low molecular mass (3,530 Da) anticoagulant peptide, was purified previously from salivary gland extracts of Glossina morsitans morsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae). A 303-bp coding sequence corresponding to the inhibitor has now been isolated from a tsetse salivary gland cDNA library by using degenerate oligonucleotide probes. The full-length cDNA contains a 26-bp untranslated segment at its 5′ end, followed by a 63-bp sequence corresponding to a putative secretory signal peptide. A 96-bp segment codes for the mature tsetse thrombin inhibitor, whose predicted molecular weight matches that of the purified native protein. Based on its lack of homology to any previously described family of molecules, the tsetse thrombin inhibitor appears to represent a unique class of naturally occurring protease inhibitors. Recombinant tsetse thrombin inhibitor expressed in Escherichia coli and the chemically synthesized peptide are both substantially less active than the purified native protein, suggesting that posttranslational modification(s) may be necessary for optimal inhibitory activity. The tsetse thrombin inhibitor gene, which is present as a single copy in the tsetse genome, is expressed at high levels in salivary glands and midguts of adult tsetse flies, suggesting a possible role for the anticoagulant in both feeding and processing of the bloodmeal.


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Antithrombin, a plasma serpin, is relatively inactive as an inhibitor of the coagulation proteases until it binds to the heparan side chains that line the microvasculature. The binding specifically occurs to a core pentasaccharide present both in the heparans and in their therapeutic derivative heparin. The accompanying conformational change of antithrombin is revealed in a 2.9-Å structure of a dimer of latent and active antithrombins, each in complex with the high-affinity pentasaccharide. Inhibitory activation results from a shift in the main sheet of the molecule from a partially six-stranded to a five-stranded form, with extrusion of the reactive center loop to give a more exposed orientation. There is a tilting and elongation of helix D with the formation of a 2-turn helix P between the C and D helices. Concomitant conformational changes at the heparin binding site explain both the initial tight binding of antithrombin to the heparans and the subsequent release of the antithrombin–protease complex into the circulation. The pentasaccharide binds by hydrogen bonding of its sulfates and carboxylates to Arg-129 and Lys-125 in the D-helix, to Arg-46 and Arg-47 in the A-helix, to Lys-114 and Glu-113 in the P-helix, and to Lys-11 and Arg-13 in a cleft formed by the amino terminus. This clear definition of the binding site will provide a structural basis for developing heparin analogues that are more specific toward their intended target antithrombin and therefore less likely to exhibit side effects.


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The γ-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) domain of blood coagulation factors is responsible for Ca2+-dependent phospholipid membrane binding. Factor X-binding protein (X-bp), an anticoagulant protein from snake venom, specifically binds to the Gla domain of factor X. The crystal structure of X-bp in complex with the Gla domain peptide of factor X at 2.3-Å resolution showed that the anticoagulation is based on the fact that two patches of the Gla domain essential for membrane binding are buried in the complex formation. The Gla domain thus is expected to be a new target of anticoagulant drugs, and X-bp provides a basis for designing them. This structure also provides a membrane-bound model of factor X.


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Hookworms are hematophagous nematodes that infect a wide range of mammalian hosts, including humans. There has been speculation for nearly a century as to the identity of the anticoagulant substances) used by these organisms to subvert host hemostasis. Using molecular cloning, we describe a family of potent small protein (75-84 amino acids) anticoagulants from the hookworm Ancylostoma caninum termed AcAP (A. caninum anticoagulant protein). Two recombinant AcAP members (AcAP5 and AcAP6) directly inhibited the catalytic activity of blood coagulation factor Xa (fXa), while a third form (AcAPc2) predominantly inhibited the catalytic activity of a complex composed of blood coagulation factor VIIa and tissue factor (fVIIa/TF). The inhibition of fVIIa/TF was by a unique mechanism that required the initial formation of a binary complex of the inhibitor with fXa at a site on the enzyme that is distinct from the catalytic center (exo-site). The sequence of AcAPc2 as well as the utilization of an exo-site on fXa distinguishes this inhibitor from the mammalian anticoagulant TFPI (tissue factor pathway inhibitor), which is functionally equivalent with respect to fXa-dependent inhibition of fIIa/TF. The relative sequence positions of the reactive site residues determined for AcAP5 with the homologous regions in AcAP6 and AcAPc2 as well as the pattern of 10 cysteine residues present in each of the inhibitors suggest that the AcAPs are distantly related to the family of small protein serine protease inhibitors found in the nonhematophagous nematode Ascaris lumbricoides var. suum.


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Thrombin is an allosteric enzyme existing in two forms, slow and fast, that differ widely in their specificities toward synthetic and natural amide substrates. The two forms are significantly populated in vivo, and the allosteric equilibrium can be affected by the binding of effectors and natural substrates. The fast form is procoagulant because it cleaves fibrinogen with higher specificity; the slow form is anticoagulant because it cleaves protein C with higher specificity. Binding of thrombomodulin inhibits cleavage of fibrinogen by the fast form and promotes cleavage of protein C by the slow form. The allosteric properties of thrombin, which has targeted two distinct conformational states toward its two fundamental and competing roles in hemostasis, are paradigmatic of a molecular strategy that is likely to be exploited by other proteases in the blood coagulation cascade.


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Human hookworm infection is a major cause of gastrointestinal blood loss and iron deficiency anemia, affecting up to one billion people in the developing world. These soil-transmitted helminths cause blood loss during attachment to the intestinal mucosa by lacerating capillaries and ingesting extravasated blood. We have isolated the major anticoagulant used by adult worms to facilitate feeding and exacerbate intestinal blood loss. This 8.7-kDa peptide, named the Ancylostoma caninum anticoagulant peptide (AcAP), was purified by using a combination of ion-exchange chromatography, gel-filtration chromatography, and reverse-phase HPLC. N-terminal sequencing of AcAP reveals no homology to any previously identified anticoagulant or protease inhibitor. Single-stage chromogenic assays reveal that AcAP is a highly potent and specific inhibitor of human coagulation, with an intrinsic K*i for the inhibition of free factor Xa of 323.5 pM. In plasma-based clotting time assays, AcAP was more effective at prolonging the prothrombin time than both recombinant hirudin and tick anticoagulant peptide. These data suggest that AcAP, a specific inhibitor of factor Xa, is one of the most potent naturally occurring anticoagulants described to date.


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The signaling pathway initiated by factor Xa on vascular endothelial cells was investigated. Factor Xa stimulated a 5- to 10-fold increased release of nitric oxide (NO) in a dose-dependent reaction (0.1–2.5 μg/ml) unaffected by the thrombin inhibitor hirudin but abolished by active site inhibitors, tick anticoagulant peptide, or Glu-Gly-Arg-chloromethyl ketone. In contrast, the homologous clotting protease factor IXa or another endothelial cell ligand, fibrinogen, was ineffective. A factor Xa inter-epidermal growth factor synthetic peptide L83FTRKL88(G) blocking ligand binding to effector cell protease receptor-1 inhibited NO release by factor Xa in a dose-dependent manner, whereas a control scrambled peptide KFTGRLL was ineffective. Catalytically active factor Xa induced hypotension in rats and vasorelaxation in the isolated rat mesentery, which was blocked by the NO synthase inhibitor l-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (l-NAME) but not by d-NAME. Factor Xa/NO signaling also produced a dose-dependent endothelial cell release of interleukin 6 (range 0.55–3.1 ng/ml) in a reaction inhibited by l-NAME and by the inter-epidermal growth factor peptide Leu83–Leu88 but unaffected by hirudin. Maximal induction of interleukin 6 mRNA required a brief, 30-min stimulation with factor Xa, unaffected by subsequent addition of tissue factor pathway inhibitor. These data suggest that factor Xa-induced NO release modulates endothelial cell-dependent vasorelaxation and cytokine gene expression. This pathway requiring factor Xa binding to effector cell protease receptor-1 and a secondary step of ligand-dependent proteolysis may preserve an anti-thrombotic phenotype of endothelium but also trigger acute phase responses during activation of coagulation in vivo.


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Extravascular procoagulant activity often accompanies cell-mediated immune responses and systemic administration of pharmacologic anticoagulants prevents cell-mediated delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. These observations suggest a direct association between coagulation and cell-mediated immunity. The cytokine interleukin (IL)-4 potently suppresses cell-mediated immune responses, but its mechanism of action remains to be determined. Herein we demonstrate that the physiologic anticoagulant protein S is IL-4-inducible in primary T cells. Although protein S was known to inhibit the classic factor Va-dependent prothrombinase assembled by endothelial cells and platelets, we found that protein S also inhibits the factor Va-independent prothrombinase assembled by lymphoid cells. Thus, protein S-mediated down-regulation of lymphoid cell procoagulant activity may be one mechanism by which IL-4 antagonizes cell-mediated immunity.


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Anticardiolipin (anti-CL) antibodies, diagnostic for antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, are associated with increased risks of venous and arterial thrombosis. Because CL selectively enhances activated protein C/protein S-dependent anticoagulant activities in purified systems and because CL is not known to be a normal plasma component, we searched for CL in plasma. Plasma lipid extracts [chloroform/methanol (2:1, vol/vol)] were subjected to analyses by using TLC, analytical HPLC, and MS. A plasma lipid component was purified that was indistinguishable from reference CL (M:1448). When CL in 40 fasting plasma lipid extracts (20 males, 20 females) was quantitated by using HPLC, CL (mean ± SD) was 14.9 ± 3.7 μg/ml (range 9.1 to 24.2) and CL was not correlated with phosphatidylserine (3.8 ± 1.7 μg/ml), phosphatidylethanolamine (64 ± 20 μg/ml), or choline-containing phospholipid (1,580 ± 280 μg/ml). Based on studies of fasting blood donors, CL (≥94%) was recovered in very low density, low density, and high density lipoproteins (11 ± 5.3%, 67 ± 11.0%, and 17 ± 10%, respectively), showing that the majority of plasma CL (67%) is in low density lipoprotein. Analysis of relative phospholipid contents of lipoproteins indicated that high density lipoprotein is selectively enriched in CL and phosphatidylethanolamine. These results shows that CL is a normal plasma component and suggest that the epitopes of antiphospholipid antibodies could include CL or oxidized CL in lipoproteins or in complexes with plasma proteins (e.g., β2-glycoprotein I, prothrombin, protein C, or protein S) or with platelet or endothelial surface proteins.


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Heparin has been used as a clinical anticoagulant for more than 50 years, making it one of the most effective pharmacological agents known. Much of heparin's activity can be traced to its ability to bind antithrombin III (AT-III). Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), derived from heparin by its controlled breakdown, maintains much of the antithrombotic activity of heparin without many of the serious side effects. The clinical significance of LMWH has highlighted the need to understand and develop chemical or enzymatic means to generate it. The primary enzymatic tools used for the production of LMWH are the heparinases from Flavobacterium heparinum, specifically heparinases I and II. Using pentasaccharide and hexasaccharide model compounds, we show that heparinases I and II, but not heparinase III, cleave the AT-III binding site, leaving only a partially intact site. Furthermore, we show herein that glucosamine 3-O sulfation at the reducing end of a glycosidic linkage imparts resistance to heparinase I, II, and III cleavage. Finally, we examine the biological and pharmacological consequences of a heparin oligosaccharide that contains only a partial AT-III binding site. We show that such an oligosaccharide lacks some of the functional attributes of heparin- and heparan sulfate-like glycosaminoglycans containing an intact AT-III site.


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Independent studies indicate that expression of sialylated fucosylated mucins by human carcinomas portends a poor prognosis because of enhanced metastatic spread of tumor cells, that carcinoma metastasis in mice is facilitated by formation of tumor cell complexes with blood platelets, and that metastasis can be attenuated by a background of P-selectin deficiency or by treatment with heparin. The effects of heparin are not primarily due to its anticoagulant action. Other explanations have been suggested but not proven. Here, we bring together all these unexplained and seemingly disparate observations, showing that heparin treatment attenuates tumor metastasis in mice by inhibiting P-selectin-mediated interactions of platelets with carcinoma cell-surface mucin ligands. Selective removal of tumor mucin P-selectin ligands, a single heparin dose, or a background of P-selectin deficiency each reduces tumor cell-platelet interactions in vitro and in vivo. Although each of these maneuvers reduced the in vivo interactions for only a few hours, all markedly reduce long-term organ colonization by tumor cells. Three-dimensional reconstructions by using volume-rendering software show that each situation interferes with formation of the platelet “cloak” around tumor cells while permitting an increased interaction of monocytes (macrophage precursors) with the malignant cells. Finally, we show that human P-selectin is even more sensitive to heparin than mouse P-selectin, giving significant inhibition at concentrations that are in the clinically acceptable range. We suggest that heparin therapy for metastasis prevention in humans be revisited, with these mechanistic paradigms in mind.


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Antiphospholipid antibodies, including anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA), are strongly associated with recurrent thrombosis in patients with the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). To date, reports about the binding specificities of ACA and their role(s) in causing and/or sustaining thrombosis in APS are conflicting and controversial. The plasmas of patients with APS, usually containing a mixture of autoantibodies, vary in binding specificity for different phospholipids/cofactors and vary in in vitro lupus anticoagulant activity. Although in vivo assays that allow assessment of the pathogenic procoagulant activity of patient autoantibodies have recently been developed, the complex nature of the mixed species prevented determination of the particular species responsible for in vivo thrombosis. We have generated two human IgG monoclonal ACA from an APS patient with recurrent thrombosis. Both bound to cardiolipin in the presence of 10% bovine serum, but not in its absence, and both were reactive against phosphatidic acid, but were nonreactive against purified human beta-2 glycoprotein 1, DNA, heparan sulfate, or four other test antigens. Both monoclonal autoantibodies lacked lupus anticoagulant activity and did not inhibit prothrombinase activity. Remarkably, one of the monoclonal antibodies has thrombogenic properties when tested in an in vivo mouse model. This finding provides the first direct evidence that a particular antiphospholipid antibody specificity may contribute to in vivo thrombosis.


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Residues energetically linked to the allosteric transition of thrombin from its anticoagulant slow form to the procoagulant fast form have been identified by site-directed mutagenesis. The energetics of recognition by the two forms of the enzyme were probed by using a synthetic chromogenic substrate, fibrinogen, and hirudin. The thrombin residues E39, W60d, E192, D221, and D222 are linked to the slow-->fast transition and are part of an "allosteric core" through which events originating at the Na+ binding loop propagate to other regions of the enzyme. The thrombin residues Y76, W96, W148, and R173 lie at the periphery of the allosteric core, affect recognition of fibrinogen and hirudin to the same extent in both forms, and are not linked to the slow-->fast transition.


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Vitamin E in the reduced, alpha-tocopherol form shows very modest anticlotting activity. By contrast, vitamin E quinone is a potent anticoagulant. This observation may have significance for field trials in which vitamin E is observed to exhibit beneficial effects on ischemic heart disease and stroke. Vitamin E quinone is a potent inhibitor of the vitamin K-dependent carboxylase that controls blood clotting. A newly discovered mechanism for the inhibition requires attachment of the active site thiol groups of the carboxylase to one or more methyl groups on vitamin E quinone. The results from a series of model reactions support this interpretation of the anticlotting activity associated with vitamin E.