14 resultados para Android,Peer to Peer,Wifi,Mesh Network

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Gp180, a duck protein that was proposed to be a cell surface receptor for duck hepatitis B virus, is the homolog of metallocarboxypeptidase D, a mammalian protein thought to function in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) in the processing of proteins that transit the secretory pathway. Both gp180 and mammalian metallocarboxypeptidase D are type I integral membrane proteins that contain a 58-residue cytosolic C-terminal tail that is highly conserved between duck and rat. To investigate the regions of the gp180 tail involved with TGN retention and intracellular trafficking, gp180 and various deletion and point mutations were expressed in the AtT-20 mouse pituitary corticotroph cell line. Full length gp180 is enriched in the TGN and also cycles to the cell surface. Truncation of the C-terminal 56 residues of the cytosolic tail eliminates the enrichment in the TGN and the retrieval from the cell surface. Truncation of 12–43 residues of the tail reduced retention in the TGN and greatly accelerated the turnover of the protein. In contrast, deletion of the C-terminal 45 residues, which truncates a potential YxxL-like sequence (FxxL), reduced the protein turnover and caused accumulation of the protein on the cell surface. A point mutation of the FxxL sequence to AxxL slowed internalization, showing that this element is important for retrieval from the cell surface. Mutation of a pair of casein kinase II sites within an acidic cluster showed that they are also important for trafficking. The present study demonstrates that multiple sequence elements within the cytoplasmic tail of gp180 participate in TGN localization.


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Late endosomes and the Golgi complex maintain their cellular localizations by virtue of interactions with the microtubule-based cytoskeleton. We study the transport of mannose 6-phosphate receptors from late endosomes to the trans-Golgi network in vitro. We show here that this process is facilitated by microtubules and the microtubule-based motor cytoplasmic dynein; transport is inhibited by excess recombinant dynamitin or purified microtubule-associated proteins. Mapmodulin, a protein that interacts with the microtubule-associated proteins MAP2, MAP4, and tau, stimulates the microtubule- and dynein-dependent localization of Golgi complexes in semi-intact Chinese hamster ovary cells. The present study shows that mapmodulin also stimulates the initial rate with which mannose 6-phosphate receptors are transported from late endosomes to the trans-Golgi network in vitro. These findings represent the first indication that mapmodulin can stimulate a vesicle transport process, and they support a model in which the microtubule-based cytoskeleton enhances the efficiency of vesicle transport between membrane-bound compartments in mammalian cells.


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TGN38 is one of the few known resident integral membrane proteins of the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Since it cycles constitutively between the TGN and the plasma membrane, TGN38 is ideally suited as a model protein for the identification of post-Golgi trafficking motifs. Several studies, employing chimeric constructs to detect such motifs within the cytosolic domain of TGN38, have identified the sequence 333YQRL336 as an autonomous signal capable of localizing reporter proteins to the TGN. In addition, one group has found that an upstream serine residue, S331, may also play a role in TGN38 localization. However, the nature and degree of participation of S331 in the localization of TGN38 remain uncertain, and the effect has been studied in chimeric constructs only. Here we investigate the role of S331 in the context of full-length TGN38. Mutations that abolish the hydroxyl moiety at position 331 (A, D, and E) lead to missorting of endocytosed TGN38 to the lysosome. Conversely, mutation of S331 to T has little effect on the endocytic trafficking of TGN38. Together, these findings indicate that the S331 hydroxyl group has a direct or indirect effect on the ability of the cytosolic tail of TGN38 to interact with trafficking and/or sorting machinery at the level of the early endosome. In addition, mutation of S331 to either A or D results in increased levels of TGN38 at the cell surface. The results confirm that S331 plays a critical role in the intracellular trafficking of TGN38 and further reveal that TGN38 undergoes a signal-mediated trafficking step at the level of the endosome.


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The proper localization of resident membrane proteins to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) involves mechanisms for both TGN retention and retrieval from post-TGN compartments. In this study we report identification of a new gene, GRD20, involved in protein sorting in the TGN/endosomal system of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A strain carrying a transposon insertion allele of GRD20 exhibited rapid vacuolar degradation of the resident TGN endoprotease Kex2p and aberrantly secreted ∼50% of the soluble vacuolar hydrolase carboxypeptidase Y. The Kex2p mislocalization and carboxypeptidase Y missorting phenotypes were exhibited rapidly after loss of Grd20p function in grd20 temperature-sensitive mutant strains, indicating that Grd20p plays a direct role in these processes. Surprisingly, little if any vacuolar degradation was observed for the TGN membrane proteins A-ALP and Vps10p, underscoring a difference in trafficking patterns for these proteins compared with that of Kex2p. A grd20 null mutant strain exhibited extremely slow growth and a defect in polarization of the actin cytoskeleton, and these two phenotypes were invariably linked in a collection of randomly mutagenized grd20 alleles. GRD20 encodes a hydrophilic protein that partially associates with the TGN. The discovery of GRD20 suggests a link between the cytoskeleton and function of the yeast TGN.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, clathrin is necessary for localization of trans-Golgi network (TGN) membrane proteins, a process that involves cycling of TGN proteins between the TGN and endosomes. To characterize further TGN protein localization, we applied a screen for mutations that cause severe growth defects in combination with a temperature-sensitive clathrin heavy chain. This screen yielded a mutant allele of RIC1. Cells carrying a deletion of RIC1 (ric1Δ) mislocalize TGN membrane proteins Kex2p and Vps10p to the vacuole. Delivery to the vacuole occurs in ric1Δ cells also harboring end3Δ to block endocytosis, indicative of a defect in retrieval to the TGN rather than sorting to endosomes. SYS1, originally discovered as a multicopy suppressor of defects caused by the absence of the Rab GTPase YPT6, was identified as a multicopy suppressor of ric1Δ. Further comparison of ric1Δ and ypt6Δ cells demonstrated identical phenotypes. Multicopy plasmids expressing v-SNAREs Gos1p or Ykt6p, but not other v- and t-SNAREs, partially suppressed phenotypes of ric1Δ and ypt6Δ cells. SLY1–20, a dominant activator of the cis-Golgi network t-SNARE Sed5p, also functioned as a multicopy suppressor. Because Gos1p and Ykt6p interact with Sed5p, these results raise the possibility that TGN membrane protein localization requires Ric1p- and Ypt6p-dependent retrieval to the cis-Golgi network.


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Oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) is the only protein known to bind specifically to the group of oxysterols with potent effects on cholesterol homeostasis. Although the function of OSBP is currently unknown, an important role is implicated by the existence of multiple homologues in all eukaryotes so far examined. OSBP and a subset of homologues contain pleckstrin homology (PH) domains. Such domains are responsible for the targeting of a wide range of proteins to the plasma membrane. In contrast, OSBP is a peripheral protein of Golgi membranes, and its PH domain targets to the trans-Golgi network of mammalian cells. In this article, we have characterized Osh1p, Osh2p, and Osh3p, the three homologues of OSBP in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that contain PH domains. Examination of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion to Osh1p revealed a striking dual localization with the protein present on both the late Golgi, and in the recently described nucleus-vacuole (NV) junction. Deletion mapping revealed that the PH domain of Osh1p specified targeting to the late Golgi, and an ankyrin repeat domain targeting to the NV junction, the first such targeting domain identified for this structure. GFP fusions to Osh2p and Osh3p showed intracellular distributions distinct from that of Osh1p, and their PH domains appear to contribute to their differing localizations.


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Single photon emission with computed tomography (SPECT) hexamethylphenylethyleneamineoxime technetium-99 images were analyzed by an optimal interpolative neural network (OINN) algorithm to determine whether the network could discriminate among clinically diagnosed groups of elderly normal, Alzheimer disease (AD), and vascular dementia (VD) subjects. After initial image preprocessing and registration, image features were obtained that were representative of the mean regional tissue uptake. These features were extracted from a given image by averaging the intensities over various regions defined by suitable masks. After training, the network classified independent trials of patients whose clinical diagnoses conformed to published criteria for probable AD or probable/possible VD. For the SPECT data used in the current tests, the OINN agreement was 80 and 86% for probable AD and probable/possible VD, respectively. These results suggest that artificial neural network methods offer potential in diagnoses from brain images and possibly in other areas of scientific research where complex patterns of data may have scientifically meaningful groupings that are not easily identifiable by the researcher.


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We have previously shown that in HEp-2 cells, multivesicular bodies (MVBs) processing internalized epidermal growth factor–epidermal growth factor receptor complexes mature and fuse directly with lysosomes in which the complexes are degraded. The MVBs do not fuse with a prelysosomal compartment enriched in mannose 6-phosphate receptor (M6PR) as has been described in other cell types. Here we show that the cation-independent M6PR does not become enriched in the endocytic pathway en route to the lysosome, but if a pulse of M6PR or an M6PR ligand, cathepsin D, is followed, a significant fraction of these proteins are routed from the trans-Golgi to MVBs. Accumulation of M6PR does not occur because when the ligand dissociates, the receptor rapidly leaves the MVB. At steady state, most M6PR are distributed within the trans-Golgi and trans-Golgi network and in vacuolar structures distributed in the peripheral cytoplasm. We suggest that these M6PR-rich vacuoles are on the return route from MVBs to the trans-Golgi network and that a separate stable M6PR-rich compartment equivalent to the late endosome/prelysosome stage does not exist on the endosome–lysosome pathway in these cells.


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Previous studies have shown that when the cytosolic domains of the type I membrane proteins TGN38 and lysosomal glycoprotein 120 (lgp120) are added to a variety of reporter molecules, the resultant chimeric molecules are localized to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and to lysosomes, respectively. In the present study we expressed chimeric constructs of rat TGN38 and rat lgp120 in HeLa cells. We found that targeting information in the cytosolic domain of TGN38 could be overridden by the presence of the lumenal and transmembrane domains of lgp120. In contrast, the presence of the transmembrane and cytosolic domains of TGN38 was sufficient to deliver the lumenal domain of lgp120 to the trans-Golgi network. On the basis of steady-state localization of the various chimeras and antibody uptake experiments, we propose that there is a hierarchy of targeting information in each molecule contributing to sorting within the endocytic pathway. The lumenal and cytosolic domains of lgp120 contribute to sorting and delivery to lysosomes, whereas the transmembrane and cytosolic domains of TGN38 contribute to sorting and delivery to the trans-Golgi network.


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Gamma oscillations synchronized between distant neuronal populations may be critical for binding together brain regions devoted to common processing tasks. Network modeling predicts that such synchrony depends in part on the fast time course of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in interneurons, and that even moderate slowing of this time course will disrupt synchrony. We generated mice with slowed interneuron EPSPs by gene targeting, in which the gene encoding the 67-kDa form of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67) was altered to drive expression of the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) glutamate receptor subunit GluR-B. GluR-B is a determinant of the relatively slow EPSPs in excitatory neurons and is normally expressed at low levels in γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons, but at high levels in the GAD-GluR-B mice. In both wild-type and GAD-GluR-B mice, tetanic stimuli evoked gamma oscillations that were indistinguishable in local field potential recordings. Remarkably, however, oscillation synchrony between spatially separated sites was severely disrupted in the mutant, in association with changes in interneuron firing patterns. The congruence between mouse and model suggests that the rapid time course of AMPA receptor-mediated EPSPs in interneurons might serve to allow gamma oscillations to synchronize over distance.


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The conversion of light to chemical energy by the process of photosynthesis is localized to the thylakoid membrane network in plant chloroplasts. Although several pathways have been described that target proteins into and across the thylakoids, little is known about the origin of this membrane system or how the lipid backbone of the thylakoids is transported and fused with the target membrane. Thylakoid biogenesis and maintenance seem to involve the flow of membrane elements via vesicular transport. Here we show by mutational analysis that deletion of a single gene called VIPP1 (vesicle-inducing protein in plastids 1) is deleterious to thylakoid membrane formation. Although VIPP1 is a hydrophilic protein it is found in both the inner envelope and the thylakoid membranes. In VIPP1 deletion mutants vesicle formation is abolished. We propose that VIPP1 is essential for the maintenance of thylakoids by a transport pathway not previously recognized.


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In 1990, the Republican Scientific-Medical Library (RSML) of the Ministry of Health of Armenia in collaboration with the Fund for Armenian Relief created a vision of a national library network supported by information technology. This vision incorporated four goals: (1) to develop a national resource collection of biomedical literature accessible to all health professionals, (2) to develop a national network for access to bibliographic information, (3) to develop a systematic mechanism for sharing resources, and (4) to develop a national network of health sciences libraries. During the last decade, the RSML has achieved significant progress toward all four goals and has realized its vision of becoming a fully functional national library. The RSML now provides access to the literature of the health sciences including access to the Armenian medical literature, provides education and training to health professionals and health sciences librarians, and manages a national network of libraries of the major health care institutions in Armenia. The RSML is now able to provide rapid access to the biomedical literature and train health professionals and health sciences librarians in Armenia in information system use. This paper describes the evolution of the RSML and how it was accomplished.


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A central theme of cognitive neuroscience is that different parts of the brain perform different functions. Recent evidence from neuropsychology suggests that even the processing of arbitrary stimulus categories that are defined solely by cultural conventions (e.g., letters versus digits) can become spatially segregated in the cerebral cortex. How could the processing of stimulus categories that are not innate and that have no inherent structural differences become segregated? We propose that the temporal clustering of stimuli from a given category interacts with Hebbian learning to lead to functional localization. Neural network simulations bear out this hypothesis.


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The disruption of the BCR gene and its juxtaposition to and consequent activation of the ABL gene has been implicated as the critical molecular defect in Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemias. The normal BCR protein is a multifunctional molecule with domains that suggest its participation in phosphokinase and GTP-binding pathways. Taken together with its localization to the cytoplasm of uncycled cells, it is therefore presumed to be involved in cytoplasmic signaling. By performing a double aphidicolin block for cell cycle synchronization, we currently demonstrate that the subcellular localization of BCR shifts from being largely cytoplasmic in interphase cells to being predominantly perichromosomal in mitosis. Furthermore, with the use of immunogold labeling and electron microscopy, association of BCR with DNA, in particular heterochromatin, can be demonstrated even in quiescent cells. Results were similar in cell lines of lymphoid or myeloid origin. These observations suggest a role for BCR in the phosphokinase interactions linked to condensed chromatin, a network previously implicated in cell cycle regulation.