65 resultados para Acyclic molecules

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Photon bursts from single diffusing donor-acceptor labeled macromolecules were used to measure intramolecular distances and identify subpopulations of freely diffusing macromolecules in a heterogeneous ensemble. By using DNA as a rigid spacer, a series of constructs with varying intramolecular donor-acceptor spacings were used to measure the mean and distribution width of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiencies as a function of distance. The mean single-pair FRET efficiencies qualitatively follow the distance dependence predicted by Förster theory. Possible contributions to the widths of the FRET efficiency distributions are discussed, and potential applications in the study of biopolymer conformational dynamics are suggested. The ability to measure intramolecular (and intermolecular) distances for single molecules implies the ability to distinguish and monitor subpopulations of molecules in a mixture with different distances or conformational states. This is demonstrated by monitoring substrate and product subpopulations before and after a restriction endonuclease cleavage reaction. Distance measurements at single-molecule resolution also should facilitate the study of complex reactions such as biopolymer folding. To this end, the denaturation of a DNA hairpin was examined by using single-pair FRET.


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Antibody single-chain Fv fragment (scFv) molecules that are specific for fluorescein have been engineered with a C-terminal cysteine for a directed immobilization on a flat gold surface. Individual scFv molecules can be identified by atomic force microscopy. For selected molecules the antigen binding forces are then determined by using a tip modified with covalently immobilized antigen. An scFv mutant of 12% lower free energy for ligand binding exhibits a statistically significant 20% lower binding force. This strategy of covalent immobilization and measuring well separated single molecules allows the characterization of ligand binding forces in molecular repertoires at the single molecule level and will provide a deeper insight into biorecognition processes.


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Distant relatives of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules, human MICA and MICB, function as stress-induced antigens that are broadly recognized by intestinal epithelial γδ T cells. They may thus play a central role in the immune surveillance of damaged, infected, or otherwise stressed intestinal epithelial cells. However, the generality of this system in evolution and the mode of recognition of MICA and MICB are undefined. Analysis of cDNA sequences from various primate species defined translation products that are homologous to MICA and MICB. All of the MIC polypeptides have common characteristics, although they are extraordinarily diverse. The most notable alterations are several deletions and frequent amino acid substitutions in the putative α-helical regions of the α1α2 domains. However, the primate MIC molecules were expressed on the surfaces of normal and transfected cells. Moreover, despite their sharing of relatively few identical amino acids in potentially accessible regions of their α1α2 domains, they were recognized by diverse human intestinal epithelial γδ T cells that are restricted by MICA and MICB. Thus, MIC molecules represent a family of MHC proteins that are structurally diverse yet appear to be functionally conserved. The promiscuous mode of γδ T cell recognition of these antigens may be explained by their sharing of a single conserved interaction site.


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Using systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX), an RNA molecule was isolated that displays a 1,000-fold higher affinity for guanosine residues that carry an N-7 methyl group than for nonmethylated guanosine residues. The methylated guanosine residue closely resembles the 5′ terminal cap structure present on all eukaryotic mRNA molecules. The cap-binding RNA specifically inhibited the translation of capped but not uncapped mRNA molecules in cell-free lysates prepared from either human HeLa cells or from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These findings indicate that the cap-binding RNA will also be useful in studies of other cap-dependent processes such as pre-mRNA splicing and nucleocytoplasmic mRNA transport.


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A Ca2+-requiring catalytic RNA is shown to create 5′ phosphate–phosphate linkages with all nucleotides and coenzymes including CoA, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, thiamine phosphate, thiamine pyrophosphate, and flavin mononucleotide. In addition to these small molecules, macromolecules such as RNAs with 5′-diphosphates, and nonnucleotide molecules like Nɛ-phosphate arginine and 6-phosphate gluconic acid also react. That is, the self-capping RNA isolate 6 is an apparently universal 5′ phosphate-linker, reacting with any nucleophile containing an unblocked phosphate. These RNA reactions demonstrate a unique RNA catalytic capability and imply versatile and specific posttranscriptional RNA modification by RNA catalysis.


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After infection with the digenetic trematode Echinostoma paraensei, hemolymph of the snail Biomphalaria glabrata contains lectins comprised of 65-kDa subunits that precipitate polypeptides secreted by E. paraensei intramolluscan larvae. Comparable activity is lacking in hemolymph of uninfected snails. Three different cDNAs with sequence similarities to peptides derived from the 65-kDa lectins were obtained and unexpectedly found to encode fibrinogen-related proteins (FREPs). These FREPs also contained regions with sequence similarity to Ig superfamily members. B. glabrata has at least five FREP genes, three of which are expressed at increased levels after infection. Elucidation of components of the defense system of B. glabrata is relevant because this snail is an intermediate host for Schistosoma mansoni, the most widely distributed causative agent of human schistosomiasis. These results are novel in suggesting a role for invertebrate FREPs in recognition of parasite-derived molecules and also provide a model for investigating the diversity of molecules functioning in nonself-recognition in an invertebrate.


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By combining two previously generated null mutations, Ii° and M°, we produced mice lacking the invariant chain and H-2M complexes, both required for normal cell-surface expression of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules loaded with the usual diverse array of peptides. As expected, the maturation and transport of class II molecules, their expression at the cell surface, and their capacity to present antigens were quite similar for cells from Ii°M° double-mutant mice and from animals carrying just the Ii° mutation. More surprising were certain features of the CD4+ T cell repertoire selected in Ii°M° mice: many fewer cells were selected than in Ii+M° animals, and these had been purged of self-reactive specificities, unlike their counterparts in Ii+M° animals. These findings suggest (i) that the peptides carried by class II molecules on stromal cells lacking H-2M complexes may almost all derive from invariant chain and (ii) that H-2M complexes edit the peptide array displayed on thymic stromal cells in the absence of invariant chain, showing that it can edit, in vivo, peptides other than CLIP.


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A single-chain Fv (scFv) fusion phage library derived from random combinations of VH and VL (variable heavy and light chains) domains in the antibody repertoire of a vaccinated melanoma patient was previously used to isolate clones that bind specifically to melanoma cells. An unexpected finding was that one of the clones encoded a truncated scFv molecule with most of the VL domain deleted, indicating that a VH domain alone can exhibit tumor-specific binding. In this report a VH fusion phage library containing VH domains unassociated with VL domains was compared with a scFv fusion phage library as a source of melanoma-specific clones; both libraries contained the same VH domains from the vaccinated melanoma patient. The results demonstrate that the clones can be isolated from both libraries, and that both libraries should be used to optimize the chance of isolating clones binding to different epitopes. Although this strategy has been tested only for melanoma, it is also applicable to other cancers. Because of their small size, human origin and specificity for cell surface tumor antigens, the VH and scFv molecules have significant advantages as tumor-targeting molecules for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and can also serve as probes for identifying the cognate tumor antigens.


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Many viruses have evolved mechanisms for evading the host immune system by synthesizing proteins that interfere with the normal immune response. The poxviruses are among the most accomplished at deceiving their hosts’ immune systems. The nucleotide sequence of the genome of the human cutaneous poxvirus, molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) type 1, was recently reported to contain a region that resembles a human chemokine. We have cloned and expressed the chemokine-like genes from MCV type 1 and the closely related MCV type 2 to determine a potential role for these proteins in the viral life cycle. In monocyte chemotaxis assays, the viral proteins have no chemotactic activity but both viral proteins block the chemotactic response to the human chemokine, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α. Like MIP-1α, both viral proteins also inhibit the growth of human hematopoietic progenitor cells, but the viral proteins are more potent in this activity than the human chemokine. These viral chemokines antagonize the chemotactic activity of human chemokines and have an inhibitory effect on human hematopoietic progenitor cells. We hypothesize that the inhibition of chemotaxis is an immune evasion function of these proteins during molluscum contagiosum virus infection. The significance of hematopoietic progenitor cell inhibition in viral pathogenesis is uncertain.


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Measurement of fluorescent lifetimes of dye-tagged DNA molecules reveal the existence of different conformations. Conformational fluctuations observed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy give rise to a relaxation behavior that is described by “stretched” exponentials and indicates the presence of a distribution of transition rates between two conformations. Whether this is an inhomogeneous distribution, where each molecule contributes with its own reaction rate to the overall distribution, or a homogeneous distribution, where the reaction rate of each molecule is time-dependent, is not yet known. We used a tetramethylrhodamine-linked 217-bp DNA oligonucleotide as a probe for conformational fluctuations. Fluorescence fluctuations from single DNA molecules attached to a streptavidin-coated surface directly show the transitions between two conformational states. The conformational fluctuations typical for single molecules are similar to those seen in single ion channels in cell membranes.


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We have cloned and sequenced two defensins, Smd1 and Smd2, from anterior midgut tissue of the blood-sucking fly Stomoxys calcitrans. The DNA and N-terminal protein sequences suggest both are produced as prepropeptides. Smd1 differs from the classic defensin pattern in having an unusual six-amino acid-long N-terminal sequence. Both Smd1 and Smd2 have lower pI points and charge than insect defensins derived from fat body/hemocytes. Northern analysis shows both of these defensin molecules are tissue specific; both are produced by the anterior midgut tissue and, unlike the other insect defensins reported to date, neither appears to be expressed in fat body or hemocytes. Northern analysis also shows that mRNAs for both defensins are constitutively produced in the anterior midgut tissues and that these transcripts are up-regulated in response to sterile as well as a lipopolysaccharide-containing blood meal. However, anti-Gram-negative biological activity in the midgut is substantially enhanced by lipopolysaccharide. These findings suggest that the insect midgut has its own tissue-specific immune mechanisms and that this invertebrate epithelium is, like several vertebrate epithelia, protected by specific antibacterial peptides.


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Hydrophilic drugs are often poorly absorbed when administered orally. There has been considerable interest in the possibility of using absorption enhancers to promote absorption of polar molecules across membrane surfaces. The bile acids are one of the most widely investigated classes of absorption enhancers, but there is disagreement about what features of bile acid enhancers are responsible for their efficacy. We have designed a class of glycosylated bile acid derivatives to evaluate how increasing the hydrophilicity of the steroid nucleus affects the ability to transport polar molecules across membranes. Some of the glycosylated molecules are significantly more effective than taurocholate in promoting the intestinal absorption of a range of drugs, showing that hydrophobicity is not a critical parameter in transport efficacy, as previously suggested. Furthermore, the most effective glycosylated compound is also far less damaging to membranes than the best bile acid absorption promoters, presumably because it is more hydrophilic. The results reported here show that it is possible to decouple absorption-promoting activity from membrane damage, a finding that should spark interest in the design of new compounds to facilitate the delivery of polar drugs.


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Cessation of transcription at specific terminator DNA sequences is used by viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotes to regulate the expression of downstream genes, but the mechanisms of transcription termination are poorly characterized. To elucidate the kinetic mechanism of termination at the intrinsic terminators of enteric bacteria, we observed, by using single-molecule light microscopy techniques, the behavior of surface-immobilized Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) molecules in vitro. An RNAP molecule remains at a canonical intrinsic terminator for ≈64 s before releasing DNA, implying the formation of an elongation-incompetent (paused) intermediate by transcription complexes that terminate but not by those that read through the terminator. Analysis of pause lifetimes establishes a complete minimal mechanism of termination in which paused intermediate formation is both necessary and sufficient to induce release of RNAP at the terminator. The data suggest that intrinsic terminators function by a nonequilibrium process in which terminator effectiveness is determined by the relative rates of nucleotide addition and paused state entry by the transcription complex.


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Studies in melanoma patients have revealed that self proteins can function as targets for tumor-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). One group of self proteins MAGE, BAGE, and GAGE are normally only expressed in testis and placenta, whilst another group of CTL recognized proteins are melanocyte-specific differentiation antigens. In this study we have investigated whether CTL can be raised against a ubiquitously expressed self protein, mdm-2, which is frequently overexpressed in tumors. The observation that T-cell tolerance is self major histocompatibility complex-restricted was exploited to generate CTL specific for an mdm-2 derived peptide presented by nonself major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. Thus, the allo-restricted T-cell repertoire of H-2d mice was used to isolate CTL specific for the mdm100 peptide presented by allogeneic H-2Kb class I molecules. In vitro, these CTL discriminated between transformed and normal cells, killing specifically Kb-positive melanoma and lymphoma tumors but not Kb-expressing dendritic cells. In vivo, the CTL showed antitumor activity and delayed the growth of melanoma as well as lymphoma tumors in H-2b recipient mice. These experiments show that it is possible to circumvent T-cell tolerance to ubiquitously expressed self antigens, and to target CTL responses against tumors expressing elevated levels of structurally unaltered proteins.


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Analysis of perforin-deficient mice has identified the cytolytic pathway and perforin as the preeminent effector molecule in T cell-mediated control of virus infections. In this paper, we show that mice lacking both granzyme A (gzmA) and granzyme B (gzmB), which are, beside perforin, key constituents of cytolytic vesicles, are as incapable as are perforin-deficient mice of controlling primary infections by the natural mouse pathogen ectromelia, a poxvirus. Death of gzmA×gzmB double knockout mice occurred in a dose-dependent manner, despite the expression of functionally active perforin and the absence of an intrinsic defect to generate splenic cytolytic T cells. These results establish that both gzmA and gzmB are indispensable effector molecules acting in concert with perforin in granule exocytosis-mediated host defense against natural viral pathogens.