75 resultados para Acute-phase proteins

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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When treated with heat-killed bacterial cells, mosquito cells in culture respond by up-regulating several proteins. Among these is a 66-kDa protein (p66) that is secreted from cells derived from both Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. p66 was degraded by proteolysis and gave a virtually identical pattern of peptide products for each mosquito species. The sequence of one peptide (31 amino acids) was determined and found to have similarity to insect transferrins. By using conserved regions of insect transferrin sequences, degenerate oligonucleotide PCR primers were designed and used to isolate a cDNA clone encoding an A. aegypti transferrin. The encoded protein contained a signal sequence that, when cleaved, would yield a mature protein of 68 kDa. It contained the 31-amino acid peptide, and the 3′ end exactly matched a cDNA encoding a polypeptide that is up-regulated when A. aegypti encapsulates filarial worms [Beerntsen, B. T., Severson, D. W. & Christensen, B. M. (1994) Exp. Parasitol. 79, 312–321]. This transferrin, like those of two other insect species, has conserved iron-binding residues in the N-terminal lobe but not in the C-terminal lobe, which also has large deletions in the polypeptide chain, compared with transferrins with functional C-terminal lobes. The hypothesis is developed that this transferrin plays a role similar to vertebrate lactoferrin in sequestering iron from invading organisms and that degradation of the structure of the C-terminal lobe might be a mechanism for evading pathogens that elaborate transferrin receptors to tap sequestered iron.


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We report that promoters for two murine acute-phase protein (APP) genes, complement factor 3 (C3) and serum amyloid A3 (SAA3), can increase recombinant protein expression in response to inflammatory stimuli in vivo. To deliver APP promoter-luciferase reporter gene constructs to the liver, where most endogenous APP synthesis occurs, we introduced them into a nonreplicating adenovirus vector and injected the purified viruses intravenously into mice. When compared with the low levels of basal luciferase expression observed prior to inflammatory challenge, markedly increased expression from the C3 promoter was detected in liver in response to both lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and turpentine, and lower-level inducible expression was also found in lung. In contrast, expression from the SAA3 promoter was found only in liver and was much more responsive to LPS than to turpentine. After LPS challenge, hepatic luciferase expression increased rapidly and in proportion to the LPS dose. Use of cytokine-inducible promoters in gene transfer vectors may make it possible to produce antiinflammatory proteins in vivo in direct relationship to the intensity and duration of an individual's inflammatory response. By providing endogenously controlled production of recombinant antiinflammatory proteins, this approach might limit the severity of the inflammatory response without interfering with the beneficial components of host defense and immunity.


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The proinflammatory cytokine interleukin 1 (IL-1) activates the transcription of many genes encoding acute phase and proinflammatory proteins, a function mediated primarily by the transcription factor NF-κB. An early IL-1 signaling event is the recruitment of the Ser/Thr kinase IRAK to the type I IL-1 receptor (IL-1RI). Here we describe the function of a previously identified IL-1 receptor subunit designated IL-1 receptor accessory protein (IL-1RAcP). IL-1 treatment of cells induces the formation of a complex containing both IL-1RI and IL-1RAcP. IRAK is recruited to this complex through its association with IL-1RAcP. Overexpression of an IL-1RAcP mutant lacking its intracellular domain, the IRAK-binding domain, prevented the recruitment of IRAK to the receptor complex and blocked IL-1-induced NF-κB activation.


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Comparison of immune responses to infection by a pathogenic or a nonpathogenic immunodeficiency virus in macaques may provide insights into pathogenetic events leading to simian AIDS. This work is aimed at exploring cytokine expression during infection by simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). We used semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR to monitor interleukin (IL)-2/interferon (IFN)-gamma (Th1-like), and IL-4/IL-10 (Th2-like) expression in unmanipulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), during the acute phase of infection of eight cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) with a pathogenic primary isolate of SIVmac251 (full-length nef), and of four other cynomolgus macaques by an attenuated molecular clone of SIVmac251 (nef-truncated). All the monkeys became infected, as clearly shown by the presence of infected PBMCs and by seroconversion. Nevertheless, PBMC-associated virus loads and p27 antigenemia in monkeys infected by the attenuated virus clone remained lower than those observed in animals infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251 isolate. A rise of IL-10 mRNA expression occurred in both groups of monkeys coincident with the peak of viral replication. In monkeys infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251, IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma mRNAs were either weakly detectable or undetectable. On the contrary, animals infected by the attenuated virus exhibited an overexpression of these cytokine mRNAs during the first weeks after inoculation. The lack of expression of these cytokines in monkeys infected with the pathogenic primary isolate may reflect early immunodeficiency.


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A subtractive PCR methodology known as representational difference analysis was used to clone specific nucleotide sequences present in the infectious plasma from a tamarin infected with the GB hepatitis agent. Eleven unique clones were identified, seven of which were examined extensively. All seven clones appeared to be derived from sequences exogenous to the genomes of humans, tamarins, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Escherichia coli. In addition, sequences from these clones were not detected in plasma or liver tissue of tamarins prior to their inoculation with the GB agent. These sequences were detected by reverse transcription-PCR in acute-phase plasma of tamarins inoculated with the GB agent. Probes derived from two of the seven clones detected an RNA species of > or = 8.3 kb in the liver of a GB-agent-infected tamarin by Northern blot hybridization. Sequence analysis indicated that five of the seven clones encode polypeptides that possess limited amino acid identity with the nonstructural proteins of hepatitis C virus. Extension of the sequences found in the seven clones revealed that plasma from an infected tamarin contained two RNA molecules > 9 kb long. Limited sequence identity with various isolates of hepatitis C virus and the relative positions of putative RNA helicases and RNA-dependent RNA polymerases in the predicted protein products of these molecules suggested that the GB agent contains two unique flavivirus-like genomes.


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The signaling pathway initiated by factor Xa on vascular endothelial cells was investigated. Factor Xa stimulated a 5- to 10-fold increased release of nitric oxide (NO) in a dose-dependent reaction (0.1–2.5 μg/ml) unaffected by the thrombin inhibitor hirudin but abolished by active site inhibitors, tick anticoagulant peptide, or Glu-Gly-Arg-chloromethyl ketone. In contrast, the homologous clotting protease factor IXa or another endothelial cell ligand, fibrinogen, was ineffective. A factor Xa inter-epidermal growth factor synthetic peptide L83FTRKL88(G) blocking ligand binding to effector cell protease receptor-1 inhibited NO release by factor Xa in a dose-dependent manner, whereas a control scrambled peptide KFTGRLL was ineffective. Catalytically active factor Xa induced hypotension in rats and vasorelaxation in the isolated rat mesentery, which was blocked by the NO synthase inhibitor l-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (l-NAME) but not by d-NAME. Factor Xa/NO signaling also produced a dose-dependent endothelial cell release of interleukin 6 (range 0.55–3.1 ng/ml) in a reaction inhibited by l-NAME and by the inter-epidermal growth factor peptide Leu83–Leu88 but unaffected by hirudin. Maximal induction of interleukin 6 mRNA required a brief, 30-min stimulation with factor Xa, unaffected by subsequent addition of tissue factor pathway inhibitor. These data suggest that factor Xa-induced NO release modulates endothelial cell-dependent vasorelaxation and cytokine gene expression. This pathway requiring factor Xa binding to effector cell protease receptor-1 and a secondary step of ligand-dependent proteolysis may preserve an anti-thrombotic phenotype of endothelium but also trigger acute phase responses during activation of coagulation in vivo.


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Macrophages become activated by bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) and other stimuli to release proinflammatory cytokines and NO. To prevent release of toxic or potentially lethal quantities of these factors, the state of macrophage activation is counter-regulated by anti-inflammatory mediators (e.g., glucocorticoid hormones, interleukin 10, and transforming growth factor type β). Fetuin, a negative acute-phase protein, recently was implicated as an anti-inflammatory mediator, because it is required for macrophage deactivation by spermine. In the present studies, we found that fetuin is necessary for macrophages to respond to CNI-1493, a tetravalent guanylhydrazone inhibitor of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation. Fetuin dose-dependently increases macrophage uptake of CNI-1493, which can be specifically inhibited by anti-human fetuin antibodies. Anti-human fetuin antibodies render primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells insensitive to deactivation by CNI-1493. Thus, macrophages use fetuin as an opsonin for cationic-deactivating molecules, both endogenous (e.g., spermine) and pharmacologic (e.g., CNI-1493). This role of fetuin as an opsonic participant in macrophage-deactivating mechanisms has implications for understanding and manipulating the innate immune response.


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Secondary amyloidosis is a common disease of water fowl and is characterized by the deposition of extracellular fibrils of amyloid A (AA) protein in the liver and certain other organs. Neither the normal role of serum amyloid A (SAA), a major acute phase response protein, nor the causes of secondary amyloidosis are well understood. To investigate a possible genetic contribution to disease susceptibility, we cloned and sequenced SAA cDNA derived from livers of domestic ducks. This revealed that the three C-terminal amino acids of SAA are removed during conversion to insoluble AA fibrils. Analysis of SAA cDNA sequences from several animals identified a distinct genetic dimorphism that may be relevant to susceptibility to secondary amyloid disease. The duck genome contained a single copy of the SAA gene that was expressed in liver and lung tissue of ducklings, even in the absence of induction of acute phase response. Genetic analysis of heterozygotes indicated that only one SAA allele is expressed in livers of adult birds. Immunofluorescence staining of livers from adult ducks displaying early symptoms of amyloidosis revealed what appear to be amyloid deposits within hepatocytes that are expressing unusually high amounts of SAA protein. This observation suggests that intracellular deposition of AA may represent an early event during development of secondary amyloidosis in older birds.


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The identification of the neutralization domains of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is essential for the development of an effective vaccine. Here, we show that the hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) of the envelope 2 (E2) protein is a critical neutralization domain of HCV. Neutralization of HCV in vitro was attempted with a rabbit hyperimmune serum raised against a homologous synthetic peptide derived from the HVR1 of the E2 protein, and the residual infectivity was evaluated by inoculation of HCV-seronegative chimpanzees. The source of HCV was plasma obtained from a patient (H) during the acute phase of posttransfusion non-A, non-B hepatitis, which had been titered for infectivity in chimpanzees. The anti-HVR1 antiserum induced protection against homologous HCV infection in chimpanzees, but not against the emergence of neutralization escape mutants that were found to be already present in the complex viral quasispecies of the inoculum. The finding that HVR1 can elicit protective immunity opens new perspectives for the development of effective preventive strategies. However, the identification of the most variable region of HCV as a critical neutralization domain poses a major challenge for the development of a broadly reactive vaccine against HCV.


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CD4+ T cell activation, required for virus replication in these cells, occurs in local microenvironmental domains in transient bursts. Thus, although most HIV originates from short-lived virus-producing cells, it is unlikely that chronic infection is generally sustained in rapid continuous cycles of productive infection as has been proposed. Such continuity of productive infection cycles would depend on efficient long-range transmission of HIV from one set of domains to another, in turn requiring the maintenance of sufficiently high concentrations of cell-free virus across lymphoid tissues at all times. By contrast, long-lived cellular sources of HIV maintain the capacity to infect newly activated cells at close range despite the temporal and spatial discontinuities of activation events. Such proximal activation and transmission (PAT) involving chronically and latently infected cells may be responsible for sustained infection, particularly when viral loads are low. Once CD4 cells are productively infected through PAT, they can infect other activated cells in their immediate vicinity. Such events propagate locally but generally do not spread systemically, unlike in the acute phase of the infection, because of the early establishment of protective anergy. Importantly, antiretroviral drug treatment is likely to differentially impact long-range transmission and PAT.


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IL-10-related T cell-derived inducible factor (IL-TIF or IL-21) is a new cytokine structurally related to IL-10 and originally identified in the mouse as a gene induced by IL-9 in T cells and mast cells. Here, we report the cloning of the human IL-TIF cDNA, which shares 79% amino acid identity with mouse IL-TIF and 25% identity with human IL-10. Recombinant human IL-TIF was found to activate signal transducer and activator of transcription factors-1 and -3 in several hepatoma cell lines. IL-TIF stimulation of HepG2 human hepatoma cells up-regulated the production of acute phase reactants such as serum amyloid A, α1-antichymotrypsin, and haptoglobin. Although IL-10 and IL-TIF have distinct activities, antibodies directed against the β chain of the IL-10 receptor blocked the induction of acute phase reactants by IL-TIF, indicating that this chain is a common component of the IL-10 and IL-TIF receptors. Similar acute phase reactant induction was observed in mouse liver upon IL-TIF injection, and IL-TIF expression was found to be rapidly increased after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection, suggesting that this cytokine contributes to the inflammatory response in vivo.


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CCAAT/enhancer binding protein δ (C/EBPδ) is a transcriptional regulator implicated in the hepatic acute phase response and in adipogenic and myeloid cell differentiation. We found that C/EBPδ is widely expressed in the peripheral and central nervous systems, including neurons of the hippocampal formation, indicating a role in neural functions. To examine the role of C/EBPδ in vivo, we generated mice with a targeted deletion of the C/EBPδ gene. This mutation does not interfere with normal embryonic and postnatal development. Performance in a battery of behavioral tests indicates that basic neurological functions are normal. Furthermore, performance in a Morris water maze task suggests that C/EBPδ mutant mice have normal spatial learning. However, in the contextual and auditory-cue-conditioned fear task, C/EBPδ null mice displayed significantly more conditioned freezing to the test context than did wild-type controls, but equivalent conditioning to the auditory cue. These data demonstrate a selectively enhanced contextual fear response in mice carrying a targeted genomic mutation and implicate C/EBPδ in the regulation of a specific type of learning and memory.


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Liver-specific and nonliver-specific methionine adenosyltransferases (MATs) are products of two genes, MAT1A and MAT2A, respectively, that catalyze the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), the principal biological methyl donor. Mature liver expresses MAT1A, whereas MAT2A is expressed in extrahepatic tissues and is induced during liver growth and dedifferentiation. To examine the influence of MAT1A on hepatic growth, we studied the effects of a targeted disruption of the murine MAT1A gene. MAT1A mRNA and protein levels were absent in homozygous knockout mice. At 3 months, plasma methionine level increased 776% in knockouts. Hepatic AdoMet and glutathione levels were reduced by 74 and 40%, respectively, whereas S-adenosylhomocysteine, methylthioadenosine, and global DNA methylation were unchanged. The body weight of 3-month-old knockout mice was unchanged from wild-type littermates, but the liver weight was increased 40%. The Affymetrix genechip system and Northern and Western blot analyses were used to analyze differential expression of genes. The expression of many acute phase-response and inflammatory markers, including orosomucoid, amyloid, metallothionein, Fas antigen, and growth-related genes, including early growth response 1 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, is increased in the knockout animal. At 3 months, knockout mice are more susceptible to choline-deficient diet-induced fatty liver. At 8 months, knockout mice developed spontaneous macrovesicular steatosis and predominantly periportal mononuclear cell infiltration. Thus, absence of MAT1A resulted in a liver that is more susceptible to injury, expresses markers of an acute phase response, and displays increased proliferation.


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Human herpesviruses 6 and 7 (HHV-6 and HHV-7) are prevalent lymphotropic viruses that infect more than 80% of children at infancy or during early childhood. Infection ranges from asymptomatic to severe disease. HHV-6B causes exanthem subitum. The virus can be recovered from peripheral blood mononuclear cells during the acute phase of exanthem subitum, but the host remains latently infected throughout life. In immunocompromised patients undergoing kidney, liver, or bone marrow transplantation latent HHV-6B is reactivated, at times causing severe or fatal disease. Here, we describe the establishment of an in vitro system for reactivation of HHV-6B and HHV-7 from latency. HHV-7 is reactivated from latently infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells by T-cell activation. HHV-6B could not be reactivated under similar conditions; however, the latent HHV-6B could be recovered after the cells were infected with HHV-7. Once reactivated, the HHV-6B genomes became prominent and the HHV-7 disappeared. We conclude that HHV-7 can provide a transacting function(s) mediating HHV-6 reactivating from latency. Understanding the activation process is critical for the development of treatments to control the activation of latent viruses so as to avoid these sometimes life threatening infections in transplant recipients.


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A 50-kDa hemolymph protein, having strong affinity to the cell wall of Gram(-) bacteria, was purified from the hemolymph of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The cDNA encoding this Gram(-) bacteria-binding protein (GNBP) was isolated from an immunized silkworm fat body cDNA library and sequenced. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with known sequences revealed that GNBP contained a region displaying significant homology to the putative catalytic region of a group of bacterial beta-1,3 glucanases and beta-1,3-1,4 glucanases. Silkworm GNBP was also shown to have amino acid sequence similarity to the vertebrate lipopolysaccharide receptor CD14 and was recognized specifically by a polygonal anti-CD14 antibody. Northern blot analysis showed that GNBP was constitutively expressed in fat body, as well as in cuticular epithelial cells of naive silkworms. Intense transcription was, however, rapidly induced following a cuticular or hemoceolien bacterial challenge. An mRNA that hybridized with GNBP cDNA was also found in the l(2)mbn immunocompetent Drosophila cell line. These observations suggest that GNBP is an inducible acute phase protein implicated in the immune response of the silkworm and perhaps other insects.