9 resultados para Activation-relaxation technique

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The nuclear spin polarization of 129Xe can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude by using optical pumping techniques. The increased sensitivity of xenon NMR has allowed imaging of lungs as well as other in vivo applications. The most critical parameter for efficient delivery of laser-polarized xenon to blood and tissues is the spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) of xenon in blood. In this work, the relaxation of laser-polarized xenon in human blood is measured in vitro as a function of blood oxygenation. Interactions with dissolved oxygen and with deoxyhemoglobin are found to contribute to the spin-lattice relaxation time of 129Xe in blood, the latter interaction having greater effect. Consequently, relaxation times of 129Xe in deoxygenated blood are shorter than in oxygenated blood. In samples with oxygenation equivalent to arterial and venous blood, the 129Xe T1s at 37°C and a magnetic field of 1.5 T were 6.4 s ± 0.5 s and 4.0 s ± 0.4 s, respectively. The 129Xe spin-lattice relaxation time in blood decreases at lower temperatures, but the ratio of T1 in oxygenated blood to that in deoxygenated blood is the same at 37°C and 25°C. A competing ligand has been used to show that xenon binding to albumin contributes to the 129Xe spin-lattice relaxation in blood plasma. This technique is promising for the study of xenon interactions with macromolecules.


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We have studied the kinetics of transcriptional initiation and activation at the malT and malTp1 promoters of Escherichia coli using UV laser footprinting. Contrary to previous studies and because of the very rapid signal acquisition by this technique, we can obtain structural information about true reaction intermediates of transcription initiation. The consequences of adding a transcriptional activator, the cAMP receptor protein/cAMP complex (CRP), are monitored in real time, permitting us to assign specific interactions to the activation of discrete steps in transcription initiation. Direct protein–protein contacts between CRP and the RNA polymerase appeared very rapidly, followed by DNA melting around the −10 hexamer. CRP slightly increased the rate of this isomerization reaction but, more importantly, favored the establishment of additional contacts between the DNA upstream of the CRP binding site and RNA polymerase subsequent to open complex formation. These contacts make a major contribution to transcriptional activation by stabilizing open forms of the promoter complex, thereby indirectly accelerating promoter escape. The ensemble of the kinetic, structural signals demonstrated directly that CRP exerts most of its activating effects on the late stages of transcriptional initiation at the malT promoter.


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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) mediate both active transport and passive diffusion across the nuclear envelope (NE). Determination of NE electrical conductance, however, has been confounded by the lack of an appropriate technical approach. The nuclear patch clamp technique is restricted to preparations with electrically closed NPCs, and microelectrode techniques fail to resolve the extremely low input resistance of large oocyte nuclei. To address the problem, we have developed an approach for measuring the NE electrical conductance of Xenopus laevis oocyte nuclei. The method uses a tapered glass tube, which narrows in its middle part to 2/3 of the diameter of the nucleus. The isolated nucleus is sucked into the narrow part of the capillary by gentle fluid movement, while the resulting change in electrical resistance is monitored. NE electrical conductance was unexpectedly large (7.9 ± 0.34 S/cm2). Evaluation of NPC density by atomic force microscopy showed that this conductance corresponded to 3.7 × 106 NPCs. In contrast to earlier conclusions drawn from nuclear patch clamp experiments, NPCs were in an electrically “open” state with a mean single NPC electrical conductance of 1.7 ± 0.07 nS. Enabling or blocking of active NPC transport (accomplished by the addition of cytosolic extracts or gp62-directed antibodies) revealed this large NPC conductance to be independent of the activation state of the transport machinery located in the center of NPCs. We conclude that peripheral channels, which are presumed to reside in the NPC subunits, establish a high ionic permeability that is virtually independent of the active protein transport mechanism.


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The global regulator FNR (for fumarate nitrate reduction) controls the transcription of >100 genes whose products facilitate adaptation of Escherichia coli to growth under O2-limiting conditions. Previous Mössbauer studies have shown that anaerobically purified FNR contains a [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster that, on exposure to oxygen, is converted into a [2Fe-2S]2+ cluster, a process that decreases DNA binding by FNR. Using 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy of E. coli cells containing overexpressed FNR, we show here that the same cluster conversion also occurs in vivo on exposure to O2. Furthermore, the data show that a significant amount of the [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster is regenerated when the cells are shifted back to an anaerobic environment. The present study also demonstrates that 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy can be employed to study the in vivo behavior of (overexpressed) proteins. The use of this technique to study other iron-containing cell components is discussed.


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Violet-blue light is toxic to mammalian cells, and this toxicity has been linked with cellular production of H2O2. In this report, we show that violet-blue light, as well as UVA, stimulated H2O2 production in cultured mouse, monkey, and human cells. We found that H2O2 originated in peroxisomes and mitochondria, and it was enhanced in cells overexpressing flavin-containing oxidases. These results support the hypothesis that photoreduction of flavoproteins underlies light-induced production of H2O2 in cells. Because H2O2 and its metabolite, hydroxyl radicals, can cause cellular damage, these reactive oxygen species may contribute to pathologies associated with exposure to UVA, violet, and blue light. They may also contribute to phototoxicity often encountered during light microscopy. Because multiphoton excitation imaging with 1,047-nm wavelength prevented light-induced H2O2 production in cells, possibly by minimizing photoreduction of flavoproteins, this technique may be useful for decreasing phototoxicity during fluorescence microscopy.


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Is the pathway of protein folding determined by the relative stability of folding intermediates, or by the relative height of the activation barriers leading to these intermediates? This is a fundamental question for resolving the Levinthal paradox, which stated that protein folding by a random search mechanism would require a time too long to be plausible. To answer this question, we have studied the guanidinium chloride (GdmCl)-induced folding/unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease [(SNase, formerly EC; now called microbial nuclease or endonuclease, EC] by stopped-flow circular dichroism (CD) and differential scanning microcalorimetry (DSC). The data show that while the equilibrium transition is a quasi-two-state process, kinetics in the 2-ms to 500-s time range are triphasic. Data support the sequential mechanism for SNase folding: U3 <--> U2 <--> U1 <--> N0, where U1, U2, and U3 are substates of the unfolded protein and N0 is the native state. Analysis of the relative population of the U1, U2, and U3 species in 2.0 M GdmCl gives delta-G values for the U3 --> U2 reaction of +0.1 kcal/mol and for the U2 --> U1 reaction of -0.49 kcal/mol. The delta-G value for the U1 --> N0 reaction is calculated to be -4.5 kcal/mol from DSC data. The activation energy, enthalpy, and entropy for each kinetic step are also determined. These results allow us to make the following four conclusions. (i) Although the U1, U2, and U3 states are nearly isoenergetic, no random walk occurs among them during the folding. The pathway of folding is unique and sequential. In other words, the relative stability of the folding intermediates does not dictate the folding pathway. Instead, the folding is a descent toward the global free-energy minimum of the native state via the least activation path in the vast energy landscape. Barrier avoidance leads the way, and barrier height limits the rate. Thus, the Levinthal paradox is not applicable to the protein-folding problem. (ii) The main folding reaction (U1 --> N0), in which the peptide chain acquires most of its free energy (via van der Waals' contacts, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic interactions), is a highly concerted process. These energy-acquiring events take place in a single kinetic phase. (iii) U1 appears to be a compact unfolded species; the rate of conversion of U2 to U1 depends on the viscosity of solution. (iv) All four relaxation times reported here depend on GdmCl concentrations: it is likely that none involve the cis/trans isomerization of prolines. Finally, a mechanism is presented in which formation of sheet-like chain conformations and a hydrophobic condensation event precede the main-chain folding reaction.


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We have used a multiplex selection approach to construct a library of DNA-protein interaction sites recognized by many of the DNA-binding proteins present in a cell type. An estimated minimum of two-thirds of the binding sites present in a library prepared from activated Jurkat T cells represent authentic transcription factor binding sites. We used the library for isolation of "optimal" binding site probes that facilitated cloning of a factor and to identify binding activities induced within 2 hr of activation of Jurkat cells. Since a large fraction of the oligonucleotides obtained appear to represent "optimal" binding sites for sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins, it is feasible to construct a catalog of consensus binding sites for DNA-binding proteins in a given cell type. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons of the catalogs of binding site sequences from various cell types could provide valuable insights into the process of differentiation acting at the level of transcriptional control.


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The previously established cortical representation of rat whiskers in layer IV of the cortex contains distinct cylindrical columns of cellular aggregates, which are termed barrels and correlate in a one-to-one relation to whiskers on the contralateral rat face. In the present study, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the rat brain was used to map whisker barrel activation during mechanical up-down movement (+/- 2.5 mm amplitude at 8 Hz) of single/multiple whisker(s). Multislice gradient echo fMRI experiments were performed at 7 T with in-plane image resolution of 220 x 220 microns, slice thickness of 1 mm, and echo time of 16 ms. Highly significant (P < 0.001) and localized contralateral regions of activation were observed upon stimulation of single/multiple whisker(s). In all experiments (n = 10), the locations of activation relative to bregma and midline were highly correlated with the neuroanatomical position of the corresponding whisker barrels, and the results were reproducible intra- and interanimal. Our results indicate that fMRI based on blood oxygenation level-dependent image contrast has the sensitivity to depict activation of a single whisker barrel in the rat brain. This noninvasive technique will supplement existing methods in the study of rat barrel cortex and should be particularly useful for the long-term investigations of central nervous system in the same animal.


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Hypoxia/reoxygenation is an important cause of tissue injury in a variety of organs and is classically considered to be a necrotic form of cell death. We examined the role of endonuclease activation, considered a characteristic feature of apoptosis, in hypoxia/reoxygenation injury. We demonstrate that subjecting rat renal proximal tubules to hypoxia/reoxygenation results in DNA strand breaks and DNA fragmentation (both by an in situ technique and by agarose gel electrophoresis), which precedes cell death. Hypoxia/reoxygenation resulted in an increase in DNA-degrading activity with an apparent molecular mass of 15 kDa on a substrate gel. This DNA-degrading activity was entirely calcium dependent and was blocked by the endonuclease inhibitor aurintricarboxylic acid. The protein extract from tubules subjected to hypoxia/reoxygenation cleaved intact nuclear DNA obtained from normal proximal tubules into small fragments, which further supports the presence of endonuclease activity. Despite unequivocal evidence of endonuclease activation, the morphologic features of apoptosis, including chromatin condensation, were not observed by light and electron microscopy. Endonuclease inhibitors, aurintricarboxylic acid and Evans blue, provided complete protection against DNA damage induced by hypoxia/reoxygenation but only partial protection against cell death. Taken together, our data provide strong evidence for a role of endonuclease activation as an early event, which is entirely responsible for the DNA damage and partially responsible for the cell death that occurs during hypoxia/reoxygenation injury. Our data also indicate that in hypoxia/reoxygenation injury endonuclease activation and DNA fragmentation occur without the morphological features of apoptosis.