18 resultados para ANTIRETROVIRAL

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Although highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the form of triple combinations of drugs including protease inhibitors can reduce the plasma viral load of some HIV-1-infected individuals to undetectable levels, it is unclear what the effects of these regimens are on latently infected CD4+ T cells and what role these cells play in the persistence of HIV-1 infection in individuals receiving such treatment. The present study demonstrates that highly purified CD4+ T cells from 13 of 13 patients receiving HAART with an average treatment time of 10 months and with undetectable (<500 copies HIV RNA/ml) plasma viremia by a commonly used bDNA assay carried integrated proviral DNA and were capable of producing infectious virus upon cellular activation in vitro. Phenotypic analysis of HIV-1 produced by activation of latently infected CD4+ T cells revealed the presence in some patients of syncytium-inducing virus. In addition, the presence of unintegrated HIV-1 DNA in infected resting CD4+ T cells from patients receiving HAART, even those with undetectable plasma viremia, suggests persistent active virus replication in vivo.


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Identifying the immunologic and virologic consequences of discontinuing antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients is of major importance in developing long-term treatment strategies for patients with HIV-1 infection. We designed a trial to characterize these parameters after interruption of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in patients who had maintained prolonged viral suppression on antiretroviral drugs. Eighteen patients with CD4+ T cell counts ≥ 350 cells/μl and viral load below the limits of detection for ≥1 year while on HAART were enrolled prospectively in a trial in which HAART was discontinued. Twelve of these patients had received prior IL-2 therapy and had low frequencies of resting, latently infected CD4 cells. Viral load relapse to >50 copies/ml occurred in all 18 patients independent of prior IL-2 treatment, beginning most commonly during weeks 2–3 after cessation of HAART. The mean relapse rate constant was 0.45 (0.20 log10 copies) day−1, which was very similar to the mean viral clearance rate constant after drug resumption of 0.35 (0.15 log10 copies) day−1 (P = 0.28). One patient experienced a relapse delay to week 7. All patients except one experienced a relapse burden to >5,000 RNA copies/ml. Ex vivo labeling with BrdUrd showed that CD4 and CD8 cell turnover increased after withdrawal of HAART and correlated with viral load whereas lymphocyte turnover decreased after reinitiation of drug treatment. Virologic relapse occurs rapidly in patients who discontinue suppressive drug therapy, even in patients with a markedly diminished pool of resting, latently infected CD4+ T cells.


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Antigen-induced stimulation of the immune system can generate heterogeneity in CD4+ T cell division rates capable of explaining the temporal patterns seen in the decay of HIV-1 plasma RNA levels during highly active antiretroviral therapy. Posttreatment increases in peripheral CD4+ T cell counts are consistent with a mathematical model in which host cell redistribution between lymph nodes and peripheral blood is a function of viral burden. Model fits to patient data suggest that, although therapy reduces HIV replication below replacement levels, substantial residual replication continues. This residual replication has important consequences for long-term therapy and the evolution of drug resistance and represents a challenge for future treatment strategies.


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Potent antiretroviral therapy can reduce plasma HIV RNA levels below the threshold of detection for periods of a year or more. The magnitude of HIV RNA reduction in the lymphoid tissue in patients with suppression of HIV RNA levels in plasma beyond 6 months has not been determined. We evaluated levels of HIV RNA and DNA and characterized resistance mutations in blood and inguinal lymph node biopsies obtained from 10 HIV-infected subjects who received 36–52 weeks of indinavir (IDV)/zidovudine (ZDV)/lamivudine (3TC), IDV, or ZDV/3TC. After 1 year of therapy, viral RNA levels in LN of individuals remained detectable but were log10 = 4 lower than in subjects on the triple drug regimen with interruption of therapy or in those treated with ZDV/3TC alone, who had viral loads in their lymph nodes indistinguishable from those expected for untreated patients. In all cases viral DNA remained detectable in lymph nodes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). When plasma virus suppression was incomplete, lymph node and PBMC cultures were positive and drug resistance developed. These studies indicate that pronounced and sustained suppression of plasma viremia by a potent antiretroviral combination is associated with low HIV RNA levels in the lymph nodes 1 year after treatment. Conversely, the persistence of even modest levels of plasma virus after 1 year of treatment reflects ongoing viral replication, the emergence of drug resistance, and the maintenance of high burdens of virus in the lymph nodes.


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The long-term kinetics of T cell production following highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) were investigated in blood and lymph node in a group of HIV-infected subjects at early stage of established infection and prospectively studied for 72 wk. Before HAART, CD4 and CD8 T cell turnover was increased. However, the total number of proliferating CD4+ T lymphocytes, i.e., CD4+Ki67+ T lymphocytes, was not significantly different in HIV-infected (n = 73) and HIV-negative (n = 15) subjects, whereas proliferating CD8+Ki67+ T lymphocytes were significantly higher in HIV-infected subjects. After HAART, the total body number of proliferating CD4+Ki67+ T lymphocytes increased over time and was associated with an increase of both naive and memory CD4+ T cells. The maximal increase (2-fold) was observed at week 36, whereas at week 72 the number of proliferating CD4+ T cells dropped to baseline levels, i.e., before HAART. The kinetics of the fraction of proliferating CD4 and CD8 T cells were significantly correlated with the changes in the total body number of these T cell subsets. These results demonstrate a direct relationship between ex vivo measures of T cell production and quantitative changes in total body T lymphocyte populations. This study provides advances in the delineation of the kinetics of T cell production in HIV infection in the presence and/or in the absence of HAART.


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HIV type 1 (HIV-1) drug resistance mutations were selected during antiretroviral therapy successfully suppressing plasma HIV-1 RNA to <50 copies/ml. New resistant mutant subpopulations were identified by clonal sequencing analyses of viruses cultured from blood cells. Drug susceptibility tests showed that biological clones of virus with the mutations acquired during successful therapy had increased resistance. Each of the five subjects with new resistant mutants had evidence of some residual virus replication during highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), based on transient episodes of plasma HIV-1 RNA > 50 copies/ml and virus env gene sequence changes. Each had received a suboptimal regimen before starting HAART. Antiretroviral-resistant HIV-1 can be selected from residual virus replication during HAART in the absence of sustained rebound of plasma HIV-1 RNA.


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Drug treatment of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) infection leads to a rapid initial decay of plasma virus followed by a slower second phase of decay. To investigate the role of HIV-1 retained on follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) in this process, we have developed and analyzed a mathematical model for HIV-1 dynamics in lymphoid tissue (LT) that includes FDCs. Analysis of clinical data using this model indicates that decay of HIV-1 during therapy may be influenced by release of FDC-associated virus. The biphasic character of viral decay can be explained by reversible multivalent binding of HIV-1 to receptors on FDCs, indicating that the second phase of decay is not necessarily caused by long-lived or latently infected cells. Furthermore, viral clearance and death of short-lived productively infected cells may be faster than previously estimated. The model, with reasonable parameter values, is consistent with kinetic measurements of viral RNA in plasma, viral RNA on FDCs, productively infected cells in LT, and CD4+ T cells in LT during therapy.


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Although several immunologic and virologic markers measured in peripheral blood are useful for predicting accelerated progression of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease, their validity for evaluating the response to antiretroviral therapy and their ability to accurately reflect changes in lymphoid organs remain unclear. In the present study, changes in certain virologic markers have been analyzed in peripheral blood and lymphoid tissue during antiretroviral therapy. Sixteen HIV-infected individuals who were receiving antiretroviral therapy with zidovudine for > or = 6 months were randomly assigned either to continue on zidovudine alone or to add didanosine for 8 weeks. Lymph node biopsies were performed at baseline and after 8 weeks. Viral burden (i.e., HIV DNA copies per 10(6) mononuclear cells) and virus replication in mononuclear cells isolated from peripheral blood and lymph node and plasma viremia were determined by semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction assays. Virologic and immunologic markers remained unchanged in peripheral blood and lymph node of patients who continued on zidovudine alone. In contrast, a decrease in virus replication in lymph nodes was observed in four of six patients who added didanosine to their regimen, and this was associated with a decrease in plasma viremia. These results indicate that decreases in plasma viremia detected during antiretroviral therapy reflect downregulation of virus replication in lymphoid tissue.


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Follicular dendritic cells (FDC) provide a reservoir for HIV type 1 (HIV-1) that may reignite infection if highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is withdrawn before virus on FDC is cleared. To estimate the treatment time required to eliminate HIV-1 on FDC, we develop deterministic and stochastic models for the reversible binding of HIV-1 to FDC via ligand–receptor interactions and examine the consequences of reducing the virus available for binding to FDC. Analysis of these models shows that the rate at which HIV-1 dissociates from FDC during HAART is biphasic, with an initial period of rapid decay followed by a period of slower exponential decay. The speed of the slower second stage of dissociation and the treatment time required to eradicate the FDC reservoir of HIV-1 are insensitive to the number of virions bound and their degree of attachment to FDC before treatment. In contrast, the expected time required for dissociation of an individual virion from FDC varies sensitively with the number of ligands attached to the virion that are available to interact with receptors on FDC. Although most virions may dissociate from FDC on the time scale of days to weeks, virions coupled to a higher-than-average number of ligands may persist on FDC for years. This result suggests that HAART may not be able to clear all HIV-1 trapped on FDC and that, even if clearance is possible, years of treatment will be required.


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HIV-1 replication is inhibited by the incorporation of chain-terminating nucleotides at the 3′ end of the growing DNA chain. Here we show a nucleotide-dependent reaction catalyzed by HIV-1 reverse transcriptase that can efficiently remove the chain-terminating residue, yielding an extendible primer terminus. Radioactively labeled 3′-terminal residue from the primer can be transferred into a product that is resistant to calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase and sensitive to cleavage by snake venom phosphodiesterase. The products formed from different nucleotide substrates have unique electrophoretic migrations and have been identified as dinucleoside tri- or tetraphosphates. The reaction is inhibited by dNTPs that are complementary to the next position on the template (Ki ≈ 5 μM), suggesting competition between dinucleoside polyphosphate synthesis and DNA polymerization. Dinucleoside polyphosphate synthesis was inhibited by an HIV-1 specific non-nucleoside inhibitor and was absent in mutant HIV-1 reverse transcriptase deficient in polymerase activity, indicating that this activity requires a functional polymerase active site. We suggest that dinucleoside polyphosphate synthesis occurs by transfer of the 3′ nucleotide from the primer to the pyrophosphate moiety in the nucleoside di- or triphosphate substrate through a mechanism analogous to pyrophosphorolysis. Unlike pyrophosphorolysis, however, the reaction is nucleotide-dependent, is resistant to pyrophosphatase, and produces dinucleoside polyphosphates. Because it occurs at physiological concentrations of ribonucleoside triphosphates, this reaction may determine the in vivo activity of many nucleoside antiretroviral drugs.


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CD4+ T cell activation, required for virus replication in these cells, occurs in local microenvironmental domains in transient bursts. Thus, although most HIV originates from short-lived virus-producing cells, it is unlikely that chronic infection is generally sustained in rapid continuous cycles of productive infection as has been proposed. Such continuity of productive infection cycles would depend on efficient long-range transmission of HIV from one set of domains to another, in turn requiring the maintenance of sufficiently high concentrations of cell-free virus across lymphoid tissues at all times. By contrast, long-lived cellular sources of HIV maintain the capacity to infect newly activated cells at close range despite the temporal and spatial discontinuities of activation events. Such proximal activation and transmission (PAT) involving chronically and latently infected cells may be responsible for sustained infection, particularly when viral loads are low. Once CD4 cells are productively infected through PAT, they can infect other activated cells in their immediate vicinity. Such events propagate locally but generally do not spread systemically, unlike in the acute phase of the infection, because of the early establishment of protective anergy. Importantly, antiretroviral drug treatment is likely to differentially impact long-range transmission and PAT.


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The HIV Reverse Transcriptase and Protease Sequence Database is an on-line relational database that catalogs evolutionary and drug-related sequence variation in the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) reverse transcriptase (RT) and protease enzymes, the molecular targets of anti-HIV therapy (http://hivdb.stanford.edu). The database contains a compilation of nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences, including submissions from International Collaboration databases and sequences published in journal articles. Sequences are linked to data about the source of the sequence sample and the antiretroviral drug treatment history of the individual from whom the isolate was obtained. During the past year 3500 sequences have been added and the data model has been expanded to include drug susceptibility data on sequenced isolates. Database content has also been integrated with didactic text and the output of two sequence analysis programs.


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To replicate, HIV-1 must integrate a cDNA copy of the viral RNA genome into a chromosome of the host. The integration system is a promising target for antiretroviral agents, but to date no clinically useful integration inhibitors have been identified. Previous screens for integrase inhibitors have assayed inhibition of reactions containing HIV-1 integrase purified from an Escherichia coli expression system. Here we compare action of inhibitors in vitro on purified integrase and on subviral preintegration complexes (PICs) isolated from lymphoid cells infected with HIV-1. We find that many inhibitors active against purified integrase are inactive against PICs. Using PIC assays as a primary screen, we have identified three new anthraquinone inhibitors active against PICs and also against purified integrase. We propose that PIC assays are the closest in vitro match to integration in vivo and, as such, are particularly appropriate for identifying promising integration inhibitors.


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The infectivity and replication of human (HIV-1), feline (FIV), and murine (LP-BM5) immunodeficiency viruses are all inhibited by several nucleoside analogues after intracellular conversion to their triphosphorylated derivatives. At the cellular level, the main problems in the use of these drugs concern their limited phosphorylation in some cells (e.g., macrophages) and the cytotoxic side effects of nucleoside analogue triphosphates. To overcome these limitations a new nucleoside analogue homodinucleotide, di(thymidine-3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxy-D-riboside)-5'-5'-p1-p2-pyrophosphat e (AZTp2AZT), was designed and synthesized. AZTp2AZT was a poor in vitro inhibitor of HIV reverse transcriptase, although it showed antiviral and cytotoxic activities comparable to those of the parent AZT when added to cultures of a HTLV-1 transformed cell line. AZTp2AZT encapsulated into erythrocytes was remarkably stable. Induction of erythrocyte-membrane protein clusterization and subsequent phagocytosis of AZTp2AZT-loaded cells allowed the targeted delivery of this impermeant drug to macrophages where its metabolic activation occurs. The addition of AZTp2AZT-loaded erythrocytes to human, feline, and murine macrophages afforded almost complete in vitro protection of these cells from infection by HIVBa-L, FIV, and LP-BM5, respectively. Therefore, AZTp2AZT, unlike the membrane-diffusing azidothymidine, acts as a very efficient antiretroviral prodrug following selective targeting to macrophages by means of loaded erythrocytes.