em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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8-Oxoguanine (8-oxoG), induced by reactive oxygen species and arguably one of the most important mutagenic DNA lesions, is prone to further oxidation. Its one-electron oxidation products include potentially mutagenic guanidinohydantoin (Gh) and spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp) because of their mispairing with A or G. All three oxidized base-specific DNA glycosylases of Escherichia coli, namely endonuclease III (Nth), 8-oxoG-DNA glycosylase (MutM) and endonuclease VIII (Nei), excise Gh and Sp, when paired with C or G in DNA, although Nth is less active than the other two. MutM prefers Sp and Gh paired with C (kcat/Km of 0.24–0.26 min–1 nM–1), while Nei prefers G over C as the complementary base (kcat/Km – 0.15–0.17 min–1 nM–1). However, only Nei efficiently excises these paired with A. MutY, a 8-oxoG·A(G)-specific A(G)-DNA glycosylase, is inactive with Gh(Sp)·A/G-containing duplex oligonucleotide, in spite of specific affinity. It inhibits excision of lesions by MutM from the Gh·G or Sp·G pair, but not from Gh·C and Sp·C pairs. In contrast, MutY does not significantly inhibit Nei for any Gh(Sp) base pair. These results suggest a protective function for MutY in preventing mutation as a result of A (G) incorporation opposite Gh(Sp) during DNA replication.


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Reactive oxygen species cause damage to all of the major cellular constituents, including peroxidation of lipids. Previous studies have revealed that oxidative stress, including exposure to oxidation products, affects the progression of cells through the cell division cycle. This study examined the effect of linoleic acid hydroperoxide, a lipid peroxidation product, on the yeast cell cycle. Treatment with this peroxide led to accumulation of unbudded cells in asynchronous populations, together with a budding and replication delay in synchronous ones. This observed modulation of G1 progression could be distinguished from the lethal effects of the treatment and may have been due to a checkpoint mechanism, analogous to that known to be involved in effecting cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage. By examining several mutants sensitive to linoleic acid hydroperoxide, the YNL099c open reading frame was found to be required for the arrest. This gene (designated OCA1) encodes a putative protein tyrosine phosphatase of previously unknown function. Cells lacking OCA1 did not accumulate in G1 on treatment with linoleic acid hydroperoxide, nor did they show a budding, replication, or Start delay in synchronous cultures. Although not essential for adaptation or immediate cellular survival, OCA1 was required for growth in the presence of linoleic acid hydroperoxide, thus indicating that it may function in linking growth, stress responses, and the cell cycle. Identification of OCA1 establishes cell cycle arrest as an actively regulated response to oxidative stress and will enable further elucidation of oxidative stress-responsive signaling pathways in yeast.


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We have examined the biochemical and histological effects of high concentrations of dopamine (0.05-1.0 micromol) injected into the rat striatum. Twenty-four hours after such injections, the oxidation products of dopamine and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid were detected as both free and protein-bound cysteinyl dopamine and cysteinyl dihydroxyphenylacetic acid. Protein-bound cysteinyl catechols were increased 7- to 20-fold above control tissue levels. By 7 days postinjection, the protein-bound cysteinyl catechols were still detectable, although reduced in concentration, whereas the free forms could no longer be measured. Histological examination of striatum at 7 days revealed a central core of nonspecific damage including neuronal loss and gliosis. This core was surrounded by a region containing a marked reduction in tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity but no apparent loss of serotonin or synaptophysin immunoreactivity. When dopamine was injected with an equimolar concentration of either ascorbic acid or glutathione, the formation of protein-bound cysteinyl catechols was greatly reduced. Moreover, the specific loss of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity associated with dopamine injections was no longer detectable, although the nonspecific changes in cytoarchitecture were still apparent. Thus, following its oxidation, dopamine in high concentrations binds to protein in the striatum, an event that is correlated with the specific loss of dopaminergic terminals. We suggest that the selective degeneration of dopamine neurons in Parkinson's disease may be caused by an imbalance between the oxidation of dopamine and the availability of antioxidant defenses.


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The involvement of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase in radiobiological processes has been described at the enzyme activity level. We irradiated radiation-resistant (RR) and radiation-sensitive (RS) mice and studied antioxidant enzymes at the transcriptional and activity level. In addition, aromatic hydroxylation and lipid peroxidation parameters were determined to study radiation resistance at the oxidation level. RS BALB/c/J Him mice and RR C3H He/Him mice were whole-body-irradiated with x-rays at 2, 4, and 6 Gy and killed 5, 15, and 30 min after irradiation. mRNA was isolated from liver and hybridized with probes for antioxidant enzymes and β-actin as a housekeeping gene control. Antioxidant enzyme activities were determined by standard assays. Parameters for aromatic hydroxylation (o-tyrosine) and lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde) were determined by HPLC methods. Antioxidant transcription was unchanged in contrast to antioxidant activities; SOD and CAT activities were elevated within 15 min in RR animals but not in RS mice, at all doses studied. Glutathione peroxidase activity was not different between RR and RS mice and was only moderately elevated after irradiation. No significant differences were found between RR and RS animals at the oxidation level, although a radiation dose-dependent increase of oxidation products was detected in both groups. We found that ionizing irradiation led to increased antioxidant activity only minutes after irradiation in the absence of increased transcription of these antioxidant enzymes. RR animals show higher antioxidant enzyme activities than do RS mice, but oxidation products are comparable in RS and RR mice. As unchanged transcription of antioxidant enzymes could not have been responsible for the increased antioxidant enzyme activities, preformed antioxidant enzymes should have been released by the irradiation process. This would be in agreement with previous studies of preformed, stored SOD. The finding of higher SOD and CAT activities in RR than in RS animals could point to a role for these antioxidant enzymes for the process of radiation sensitivity.


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Hypertension is a side effect of systemically administered glucocorticoids, but the underlying molecular mechanism remains poorly understood. Ingestion of dexamethasone by rats telemetrically instrumented increased blood pressure progressively over 7 days. Plasma concentrations of Na+ and K+ and urinary Na+ and K+ excretion remained constant, excluding a mineralocorticoid-mediated mechanism. Plasma NO2−/NO3− (the oxidation products of NO) decreased to 40%, and the expression of endothelial NO synthase (NOS III) was found down-regulated in the aorta and several other tissues of glucocorticoid-treated rats. The vasodilator response of resistance arterioles was tested by intravital microscopy in the mouse dorsal skinfold chamber model. Dexamethasone treatment significantly attenuated the relaxation to the endothelium-dependent vasodilator acetylcholine, but not to the endothelium-independent vasodilator S-nitroso-N-acetyl-d,l-penicillamine. Incubation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells, EA.hy 926 cells, or bovine aortic endothelial cells with several glucocorticoids reduced NOS III mRNA and protein expression to 60–70% of control, an effect that was prevented by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist mifepristone. Glucocorticoids decreased NOS III mRNA stability and reduced the activity of the human NOS III promoter (3.5 kilobases) to ≈70% by decreasing the binding activity of the essential transcription factor GATA. The expressional down-regulation of endothelial NOS III may contribute to the hypertension caused by glucocorticoids.


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Endonuclease III from Escherichia coli, yeast (yNtg1p and yNtg2p) and human and E.coli endonuclease VIII have a wide substrate specificity, and recognize oxidation products of both thymine and cytosine. DNA containing single dihydrouracil (DHU) and tandem DHU lesions were used as substrates for these repair enzymes. It was found that yNtg1p prefers DHU/G and exhibits much weaker enzymatic activity towards DNA containing a DHU/A pair. However, yNtg2p, E.coli and human endonuclease III and E.coli endonuclease VIII activities were much less sensitive to the base opposite the lesion. Although these enzymes efficiently recognize single DHU lesions, they have limited capacity for completely removing this damaged base when DHU is present on duplex DNA as a tandem pair. Both E.coli endonuclease III and yeast yNtg1p are able to remove only one DHU in DNA containing tandem lesions, leaving behind a single DHU at either the 3′- or 5′-terminus of the cleaved fragment. On the other hand, yeast yNtg2p can remove DHU remaining on the 5′-terminus of the 3′ cleaved fragment, but is unable to remove DHU remaining on the 3′-terminus of the cleaved 5′ fragment. In contrast, both human endonuclease III and E.coli endonuclease VIII can remove DHU remaining on the 3′-terminus of a cleaved 5′ fragment, but are unable to remove DHU remaining on the 5′-terminus of a cleaved 3′ fragment. Tandem lesions are known to be generated by ionizing radiation and agents that generate reactive oxygen species. The fact that these repair glycosylases have only a limited ability to remove the DHU remaining at the terminus suggests that participation of other repair enzymes is required for the complete removal of tandem lesions before repair synthesis can be efficiently performed by DNA polymerase.


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The objective of this study was to elucidate the role of the proteasome pathway or multicatalytic proteinase complex in the induction of immunologic nitric oxide (NO) synthase (iNOS) in rat alveolar macrophages activated by lipopolysaccharide. Macrophages were incubated in the presence of lipopolysaccharide plus test agent for up to 24 hr. Culture media were analyzed for accumulation of stable oxidation products of NO (NO2- + N03-, designated as NOX-), cellular RNA was extracted for determination of iNOS mRNA levels by Northern blot analysis, and nuclear extracts were prepared for determination of NF-kappa B by electrophoretic mobility-shift assay. Inhibitors of calpain (alpha-N-acetyl-Leu-Leu-norleucinal; N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Leu-leucinal) and the proteasome (N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Ile-Glu-(O-t-Bu)-Ala-leucinal) markedly inhibited or abolished the induction of iNOS in macrophages. The proteinase inhibitors interfered with lipopolysaccharide-induced NOX- production by macrophages, and this effect was accompanied by comparable interference with the appearance of both iNOS mRNA and NF-kappa B. Calpain inhibitors elicited effects at concentrations of 1-100 microM, whereas the proteasome inhibitor was 1000-fold more potent, producing significant inhibitory effects at 1 nM. The present findings indicate that the proteasome pathway is essential for lipopolysaccharide-induced expression of the iNOS gene in rat alveolar macrophages. Furthermore, the data support the view that the proteasome pathway is directly involved in promoting the activation of NF-kappa B and that the induction of iNOS by lipopolysaccharide involves the transcriptional action of NF-kappaB.


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Glucose and other reducing sugars react with proteins by a nonenzymatic, posttranslational modification process called nonenzymatic glycation. The formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) on connective tissue and matrix components accounts largely for the increase in collagen crosslinking that accompanies normal aging and which occurs at an accelerated rate in diabetes, leading to an increase in arterial stiffness. A new class of AGE crosslink “breakers” reacts with and cleaves these covalent, AGE-derived protein crosslinks. Treatment of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes with the AGE-breaker ALT-711 for 1–3 weeks reversed the diabetes-induced increase of large artery stiffness as measured by systemic arterial compliance, aortic impedance, and carotid artery compliance and distensibility. These findings will have considerable implications for the treatment of patients with diabetes-related complications and aging.


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Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are thought to contribute to the abnormal lipoprotein profiles and increased risk of cardiovascular disease of patients with diabetes and renal failure, in part by preventing apolipoprotein B (apoB)-mediated cellular uptake of low density lipoproteins (LDL) by LDL receptors (LDLr). It has been proposed that AGE modification at one site in apoB, almost 1,800 residues from the putative apoB LDLr-binding domain, may be sufficient to induce an apoB conformational change that prevents binding to the LDLr. To further explore this hypothesis, we used 29 anti-human apoB mAbs to identify other potential sites on apoB that may be modified by in vitro advanced glycation of LDL. Glycation of LDL caused a time-dependent decrease in its ability to bind to the LDLr and in the immunoreactivity of six distinct apoB epitopes, including two that flank the apoB LDLr-binding domain. ApoB appears to be modified at multiple sites by these criteria, as the loss of glycation-sensitive epitopes was detected on both native glycated LDL and denatured, delipidated glycated apoB. Moreover, residues directly within the putative apoB LDLr-binding site are not apparently modified in glycated LDL. We propose that the inability of LDL modified by AGEs to bind to the LDLr is caused by modification of residues adjacent to the putative LDLr-binding site that were undetected by previous immunochemical studies. AGE modification either eliminates the direct participation of the residues in LDLr binding or indirectly alters the conformation of the apoB LDLr-binding site.


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beta-2-Microglobulin (beta-2m) is a major constituent of amyloid fibrils in patients with dialysis-related amyloidosis (DRA). Recently, we found that the pigmented and fluorescent adducts formed nonenzymatically between sugar and protein, known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs), were present in beta-2m-containing amyloid fibrils, suggesting the possible involvement of AGE-modified beta-2m in bone and joint destruction in DRA. As an extension of our search for the native structure of AGEs in beta-2m of patients with DRA, the present study focused on pentosidine, a fluorescent cross-linked glycoxidation product. Determination by both HPLC assay and competitive ELISA demonstrated a significant amount of pentosidine in amyloid-fibril beta-2m from long-term hemodialysis patients with DRA, and the acidic isoform of beta-2m in the serum and urine of hemodialysis patients. A further immunohistochemical study revealed the positive immunostaining for pentosidine and immunoreactive AGEs and beta-2m in macrophage-infiltrated amyloid deposits of long-term hemodialysis patients with DRA. These findings implicate a potential link of glycoxidation products in long-lived beta-2m-containing amyloid fibrils to the pathogenesis of DRA.


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Epidemiological studies suggest that there is a beneficial effect of moderate ethanol consumption on the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Ethanol is metabolized to acetaldehyde, a two-carbon carbonyl compound that can react with nucleophiles to form covalent addition products. We have identified a biochemical modification produced by the reaction of acetaldehyde with protein-bound Amadori products. Amadori products typically arise from the nonenzymatic addition of reducing sugars (such as glucose) to protein amino groups and are the precursors to irreversibly bound, crosslinking moieties called advanced glycation endproducts, or AGEs. AGEs accumulate over time on plasma lipoproteins and vascular wall components and play an important role in the development of diabetes- and age-related cardiovascular disease. The attachment of acetaldehyde to a model Amadori product produces a chemically stabilized complex that cannot rearrange and progress to AGE formation. We tested the role of this reaction in preventing AGE formation in vivo by administering ethanol to diabetic rats, which normally exhibit increased AGE formation and high circulating levels of the hemoglobin Amadori product, HbA1c, and the hemoglobin AGE product, Hb-AGE. In this model study, diabetic rats fed an ethanol diet for 4 weeks showed a 52% decrease in Hb-AGE when compared with diabetic controls (P < 0.001). Circulating levels of HbA1c were unaffected by ethanol, pointing to the specificity of the acetaldehyde reaction for the post-Amadori, advanced glycation process. These data suggest a possible mechanism for the so-called “French paradox,” (the cardioprotection conferred by moderate ethanol ingestion) and may offer new strategies for inhibiting advanced glycation.


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Smokers have a significantly higher risk for developing coronary and cerebrovascular disease than nonsmokers. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are reactive, cross-linking moieties that form from the reaction of reducing sugars and the amino groups of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. AGEs circulate in high concentrations in the plasma of patients with diabetes or renal insufficiency and have been linked to the accelerated vasculopathy seen in patients with these diseases. Because the curing of tobacco takes place under conditions that could lead to the formation of glycation products, we examined whether tobacco and tobacco smoke could generate these reactive species that would increase AGE formation in vivo. Our findings show that reactive glycation products are present in aqueous extracts of tobacco and in tobacco smoke in a form that can rapidly react with proteins to form AGEs. This reaction can be inhibited by aminoguanidine, a known inhibitor of AGE formation. We have named these glycation products “glycotoxins.” Like other known reducing sugars and reactive glycation products, glycotoxins form smoke, react with protein, exhibit a specific fluorescence when cross-linked to proteins, and are mutagenic. Glycotoxins are transferred to the serum proteins of human smokers. AGE-apolipoprotein B and serum AGE levels in cigarette smokers were significantly higher than those in nonsmokers. These results suggest that increased glycotoxin exposure may contribute to the increased incidence of atherosclerosis and high prevalence of cancer in smokers.


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In previous work with soybean (Glycine max), it was reported that the initial product of 3Z-nonenal (NON) oxidation is 4-hydroperoxy-2E-nonenal (4-HPNE). 4-HPNE can be converted to 4-hydroxy-2E-nonenal by a hydroperoxide-dependent peroxygenase. In the present work we have attempted to purify the 4-HPNE-producing oxygenase from soybean seed. Chromatography on various supports had shown that O2 uptake with NON substrate consistently coincided with lipoxygenase (LOX)-1 activity. Compared with oxidation of LOX's preferred substrate, linoleic acid, the activity with NON was about 400- to 1000-fold less. Rather than obtaining the expected 4-HPNE, 4-oxo-2E-nonenal was the principal product of NON oxidation, presumably arising from the enzyme-generated alkoxyl radical of 4-HPNE. In further work a precipitous drop in activity was noted upon dilution of LOX-1 concentration; however, activity could be enhanced by spiking the reaction with 13S-hydroperoxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid. Under these conditions the principal product of NON oxidation shifted to the expected 4-HPNE. 4-HPNE was demonstrated to be 83% of the 4S-hydroperoxy-stereoisomer. Therefore, LOX-1 is also a 3Z-alkenal oxygenase, and it exerts the same stereospecificity of oxidation as it does with polyunsaturated fatty acids. Two other LOX isozymes of soybean seed were also found to oxidize NON to 4-HPNE with an excess of 4S-hydroperoxy-stereoisomer.