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We have identified a novel Ras-interacting protein from Dictyostelium, RIP3, whose function is required for both chemotaxis and the synthesis and relay of the cyclic AMP (cAMP) chemoattractant signal. rip3 null cells are unable to aggregate and lack receptor activation of adenylyl cyclase but are able, in response to cAMP, to induce aggregation-stage, postaggregative, and cell-type-specific gene expression in suspension culture. In addition, rip3 null cells are unable to properly polarize in a cAMP gradient and chemotaxis is highly impaired. We demonstrate that cAMP stimulation of guanylyl cyclase, which is required for chemotaxis, is reduced ∼60% in rip3 null cells. This reduced activation of guanylyl cyclase may account, in part, for the defect in chemotaxis. When cells are pulsed with cAMP for 5 h to mimic the endogenous cAMP oscillations that occur in wild-type strains, the cells will form aggregates, most of which, however, arrest at the mound stage. Unlike the response seen in wild-type strains, the rip3 null cell aggregates that form under these experimental conditions are very small, which is probably due to the rip3 null cell chemotaxis defect. Many of the phenotypes of the rip3 null cell, including the inability to activate adenylyl cyclase in response to cAMP and defects in chemotaxis, are very similar to those of strains carrying a disruption of the gene encoding the putative Ras exchange factor AleA. We demonstrate that aleA null cells also exhibit a defect in cAMP-mediated activation of guanylyl cyclase similar to that of rip3 null cells. A double-knockout mutant (rip3/aleA null cells) exhibits a further reduction in receptor activation of guanylyl cyclase, and these cells display almost no cell polarization or movement in cAMP gradients. As RIP3 preferentially interacts with an activated form of the Dictyostelium Ras protein RasG, which itself is important for cell movement, we propose that RIP3 and AleA are components of a Ras-regulated pathway involved in integrating chemotaxis and signal relay pathways that are essential for aggregation.


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DNA sequencing, RNA mapping, and protein expression experiments revealed the presence of a gene, tfoX+, encoding a 24.9-kDa polypeptide, that is transcribed divergently from a common promoter region with the Haemophilus influenzae rec-1+ gene. H. influenzae strains mutant for tfoX failed to bind transforming DNA and were transformation deficient. Primer extension experiments utilizing in vivo total RNA from precompetent and competent H. influenzae cells demonstrated that transcription of tfoX+ increased immediately upon competence induction, suggesting that tfoX+ is an early competence gene. Similar experiments showed that the expression of the late competence-specific gene, com101A+, was tfoX+ dependent. Moreover, expression of plasmid-borne tfoX+ in H. influenzae resulted in constitutive competence. The addition of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) to strains carrying a tfoX::lacZ operon fusion resulted in an immediate increase in beta-galactosidase activity that correlated with an increase in genetic transformability. Collectively, our results suggest that TfoX may play a key role in the development of genetic competence by regulating the expression of late competence-specific genes.


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Adenosine released during cardiac ischemia exerts a potent, protective effect in the heart. A newly recognized adenosine receptor, the A3 subtype, is expressed on the cardiac ventricular cell, and its activation protects the ventricular heart cell against injury during a subsequent exposure to ischemia. A cultured chicken ventricular myocyte model was used to investigate the cardioprotective role of a novel adenosine A3 receptor. The protection mediated by prior activation of A3 receptors exhibits a significantly longer duration than that produced by activation of the adenosine A1 receptor. Prior exposure of the myocytes to brief ischemia also protected them against injury sustained during a subsequent exposure to prolonged ischemia. The adenosine A3 receptor-selective antagonist 3-ethyl 5-benzyl-2-methyl-6-phenyl-4-phenylethynyl-1,4-(±)-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate (MRS1191) caused a biphasic inhibition of the protective effect of the brief ischemia. The concomitant presence of the A1 receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX) converted the MRS1191-induced dose inhibition curve to a monophasic one. The combined presence of both antagonists abolished the protective effect induced by the brief ischemia. Thus, activation of both A1 and A3 receptors is required to mediate the cardioprotective effect of the brief ischemia. Cardiac atrial cells lack native A3 receptors and exhibit a shorter duration of cardioprotection than do ventricular cells. Transfection of atrial cells with cDNA encoding the human adenosine A3 receptor causes a sustained A3 agonist-mediated cardioprotection. The study indicates that cardiac adenosine A3 receptor mediates a sustained cardioprotective function and represents a new cardiac therapeutic target.


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Adenosine has been identified in the anterior pituitary gland and is secreted from cultured folliculostellate (FS) cells. To determine whether adenosine controls the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones in vitro, adenosine was incubated with anterior pituitaries. It stimulated prolactin (PRL) release at the lowest concentration used (10−10 M); the stimulation peaked at 10−8 M with a threefold increase in release and declined to minimal stimulation at 10−4 and 10−3 M. Follicle-stimulating hormone release was maximally inhibited at 10−8 M, whereas luteinizing hormone release was not significantly inhibited. Two selective A1 adenosine receptor antagonists (10−7 or 10−5 M) had no effect on basal PRL release, but either antagonist completely blocked the response to the most effective concentration of adenosine (10−8 M). In contrast, a highly specific A2 receptor antagonist (10−7 or 10−5 M) had no effect on basal PRL release or the stimulation of PRL release induced by adenosine (10−8 M). We conclude that adenosine acts to stimulate PRL release in vitro by activating A1 receptors. Since the A1 receptors decrease intracellular-free calcium, this would decrease the activation of nitric oxide synthase in the FS cells, resulting in decreased release of nitric oxide (NO). NO inhibits PRL release by activating guanylate cyclase that synthesizes cGMP from GTP; cGMP concentrations increase in the lactotrophs leading to inhibition of PRL release. In the case of adenosine, NO release from the FS cells decreases, resulting in decreased concentrations of NO in the lactotrophs, consequent decreased cGMP formation, and resultant increased PRL release.


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Editing of RNA changes the read-out of information from DNA by altering the nucleotide sequence of a transcript. One type of RNA editing found in all metazoans uses double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) as a substrate and results in the deamination of adenosine to give inosine, which is translated as guanosine. Editing thus allows variant proteins to be produced from a single pre-mRNA. A mechanism by which dsRNA substrates form is through pairing of intronic and exonic sequences before the removal of noncoding sequences by splicing. Here we report that the RNA editing enzyme, human dsRNA adenosine deaminase (DRADA1, or ADAR1) contains a domain (Zα) that binds specifically to the left-handed Z-DNA conformation with high affinity (KD = 4 nM). As formation of Z-DNA in vivo occurs 5′ to, or behind, a moving RNA polymerase during transcription, recognition of Z-DNA by DRADA1 provides a plausible mechanism by which DRADA1 can be targeted to a nascent RNA so that editing occurs before splicing. Analysis of sequences related to Zα has allowed identification of motifs common to this class of nucleic acid binding domain.


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We previously reported the presence of a novel variant (β-T594M) of the amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel (ASSC) in which the threonine residue at position 594 in the β-subunit has been replaced by a methionine residue. Electrophysiological studies of the ASSC on Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)-transformed lymphocytes carrying this variant showed that the 8-(4-chlorophenylthio) adenosine 3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate (8cpt-cAMP)-induced responses were enhanced when compared to wild-type EBV-transformed lymphocytes. Furthermore, in wild-type EBV-transformed cells, the 8cpt-cAMP-induced response was totally blocked by the phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). This inhibitory effect of PMA was blocked by a protein kinase C inhibitor, chelerythrine. We now have identified individuals who are homozygous for this variant, and showed that PMA had no effect on the 8cpt-cAMP-induced responses in the EBV-transformed lymphocytes from such individuals. Cells heterozygous for this variant showed mixed responses to PMA, with the majority of cells partially inhibited by PMA. Our results demonstrate that an alteration in a single amino acid residue in the β-subunit of the ASSC can lead to a total loss of inhibition to PMA, and establish the β-subunit as having an important role in conferring a regulatory effect on the ASSC of lymphocytes.


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We have studied the effect of the cholinergic agonist carbachol on the spontaneous release of glutamate in cultured rat hippocampal cells. Spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) through glutamatergic α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-type channels were recorded by means of the patch-clamp technique. Carbachol increased the frequency of sEPSCs in a concentration-dependent manner. The kinetic properties of the sEPSCs and the amplitude distribution histograms were not affected by carbachol, arguing for a presynaptic site of action. This was confirmed by measuring the turnover of the synaptic vesicular pool by means of the fluorescent dye FM 1–43. The carbachol-induced increase in sEPSC frequency was not mimicked by nicotine, but could be blocked by atropine or by pirenzepine, a muscarinic cholinergic receptor subtype M1 antagonist. Intracellular Ca2+ signals recorded with the fluorescent probe Fluo-3 indicated that carbachol transiently increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Since, however, carbachol still enhanced the sEPSC frequency in bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetra-acetate-loaded cells, this effect could not be attributed to the rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration. On the other hand, the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine as well as a down-regulation of protein kinase C by prolonged treatment of the cells with 4β-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate inhibited the carbachol effect. This argues for an involvement of protein kinase C in presynaptic regulation of spontaneous glutamate release. Adenosine, which inhibits synaptic transmission, suppressed the carbachol-induced stimulation of sEPSCs by a G protein-dependent mechanism activated by presynaptic A1-receptors.


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In plants, the biosynthesis of isopentenyl diphosphate, the central precursor of all isoprenoids, proceeds via two separate pathways. The cytosolic compartment harbors the mevalonate pathway, whereas the newly discovered deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate pathway, which also operates in certain eubacteria, including Escherichia coli, is localized to plastids. Only the first two steps of the plastidial pathway, which involve the condensation of pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate followed by intramolecular rearrangement and reduction to 2-C-methylerythritol 4-phosphate, have been established. Here we report the cloning from peppermint (Mentha × piperita) and E. coli, and expression, of a kinase that catalyzes the phosphorylation of isopentenyl monophosphate as the last step of this biosynthetic sequence to isopentenyl diphosphate. The plant gene defines an ORF of 1,218 bp that, when the proposed plastidial targeting sequence is excluded, corresponds to ≈308 aa with a mature size of ≈33 kDa. The E. coli gene (ychB), which is located at 27.2 min of the chromosomal map, consists of 852 nt, encoding a deduced enzyme of 283 aa with a size of 31 kDa. These enzymes represent a conserved class of the GHMP family of kinases, which includes galactokinase, homoserine kinase, mevalonate kinase, and phosphomevalonate kinase, with homologues in plants and several eubacteria. Besides the preferred substrate isopentenyl monophosphate, the recombinant peppermint and E. coli kinases also phosphorylate isopentenol, and, much less efficiently, dimethylallyl alcohol, but dimethylallyl monophosphate does not serve as a substrate. Incubation of secretory cells isolated from peppermint glandular trichomes with isopentenyl monophosphate resulted in the rapid production of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, confirming that isopentenyl monophosphate is the physiologically relevant, terminal intermediate of the deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate pathway.


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The crystal structures of Escherichia coli thymidylate kinase (TmpK) in complex with P1-(5′-adenosyl)-P5-(5′-thymidyl)pentaphosphate and P1-(5′-adenosyl)P5-[5′-(3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine)] pentaphosphate have been solved to 2.0-Å and 2.2-Å resolution, respectively. The overall structure of the bacterial TmpK is very similar to that of yeast TmpK. In contrast to the human and yeast TmpKs, which phosphorylate 3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine 5′-monophosphate (AZT-MP) at a 200-fold reduced turnover number (kcat) in comparison to the physiological substrate dTMP, reduction of kcat is only 2-fold for the bacterial enzyme. The different kinetic properties toward AZT-MP between the eukaryotic TmpKs and E. coli TmpK can be rationalized by the different ways in which these enzymes stabilize the presumed transition state and the different manner in which a carboxylic acid side chain in the P loop interacts with the deoxyribose of the monophosphate. Yeast TmpK interacts with the 3′-hydroxyl of dTMP through Asp-14 of the P loop in a bidentate manner: binding of AZT-MP results in a shift of the P loop to accommodate the larger substituent. In E. coli TmpK, the corresponding residue is Glu-12, and it interacts in a side-on fashion with the 3′-hydroxyl of dTMP. This different mode of interaction between the P loop carboxylic acid with the 3′ substituent of the monophosphate deoxyribose allows the accommodation of an azido group in the case of the E. coli enzyme without significant P loop movement. In addition, although the yeast enzyme uses Arg-15 (a glycine in E. coli) to stabilize the transition state, E. coli seems to use Arg-153 from a region termed Lid instead. Thus, the binding of AZT-MP to the yeast TmpK results in the shift of a catalytic residue, which is not the case for the bacterial kinase.


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Amyloid plaques in Alzheimer disease are primarily aggregates of Aβ peptides that are derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Neurotransmitter agonists that activate phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis and protein kinase C stimulate APP processing and generate soluble, non-amyloidogenic APP (APPs). Elevations in cAMP oppose this stimulatory effect and lead to the accumulation of cell-associated APP holoprotein containing amyloidogenic Aβ peptides. We now report that cAMP signaling can also increase cellular levels of APP holoprotein by stimulating APP gene expression in astrocytes. Treatment of astrocytes with norepinephrine or isoproterenol for 24 h increased both APP mRNA and holoprotein levels, and these increases were blocked by the β-adrenergic antagonist propranolol. Treatment with 8-bromo-adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate or forskolin for 24 h similarly increased APP holoprotein levels; astrocytes were also transformed into process-bearing cells expressing increased amounts of glial fibrillary acidic protein, suggesting that these cells resemble reactive astrocytes. The increases in APP mRNA and holoprotein in astrocytes caused by cAMP stimulation were inhibited by the immunosuppressant cyclosporin A. Our study suggests that APP overexpression by reactive astrocytes during neuronal injury may contribute to Alzheimer disease neuropathology, and that immunosuppressants can inhibit cAMP activation of APP gene transcription.


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We have proposed that reduced activity of inosine-5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPD; IMP:NAD oxidoreductase, EC, the rate-limiting enzyme for guanine nucleotide biosynthesis, in response to wild-type p53 expression, is essential for p53-dependent growth suppression. A gene transfer strategy was used to demonstrate that under physiological conditions constitutive IMPD expression prevents p53-dependent growth suppression. In these studies, expression of bax and waf1, genes implicated in p53-dependent growth suppression in response to DNA damage, remains elevated in response to p53. These findings indicate that under physiological conditions IMPD is a rate-determining factor for p53-dependent growth regulation. In addition, they suggest that the impd gene may be epistatic to bax and waf1 in growth suppression. Because of the role of IMPD in the production and balance of GTP and ATP, essential nucleotides for signal transduction, these results suggest that p53 controls cell division signals by regulating purine ribonucleotide metabolism.


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In neutrophils activated to secrete with formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, intermediate filaments are phosphorylated transiently by cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-dependent protein kinase (G-kinase). cGMP regulation of vimentin organization was investigated. During granule secretion, cGMP levels were elevated and intermediate filaments were transiently assembled at the pericortex to areas devoid of granules and microfilaments. Microtubule and microfilament inhibitors affected intermediate filament organization, granule secretion, and cGMP levels. Cytochalasin D and nocodazole caused intermediate filaments to assemble at the nucleus, rather than at the pericortex. cGMP levels were elevated in neutrophils by both inhibitors; however, with cytochalasin D, cGMP was elevated earlier and granule secretion was excessive. Nocodazole did not affect normal cGMP elevations, but specific granule secretion was delayed. LY83583, a guanylyl cyclase antagonist, inhibited granule secretion and intermediate filament organization, but not microtubule or microfilament organization. Intermediate filament assembly at the pericortex and secretion were partially restored by 8-bromo-cGMP in LY83583-treated neutrophils, suggesting that cGMP regulates these functions. G-kinase directly induced intermediate filament assembly in situ, and protein phosphatase 1 disassembled filaments. However, in intact cells stimulated with formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, intermediate filament assembly is focal and transient, suggesting that vimentin phosphorylation is compartmentalized. We propose that, in addition to changes in microfilament and microtubule organization, granule secretion is also accompanied by changes in intermediate filament organization, and that cGMP regulates vimentin filament organization via activation of G-kinase.


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A network of interacting proteins has been found that can account for the spontaneous oscillations in adenylyl cyclase activity that are observed in homogenous populations of Dictyostelium cells 4 h after the initiation of development. Previous biochemical assays have shown that when extracellular adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) binds to the surface receptor CAR1, adenylyl cyclase and the MAP kinase ERK2 are transiently activated. A rise in the internal concentration of cAMP activates protein kinase A such that it inhibits ERK2 and leads to a loss-of-ligand binding by CAR1. ERK2 phosphorylates the cAMP phosphodiesterase REG A that reduces the internal concentration of cAMP. A secreted phosphodiesterase reduces external cAMP concentrations between pulses. Numerical solutions to a series of nonlinear differential equations describing these activities faithfully account for the observed periodic changes in cAMP. The activity of each of the components is necessary for the network to generate oscillatory behavior; however, the model is robust in that 25-fold changes in the kinetic constants linking the activities have only minor effects on the predicted frequency. Moreover, constant high levels of external cAMP lead to attenuation, whereas a brief pulse of cAMP can advance or delay the phase such that interacting cells become entrained.


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Dopamine D1, dopamine D2, and adenosine A2A receptors are highly expressed in striatal medium-sized spiny neurons. We have examined, in vivo, the influence of these receptors on the state of phosphorylation of the dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein of 32 kDa (DARPP-32). DARPP-32 is a potent endogenous inhibitor of protein phosphatase-1, which plays an obligatory role in dopaminergic transmission. A dose-dependent increase in the state of phosphorylation of DARPP-32 occurred in mouse striatum after systemic administration of the D2 receptor antagonist eticlopride (0.1–2.0 mg/kg). This effect was abolished in mice in which the gene coding for the adenosine A2A receptor was disrupted by homologous recombination. A reduction was also observed in mice that had been pretreated with the selective A2A receptor antagonist SCH 58261 (10 mg/kg). The eticlopride-induced increase in DARPP-32 phosphorylation was also decreased by pretreatment with the D1 receptor antagonist SCH 23390 (0.125 and 0.25 mg/kg) and completely reversed by combined pretreatment with SCH 23390 (0.25 mg/kg) plus SCH 58261 (10 mg/kg). SCH 23390, but not SCH 58261, abolished the increase in DARPP-32 caused by cocaine (15 mg/kg). The results indicate that, in vivo, the state of phosphorylation of DARPP-32 and, by implication, the activity of protein phosphatase-1 are regulated by tonic activation of D1, D2, and A2A receptors. The results also underscore the fact that the adenosine system plays a role in the generation of responses to dopamine D2 antagonists in vivo.


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The antiinflammatory action of aspirin generally has been attributed to direct inhibition of cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2), but additional mechanisms are likely at work. These include aspirin’s inhibition of NFκB translocation to the nucleus as well as the capacity of salicylates to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation (i.e., deplete ATP). At clinically relevant doses, salicylates cause cells to release micromolar concentrations of adenosine, which serves as an endogenous ligand for at least four different types of well-characterized receptors. Previously, we have shown that adenosine mediates the antiinflammatory effects of other potent and widely used antiinflammatory agents, methotrexate and sulfasalazine, both in vitro and in vivo. To determine in vivo whether clinically relevant levels of salicylate act via adenosine, via NFκB, or via the “inflammatory” cyclooxygenase COX-2, we studied acute inflammation in the generic murine air-pouch model by using wild-type mice and mice rendered deficient in either COX-2 or p105, the precursor of p50, one of the components of the multimeric transcription factor NFκB. Here, we show that the antiinflammatory effects of aspirin and sodium salicylate, but not glucocorticoids, are largely mediated by the antiinflammatory autacoid adenosine independently of inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by COX-1 or COX-2 or of the presence of p105. Indeed, both inflammation and the antiinflammatory effects of aspirin and sodium salicylate were independent of the levels of prostaglandins at the inflammatory site. These experiments also provide in vivo confirmation that the antiinflammatory effects of glucocorticoids depend, in part, on the p105 component of NFκB.