7 resultados para 750301 The distribution of wealth

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The global distribution of the human population by elevation is quantified here. As of 1994, an estimated 1.88 × 109 people, or 33.5% of the world’s population, lived within 100 vertical meters of sea level, but only 15.6% of all inhabited land lies below 100 m elevation. The median person lived at an elevation of 194 m above sea level. Numbers of people decreased faster than exponentially with increasing elevation. The integrated population density (IPD, the number of people divided by the land area) within 100 vertical meters of sea level was significantly larger than that of any other range of elevations and represented far more people. A significant percentage of the low-elevation population lived at moderate population densities rather than at the highest densities of central large cities. Assessments of coastal hazards that focus only on large cities may substantially underestimate the number of people who could be affected.


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Observations in reconstituted systems and transfected cells indicate that G-protein receptor kinases (GRKs) and β-arrestins mediate desensitization and endocytosis of G-protein–coupled receptors. Little is known about receptor regulation in neurons. Therefore, we examined the effects of the neurotransmitter substance P (SP) on desensitization of the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1-R) and on the subcellular distribution of NK1-R, Gαq/11, GRK-2 and -3, and β-arrestin-1 and -2 in cultured myenteric neurons. NK1-R was coexpressed with immunoreactive Gαq/11, GRK-2 and -3, and β-arrestin-1 and -2 in a subpopulation of neurons. SP caused 1) rapid NK1-R–mediated increase in [Ca2+]i, which was transient and desensitized to repeated stimulation; 2) internalization of the NK1-R into early endosomes containing SP; and 3) rapid and transient redistribution of β-arrestin-1 and -2 from the cytosol to the plasma membrane, followed by a striking redistribution of β-arrestin-1 and -2 to endosomes containing the NK1-R and SP. In SP-treated neurons Gαq/11 remained at the plasma membrane, and GRK-2 and -3 remained in centrally located and superficial vesicles. Thus, SP induces desensitization and endocytosis of the NK1-R in neurons that may be mediated by GRK-2 and -3 and β-arrestin-1 and -2. This regulation will determine whether NK1-R–expressing neurons participate in functionally important reflexes.


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The periodic distribution of residues in the sequence of 469 putative transmembrane alpha-helices from eukaryotic plasma membrane polytopic proteins has been analyzed with correlation matrices. The method does not involve any a priori assumption about the secondary structure of the segments or about the physicochemical properties of individual amino acid residues. Maximal correlation is observed at 3.6 residues per period, characteristic of alpha-helices. A scale extracted from the data describes the propensity of the various residues to lie on the same or on opposite helix faces. The most polar face of transmembrane helices, presumably that buried in the protein core, shows a strong enrichment in aromatic residues, while residues likely to face the fatty acyl chains of lipids are largely aliphatic.


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Imaging of H217O has a number of important applications. Mapping the distribution of H217O produced by oxidative metabolism of 17O-enriched oxygen gas may lead to a new method of metabolic functional imaging; regional cerebral blood flow also can be measured by measuring the H217O distribution after the injection of 17O-enriched physiological saline solution. Previous studies have proposed a method for indirect detection of 17O. The method is based on the shortening of the proton T2 in H217O solutions, caused by the residual 17O-1H scalar coupling and transferred to the bulk water via fast chemical exchange. It has been shown that the proton T2 of H217O solutions can be restored to that of H216O by irradiating the resonance frequency of the 17O nucleus. The indirect 17O image thus is obtained by taking the difference between two T2-weighted spin-echo images: one acquired after irradiation of the 17O resonance and one acquired without irradiation. It also has been established that, at relatively low concentrations of H217O, the indirect method yields an image that quantitatively reflects the H217O distribution in the sample. The method is referred to as PRIMO (proton imaging of oxygen). In this work, we show in vivo proton images of the H217O distribution in a rat brain after an i.v. injection of H217O-enriched physiological saline solution. Implementing the indirect detection method in an echo-planar imaging sequence enabled obtaining H217O images with good spatial and temporal resolution of few seconds.


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The nucleus of spermatocytes provides during the first meiotic prophase an interesting model for investigating relationships of the nuclear envelope (NE) with components of the nuclear interior. During the pachytene stage, meiotic chromosomes are synapsed via synaptonemal complexes (SCs) and attached through both ends to the nuclear periphery. This association is dynamic because chromosomes move during the process of synapsis and desynapsis that takes place during meiotic prophase. The NE of spermatocytes possesses some peculiarities (e.g., lower stability than in somatic cells, expression of short meiosis-specific lamin isoforms called C2 and B3) that could be critically involved in this process. For better understanding of the association of chromosomes with the nuclear periphery, in the present study we have investigated the distribution of NE proteins in relation to SC attachment sites. A major outcome was the finding that lamin C2 is distributed in the form of discontinuous domains at the NE of spermatocytes and that SC attachment sites are embedded in these domains. Lamin C2 appears to form part of larger structures as suggested by cell fractionation experiments. According to these results, we propose that the C2-containing domains represent local reinforcements of the NE that are involved in the proper attachment of SCs.


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To investigate the distribution of lipids through the Golgi complex, we analyzed the envelopes of several viruses that assemble in different subcompartments of the Golgi, as well as subcellular fractions. Our results indicate that each Golgi subcompartment has a distinct phospholipid composition due mainly to differences in the relative amounts of semilysobisphosphatidic acid (SLBPA), sphingomyelin, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidylinositol. Interestingly, SLBPA is enriched in the adjacent Golgi networks compared with the Golgi stack, and this enrichment varies with cell type. The heterogeneous distribution of SLBPA through the Golgi complex suggests it may play an important role in the structure and/or function of this organelle.


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Myosins I, a ubiquitous monomeric class of myosins that exhibits actin-based motor properties, are associated with plasma and/or vesicular membranes and have been suggested as players for trafficking events between cell surface and intracellular membranous structures. To investigate the function of myosins 1, we have transfected a mouse hepatoma cell line (BWTG3) with cDNAs encoding the chicken brush border myosin-I (BBMI) and two variants truncated in the motor domain. One variant is deleted of the first 446 amino acids and thereby lacks the ATP binding site, whereas the other is deleted of the entire motor domain and lacks the ATP and actin binding sites. We have observed (i) that significant amounts of the truncated variants are recovered with membrane fractions after cell fractionation, (ii) that they codistribute with a compartment containing alpha2-macroglobulin internalized for 30 min as determined by fluorescent microscopy, (iii) that the production of BBMI-truncated variants impairs the distribution of the acidic compartment and ligands internalized for 30 min, and (iv) that the production of the truncated variant containing the actin binding site decreases the rate of alpha2-macroglobulin degradation whereas the production of the variant lacking the ATP binding site and the actin binding site increases the rate of a2-macroglobulin degradation. These observations indicate that the two truncated variants have a dominant negative effect on the distribution and the function of the endocytic compartments. We propose that an unidentified myosin-I might contribute to the distribution of endocytic compartments in a juxtanuclear position and/or to the regulation of the delivery of ligands to the degradative compartment in BWTG3 cells.