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The gene encoding 2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine-5-carboxylic acid oxygenase (MHPCO; EC was cloned by using an oligonucleotide probe corresponding to the N terminus of the enzyme to screen a DNA library of Pseudomonas sp. MA-1. The gene encodes for a protein of 379 amino acid residues corresponding to a molecular mass of 41.7 kDa, the same as that previously estimated for MHPCO. MHPCO was expressed in Escherichia coli and found to have the same properties as the native enzyme from Pseudomonas sp. MA-1. This study shows that MHPCO is a homotetrameric protein with one flavin adenine dinucleotide bound per subunit. Sequence comparison of the enzyme with other hydroxylases reveals regions that are conserved among aromatic flavoprotein hydroxylases.


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An allele of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase gene (Md-ACS1), the transcript and translated product of which have been identified in ripening apples (Malus domestica), was isolated from a genomic library of the apple cultivar, Golden Delicious. The predicted coding region of this allele (ACS1-2) showed that seven nucleotide substitutions in the corresponding region of ACS1-1 resulted in just one amino acid transition. A 162-bp sequence characterized as a short interspersed repetitive element retrotransposon was inserted in the 5′-flanking region of ACS1-2 corresponding to position −781 in ACS1-1. The XhoI site located near the 3′ end of the predicted coding region of ACS1-2 was absent from the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction product, revealing that exclusive transcription from ACS1-1 occurs during ripening of cv Golden Delicious fruit. DNA gel-blot and polymerase chain reaction analyses of genomic DNAs showed clearly that apple cultivars were either heterozygous for ACS1-1 and ACS1-2 or homozygous for each type. RNA gel-blot analysis of the ACS1-2 homozygous Fuji apple, which produces little ethylene and has a long storage life, demonstrated that the level of transcription from ACS1-2 during the ripening stage was very low.


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Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller) fruit discs fed with [2,3-14C]1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) formed 1-malonyl-ACC (MACC) as the major conjugate of ACC in fruit throughout all ripening stages, from immature-green through the red-ripe stage. Another conjugate of ACC, γ-glutamyl-ACC (GACC), was formed only in mature-green fruit in an amount about 10% of that of MACC; conjugation of ACC into GACC was not detected in fruits at other ripening stages. No GACC formation was observed from etiolated mung bean (Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek) hypocotyls, etiolated common vetch (Vicia sativum L.) epicotyls, or pea (Pisum sativum L.) root tips, etiolated epicotyls, and green stem tissue, where active conversion of ACC into MACC was observed. GACC was, however, formed in vitro in extracts from fruit of all ripening stages. GACC formation in an extract from red fruit at pH 7.15 was only about 3% of that at pH 8.0, the pH at which most assays were run. Our present in vivo data support the previous contention that MACC is the major conjugate of ACC in plant tissues, whereas GACC is a minor, if any, conjugate of ACC. Thus, our data do not support the proposal that GACC formation could be more important than MACC formation in tomato fruit.


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In extracts of immature soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) seeds inositol tetrakisphosphate was formed from [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate but not from [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase was purified to a specific activity of 3.55 min−1 mg−1 by polyethylenimine clarification and anion-exchange chromatography. The partially purified enzyme converted [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate to inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate as the major product and inositol 1,3,4,6- and/or 1,2,3,4-tetrakisphosphate as the minor product. Subsequent experiments revealed a separate inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 6-kinase activity, which could link these enzymes to inositol hexakisphosphate synthesis via the previously reported inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase. The apparent Km values for inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase were 200 ± 0 nm for inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and 171 ± 4 μm for ATP, and the reaction was not reversible. The kinetics were such that no activity could be detected using unlabeled inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and [γ-32P]ATP, which suggested that other kinases may have been observed when less purified fractions were incubated with radiolabeled ATP. Inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase was nonspecifically inhibited more than 80% by various inositol polyphosphates at a concentration of 100 μm.


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Inositol phosphates are a family of water-soluble intracellular signaling molecules derived from membrane inositol phospholipids. They undergo a variety of complex interconversion pathways, and their levels are dynamically regulated within the cytosol in response to a variety of agonists. Relatively little is known about the biological function of most members of this family, with the exception of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Specifically, the biological functions of inositol tetrakisphosphates are largely obscure. In this paper, we report that D-myo-inositol 3,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate (D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4) has a direct biphasic (activation/inhibition) effect on an epithelial Ca(2+)-activated chloride channel. The effect of D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 is not mimicked by other inositol tetrakisphosphate isomers, is dependent on the prevailing calcium concentration, and is influenced when channels are phosphorylated by calmodulin kinase II. The predominant effect of D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 on phosphorylated channels is inhibitory at levels of intracellular calcium observed in stimulated cells. Our findings indicate the biological function of a molecule hitherto considered as an "orphan" messenger. They suggest that the molecular target for D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 is a plasma membrane Ca(2+)-activated chloride channel. Regulation of this channel by D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 and Ca2+ may have therapeutic implications for the disease states of both diabetic nephropathy and cystic fibrosis.


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Several inositol-containing compounds play key roles in receptor-mediated cell signaling events. Here, we describe a function for a specific inositol polyphosphate, d-myo-inositol 1,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5,6)P4], that is produced acutely in response to a receptor-independent process. Thus, infection of intestinal epithelial cells with the enteric pathogen Salmonella, but not with other invasive bacteria, induced a multifold increase in Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 levels. To define a specific function of Ins(1,4,5,6)P4, a membrane-permeant, hydrolyzable ester was used to deliver it to the intracellular compartment, where it antagonized epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced inhibition of calcium-mediated chloride (Cl−) secretion (CaMCS) in intestinal epithelia. This EGF function is likely mediated through a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PtdIns3K)-dependent mechanism because the EGF effects are abolished by wortmannin, and three different membrane-permeant esters of the PtdIns3K product phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate mimicked the EGF effect on CaMCS. We further demonstrate that Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 antagonized EGF signaling downstream of PtdIns3K because Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 interfered with the PtdInsP3 effect on CaMCS without affecting PtdIns3K activity. Thus, elevation of Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 in Salmonella-infected epithelia may promote Cl− flux by antagonizing EGF inhibition mediated through PtdIns3K and PtdInsP3.


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Transient global ischemia induces selective delayed cell death, primarily of principal neurons in the hippocampal CA1. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying ischemia-induced cell death are as yet unclear. The present study shows that global ischemia triggers a pronounced and cell-specific reduction in GluR2 [the subunit that limits Ca2+ permeability of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors] in vulnerable CA1 neurons, as evidenced by immunofluorescence of brain sections and Western blot analysis of microdissected hippocampal subfields. At 72 h after ischemia (a time before cell death), virtually all CA1 pyramidal neurons exhibited greatly reduced GluR2 immunolabeling throughout their somata and dendritic processes. GluR2 immunolabeling was unchanged in pyramidal cells of the CA3 and granule cells of the dentate gyrus, regions resistant to ischemia-induced damage. Immunolabeling of the AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 was unchanged in CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus. Western analysis indicated that GluR2 subunit abundance was markedly reduced in CA1 at 60 and 72 h after the ischemic insult; GluR1 abundance was unchanged in all subfields at all times examined. These findings, together with the previous observation of enhanced AMPA-elicited Ca2+ influx in postischemic CA1 neurons, show that functional GluR2-lacking, Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors are expressed in vulnerable neurons before cell death. Thus, the present study provides an important link in the postulated causal chain between global ischemia and delayed death of CA1 pyramidal neurons.


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The Arabidopsis mutants eto1 (ethylene overproducer) and eto3 produce elevated levels of ethylene as etiolated seedlings. Ethylene production in these seedlings peaks at 60 to 96 h, and then declines back to almost wild-type levels. Ethylene overproduction in eto1 and eto3 is limited mainly to etiolated seedlings; light-grown seedlings and various adult tissues produce close to wild-type amounts of ethylene. Several compounds that induce ethylene biosynthesis in wild-type, etiolated seedlings through distinct 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase (ACS) isoforms were found to act synergistically with eto1 and eto3, as did the ethylene-insensitive mutation etr1 (ethylene resistant), which blocks feedback inhibition of biosynthesis. ACS activity, the rate-limiting step of ethylene biosynthesis, was highly elevated in both eto1 and eto3 mutant seedlings, even though RNA gel-blot analysis demonstrated that the steady-state level of ACS mRNA was not increased, including that of a novel Arabidopsis ACS gene that was identified. Measurements of the conversion of ACC to ethylene by intact seedlings indicated that the mutations did not affect conjugation of ACC or the activity of ACC oxidase, the final step of ethylene biosynthesis. Taken together, these data suggest that the eto1 and eto3 mutations elevate ethylene biosynthesis by affecting the posttranscriptional regulation of ACS.


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Single-channel recordings were obtained from Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunit NR1 in combination with NR2A, NR2B, NR2C, or NR2A/NR2B. NMDA-activated currents were recorded under control conditions and in the presence of a thiol reductant (DTT), an oxidant (5,5′-dithio-bis[2-nitrobenzoic acid], DTNB), or the noncompetitive antagonist CP101,606 (CP). For all subunit combinations, DTT increased the frequency of channel opening when compared with DTNB. In addition, channels obtained from NR1/NR2A-transfected cells also exhibited a pronounced difference in mean open dwell-time between redox conditions. CP dramatically reduced both the open dwell-time and frequency of channel opening of NR1/NR2B-containing receptors, but only modestly inhibited NR1/NR2A and NR1/NR2C channel activity. A small number of patches obtained from cells transfected with NR1/NR2A/NR2B had channels with properties intermediate to NR1/NR2A and NR1/NR2B receptors, including insensitivity to CP block but redox properties similar to NR1/NR2B, consistent with the coassembly of NR2A with NR2B. Hence, NMDA receptors containing multiple types of NR2 subunits can have functionally distinguishable attributes.


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Although arsenic is a well-established human carcinogen, the mechanisms by which it induces cancer remain poorly understood. We previously showed arsenite to be a potent mutagen in human–hamster hybrid (AL) cells, and that it induces predominantly multilocus deletions. We show here by confocal scanning microscopy with the fluorescent probe 5′,6′-chloromethyl-2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate that arsenite induces, within 5 min after treatment, a dose-dependent increase of up to 3-fold in intracellular oxyradical production. Concurrent treatment of cells with arsenite and the radical scavenger DMSO reduced the fluorescent intensity to control levels. ESR spectroscopy with 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-hydroxypiperidine (TEMPOL-H) as a probe in conjunction with superoxide dismutase and catalase to quench superoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide, respectively, indicates that arsenite increases the levels of superoxide-driven hydroxyl radicals in these cells. Furthermore, reducing the intracellular levels of nonprotein sulfhydryls (mainly glutathione) in AL cells with buthionine S-R-sulfoximine increases the mutagenic potential of arsenite by more than 5-fold. The data are consistent with our previous results with the radical scavenger DMSO, which reduced the mutagenicity of arsenic in these cells, and provide convincing evidence that reactive oxygen species, particularly hydroxyl radicals, play an important causal role in the genotoxicity of arsenical compounds in mammalian cells.


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Accumulation of misfolded proteins in the cell at high temperature may cause entry into a nonproliferating, heat-shocked state. The imino acid analog azetidine 2-carboxylic acid (AZC) is incorporated into cellular protein competitively with proline and can misfold proteins into which it is incorporated. AZC addition to budding yeast cells at concentrations sufficient to inhibit proliferation selectively activates heat shock factor (HSF). We find that AZC treatment fails to cause accumulation of glycogen and trehalose (Msn2/4-dependent processes) or to induce thermotolerance (a protein kinase C-dependent process). However, AZC-arrested cells can accumulate glycogen and trehalose and can acquire thermotolerance in response to a subsequent heat shock. We find that AZC treatment arrests cells in a viable state and that this arrest is reversible. We find that cells at high temperature or cells deficient in the ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes Ubc4 and Ubc5 are hypersensitive to AZC-induced proliferation arrest. We find that AZC treatment mimics temperature up-shift in arresting cells in G1 and represses expression of CLN1 and CLN2. Mutants with reduced G1 cyclin-Cdc28 activity are hypersensitive to AZC-induced proliferation arrest. Expression of the hyperstable Cln3–2 protein prevents G1 arrest upon AZC treatment and temperature up-shift. Finally, we find that the EXA3–1 mutation, encoding a defective HSF, prevents efficient G1 arrest in response to both temperature up-shift and AZC treatment. We conclude that nontoxic levels of misfolded proteins (induced by AZC treatment or by high temperature) selectively activate HSF, which is required for subsequent G1 arrest.


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The acute effects of contraction and insulin on the glucose transport and GLUT4 glucose transporter translocation were investigated in rat soleus muscles by using a 3-O-methylglucose transport assay and the sensitive exofacial labeling technique with the impermeant photoaffinity reagent 2-N-4-(1-azi-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)benzoyl-1,3-bis(D-mannose-4-y loxy)-2- propylamine (ATB-BMPA), respectively. Addition of wortmannin, which inhibits phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, reduced insulin-stimulated glucose transport (8.8 +/- 0.5 mumol per ml per h vs. 1.4 +/- 0.1 mumol per ml per h) and GLUT4 translocation [2.79 +/- 0.20 pmol/g (wet muscle weight) vs. 0.49 +/- 0.05 pmol/g (wet muscle weight)]. In contrast, even at a high concentration (1 microM), wortmannin had no effect on contraction-mediated glucose uptake (4.4 +/- 0.1 mumol per ml per h vs. 4.1 +/- 0.2 mumol per ml per h) and GLUT4 cell surface content [1.75 +/- 0.16 pmol/g (wet muscle weight) vs. 1.52 +/- 0.16 pmol/g (wet muscle weight)]. Contraction-mediated translocation of the GLUT4 transporters to the cell surface was closely correlated with the glucose transport activity and could account fully for the increment in glucose uptake after contraction. The combined effects of contraction and maximal insulin stimulation were greater than either stimulation alone on glucose transport activity (11.5 +/- 0.4 mumol per ml per h vs. 5.6 +/- 0.2 mumol per ml per h and 9.0 +/- 0.2 mumol per ml per h) and on GLUT4 translocation [4.10 +/- 0.20 pmol/g (wet muscle weight) vs. 1.75 +/- 0.25 pmol/g (wet muscle weight) and 3.15 +/- 0.18 pmol/g (wet muscle weight)]. The results provide evidence that contraction stimulates translocation of GLUT4 in skeletal muscle through a mechanism distinct from that of insulin.


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The three-dimensional structure of Corynebacterium 2,5-diketo-d-gluconic acid reductase A (2,5-DKGR A; EC 1.1.1.-), in complex with cofactor NADPH, has been solved by using x-ray crystallographic data to 2.1-Å resolution. This enzyme catalyzes stereospecific reduction of 2,5-diketo-d-gluconate (2,5-DKG) to 2-keto-l-gulonate. Thus the three-dimensional structure has now been solved for a prokaryotic example of the aldo–keto reductase superfamily. The details of the binding of the NADPH cofactor help to explain why 2,5-DKGR exhibits lower binding affinity for cofactor than the related human aldose reductase does. Furthermore, changes in the local loop structure near the cofactor suggest that 2,5-DKGR will not exhibit the biphasic cofactor binding characteristics observed in aldose reductase. Although the crystal structure does not include substrate, the two ordered water molecules present within the substrate-binding pocket are postulated to provide positional landmarks for the substrate 5-keto and 4-hydroxyl groups. The structural basis for several previously described active-site mutants of 2,5-DKGR A is also proposed. Recent research efforts have described a novel approach to the synthesis of l-ascorbate (vitamin C) by using a genetically engineered microorganism that is capable of synthesizing 2,5-DKG from glucose and subsequently is transformed with the gene for 2,5-DKGR. These modifications create a microorganism capable of direct production of 2-keto-l-gulonate from d-glucose, and the gulonate can subsequently be converted into vitamin C. In economic terms, vitamin C is the single most important specialty chemical manufactured in the world. Understanding the structural determinants of specificity, catalysis, and stability for 2,5-DKGR A is of substantial commercial interest.