29 resultados para 300302 Plant Growth and Development

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Germline defects in the tuberous sclerosis 2 (TSC2) tumor suppressor gene predispose humans and rats to benign and malignant lesions in a variety of tissues. The brain is among the most profoundly affected organs in tuberous sclerosis (TSC) patients and is the site of development of the cortical tubers for which the hereditary syndrome is named. A spontaneous germline inactivation of the Tsc2 locus has been described in an animal model, the Eker rat. We report that the homozygous state of this mutation (Tsc2Ek/Ek) was lethal in mid-gestation (the equivalent of mouse E9.5–E13.5), when Tsc2 mRNA was highly expressed in embryonic neuroepithelium. During this period homozygous mutant Eker embryos lacking functional Tsc2 gene product, tuberin, displayed dysraphia and papillary overgrowth of the neuroepithelium, indicating that loss of tuberin disrupted the normal development of this tissue. Interestingly, there was significant intraspecies variability in the penetrance of cranial abnormalities in mutant embryos: the Long–Evans strain Tsc2Ek/Ek embryos displayed these defects whereas the Fisher 344 homozygous mutant embryos had normal-appearing neuroepithelium. Taken together, our data indicate that the Tsc2 gene participates in normal brain development and suggest the inactivation of this gene may have similar functional consequences in both mature and embryonic brain.


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The Ah receptor (AHR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor that mediates a pleiotropic response to environmental contaminants such as benzo[a]pyrene and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. In an effort to gain insight into the physiological role of the AHR and to develop models useful in risk assessment, gene targeting was used to inactivate the murine Ahr gene by homologous recombination. Ahr-/- mice are viable and fertile but show a spectrum of hepatic defects that indicate a role for the AHR in normal liver growth and development. The Ahr-/- phenotype is most severe between 0-3 weeks of age and involves slowed early growth and hepatic defects, including reduced liver weight, transient microvesicular fatty metamorphosis, prolonged extramedullary hematopoiesis, and portal hypercellularity with thickening and fibrosis.


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With increasing interest in the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on plant growth and the global carbon balance, there is a need for greater understanding of how plants respond to variations in atmospheric partial pressure of CO2. Our research shows that elevated CO2 produces significant fine structural changes in major cellular organelles that appear to be an important component of the metabolic responses of plants to this global change. Nine species (representing seven plant families) in several experimental facilities with different CO2-dosing technologies were examined. Growth in elevated CO2 increased numbers of mitochondria per unit cell area by 1.3–2.4 times the number in control plants grown in lower CO2 and produced a statistically significant increase in the amount of chloroplast stroma (nonappressed) thylakoid membranes compared with those in lower CO2 treatments. There was no observable change in size of the mitochondria. However, in contrast to the CO2 effect on mitochondrial number, elevated CO2 promoted a decrease in the rate of mass-based dark respiration. These changes may reflect a major shift in plant metabolism and energy balance that may help to explain enhanced plant productivity in response to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations.


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Regulation of isoprenoid end-product synthesis required for normal growth and development in plants is not well understood. To investigate the extent to which specific genes for the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) are involved in end-product regulation, we manipulated expression of the HMG1 and HMG2 genes in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit using arachidonic acid (AA). In developing young fruit AA blocked fruit growth, inhibited HMG1, and activated HMG2 expression. These results are consistent with other reports indicating that HMG1 expression is closely correlated with growth processes requiring phytosterol production. In mature-green fruit AA strongly induced the expression of HMG2, PSY1 (the gene for phytoene synthase), and lycopene accumulation before the normal onset of carotenoid synthesis and ripening. The induction of lycopene synthesis was not blocked by inhibition of HMGR activity using mevinolin, suggesting that cytoplasmic HMGR is not required for carotenoid synthesis. Our results are consistent with the function of an alternative plastid isoprenoid pathway (the Rohmer pathway) that appears to direct the production of carotenoids during tomato fruit ripening.


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Plant growth and development are regulated by interactions between the environment and endogenous developmental programs. Of the various environmental factors controlling plant development, light plays an especially important role, in photosynthesis, in seasonal and diurnal time sensing, and as a cue for altering developmental pattern. Recently, several laboratories have devised a variety of genetic screens using Arabidopsis thaliana to dissect the signal transduction pathways of the various photoreceptor systems. Genetic analysis demonstrates that light responses are not simply endpoints of linear signal transduction pathways but are the result of the integration of information from a variety of photoreceptors through a complex network of interacting signaling components. These signaling components include the red/far-red light receptors, phytochromes, at least one blue light receptor, and negative regulatory genes (DET, COP, and FUS) that act downstream from the photoreceptors in the nucleus. In addition, a steroid hormone, brassinolide, also plays a role in light-regulated development and gene expression in Arabidopsis. These molecular and genetic data are allowing us to construct models of the mechanisms by which light controls development and gene expression in Arabidopsis. In the future, this knowledge can be used as a framework for understanding how all land plants respond to changes in their environment.


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Design of hydroxyproline (Hyp)-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) offers an approach for the structural and functional analysis of these wall components, which are broadly implicated in plant growth and development. HRGPs consist of multiple small repetitive “glycomodules” extensively O-glycosylated through the Hyp residues. The patterns of Hyp-O-glycosylation are putatively coded by the primary sequence as described by the Hyp contiguity hypothesis, which predicts contiguous Hyp residues to be attachment sites of small arabinooligosaccharides (1–5 Ara residues/Hyp); while clustered, noncontiguous Hyp residues are sites of arabinogalactan polysaccharide attachment. As a test, we designed two simple HRGPs as fusion proteins with green fluorescent protein. The first was a repetitive Ser-Hyp motif that encoded only clustered noncontiguous Hyp residues, predicted polysaccharide addition sites. The resulting glycoprotein had arabinogalactan polysaccharide O-linked to all Hyp residues. The second construct, based on the consensus sequence of a gum arabic HRGP, contained both arabinogalactan and arabinooligosaccharide addition sites and, as predicted, gave a product that contained both saccharide types. These results identify an O-glycosylation code of plants.


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Telomerase is an essential enzyme that maintains telomeres on eukaryotic chromosomes. In mammals, telomerase is required for the lifelong proliferative capacity of normal regenerative and reproductive tissues and for sustained growth in a dedifferentiated state. Although the importance of telomeres was first elucidated in plants 60 years ago, little is known about the role of telomeres and telomerase in plant growth and development. Here we report the cloning and characterization of the Arabidopsis telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene, AtTERT. AtTERT is predicted to encode a highly basic protein of 131 kDa that harbors the reverse transcriptase and telomerase-specific motifs common to all known TERT proteins. AtTERT mRNA is 10–20 times more abundant in callus, which has high levels of telomerase activity, versus leaves, which contain no detectable telomerase. Plants homozygous for a transfer DNA insertion into the AtTERT gene lack telomerase activity, confirming the identity and function of this gene. Because telomeres in wild-type Arabidopsis are short, the discovery that telomerase-null plants are viable for at least two generations was unexpected. In the absence of telomerase, telomeres decline by approximately 500 bp per generation, a rate 10 times slower than seen in telomerase-deficient mice. This gradual loss of telomeric DNA may reflect a reduced rate of nucleotide depletion per round of DNA replication, or the requirement for fewer cell divisions per organismal generation. Nevertheless, progressive telomere shortening in the mutants, however slow, ultimately should be lethal.


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Acid extracts and a resultant fraction from solid-phase extraction (SPE) of Romalea guttata crop and midgut tissues induce sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. Rio) coleoptile growth in 24-h incubations an average of 49% above untreated controls. When combined with plant auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), the SPE fraction shows a synergistic reaction, yielding increases in coleoptile growth that average 295% above untreated controls and 8% above IAA standards. The interaction lowered the point of maximum sensitivity of IAA 3 orders of magnitude, resulting in a new IAA physiological set point at 10(-7) g/ml. This synergism suggests that contents in animal regurgitants making their way into plant tissue during feeding may produce a positive feedback in plant growth and development following herbivory. Such a process, also known as reward feedback, may exert major controls on ecosystem-level relationships in nature.


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Blue light regulates plant growth and development, and three photoreceptors, CRY1, CRY2, and NPH1, have been identified. The transduction pathways of these receptors are poorly understood. Transgenic plants containing aequorin have been used to dissect the involvement of these three receptors in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+. Pulses of blue light induce cytosolic Ca2+ transients lasting about 80 s in Arabidopsis and tobacco seedlings. Use of organelle-targeted aequorins shows that Ca2+ increases are limited to the cytoplasm. Blue light treatment of cry1, cry2, and nph1 mutants showed that NPH1, which regulates phototropism, is largely responsible for the Ca2+ transient. The spectral response of the Ca2+ transient is similar to that of phototropism, supporting NPH1 involvement. Furthermore, known interactions between red and blue light and between successive blue light pulses on phototropic sensitivity are mirrored in the blue light control of cytosolic Ca2+ in these seedlings. Our observations raise the possibility that physiological responses regulated by NPH1, such as phototropism, may be transduced through cytosolic Ca2+.


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Auxins are plant hormones that mediate many aspects of plant growth and development. In higher plants, auxins are polarly transported from sites of synthesis in the shoot apex to their sites of action in the basal regions of shoots and in roots. Polar auxin transport is an important aspect of auxin functions and is mediated by cellular influx and efflux carriers. Little is known about the molecular identity of its regulatory component, the efflux carrier [Estelle, M. (1996) Current Biol. 6, 1589–1591]. Here we show that mutations in the Arabidopsis thaliana AGRAVITROPIC 1 (AGR1) gene involved in root gravitropism confer increased root-growth sensitivity to auxin and decreased sensitivity to ethylene and an auxin transport inhibitor, and cause retention of exogenously added auxin in root tip cells. We used positional cloning to show that AGR1 encodes a putative transmembrane protein whose amino acid sequence shares homologies with bacterial transporters. When expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, AGR1 promotes an increased efflux of radiolabeled IAA from the cells and confers increased resistance to fluoro-IAA, a toxic IAA-derived compound. AGR1 transcripts were localized to the root distal elongation zone, a region undergoing a curvature response upon gravistimulation. We have identified several AGR1-related genes in Arabidopsis, suggesting a global role of this gene family in the control of auxin-regulated growth and developmental processes.


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Active gibberellins (GAs) are endogenous factors that regulate plant growth and development in a dose-dependent fashion. Mutant plants that are GA deficient, or exhibit reduced GA responses, display a characteristic dwarf phenotype. Extragenic suppressor analysis has resulted in the isolation of Arabidopsis mutations, which partially suppress the dwarf phenotype conferred by GA deficiency and reduced GA-response mutations. Here we describe detailed studies of the effects of two of these suppressors, spy-7 and gar2–1, on several different GA-responsive growth processes (seed germination, vegetative growth, stem elongation, chlorophyll accumulation, and flowering) and on the in planta amounts of active and inactive GA species. The results of these experiments show that spy-7 and gar2–1 affect the GA dose-response relationship for a wide range of GA responses and suggest that all GA-regulated processes are controlled through a negatively acting GA-signaling pathway.


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Brassinosteroid-insensitive 1 (BRI1) of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a cell surface receptor for brassinosteroids. Mutations in BRI1 severely affect plant growth and development. Activation tagging of a weak bri1 allele (bri1-5) resulted in the identification of a new locus, brs1-1D. BRS1 is predicted to encode a secreted carboxypeptidase. Whereas a brs1 loss-of-function allele has no obvious mutant phenotype, overexpression of BRS1 can suppress bri1 extracellular domain mutants. Genetic analyses showed that brassinosteroids and a functional BRI1 protein kinase domain are required for suppression. In addition, overexpressed BRS1 missense mutants, predicted to abolish BRS1 protease activity, failed to suppress bri1-5. Finally, the effects of BRS1 are selective: overexpression in either wild-type or two other receptor kinase mutants resulted in no phenotypic alterations. These results strongly suggest that BRS1 processes a protein involved in an early event in the BRI1 signaling.


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The cytokinin group of plant hormones regulates aspects of plant growth and development, including the release of lateral buds from apical dominance and the delay of senescence. In this work the native promoter of a cytokinin synthase gene (ipt) was removed and replaced with a Cu-controllable promoter. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv tabacum) transformed with this Cu-inducible ipt gene (Cu-ipt) was morphologically identical to controls under noninductive conditions in almost all lines produced. However, three lines grew in an altered state, which is indicative of cytokinin overproduction and was confirmed by a full cytokinin analysis of one of these lines. The in vitro treatment of morphologically normal Cu-ipt transformants with Cu2+ resulted in delayed leaf senescence and an increase in cytokinin concentration in the one line analyzed. In vivo, inductive conditions resulted in a significant release of lateral buds from apical dominance. The morphological changes seen during these experiments may reflect the spatial aspect of control exerted by this gene expression system, namely expression from the root tissue only. These results confirmed that endogenous cytokinin concentrations in tobacco transformants can be temporally and spatially controlled by the induction of ipt gene expression through the Cu-controllable gene-expression system.


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We recently have shown that mice deficient for the 86-kDa component (Ku80) of the DNA-dependent protein kinase exhibit growth retardation and a profound deficiency in V(D)J (variable, diversity, and joining) recombination. These defects may be related to abnormalities in DNA metabolism that arise from the inability of Ku80 mutant cells to process DNA double-strand breaks. To further characterize the role of Ku80 in DNA double-strand break repair, we have generated embryonic stem cells and pre-B cells and examined their response to ionizing radiation. Ku80−/− embryonic stem cells are more sensitive than controls to γ-irradiation, and pre-B cells derived from Ku80 mutant mice display enhanced spontaneous and γ-ray-induced apoptosis. We then determined the effects of ionizing radiation on the survival, growth, and lymphocyte development in Ku80-deficient mice. Ku80−/− mice display a hypersensitivity to γ-irradiation, characterized by loss of hair pigmentation, severe injury to the gastrointestinal tract, and enhanced mortality. Exposure of newborn Ku80−/− mice to sublethal doses of ionizing radiation enhances their growth retardation and results in the induction of T cell-specific differentiation. However, unlike severe combined immunodeficient mice, radiation-induced T cell development in Ku80−/− mice is not accompanied by extensive thymocyte proliferation. The response of Ku80-deficient cell lines and mice to DNA-damaging agents provides important insights into the role of Ku80 in growth regulation, lymphocyte development, and DNA repair.