8 resultados para 2ª circular

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The structural and DNA binding behavior is described for an analog of the vnd/NK-2 homeodomain, which contains a single amino acid residue alanine to threonine replacement in position 35 of the homeodomain. Multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance, circular dichroism, and electrophoretic gel retardation assays were carried out on recombinant 80-aa residue proteins that encompass the wild-type and mutant homeodomains. The mutant A35T vnd/NK-2 homeodomain is unable to adopt a folded conformation free in solution at temperatures down to −5°C in contrast to the behavior of the corresponding wild-type vnd/NK-2 homeodomain, which is folded into a functional three-dimensional structure below 25°C. The A35T vnd/NK-2 binds specifically to the vnd/NK-2 target DNA sequence, but with an affinity that is 50-fold lower than that of the wild-type homeodomain. Although the three-dimensional structure of the mutant A35T vnd/NK-2 in the DNA bound state shows characteristic helix–turn–helix behavior similar to that of the wild-type homeodomain, a notable structural deviation in the mutant A35T analog is observed for the amide proton of leucine-40. The wild-type homeodomain forms an unusual i,i-5 hydrogen bond with the backbone amide oxygen of residue 35. In the A35T mutant this amide proton resonance is shifted upfield by 1.27 ppm relative to the resonance frequency for the wild-type analog, thereby indicating a significant alteration of this i,i-5 hydrogen bond.


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Vibrio cholerae, the etiologic agent of the diarrheal disease cholera, is a Gram-negative bacterium that belongs to the γ subdivision of the family Proteobacteriaceae. The physical map of the genome has been reported, and the genome has been described as a single 3.2-Mb chromosome [Majumder, R., et al. (1996) J. Bacteriol. 178, 1105–1112]. By using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA immobilized in agarose plugs and digested with the restriction enzymes I-CeuI, SfiI, and NotI, we have also constructed the physical map of V. cholerae. Our analysis estimates the size of the genome at 4.0 Mb, 25% larger than the physical map reported by others. Our most notable finding is, however, that the V. cholerae chromosome appears to be not the single chromosome reported but two unique and separate circular megareplicons.


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BAliBASE is specifically designed to serve as an evaluation resource to address all the problems encountered when aligning complete sequences. The database contains high quality, manually constructed multiple sequence alignments together with detailed annotations. The alignments are all based on three-dimensional structural superpositions, with the exception of the transmembrane sequences. The first release provided sets of reference alignments dealing with the problems of high variability, unequal repartition and large N/C-terminal extensions and internal insertions. Here we describe version 2.0 of the database, which incorporates three new reference sets of alignments containing structural repeats, trans­membrane sequences and circular permutations to evaluate the accuracy of detection/prediction and alignment of these complex sequences. BAliBASE can be viewed at the web site http://www-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/BioInfo/BAliBASE2/index.html or can be downloaded from ftp://ftp-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/BAliBASE2/.


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2-Nitropropane (2-NP), an important industrial solvent and a component of cigarette smoke, is mutagenic in bacteria and carcinogenic in rats. 8-Amino-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-amino-dG) is one of the types of DNA damage found in liver, the target organ in 2-NP-treated rats. To investigate the thermodynamic properties of 8-amino-dG opposite each of the four DNA bases, we have synthesized an 11mer, d(CCATCG*CTACC), in which G* represents the modified base. By annealing a complementary DNA strand to this modified 11mer, four sets of duplexes were generated each containing one of the four DNA bases opposite the lesion. Circular dichroism studies indicated that 8-amino-dG did not alter the global helical properties of natural right-handed B-DNA. The thermal stability of each duplex was examined by UV melting measurements and compared with its unmodified counterpart. For the unmodified 11mer, the relative stability of the complementary DNA bases opposite G was in the order C > T > G > A, as determined from their –ΔG° values. The free energy change of each modified duplex was lower than its unmodified counterpart, except for the G*:G pair that exhibited a higher melting transition and a larger –ΔG° than the G:G duplex. Nevertheless, the stability of the modified 11mer duplex also followed the order C > T > G > A when placed opposite 8-amino-dG. To explore if 8-amino-dG opposite another 8-amino-dG has any advantage in base pairing, a G*:G* duplex was evaluated, which showed that the stability of this duplex was similar to the G*:G duplex. Mutagenesis of 8-amino-dG in this sequence context was studied in Escherichia coli, which showed that the lesion is weakly mutagenic (mutation frequency ∼10–3) but still can induce a variety of targeted and semi-targeted mutations.


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Recent studies on proteins whose N and C termini are in close proximity have demonstrated that folding of polypeptide chains and assembly of oligomers can be accomplished with circularly permuted chains. As yet no methodical study has been conducted to determine how extensively new termini can be introduced and where such termini cannot be tolerated. We have devised a procedure to generate random circular permutations of the catalytic chains of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase; EC and to select clones that produce active or stable holoenzyme containing permuted chains. A tandem gene construct was made, based on the desired linkage between amino acid residues in the C- and N-terminal regions of the polypeptide chain, and this DNA was treated with a suitable restriction enzyme to yield a fragment containing the rearranged coding sequence for the chain. Circularization achieved with DNA ligase, followed by linearization at random with DNase I, and incorporation of the linearized, repaired, blunt-ended, rearranged genes into a suitable plasmid permitted the expression of randomly permuted polypeptide chains. The plasmid with appropriate stop codons also contained pyrI, the gene encoding the regulatory chain of ATCase. Colonies expressing detectable amounts of ATCase-like molecules containing permuted catalytic chains were identified by an immunoblot technique or by their ability to grow in the absence of pyrimidines in the growth medium. Sequencing of positive clones revealed a variety of novel circular permutations. Some had N and C termini within helices of the wild-type enzyme as well as deletions and insertions. Permutations were concentrated in the C-terminal domain and only few were detected in the N-terminal domain. The technique, which is adaptable generally to proteins whose N and C termini are near each other, can be of value in relating in vivo folding of nascent, growing polypeptide chains to in vitro renaturation of complete chains and determining the role of protein sequence in folding kinetics.


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The cytochrome P450 2C24 gene is characterized by the capability to generate, in rat kidney, a transcript containing exons 2 and 4 spliced at correct sites but having the donor site of exon 4 directly joined to the acceptor site of exon 2 (exon scrambling). By reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis, it is now shown that the only exons present in the scrambled transcript are exons 2, 3, and 4 and that this molecule lacks a poly(A)+ tail. Furthermore, the use of PCR primers in both orientations of either exon 2 or exon 4 revealed that the orders of the exons in the scrambled transcript are 2-3-4-2 and 4-2-3-4, respectively. These results, combined with the observation that P450 2C24 is a single-copy gene, with no duplication of the exon 2 to exon 4 segment, suggest that the scrambled transcript has properties consistent with that of a circular molecule. In line with this is the observation of an increased resistance of the transcript to phosphodiesterase I, a 3'-exonuclease. Moreover, an alternatively processed cytochrome P450 2C24 mRNA, lacking the three scrambled exons and having exon 1 directly joined to exon 5, has been identified in kidney and liver, tissues that express the scrambled transcript. This complete identity of the exons that are absent in the alternatively processed mRNA but present in the scrambled transcript is interpreted as indicative of the possibility that exon scrambling and exon skipping might be interrelated phenomena. It is therefore proposed that alternative pre-mRNA processing has the potential to generate not only mRNAs lacking one or more exons but also circular RNA molecules.


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The physical stability of pharmaceutical proteins in delivery environments is a critical determinant of biological potency and treatment efficacy, and yet it is often taken for granted. We studied both the bioactivity and physical stability of interleukin 2 upon delivery via continuous infusion. We found that the biological activity of the delivered protein was dramatically reduced by approximately 90% after a 24-hr infusion program. Only a portion of these losses could be attributed to direct protein deposition on the delivery surfaces. Analysis of delivered protein by size exclusion chromatography gave no indication of insulin-like, surface-induced aggregation phenomena. Examination of the secondary and tertiary structure of both adsorbed and delivered protein via Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, circular dichroism, and fluorescence spectroscopy indicated that transient surface association of interleukin 2 with the catheter tubing resulted in profound, irreversible structural changes that were responsible for the majority of the biological activity losses.


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Is the pathway of protein folding determined by the relative stability of folding intermediates, or by the relative height of the activation barriers leading to these intermediates? This is a fundamental question for resolving the Levinthal paradox, which stated that protein folding by a random search mechanism would require a time too long to be plausible. To answer this question, we have studied the guanidinium chloride (GdmCl)-induced folding/unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease [(SNase, formerly EC; now called microbial nuclease or endonuclease, EC] by stopped-flow circular dichroism (CD) and differential scanning microcalorimetry (DSC). The data show that while the equilibrium transition is a quasi-two-state process, kinetics in the 2-ms to 500-s time range are triphasic. Data support the sequential mechanism for SNase folding: U3 <--> U2 <--> U1 <--> N0, where U1, U2, and U3 are substates of the unfolded protein and N0 is the native state. Analysis of the relative population of the U1, U2, and U3 species in 2.0 M GdmCl gives delta-G values for the U3 --> U2 reaction of +0.1 kcal/mol and for the U2 --> U1 reaction of -0.49 kcal/mol. The delta-G value for the U1 --> N0 reaction is calculated to be -4.5 kcal/mol from DSC data. The activation energy, enthalpy, and entropy for each kinetic step are also determined. These results allow us to make the following four conclusions. (i) Although the U1, U2, and U3 states are nearly isoenergetic, no random walk occurs among them during the folding. The pathway of folding is unique and sequential. In other words, the relative stability of the folding intermediates does not dictate the folding pathway. Instead, the folding is a descent toward the global free-energy minimum of the native state via the least activation path in the vast energy landscape. Barrier avoidance leads the way, and barrier height limits the rate. Thus, the Levinthal paradox is not applicable to the protein-folding problem. (ii) The main folding reaction (U1 --> N0), in which the peptide chain acquires most of its free energy (via van der Waals' contacts, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic interactions), is a highly concerted process. These energy-acquiring events take place in a single kinetic phase. (iii) U1 appears to be a compact unfolded species; the rate of conversion of U2 to U1 depends on the viscosity of solution. (iv) All four relaxation times reported here depend on GdmCl concentrations: it is likely that none involve the cis/trans isomerization of prolines. Finally, a mechanism is presented in which formation of sheet-like chain conformations and a hydrophobic condensation event precede the main-chain folding reaction.