29 resultados para 16S rRNA gene

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Escherichia coli mRNA translation is facilitated by sequences upstream and downstream of the initiation codon, called Shine–Dalgarno (SD) and downstream box (DB) sequences, respectively. In E.coli enhancing the complementarity between the DB sequences and the 16S rRNA penultimate stem resulted in increased protein accumulation without a significant affect on mRNA stability. The objective of this study was to test whether enhancing the complementarity of plastid mRNAs downstream of the AUG (downstream sequence or DS) with the 16S rRNA penultimate stem (anti-DS or ADS region) enhances protein accumulation. The test system was the tobacco plastid rRNA operon promoter fused with the E.coli phage T7 gene 10 (T7g10) 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR) and DB region. Translation efficiency was tested by measuring neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII) accumulation in tobacco chloroplasts. We report here that the phage T7g10 5′-UTR and DB region promotes accumulation of NPTII up to ∼16% of total soluble leaf protein (TSP). Enhanced mRNA stability and an improved NPTII yield (∼23% of TSP) was obtained from a construct in which the T7g10 5′-UTR was linked with the NPTII coding region via a NheI site. However, replacing the T7g10 DB region with the plastid DS sequence reduced NPTII and mRNA levels to 0.16 and 28%, respectively. Reduced NPTII accumulation is in part due to accelerated mRNA turnover.


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The epsilon enhancer element is a pyrimidine-rich sequence that increases expression of T7 gene 10 and a number of Escherichia coli mRNAs during initiation of translation and inhibits expression of the recF mRNA during elongation. Based on its complementarity to the 460 region of 16S rRNA, it has been proposed that epsilon exerts its enhancer activity by base pairing to this complementary rRNA sequence. We have tested this model of enhancer action by constructing mutations in the 460 region of 16S rRNA and examining expression of epsilon-containing CAT reporter genes and recF–lacZ fusions in strains expressing the mutant rRNAs. Replacement of the 460 E.coli stem–loop with that of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium or a stem–loop containing a reversal of all 8 bp in the helical region produced fully functional rRNAs with no apparent effect on cell growth or expression of any epsilon-containing mRNA. Our experiments confirm the reported effects of the epsilon elements on gene expression but show that these effects are independent of the sequence of the 460 region of 16S rRNA, indicating that epsilon–rRNA base pairing does not occur.


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Microorganisms play an important role in the biogeochemistry of the ocean surface layer, but spatial and temporal structures in the distributions of specific bacterioplankton species are largely unexplored, with the exceptions of those organisms that can be detected by either autofluorescence or culture methods. The use of rRNA genes as genetic markers provides a tool by which patterns in the growth, distribution, and activity of abundant bacterioplankton species can be studied regardless of the ease with which they can be cultured. Here we report an unusual cluster of related 16S rRNA genes (SAR202, SAR263, SAR279, SAR287, SAR293, SAR307) cloned from seawater collected at 250 m in the Sargasso Sea in August 1991, when the water column was highly stratified and the deep chlorophyll maximum was located at a depth of 120 m. Phylogenetic analysis and an unusual 15-bp deletion confirmed that the genes were related to the Green Non-Sulfur phylum of the domain Bacteria. This is the first evidence that representatives of this phylum occur in the open ocean. Oligonucleotide probes were used to examine the distribution of the SAR202 gene cluster in vertical profiles (0-250 m) from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and in discrete (monthly) time series (O and 200 m) (over 30 consecutive months in the Western Sargasso Sea. The data provide robust statistical support for the conclusion that the SAR202 gene cluster is proportionately most abundant at the lower boundary of the deep chlorophyll maximum (P = 2.33 x 10(-5)). These results suggest that previously unsuspected stratification of microbial populations may be a significant factor in the ecology of the ocean surface layer.


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RNA polymerase I (pol I) is a nuclear enzyme whose function is to transcribe the duplicated genes encoding the precursor of the three largest ribosomal RNAs. We report a cell-free system from broccoli (Brassica oleracea) inflorescence that supports promoter-dependent RNA pol I transcription in vitro. The transcription system was purified extensively by DEAE-Sepharose, Biorex 70, Sephacryl S300, and Mono Q chromatography. Activities required for pre-rRNA transcription copurified with the polymerase on all four columns, suggesting their association as a complex. Purified fractions programmed transcription initiation from the in vivo start site and utilized the same core promoter sequences required in vivo. The complex was not dissociated in 800 mM KCl and had a molecular mass of nearly 2 MDa based on gel filtration chromatography. The most highly purified fractions contain ≈30 polypeptides, two of which were identified immunologically as RNA polymerase subunits. These data suggest that the occurrence of a holoenzyme complex is probably not unique to the pol II system but may be a general feature of eukaryotic nuclear polymerases.


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Mutations at position 912 of Escherichia coli 16S rRNA result in two notable phenotypes. The C-->U transition confers resistance to streptomycin, a translational-error-inducing antibiotic, while a C-->G transversion causes marked retardation of cell growth rate. Starting with the slow-growing G912 mutant, random mutagenesis was used to isolate a second site mutation that restored growth nearly to the wild-type rate. The second site mutation was identified as a G-->C transversion at position 885 in 16S rRNA. Cells containing the G912 mutation had an increased doubling time, abnormal sucrose gradient ribosome/subunit profile, increased sensitivity to spectinomycin, dependence upon streptomycin for growth in the presence of spectinomycin, and slower translation rate, whereas cells with the G912/C885 double mutation were similar to wild type in these assays. Comparative analysis showed there was significant covariation between positions 912 and 885. Thus the second-site suppressor analysis, the functional assays, and the comparative data suggest that the interaction between nt 912 and nt 885 is conserved and necessary for normal ribosome function. Furthermore, the comparative data suggest that the interaction extends to include G885-G886-G887 pairing with C912-U911-C910. An alternative secondary structure element for the central domain of 16S rRNA is proposed.


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Rhizobia were isolated from nodules off a stand of Lotus corniculatus established with a single inoculant strain, ICMP3153, 7 years earlier in an area devoid of naturalized Rhizobium loti. The isolates showed diversity in growth rate, Spe I fingerprint of genomic DNA, and hybridization pattern to genomic DNA probes. The 19% of isolates that grew at the same rate as strain ICMP3153 were the only isolates that had the same fingerprint as strain ICMP3153. Sequencing of part of the 16S rRNA gene of several diverse isolates confirmed that they were not derived from the inoculant strain. Nevertheless, all non-ICMP3153 strains gave EcoRI and Spe I hybridization patterns identical to ICMP3153 when hybridized to nodulation gene cosmids. Hybridization of digests generated by the very rare cutting enzyme Swa I revealed that the symbiotic DNA region (at least 105 kb) was chromosomally integrated in the strains. The results suggest that the diverse strains arose by transfer of chromosomal symbiotic genes from ICMP3153 to nonsymbiotic rhizobia in the environment.


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The Ribosomal RNA Operon Copy Number Database (rrndb) is an Internet-accessible database containing annotated information on rRNA operon copy number among prokaryotes. Gene redundancy is uncommon in prokaryotic genomes, yet the rRNA genes can vary from one to as many as 15 copies. Despite the widespread use of 16S rRNA gene sequences for identification of prokaryotes, information on the number and sequence of individual rRNA genes in a genome is not readily accessible. In an attempt to understand the evolutionary implications of rRNA operon redundancy, we have created a phylogenetically arranged report on rRNA gene copy number for a diverse collection of prokaryotic microorganisms. Each entry (organism) in the rrndb contains detailed information linked directly to external websites including the Ribosomal Database Project, GenBank, PubMed and several culture collections. Data contained in the rrndb will be valuable to researchers investigating microbial ecology and evolution using 16S rRNA gene sequences. The rrndb web site is directly accessible on the WWW at http://rrndb.cme.msu.edu.


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We investigated the spatial pattern of expression of ipdC, a plant inducible gene involved in indoleacetic acid biosynthesis in Erwinia herbicola, among individual cells on plants to gain a better understanding of the role of this phenotype in the epiphytic ecology of bacteria and the factors involved in the regulation of ipdC. Nonpathogenic E. herbicola strain 299R harboring a transcriptional fusion of ipdC to gfp was inoculated onto bean plants, recovered from individual leaves 48 h after inoculation, and subjected to fluorescence in situ hybridization using a 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probe specific to strain 299R. Epifluorescence images captured through a rhodamine filter were used to distinguish the 5carboxytetramethylrhodamine-labeled cells of strain 299R from other leaf microflora. Quantification of the green fluorescence intensity of individual cells by analysis of digital images revealed that about 65% of the 299R cells recovered from bean leaves had higher ipdC expression than in culture. Additionally, 10% of the cells exhibited much higher levels of green fluorescence than the median fluorescence intensity, indicating that they are more heterogeneous with respect to ipdC expression on plants than in culture. Examination of 299R cells in situ on leaf surfaces by confocal laser scanning microscopy after fluorescence in situ hybridization of cells on leaf samples showed that even cells that were in close proximity exhibited dramatically different green fluorescence intensities, and thus, were in a physical or chemical microenvironment that induced differential expression of ipdC.


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Nucleolar dominance is an epigenetic phenomenon in which one parental set of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes is silenced in an interspecific hybrid. In natural Arabidopsis suecica, an allotetraploid (amphidiploid) hybrid of Arabidopsis thaliana and Cardaminopsis arenosa, the A. thaliana rRNA genes are repressed. Interestingly, A. thaliana rRNA gene silencing is variable in synthetic Arabidopsis suecica F1 hybrids. Two generations are needed for A. thaliana rRNA genes to be silenced in all lines, revealing a species-biased direction but stochastic onset to nucleolar dominance. Backcrossing synthetic A. suecica to tetraploid A. thaliana yielded progeny with active A. thaliana rRNA genes and, in some cases, silenced C. arenosa rRNA genes, showing that the direction of dominance can be switched. The hypothesis that naturally dominant rRNA genes have a superior binding affinity for a limiting transcription factor is inconsistent with dominance switching. Inactivation of a species-specific transcription factor is argued against by showing that A. thaliana and C. arenosa rRNA genes can be expressed transiently in the other species. Transfected A. thaliana genes are also active in A. suecica protoplasts in which chromosomal A. thaliana genes are repressed. Collectively, these data suggest that nucleolar dominance is a chromosomal phenomenon that results in coordinate or cooperative silencing of rRNA genes.


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Six alternative hypotheses for the phylogenetic origin of Bilateria are evaluated by using complete 18S rRNA gene sequences for 52 taxa. These data suggest that there is little support for three of these hypotheses. Bilateria is not likely to be the sister group of Radiata or Ctenophora, nor is it likely that Bilateria gave rise to Cnidaria or Ctenophora. Instead, these data reveal a close relationship between bilaterians, placozoans, and cnidarians. From this, several inferences can be drawn. Morphological features that previously have been identified as synapomorphies of Bilateria and Ctenophora, e.g., mesoderm, more likely evolved independently in each clade. The endomesodermal muscles of bilaterians may be homologous to the endodermal muscles of cnidarians, implying that the original bilaterian mesodermal muscles were myoepithelial. Placozoans should have a gastrulation stage during development. Of the three hypotheses that cannot be falsified with the 18S rRNA data, one is most strongly supported. This hypothesis states that Bilateria and Placozoa share a more recent common ancestor than either does to Cnidaria. If true, the simplicity of placozoan body architecture is secondarily derived from a more complex ancestor. This simplification may have occurred in association with a planula-type larva becoming reproductive before metamorphosis. If this simplification took place during the common history that placozoans share with bilaterians, then placozoan genes that contain a homeobox, such as Trox2, should be explored, for they may include the gene or genes most closely related to Hox genes of bilaterians.


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Ribosomal protein S7 from Escherichia coli binds to the lower half of the 3′ major domain of 16S rRNA and initiates its folding. It also binds to its own mRNA, the str mRNA, and represses its translation. Using filter binding assays, we show in this study that the same mutations that interfere with S7 binding to 16S rRNA also weaken its affinity for its mRNA. This suggests that the same protein regions are responsible for mRNA and rRNA binding affinities, and that S7 recognizes identical sequence elements within the two RNA targets, although they have dissimilar secondary structures. Overexpression of S7 is known to inhibit bacterial growth. This phenotypic growth defect was relieved in cells overexpressing S7 mutants that bind poorly the str mRNA, confirming that growth impairment is controlled by the binding of S7 to its mRNA. Interestingly, a mutant with a short deletion at the C-terminus of S7 was more detrimental to cell growth than wild-type S7. This suggests that the C-terminal portion of S7 plays an important role in ribosome function, which is perturbed by the deletion.


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Although rRNA has a conserved core structure, its size varies by more than 2000 bases between eubacteria and vertebrates, mostly due to the size variation of discrete variable regions. Previous studies have shown that insertion of foreign sequences into some of these variable regions has little effect on rRNA function. These properties make rRNA a potentially very advantageous vehicle to carry other RNA moieties with biological activity, such as "antisense RNAs." We have explored this possibility by inserting antisense RNAs targeted against one essential and two nonessential genes into a site within a variable region in the Tetrahymena thermophila large subunit rRNA gene. Expression of each of the three genes tested can be drastically reduced or eliminated in transformed T. thermophila lines containing these altered rRNAs. In addition, we found that only antisense rRNAs containing RNA sequences complementary to the 5' untranslated region of the targeted mRNA were effective. Lines containing antisense rRNAs targeted against either of the nonessential genes grow well, indicating that the altered rRNAs fulfill their functions within the ribosome. Since functional rRNA is extremely abundant and stable and comes into direct contact with translated mRNAs, it may prove to be an unparalleled vehicle for enhancing the activity of functional RNAs that act on mRNAs.


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Mutations at position C1054 of 16S rRNA have previously been shown to cause translational suppression in Escherichia coli. To examine the effects of similar mutations in a eukaryote, all three possible base substitutions and a base deletion were generated at the position of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 18S rRNA corresponding to E. coli C1054. In yeast, as in E. coli, both C1054A (rdn-1A) and C1054G (rdn-1G) caused dominant nonsense suppression. Yeast C1054U (rdn-1T) was a recessive antisuppressor, while yeast C1054-delta (rdn-1delta) led to recessive lethality. Both C1054U and two previously described yeast 18S rRNA antisuppressor mutations, G517A (rdn-2) and U912C (rdn-4), inhibited codon-nonspecific suppression caused by mutations in eukaryotic release factors, sup45 and sup35. However, among these only C1054U inhibited UAA-specific suppressions caused by a UAA-decoding mutant tRNA-Gln (SLT3). Our data implicate eukaryotic C1054 in translational termination, thus suggesting that its function is conserved throughout evolution despite the divergence of nearby nucleotide sequences.


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A role for rRNA in peptide chain termination was indicated several years ago by isolation of a 168 rRNA (small subunit) mutant of Escherichia coli that suppressed UGA mutations. In this paper, we describe another interesting rRNA mutant, selected as a translational suppressor of the chain-terminating mutant trpA (UGA211) of E. coli. The finding that it suppresses UGA at two positions in trpA and does not suppress the other two termination codons, UAA and UAG, at the same codon positions (or several missense mutations, including UGG, available at one of the two positions) suggests a defect in UGA-specific termination. The suppressor mutation was mapped by plasmid fragment exchanges and in vivo suppression to domain II of the 23S rRNA gene of the rrnB operon. Sequence analysis revealed a single base change of G to A at residue 1093, an almost universally conserved base in a highly conserved region known to have specific interactions with ribosomal proteins, elongation factor G, tRNA in the A-site, and the peptidyltransferase region of 23S rRNA. Several avenues of action of the suppressor mutation are suggested, including altered interactions with release factors, ribosomal protein L11, or 16S rRNA. Regardless of the mechanism, the results indicate that a particular residue in 23S rRNA affects peptide chain termination, specifically in decoding of the UGA termination codon.


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The hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) lives in the humid lowlands of northern and central South America, often in riparian habitats. It is a slender bird approximately 65 cm in length, brownish with lighter streaks and buffy tips to the long tail feathers. The small head has a ragged, bristly crest of reddish-brown feathers, and the bare skin of the face is bright blue. It resembles a chachalaca (Ortalis, Cracidae) in size and shape, but its plumage and markings are similar to those of the smaller guira cuckoo (Guira guira). The hoatzin (pronounced Watson) has been a taxonomic puzzle since it was described in 1776. It usually has been viewed as related to the gallinaceous birds, but alliances to other groups have been suggested, including the cuckoos. We present DNA sequence evidence from the 12S and 16S rRNA mitochondrial genes, and from the nuclear gene that codes for the eye lens protein, alpha A-crystallin. The results indicate that the hoatzin is most closely related to the typical cuckoos and that the divergence occurred at or near the base of the cuculiform phylogenetic tree.