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em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The effects of calcium ion on the Na+ activation gate were studied in squid giant axons. Saxitoxin (STX) was used to block ion entry into Na+ channels without hindering access to the membrane surface, making it possible to distinguish surface effects of calcium from pore-occupancy effects. In the presence of STX, gating kinetics were measured from gating current (Ig). The kinetic effects of external calcium concentration changes were small when STX was present. In the absence of STX, lowering the calcium concentration (from 100 to 10 mM) slowed the closing of Na+ channels (measured from INa tails) by more than a factor of 2. Surprisingly, the voltage sensitivity of closing kinetics changed with calcium concentration, and it was modified by STX. Voltage sensitivity apparently depends in part on the ability of calcium to enter and block the channels as voltage is driven negative. In external medium with no added calcium, INa tail current initially increases in amplitude severalfold with the relief of calcium block, then progressively slows and gets smaller, as calcium diffuses out of the layers investing the axon. INa tails seen just before the current disappears suggest that closing in the absence of channel block is very slow or does not occur. INa amplitude and kinetics are completely restored when calcium is returned. The results strongly suggest that calcium occupancy is a requirement for channel closing and that nonoccupied channels fold reversibly into a nonfunctional conformation.


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We have generated mice with markedly elevated plasma levels of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) and reduced plasma levels of high density lipoprotein. These mice have no functional LDL receptors [LDLR−/−] and express a human apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB) transgene [Tg(apoB+/+)] with or without an apo(a) transgene [Tg(apoa+/−)]. Twenty animals (10 males and 10 females) of each of the following four genotypes were maintained on a chow diet: (i) LDLR−/−, (ii) LDLR−/−;Tg(apoa+/−), (iii) LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+), and (iv)LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+);Tg(apo+/−). The mice were killed at 6 mo, and the percent area of the aortic intimal surface that stained positive for neutral lipid was quantified. Mean percent areas of lipid staining were not significantly different between the LDLR−/− and LDLR−/−;Tg(apoa+/−) mice (1.0 ± 0.2% vs. 1.4 ± 0.3%). However, the LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+) mice had ≈15-fold greater mean lesion area than the LDLR−/− mice. No significant difference was found in percent lesion area in the LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+) mice whether or not they expressed apo(a) [18.5 ± 2.5%, without lipoprotein(a), Lp(a), vs. 16.0 ± 1.7%, with Lp(a)]. Histochemical analyses of the sections from the proximal aorta of LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+) mice revealed large, complex, lipid-laden atherosclerotic lesions that stained intensely with human apoB-100 antibodies. In mice expressing Lp(a), large amounts of apo(a) protein colocalized with apoB-100 in the lesions. We conclude that LDLR−/−; Tg(apoB+/+) mice exhibit accelerated atherosclerosis on a chow diet and thus provide an excellent animal model in which to study atherosclerosis. We found no evidence that apo(a) increased atherosclerosis in this animal model.


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Human serum albumin (HSA) derivatized with cis-aconitic anhydride was covalently coupled to liposomes with a size of approximately 100 nm [polyaconitylated HSA (Aco-HSA) liposomes]. Within 30 min after injection into a rat, Aco-HSA liposomes were completely cleared from the blood and almost exclusively taken up by the liver, whereas in control liposomes 80% was still present in the blood at that time. Endothelial cells were shown to account for almost two-thirds of the hepatic uptake of the Aco-HSA liposomes, the remainder being recovered mainly in the liver macrophages (Kupffer cells). With fluorescently labeled liposomes it was shown that the Aco-HSA liposomes target a vast majority (>85%) of the cells in the endothelial cell population. Control liposomes were not taken up to a significant extent by the endothelial cells. Uptake of Aco-HSA liposomes by both endothelial and Kupffer cells was inhibited by preinjection with polyinosinic acid, indicating the involvement of scavenger receptors in the uptake process. The uptake of Aco-HSA liposomes by liver endothelial cells was dependent on liposome size; with increasing liposome diameter endothelial cell uptake decreased in favor of Kupffer cell uptake. We have demonstrated that massive in vivo targeting of liposomes to a defined cell population other than macrophages is possible. Aco-HSA liposomes thus may represent an attractive drug carrier system for treatment of various liver or liver endothelium-associated disorders.


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A marked suppression of immune function has long been recognized as a major cause of the high morbidity and mortality rate associated with acute measles. As a hallmark of measles virus (MV)-induced immunosuppression, peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) isolated from patients exhibit a significantly reduced capacity to proliferate in response to mitogens, allogens, or recall antigens. In an in vitro system we show that proliferation of naive PBLs [responder cells (RCs)] in response to a variety of stimuli was significantly impaired after cocultivation with MV-infected, UV-irradiated autologous PBLs [presenter cells (PCs)]. We further observed that a 50% reduction in proliferation of RCs could still be observed when the ratio of PC to RC was 1:100. The effect was completely abolished after physical separation of the two populations, which suggests that soluble factors were not involved. Proliferative inhibition of the RCs was observed after short cocultivation with MV-infected cells, which indicates that surface contact between one or more viral proteins and the RC population was required. We identified that the complex of both MV glycoproteins, F and H, is critically involved in triggering MV-induced suppression of mitogen-dependent proliferation, since the effect was not observed (i) using a recombinant MV in which F and H were replaced with vesicular stomatitis virus G or (ii) when either of these proteins was expressed alone. Coexpression of F and H, however, lead to a significant proliferative inhibition in the RC population. Our data indicate that a small number of MV-infected PBLs can induce a general nonresponsiveness in uninfected PBLs by surface contact, which may, in turn, account for the general suppression of immune responses observed in patients with acute measles.


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Aneuploidy or chromosome imbalance is the most massive genetic abnormality of cancer cells. It used to be considered the cause of cancer when it was discovered more than 100 years ago. Since the discovery of the gene, the aneuploidy hypothesis has lost ground to the hypothesis that mutation of cellular genes causes cancer. According to this hypothesis, cancers are diploid and aneuploidy is secondary or nonessential. Here we reexamine the aneuploidy hypothesis in view of the fact that nearly all solid cancers are aneuploid, that many carcinogens are nongenotoxic, and that mutated genes from cancer cells do not transform diploid human or animal cells. By regrouping the gene pool—as in speciation—aneuploidy inevitably will alter many genetic programs. This genetic revolution can explain the numerous unique properties of cancer cells, such as invasiveness, dedifferentiation, distinct morphology, and specific surface antigens, much better than gene mutation, which is limited by the conservation of the existing chromosome structure. To determine whether aneuploidy is a cause or a consequence of transformation, we have analyzed the chromosomes of Chinese hamster embryo (CHE) cells transformed in vitro. This system allows (i) detection of transformation within 2 months and thus about 5 months sooner than carcinogenesis and (ii) the generation of many more transformants per cost than carcinogenesis. To minimize mutation of cellular genes, we have used nongenotoxic carcinogens. It was found that 44 out of 44 colonies of CHE cells transformed by benz[a]pyrene, methylcholanthrene, dimethylbenzanthracene, and colcemid, or spontaneously were between 50 and 100% aneuploid. Thus, aneuploidy originated with transformation. Two of two chemically transformed colonies tested were tumorigenic 2 months after inoculation into hamsters. The cells of transformed colonies were heterogeneous in chromosome number, consistent with the hypothesis that aneuploidy can perpetually destabilize the chromosome number because it unbalances the elements of the mitotic apparatus. Considering that all 44 transformed colonies analyzed were aneuploid, and the early association between aneuploidy, transformation, and tumorigenicity, we conclude that aneuploidy is the cause rather than a consequence of transformation.


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The yolk sac, first site of hematopoiesis during mammalian development, contains not only hematopoietic stem cells but also the earliest precursors of endothelial cells. We have previously shown that a nonadherent yolk sac cell population (WGA+, density <1.077, AA4.1+) can give rise to B cells, T cells, and myeloid cells both in vitro and in vivo. We now report on the ability of a yolk sac-derived cloned endothelial cell line (C166) to provide a suitable microenvironment for expansion of these early precursor cells. Single day 10 embryonic mouse yolk sac hematopoietic stem cells were expanded >100 fold within 8 days by coculture with irradiated C166 cells. Colony-forming ability was retained for at least three passages in vitro, with retention of the ability to differentiate into T-cell, B-cell, and myeloid lineages. Stem cell properties were maintained by a significant fraction of nonadherent cells in the third passage, although these stem cells expressed a somewhat more mature cell surface phenotype than the initial yolk sac stem cells. When reintroduced into adult allogeneic immunocompromised (scid) hosts, they were able to give rise to all of the leukocyte lineages, including T cells, B cells, and myeloid cells. We conclude that yolk sac endothelial cells can support the stable proliferation of multipotential hematopoietic stem cells, thus generating adequate numbers of cells for study of the mechanisms involved in their subsequent development and differentiation, for in vivo hematopoietic restitution, and for potential use as a vehicle for gene transfer.


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The dynamics of proton binding to the extracellular and the cytoplasmic surfaces of the purple membrane were measured by laser-induced proton pulses. Purple membranes, selectively labeled by fluorescein at Lys-129 of bacteriorhodopsin, were pulsed by protons released in the aqueous bulk from excited pyranine (8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonate) and the reaction of protons with the indicators was measured. Kinetic analysis of the data imply that the two faces of the membrane differ in their buffer capacities and in their rates of interaction with bulk protons. The extracellular surface of the purple membrane contains one anionic proton binding site per protein molecule with pK = 5.1. This site is within a Coulomb cage radius (approximately 15 A) from Lys-129. The cytoplasmic surface of the purple membrane bears 4-5 protonable moieties (pK = 5.1) that, due to close proximity, function as a common proton binding site. The reaction of the proton with this cluster is at a very fast rate (3.10(10) M-1.s-1). The proximity between the elements is sufficiently high that even in 100 mM NaCl they still function as a cluster. Extraction of the chromophore retinal from the protein has a marked effect on the carboxylates of the cytoplasmic surface, and two to three of them assume positions that almost bar their reaction with bulk protons. The protonation dynamics determined at the surface of the purple membrane is of relevance both for the vectorial proton transport mechanism of bacteriorhodopsin and for energy coupling, not only in halobacteria, but also in complex chemiosmotic systems such as mitochondrial and thylakoid membranes.


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We used novel immunofluorescence strategies to demonstrate that outer surface proteins (Osps) A, B and C of Borrelia burgdorferi have limited surface exposure, finding that contradicts the prevailing viewpoint that these antigens are exclusively surface exposed. Light labeling was observed when antibodies to OspA or OspB were added to motile organisms, whereas intense fluorescence was observed when the same slides were methanol-fixed and reprobed. Modest labeling also was observed when spirochetes encapsulated in agarose beads (gel microdroplets) were incubated with antibodies to these same two antigens. This contrasted with the intense fluorescence observed when encapsulated spirochetes were probed in the presence of 0.06% Triton X-100, which selectively removed outer membranes. Proteinase K (PK) treatment of encapsulated spirochetes abrogated surface labeling. However, PK-treated spirochetes fluoresced intensely after incubation with antibodies to OspA or OspB in the presence of detergent, confirming the existence of large amounts of subsurface Osp antigens. Modest surface labeling once again was detected when PK-treated spirochetes were reprobed after overnight incubation, a result consistent with the existence of a postulated secretory apparatus that shuttles lipoproteins to the borrelial surface. Last, experiments with the OspC-expressing B. burgdorferi strain 297 revealed that this antigen was barely detectable on spirochetal surfaces even though it was a major constituent of isolated outer mem- branes. We propose a model of B. burgdorferi molecular architecture that helps to explain spirochetal persistence during chronic Lyme disease.


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Albumin-binding proteins identified in vascular endothelial cells have been postulated to contribute to the transport of albumin via a process involving transcytosis. In the present study, we have purified and characterized a 57- to 60-kDa (gp60) putative albumin-binding protein from bovine pulmonary microvessel endothelial cells. The endothelial cell membranes were isolated from cultured cells by differential centrifugation and solubilized with sodium cholate and urea. The solubilized extract was concentrated after dialysis by ethanol precipitation and reextracted with Triton X-100, and the resulting extract was subjected to DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. Proteins eluted from this column were further separated using preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and used for immunizing rabbits. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis using the anti-gp60 antibodies demonstrated the expression of gp60 on the endothelial cell surface. Affinity-purified anti-gp60 antibodies inhibited approximately 90% of the specific binding of 125I-labeled albumin to bovine pulmonary microvessel endothelial cell surface. The anti-gp60 antibodies reacted with gp60 from bovine pulmonary artery, bovine pulmonary microvessel, human umbilical vein, and rat lung endothelial cell membranes. Bovine anti-gp60 antibodies also reacted with bovine secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC). However, bovine SPARC NH2-terminal sequence (1-56 residues) antibodies did not react with gp60, indicating that the endothelial cell-surface-associated albumin-binding protein gp60 was different from the secreted albumin-binding protein SPARC. We conclude that the endothelial cell-surface-associated gp60 mediates the specific binding of native albumin to endothelial cells and thus may regulate the uptake of albumin and its transcytosis.


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The T-cell antigen receptor zeta chain plays an important role in coupling antigen recognition to several intracellular signal-transduction pathways. zeta chain can associate with certain protein tyrosine kinases and retains the capacity to transduce signals independently of the other receptor subunits. Thus, zeta chain could couple cell-surface-expressed T-cell antigen receptors to the intracellular signal-transduction apparatus by its association with various intracellular molecules in addition to tyrosine kinases. In the process of searching for zeta chain-associated molecules we observed that after lysis of resting T cells with Triton X-100, zeta chain is localized in the detergent-insoluble fraction, in addition to its presence in the detergent-soluble fraction. Treatment of T cells with cytochalasin B, an actin-depolymerizing agent, leads to the complete dissociation of zeta chain from the Triton-insoluble fraction, suggesting a linkage between zeta chain and the cytoskeletal matrix. We have also determined that cytoskeletal-associated zeta chain is expressed on the cell surface. Furthermore, a tyrosine-phosphorylated 16-kDa zeta chain was detected only in the Triton-insoluble cytoskeletal fraction of resting T cells. zeta chain also maintains its association with the cytoskeleton when expressed in COS cells, inferring that the cytoskeletal elements involved in this linkage may be ubiquitous. Finally, we have localized a 42-amino acid region in the intracytoplasmic domain of zeta chain, which is crucial for maximal interaction between zeta chain and the cytoskeleton. Anchorage of cell-surface-expressed zeta chain to the cytoskeleton in resting T cells may facilitate recycling of receptor complexes and/or allow the transduction of external stimuli into the cell.